Need hash in lhr

After looking around on the web at various solutions to creating a checksum/hash in excel that is either MD5 or SHA1, I was not happy with the results I had been shown, notably the spread sheet I was If the hash symbol doesn't work, then it seems like you have the UK or other keyboard layout. To change it, follow the instructions below: After switching the default input method to English US, now restart your laptop. After restarting your pc hold the "Shift" key and press the number key "3". What are the checksums/hashes for Windows 11 Version 22H2 ISO...?When Windows11.ISO changes/is updated from Microsoft...? e.g. Windows11_22H2.iso of 2022 Sept 21, is it the same as downloading it How to get hardware hash by all version of windows which support PowerShell If you want to need the hardware hash of your system, you can follow the below structures: 1- Type CMD on the search bar of the windows and when Command Prompt appears on the menu, right click on that and choose ' Run as administrator ' This command returns the SHA512 hash of file abc.exe located at the specified file path. You may use other values after SHA, such as 1 or 256, to produce the corresponding hash, and you may substitute MD5 or other supported parameters. Another method is to use Windows PowerShell (version 5.1 for me) with the command Get-FileHash: Keyboard back slash when pressed gives #, when hash pressed I get £ when @ pressed I get ". how to correct. How can a get the hash sign on my win 10 keyboard ? it seems the command shift+3 gives the £(pound sign) instead. please help me out. Thanks. Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. Threats include any threat of violence, or harm to another. hash = (\sum_n a[n] s^n) \mod 2^{31} a是str,s是seed。 这个哈希函数的好坏首先取决于 s^n \mod 2^{31} 这个序列的循环周期,如果周期很短的话,周期之后的字符就会乘以和前面的某个对应字符相同的系数,这样很容易产生碰撞。 From this, I could see that the Windows 10 21H2 ISO that I had downloaded in Jan-2022 and at present has huge variation in size. Hence, I would like to verify the size and hash sum of the ISO downloaded for fresh installation. Edit: Both of them were downloaded using the Media Creation tool. ANd both are Win10 Home 21H2 version. Please help.

2024.11.29 13:20 Educational_Shame150 Need hash in lhr

submitted by Educational_Shame150 to pakistoned [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 Live-Profession5697 2.5BD, 1BA - $1400/mo utilities included - 10 mins from Tucker

Looking for a singular (ONE) person to occupy newly renovated 2 Large Bedroom, 1 Office/Bonus Room, Full Private Bath space in top floor of townhome. Renter will have the privacy of the entire 3rd Floor. Shared Kitchen, shared dining.
Available as early as Dec 27th.
Homes Notables include: -Direct Access to Laundry/Dryer -Designated Parking Space (Outdoors) -Full ADT Security & Cameras -Granite Countertops, Stainless Steel Appliances -Screened in Above -Ground Patio & Front Gated Fence Area.
DM if interested
submitted by Live-Profession5697 to ATLHousing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 ihatenitrosoxide What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by ihatenitrosoxide to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 jonaskussen Free Sophie Rain leak‼️‼️
submitted by jonaskussen to pixelwarFR [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 aynril Zitate / Inspirational quotes an der Stammstrecke

Weiß hier vielleicht jemand, was es mit den Inspirational Quotes / Tasks auf sich hat, die an den Säulen in den unterirdischen Bahnhöfen der Stammstrecke angebracht sind? Ich meine die "Wandtattoos", die Sachen wie "Pretend to wait for someone - solo" sagen. Ich hab versucht, im Internet irgendwas dazu zu finden, aber anscheinend benutze ich die falschen Begriffe
submitted by aynril to Muenchen [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 Justitias Immaculate collection posts removed? *serious*

I saw posts on Immaculate Collection, a dump or a series of two dumps of pictures and videos. One video was never before seen autopsy of an alien of around 3 feet tall. Very clear video. There was also warnings entered as commentary in the way of "You have posted confidential material, please remove immediately. You will not get second warning.."
I was on mobile and not able to save those then, now I have been all over Reddit trying to find and locate without any luck. Did anyone see and save or can post a link for me?
submitted by Justitias to aliens [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 MoleGlobal [For hire] Affordable Website Service for Just $100/Month!

Hello Reddit Community!
I’m excited to introduce my affordable website service tailored specifically for small businesses. For just $100 per month, you can have a professional, fully functional website that helps your business thrive in the digital age.
What I Offer:

Why Choose This Service?
Contact me today and let’s get started on building your dream website!
submitted by MoleGlobal to jobbit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 Impressive-String73 How good would other foreign fast food chains actually be if they make a branch in the PH?

Ridiculous Servings-Pricing ratio pa naman dito, and with the trending Wingstop craze online, wouldn't people be disappointed lang sa qual.?
submitted by Impressive-String73 to AskPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 mra21 ⚠️Gender-Swapped Mithrun and Cithis

⚠️Gender-Swapped Mithrun and Cithis Source: @jaco_haist on X.
Note: The translation for this post was taken from a third-party website. I only did the typesetting, so please excuse any imperfections since I’m just doing it for fun. Enjoy!
submitted by mra21 to DungeonMeshi [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 BuyAwkward6237 Who wins?

