Havanna Winter

2024.11.29 13:39 GreenBikinikatyperry Havanna Winter

Havanna Winter submitted by GreenBikinikatyperry to CelebritiesArmpits [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 big-heart-energy Are these new Rebels or am I dumb?

Are these new Rebels or am I dumb? submitted by big-heart-energy to dutchbros [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 OniWatanabe Toujours prête pour des caresses 😅

Toujours prête pour des caresses 😅 submitted by OniWatanabe to chats [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 Lower-Mouse-8782 T19

submitted by Lower-Mouse-8782 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 Familiar-Ad-6936 When my opponent “oops”s my misplay

When my opponent “oops”s my misplay submitted by Familiar-Ad-6936 to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 prtj1617 💯ENT MORNING SHOW 🌤️ HOT TOPICS 🎙️ w/ WACK 💯

submitted by prtj1617 to QUADRILLIONFOLLOWERZ [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 No-Athlete6258 Screw vengeful cat in a bunny suit, now it’s time for Gamtot in the bunny suit

Screw vengeful cat in a bunny suit, now it’s time for Gamtot in the bunny suit submitted by No-Athlete6258 to okbuddybattlecats [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 ReasonableWindow7737 Anyone who can trib for my frnd dm me

submitted by ReasonableWindow7737 to MalluBiForCelebs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 KindTransportation17 Monopoly Go Stickers For Sale

Monopoly Go Stickers For Sale submitted by KindTransportation17 to MonopolyGoCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 DistinKt3 CRTO after EJPT?

looking at Black Friday sales and trying to chart my journey while saving a bit. I’ve been deep in tryhackme rooms and have competed the junior Pentester pathway. I’m in the pentesting pathway right before Active Directory. I enrolled in Ejpt now through INE and considering purchasing CRTO while it’s at a discount for after. For additional context I am not new to tech but new to cybersecurity and really enjoying it so far. Prior to: Senior level Product Manager / software dev manager.
Question is: based on your knowledge of the exams and what I’ve shared, is this a wise pathway? Why or why not? If not, what alternative methods would you recommend?
submitted by DistinKt3 to eLearnSecurity [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 flowerbomb92 Do you take your dogs out before or after eating in the morning?

My 9 month old puppy has to potty immediately after waking up but seems to also need to potty. 5 - 15 mins after breakfast.
So how do other dogs do it? Because she can’t hold it before breakfast right after waking up. Or do adult dogs eat once a day?
submitted by flowerbomb92 to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 1010meha How to kill 10 hours in peace

Missed our 7am flight home to LA, next flight is 7pm. We've already kind of done everything but have 10ish hours to kill. I have mild food poisoning so don't necessarily want to walk around too much, any places/areas to chill, like a cafe or smthn. We're looking to spend as little money as possible (that new flight was exorbitant)
submitted by 1010meha to MexicoCity [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 Latter-Swan7869 I had an abdominal ultrasound two months after having sex, and I'm wondering if I'm pregnant. Many women told that The doctor mentioned that they couldn't find anything due to their retroverted uterus. I've come across many comments from women who experienced undetectable pregnancies in abdominal

I'm feeling quite anxious about the possibility of a cryptic pregnancy. My boyfriend and I were intimate on August 8th, and unfortunately, the condom broke. A week later, I experienced spotting that lasted for about 7 or 8 days. This has me worried because we’ve been intimate before without any issues. I’ve been noticing pregnancy symptoms in myself, and I even told my mom a little white lie about feeling discomfort during my period, which led her to take me to the gynecologist. On October 18th, I had an abdominal ultrasound. Additionally, I've had bleeding for five days after intimacy every month, but it doesn’t align with my usual period dates. For instance, my period is typically on the 30th, but I bled on the 26th of August, the 28th of September, the 24th of October, and the 19th of November. I’m really scared because I’ve heard stories of women bleeding during their pregnancies and mistaking it for their period basically cryptic pregnancy. I took two home pregnancy tests on October 10th and 14th, both of which were negative, but my prolactin levels were significantly elevated in my blood test. Additional I had never take any birth control things mention on report =Uterus (6.7 x 3.8 cm) is retroverted and normal in size and echotexture. Endometrial stripe measures - 4.8 mm, No focal lesion noted. No solid or cystic lesion seen in either adnexa. Right ovary- 28 x 15 mm Left ovary- 29 x 13 mm Both ovaries are normal size, shape and echotexture with normal follicles. No Ascites/Pleural effusion seen.
submitted by Latter-Swan7869 to CautiousBB [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 EveningBasket9528 Selfie trigger

