2024.11.29 12:54 Powerful-Peanut7584 It's crazy how much better the ark of sotek ability is than every other rampage ability
I played my second game with a monster list, both victories, but in both games the bastiladon with ark of sotek did so much more than every other monster. It's very hard to kill without mortal wounds and deals reliable damage each combat. The rampage is crazy being able to hit ANY 3 enemies within 9" for mortals each turn.
Meanwhile the stegadon got killed both times without doing a thing.
Most other monsters' rampage abilities are very situational and only affect enemies in combat with the monster. The ones that are easiest to use have lackluster effects. Do you think it was an accident that the ark of sotek rampage is as good as it is?
submitted by Powerful-Peanut7584 to seraphon [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:54 Proud-Enthusiasm-608 Lebanese not wanting Syrians in their country!
Hello, throughout the Hezbollah-Israeli war it seems most Syrians stood in support of Lebanon and the Lebanese people. However it seems often that many Lebanese express a deep level of animosity and bigotry towards Syrians who live in Lebanon. I have seen numerous threads about people blaming Syrians for drugs and crime in Lebanon and hoping Syrians who flee to safety from Lebanon never return.
I’m curious if any of you have also experienced this outward bigotry from Lebanese from those who feel resentment towards Syrians for any reason. Here is a thread in which some even called Syrians cockroaches, and when I pointed out how Syrians in the past have welcomed Lebanese with open arms into their country; it didn’t seem to matter.
I just always assumed there would be more solidarity, especially since we share similar struggles.
submitted by Proud-Enthusiasm-608 to Syria [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:54 boxman_42 Love my aoz boys
submitted by boxman_42 to AdvanceofZetaGunpla [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:54 TheLadyOZ Athena our Dwarf Retic 🥰
submitted by TheLadyOZ to retics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:54 tacticalassassin Teeth chattering?
Every Dr I talk to thinks I'm insane for thinking 7 months straight of teeth chattering is a problem. But it's the only symptom I've had since my stints of my undiagnosed problems started in 2021 that's been consistent.
Does anyone else have constant teeth chattering and figured anything out to help with it? I'm starting to suspect that it's something to do with my brain being compressed or something but I can't get any relief.
submitted by tacticalassassin to BFS [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:54 QuantumJoohn [no spoilers] Thanks Arcane , thanks Powder
Maybe I already posted it in some comment section but i want to say again i love you guys, you are the best community of ever…. Maybe my English is not that good im gonna try to explain. For me Years have passed but my heart still beats like crazy. I love Jinx/Powder because the story is very similar to mine, I hope it is not disheartening for some of you.... I was abandoned at 7yo by my father, I grew up without a father at the beginning and in poverty, my mother did everything to support me but she was consumed by work. One day she met a man, I hated him at first but he understood well that he could use me and subjugate me, this man belonged to a mafia and was feared and respected. and he was a person very similar to Silco, imagine such an environment around a child, in the series when I saw Silco I almost cried because of how similar. I grew up on the streets mostlike anarchic people and i met every kind of bad enveiroment in my city. My Silco manipulated and tended to use me in fact he made me study for what he needed for doing shits and scam banks, I used to hang out with a local gang but it always ended with someone getting arrested etc. at a certain point MY silco was arrested and I was forced at 17 to support my mother in the throes of a crisis. Living on the streets, unfortunately I abused substances and I was in my "prime" phase of the street where I also sold drugs and made alot of shit (my Jinx moment) . I had no one, no one had taught me anything, no one. Non-existent uncles etc… only except my cousin, I had a sense of abandonment and I was diagnosed with DID, and I still have this, and post traumatic disorder. In addition, a series of events overlapped, my cousin died hanged, and so many other bad things that I could make a film about. Now I'm trying to find Powder that is in me, because I know I'm not like them even if I've done bad things in the past, I know I'm not like them, I know that Powder exists inside me. Thank you arcane ❤️ I say it with tears in my eyes, and thank you Jinx / Powder, Im honest guys that’s what really happened and i would say thank you all ❤️
submitted by QuantumJoohn to arcane [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:54 Ash702X How to play bgmi on emulator (dec 2024)
Can u pls tell the process of playing bgmi on emulator without getting ban!