Who wins? Garou (One punch man) vs SCP-682
submitted by BuyAwkward6237 to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 chasinglugia Rental repairs denied Victoria

Rental repairs denied Victoria Hi, I'm currently renting in Victoria, we have this damage to our front door it has been there since we moved it. They have told us it isn't of any concern I feel it makes our house very unsafe especially with the rise of break in and robberies recently
The massive crack goes all the way down the door and is very deep to the point I feel I could break it open with my hands
I'm not sure if I'm overreacting or not but I don't feel it's okay
Any advice is welcomed, thank you
submitted by chasinglugia to shitrentals [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 LuisFranco72 Amenazas a los políticos: ¿Quién está detrás de esto?

Amenazas a los políticos: ¿Quién está detrás de esto? Las amenazas a los políticos y las fuerzas que las impulsan son un problema complejo, enraizado en la manipulación, la desinformación y los esfuerzos orquestados por ciertas organizaciones. Según las fuentes proporcionadas:
Influencias ocultas y amenazas
Varios documentos destacan la aparición de redes transnacionales que emplean manipulación psicológica, propaganda e incluso terrorismo para desestabilizar sociedades y socavar figuras políticas. Estas redes, a menudo vinculadas al anticultismo global, son acusadas de atacar sistemas democráticos y líderes, con el objetivo de incitar división y caos.
  1. Perspectivas de Egon Cholakian: Sus discursos y el documental The Impact revelan métodos de desinformación y manipulación que buscan provocar conflictos, desde guerras civiles hasta tensiones internacionales más amplias, apuntando a líderes clave e instituciones democráticas.
  2. Medios y manipulación: Los documentos describen cómo se tergiversan narrativas para crear un sentido de urgencia y miedo en el público, a menudo contra líderes políticos que se oponen a estas agendas transnacionales. Esto incluye presentarlos como amenazas o incapaces de abordar cuestiones clave, erosionando la confianza pública.
El rol del anticultismo global
El término "anticultismo global" se refiere a organizaciones acusadas de desestabilizar sociedades mediante una guerra psicológica encubierta. Estas entidades supuestamente:
Difunden desinformación dirigida contra políticos y gobiernos.
Usan divisiones sociales para fomentar la inestabilidad, justificando así controles más estrictos o medidas autoritarias.
Influyen en las fuerzas de seguridad y los medios para amplificar su agenda.
Implicaciones más amplias
Las estrategias de estas redes —ya sea a través de la desinformación, amenazas directas o manipulación— representan un riesgo no solo para los políticos individuales, sino también para los marcos democráticos que representan. Por ejemplo:
Las acusaciones sobre ataques coordinados contra figuras que resisten estas agendas enfatizan la necesidad de vigilancia entre los gobiernos y las sociedades.
Los intentos documentados de crear conflictos artificiales, como incitar disturbios civiles, son parte de un plan mayor de desestabilización.
Los políticos amenazados suelen ser víctimas de batallas geopolíticas e ideológicas más amplias. Revelar estas fuerzas ocultas y sus métodos es crucial para proteger los valores democráticos y la estabilidad global.
Etiquetas: #AmenazasPolíticas, #Desinformación, #Anticultismo, #Democracia, #EstabilidadGlobal
Más información en
submitted by LuisFranco72 to VivimosEnUnaSociedad [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 Admirable-Acadia9975 Please help

Just six days ago, November 23, 2024 my precious baby girl Starrdom and myself were passengers in a single vehicle car accident. The impact was bad. I couldn’t get off the floor till the ambulance came and my poor dog has been crying in pain, whimpering, hardly eating and has swelling to her stomach and she’s just giving me that desperate look to please help her in anyway. Please do something, anything to help her. I’m reaching out for any donations I can possibly get to get my baby girl the treatment she so badly needs.
I have a faun red nose, Staffshire terrier who is six years old as of Halloween. When she was 9 months old I rescued her from a very bad situation, I saved her life. When she was 4 years old she literally saved my life when someone from behind strangled me all the way down to the street face first. I had no clue this was happening. Then I slowly start to feel Starrdom jumping up and down off my back biting my attacker off of me. This girl is the only reason I can even write this message today because I was dead if she wasn’t there protecting me. So now my dog is in bad bad shape because the driver of the car we were in somehow swerved across the road and hit hard into a parked suburban. I’m injured I even was sent in ambulance to the emergency room. Now my dog is in desperate need for emergency services to make sure she’s here to protect me for many years to come. Every dollar helps. So I beg you please save this beautiful girls life. Please help us. Thank you for stopping to read and thank you ahead of time for all donations given❣️❣️❣️ Make it possible for us to write a seriously amazing thank you post that she’s healed well and is living a healthy amazing life with me protecting me from the bad in the world❣️ My PayPal is +shelbyhesselbein.paypal My Cash App is
submitted by Admirable-Acadia9975 to need_help [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 allski1 New Whole House System Questions