So, did they change shit so we can't force a selfie by signing out/in? Are any of you getting random ID verifications so far today?
That'll suck in my market where we have spotty cell service and good lighting might be an issue. Maybe it's just the app fuckin up.
submitted by EveningBasket9528 to Sparkdriver [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 guitmusic12 The Big 10 West Memorial Standings - FINALS WEEK

The Big Ten West Memorial Standings

  1. Iowa 3-0
2-T. Illinois 2-1
2-T. Nebraska 2-1
  1. Wisconsin 2-2
  2. Minnesota 1-1
  3. Northwestern 1-2
  4. Purdue 0-4
Final Matchups:
Nebraska @ Iowa (Iowa clinches with a win. Nebraska clinches with a win an an Illinois Loss)
Illinois @ Northwestern (Illinois clinches a 3 way tie with a win and a Nebraska win)
Minnesota @ Wisconsin - two mediocre teams battling for sole possession of 4th place.
Drop your preferred 3 way tie breakers below
submitted by guitmusic12 to TheB1G [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 grandesample Garage Black Friday Ads 2024

Visit this page for Garage Black Friday Ads 2024. The website offers a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly, just visit the website to find the perfect one for you.
submitted by grandesample to GlibDiscount [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 Howitzeronfire Recomendação de Fan Branco 180mm?

Meu case veio apenas com 3 fans de 180mm, 2 na frente e 1 atrás.
Queria colocar pelo menos mais 2 pra garantir um a pressão positiva já que a case tem bastante abertura pra poeira.
Alguma recomendação boa e barata? So gostaria que fosse branco e 180mm.
RGB pra mim tanto faz.
submitted by Howitzeronfire to computadores [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 Forward-Kiwi-1265 The Rise at Monterrazas, (Massive luxury condominium complex to be built on the mountainside in Guadalupe, Cebu City. Philippines)

The Rise at Monterrazas, (Massive luxury condominium complex to be built on the mountainside in Guadalupe, Cebu City. Philippines) submitted by Forward-Kiwi-1265 to Houseporn [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 naughtysnake Persona Verification Process Questions

I think we could group all questions into a single thread so that people who have already gone through the process can help those who haven’t.
For instance, I haven’t started it yet. The website mentions that we need to show our passport and another government-issued ID. Is that correct? I’ll need to get a new passport beforehand. I've also read that we're going to be asked to upload a document with our address and full name in it. Is this correct too?
Maybe we could have this thread stickied?
submitted by naughtysnake to BlockFiBankruptcy [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 justin_quinnn Canada sues Google over alleged anticompetitive practices in online ads

Canada sues Google over alleged anticompetitive practices in online ads submitted by justin_quinnn to TechnologyNewsHub [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 country_dad79 WTF is this white stuff everywhere?

It is way too cold
submitted by country_dad79 to selfieover40 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 No_Significance7i What are these orange balloons above slum areas near green line?

What are these orange balloons above slum areas near green line? I have seens these balloon since i traveled two times from green line I travelled about a week ago and now today, and saw the same kind of orange balloon floating about slum looking area... I wondering what it was ?
submitted by No_Significance7i to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 Makxymylyan What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Makxymylyan to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 meandinat U potrazi za novom pozicijim, 7YOE, plata?

Cao ekipa,
Imam skoro 7YOE (jos par mjeseci do) i razmisljam o promjeni firme. Dosta iskustva, od core JS-a, PHP-a, Jave (par godina), a ponajvise Angulara (oko 5god), tako da, klasificiram se kao full stack.
Bilo je vodjenja jednog projekta, ali brzo je (uspjesno) zavrsio i nije bilo vise takve prilike, pa sam uglavnom na senior poziciji. Smatram da sam dobar dev sto zbog feedbacka mojih kolega, sto od klijenata.
Ozbiljna sam osoba, predana radu, timski igrac 1/1 i potreban mi je novi izazov.
U zadnjoj sam firmi 3 godine, a prije toga su bile 2, tako da se ne smatram job hopperom.
Moje glavni pitanje je kakav range plate da ocekujem jer mi je to trenutno glavna motivacija, ali isto tako imate li neki prijedlog s kojim firmama “probati”.
submitted by meandinat to ITPoslodavci [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:39 LeavesFallGold How is the SU-76m?

Considering some options for the upcoming holiday sale and have been eyeing the SU-76m for a few months now. How viable is it when brought into higher tiers? I don't expect to be penetrating Tigers, but can it handle Panthers or at least Pz. IV's frontally? Being an assault gun, is the HE strong enough to shell an objective effectively? I know it has no armor and is open-top, that doesn't bother me. I typically don't brawl in vehicles, just provide some fire support before heading back in with infantry to clean up.
submitted by LeavesFallGold to enlistedgame [link] [comments]