submitted by Ash702X to BGMI [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:54 HundredLamb6560 Hammond if he was ever playable outside of his mech
submitted by HundredLamb6560 to OWConsole [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:54 meds121 Study partner
انا ضايع فشخ الترم ده ومعرفتش اعمل الريمونتادا المعتادة قبل كل ميد على رأي صاحبي واتناكت وحاليا بحاول الحق الشوية الباقيين ف لو حد مهتم نبقا study partners يكلمني، انا عمري ما جربت الحوار بصراحة بس بقول ممكن يكون الامل فيه
submitted by meds121 to ExEgypt [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:54 EllinialQ WA Quizzes
Does any kind soul have the WA quizzes answers? If so, could you DM it to me? Thanks in advance :D
submitted by EllinialQ to Suss [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:54 LSDZ3US H: red asy, rf uniform, rf helmet, tlc W: juicy mod bundles (uny, oe, ap, 2* str, 2* int, wwr)
submitted by LSDZ3US to Market76 [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:54 Top_Newspaper7302 ....
submitted by Top_Newspaper7302 to IGunPro2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:54 Delicious_Dog_7339 Anyone up for skribble.
That's join it with this link :-https://skribbl.io/?ymCZsUjy
submitted by Delicious_Dog_7339 to TeenIndia [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:54 Dolfamingosenpai How can I provide value as someone who specializes in automations.
Hey entrepreneurs-I'm feeling a bit lost in this B2B agency space and would love to hear your advice. Throughout my life, especially high school, l've always knew I wanted to be a creator and not a consumer. So after I graduated last year I started looking for ways to fulfill that dream, and that's when I found my passion, Ai Automations.
So l spent this entire year grinding, absorbing as much information about how to build automations, that provide actual value to businesses, instead of gimmicky "chat bots" that everyone ignores.
My first win was landed an agency on Reddit, and incorporated over 20 automations that cut their client intake, management and fulfillment time to O. But I don't know where to go next, I know I have the skills to provide actual value, but I can't seem to get that out there to other agencies.
I'm more than interested in having a mentorship where I join an established agency, having them white label my services, and I can learn what it takes to run an agency from that.
But I would love to hear from you what you would do in my shoes, or even just one piece of advice you wish you heard earlier.
submitted by Dolfamingosenpai to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:54 WarGloomy6636 FreeCAD v1: Logos, Text, SVG, Sketch on a Sphere / Curved Surface : Easy Workflow
submitted by WarGloomy6636 to FreeCAD [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:54 Suitable_Doubt7485 Mental SZEFA
Ostatnio coraz częściej zastanawiam się, czy tylko ja mam to "szczęście" trafiać na pewien specyficzny typ ludzi, czy może jest to zjawisko bardziej powszechne – typowe dla naszego kraju, a może nawet całej Europy Wschodniej. Mieszkam za granicą, ale mam kontakt z kilkoma rodakami, i niestety jeden z nich idealnie wpisuje się w ten "fenomen".
Mam na myśli osoby, które można by nazwać "ludźmi sukcesu", "biznesmenami", a w niektórych przypadkach nawet "biznesmenami-gangsterami". To taki specyficzny gatunek, który usilnie stara się udowodnić swoją wyższość nad innymi, robiąc to w sposób wulgarny, agresywny, a momentami wręcz żenujący. Przekleństwa lecą jak z rękawa, agresja ma chyba budzić podziw lub strach – choć osobiście widzę w tym raczej desperację niż cokolwiek godnego uznania. Wygląda to na swoistą tęsknotę za latami 90., w których filmy o gangsterach były na szczycie popularności.
Tacy ludzie często sami o sobie mówią z dumą, że są SZEFAMI, BIZNESMENAMI, LUDŹMI SUKCESU. Ale jak to się mówi – "słoma z butów". Biznes? Często na granicy legalności albo całkiem poza nią. Kombinowanie, oszukiwanie – oto ich sposób na "osiąganie sukcesu". A oni naprawdę wierzą, że są na szczycie.