I just found this subreddit and I think it's exactly what I'm looking for. I could use some advice on a whole home softener and water filtration. I'm lost looking for recommendations online. I'm fairly handy and will be installing the system myself so I'm not concerned with how it's hooked up, it doesn't need to be "homeowner friendly", if that is even a thing.
We are on city water, using an average of 150 gallons per day. We are a household of 4, have 3/4 copper city water line coming in and mostly copper plumbing with some PEX. More PEX later on as we do renovations.
We had a lab report done here:
Ideally I want something that will take care of the hard water and chemicals out of the water. I also read in this subreddit that getting rid of the chlorine caused bacteria buildup, which makes sense but I also don't want to keep showering with chlorinated water, if possible.
I'm just not sure what my options are. But is not too much of a concern, as long as it's under 7-10k but if there are really good systems over that, I would explore them.
Thanks a ton!
submitted by allski1 to WaterTreatment [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 Dazzling_Plastic_745 Video where Callum talks about a treadmill being sent to his house.

There was a really old bloke unloading it and he had to tell him to take it back.
submitted by Dazzling_Plastic_745 to TheCorner [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 yoyo-_-0000 Help

un problème avec ma Neptune 4, je viens de finir de l'assemblée, au démarrage l'écran a démarré et est devenue vert et c'est éteint depuis il ne veut plus se rallumer . Pourriez vous m'aider ?
submitted by yoyo-_-0000 to ElegooNeptune4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 Agreeable_Tie9109 comp248

Hey guys,
do I have to do lab 7? I did 6 labs so far. On the outline it says best 6 out of 9, but also it says we have to do labs form 1 to 7.
submitted by Agreeable_Tie9109 to Concordia [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 Deostructor Can my contacts see me if I see them?

I've selected the option so nobody can see my number or find me by my number.
I enabled contact permission to see which of my contacts have signal, and under their account it says they're my "signal connection" meaning they can see my phone?
does this mean I can be found by these people without my username? and if I do decide to message them does it mean they will see my phone number then?
submitted by Deostructor to signal [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 BandOne3100 Last year in my 40s

Last year in my 40s submitted by BandOne3100 to 40something [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 IDJSmile All I Want for Chipmas is You - Chirpy Chips

All I Want for Chipmas is You - Chirpy Chips Its time
submitted by IDJSmile to splatoon [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 ThatKiwiGirl17 The seeds

The seeds Who is your favourite Seed family member, and why? I’m interested to see how everyone see the difference Seed characters.
submitted by ThatKiwiGirl17 to farcry [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 LitFamDabHam Im posting from a country that is not eligible for payment, if I use vpn while posting will I get paid?

submitted by LitFamDabHam to paymespotlight [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 FarStation5 Anyone up for a wank mfa

submitted by FarStation5 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 ThrowRAdishes8 Has anyone developed a sensitivity to a brand of pads/tampons that you'd always been fine with?

I posted here a couple days ago about an itching issue. A couple of people replied suggesting it could be a yeast infection, I thought it was a possibility, and I got meds
But I'm kind of suspecting it could also be possible that maybe it was a reaction to pads and/or tampons. I have super irregular periods, and anymore I frankly bleed most of the time so am using pads/tampons (mainly pads) 90% of the time. Somehow this has never given me any issues, until maybe now.
I've used Kotex and U by Kotex before, they're my most commonly bought brand. But for the past couple of months I'd been mostly using another brand. I bought some U by Kotex pads near the beginning of this month though, had been using them and was fine. About 4 or 5 days ago, I used a U by Kotex tampon (for the first time in a while), and possibly by coincidence I noticed I was itchy with a kind of irritated feel to it around the vulva area and a bit around the labia minora later that night. The next day, it was worse. I wondered about the tampons, but I'd only used 2, haven't used one in a few days, and am still having the issue. So now I'm wondering about the pads.
It just seems odd because I've definitely used this brand plenty, even had been using them for a few weeks before this issue (most of the days out of the past 3 weeks - like I said, I bleed most of the time 🫠). But the way the issue is just so kinda widespread in the whole outer nether region is weird and makes me wonder about pads. I do now remember having some mild irritation in the creases where my inner thighs meet my body probably a few days before this all started, possibly related.
I'm just feeling uncertain about the yeast infection thing because the itching is so oddly widespread in the whole outer area, and even though yeast infections can happen externally I just can't shake finding it odd that I have no actual vaginal itching like I'd had when I had a yeast infection before. Also, the otc meds don't seem to be helping yet a little over 36 hours later - idk if that's normal?
Anyway, TLDR: My main question is, has anyone developed a sensitivity to pads/tampons of a brand you'd previously used with no issue?
(Apologies for TMI)
submitted by ThrowRAdishes8 to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 13:20 Coaltria Bill Payment Reversal in Maya 😢

Gusto ko sana lagi gamitin ang Maya for Bill Payment dahil mas maganda at mas mabilis ang app ng Maya kesa sa Gcash (personal opinion). Kaso laging kailangan mo bantayan kasi madalas bumabalik yung payment.
Sa Gcash same Biller hindi naman bumabalik.
submitted by Coaltria to DigitalbanksPh [link] [comments]