Do tego wszystkiego dochodzi ich podejście do innych ludzi. Na pierwszy rzut oka – przesadna uprzejmość, która wręcz razi sztucznością. "Miła pani, dzień dobry! Jasna sprawa! Już załatwiamy!". A za plecami: "Dobra, nara, stara k***o". Nonszalancja wymieszana z chamstwem. Ich zdaniem – czysty szyk. Moim – groteska.
Co ciekawe, za granicą nie spotkałem się z tym typem ludzi zbyt często. Zdarzają się w podobnej wersji osoby z Bliskiego Wschodu czy innych krajów słowiańskich, ale generalnie wydaje się to być nasza, lokalna "subkultura". To taki mix tatuaży, używek, obowiązkowego Mercedesa lub BMW (bo przecież SZEF jeździ tylko takimi autami), perfum One Million i zegarka Apple Watch. Bo wiadomo – nic bardziej nie krzyczy "człowiek sukcesu" niż ten zestaw, prawda?
Serio? Naprawdę uważasz, że kilka tysięcy miesięcznie z biznesu bez perspektyw rozwoju, perfumy z drogerii i zegarek z jabłkiem to szczyt osiągnięć? Napompowane usta u partnerki, stylizacja na bohatera z arabskich teledysków? To jest ta wizja sukcesu?
Co o tym sądzicie? Czy to ja jestem zbyt krytyczny, czy rzeczywiście mamy tu do czynienia z dość specyficzną kategorią "ludzi sukcesu"?
submitted by Suitable_Doubt7485 to warsaw [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:54 Electrical-Cry-1805 Dire Straits- Six Blade Knife
submitted by Electrical-Cry-1805 to TheTikiHut [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:54 Shreyash__03 13k dm fast
submitted by Shreyash__03 to TicketResale [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:54 Ultimate_Goal_ Vow of silence + dry fasting
I have some experience in dry fasting and am currently in 2nd day now. This time aiming for a 9-day DF. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with a “vow of silence” during dry fasting.
With intermittent, water and dry fasting(best) - I have had a bit of success in reducing BP (dry swallowed meds during DF) and now the doctor is looking to reduce my dose.
This time my target is to experience that bliss level u/Evilzero86 and others are talking about it.
By adding a vow of silence, I am hoping to add it like a booster to improve mental health and clarity. For a minute I was worried about going into “silent mode” I would be alone with myself in my mind and at the same time thought might get bored.
Imagine abstaining from food, water and communication with other humans.
Any views or suggestions would be great! Thank you 🙋♂️
submitted by Ultimate_Goal_ to DryFastingSuper [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:54 Tyler_ResilientSup Black Friday
https://resilientsuppressors.com/rs9/ submitted by Tyler_ResilientSup to NFA [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:54 homerunhallock Black Friday Sale Round Up!
Our friends at FS Elite have compiled a nice list, enjoy and never depart or land from a default airport again!
submitted by homerunhallock to flightsim [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:54 Vaenny Wait, what??? While she's streaming???
submitted by Vaenny to Hololive [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:54 chiefstina Wtf is this!!!!!!!!!!!!
I only just noticed it its never been there before!!!????? submitted by chiefstina to deadbydaylight [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:54 LEYW Compilation of this sub’s top voted outtakes, demos and un-released
submitted by LEYW to lanadelrey [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:54 A_Jupiter The rushed endings of the Dexter books
I've read two books so far, they all have an engaging plot that makes you want to read more, however, all the Dexter books (at least the first and second) have a problem: damn rushed endings. You expect something more detailed, explaining what happened at the end, as there is a lot to be told. But then you get a rushed ending, which can be confusing at first glance. This annoys me a little about Jeff Lindsay. We have the most brutal plot in the world. We want to know what happened to Doctor Danco. So, didn't Dexter break his leg? Or rather, we want to see Dexter go after Reiker to close the cycle. But we received a rushed ending! Where Dexter already appears on Reiker's companion's boat and everything is over. idk, that's kind of frustrating, isn't it?
submitted by A_Jupiter to Dexter [link] [comments]