Asus Tuf gaming a14 underperforming

目錄:為什麼選擇這樣的組合?TUF Gaming A1 硬碟盒開箱Samsung 980 SSD開箱為什麼選擇這樣的組合?小弟我的資料自從上次Google砍掉無限空間後只好購入外接HDD存放但因為HDD運轉會震動,出門通常不一定會有平的地方可以放到最後幾乎都是插在(借來的)桌機...(外接式硬碟盒 第1頁) 華碩 TUF RTX 4070 Super O12G GAMING 顯示卡正面,可以看到中央風扇採用與兩側風扇不同的轉動方向來集中散熱風流,此外這次華碩 TUF RTX 4070 Super O12G GAMING 顯示卡的散熱風扇也採用加大尺寸的雙滾珠軸承軸向式風扇設計,官方表示可提供的散熱風量較上一代提升了 21%。 小弟工具人,以前都義務幫朋友做一些筆電採買諮詢的工作,賺個飲料而已。不過今年不知道為什麼,筆電缺的特別厲害,隨便逛一下電腦家或是momo,筆電幾乎都掛缺貨,一直有人到處問說要去哪裡買筆電之類的。仔細一看,比較多人問(可能是價格比較容易下手買…)的TUF GAMING型號又多到不 ... TUF GAMEING的風扇要怎麼調 - 我記得有幾種模式可以選但我不知道怎麼用鍵盤打開 求各位大大幫忙(Asus 第1頁) 這次迎接新平台的第一款筆電,正好也是 TUF Gaming 的中流砥柱 F15,由於更新到 2022 年式時,F15 的外觀與設計元素出現了變動,因此令人...(Asus 第1頁) 新的一年再次迎來了大家期待已久的平台更新,隨著各家廠商都已推出新一代平台構建的核心組件,實際應用的產品也理所當然地陸續面市。 TUF GAMING AX4200 WiFi 6 雙頻電競無線路由器外盒背面外觀。外盒背面說明了產品的主要特色。 外盒側面有TUF GAMING AX4200的所有連接介面介紹,由右而左分別為電源孔,電源開關、四個Gigabit LAN埠,透過 MediaTek WT7531AE 5 Port Gigabit Switch 晶片提供。 華碩 TUF GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Super 16G GAMING 顯示卡。 在上週開賣了 599 美元(台灣售價就....那個匯率真的是不知道怎麼算的)等級的 RTX 4070 SUPER 顯示卡(請見:NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Super FE 創始版顯示卡效能實測 效能再提升 18% 的 1440p 狠角色)後,這周迎來的是高一階,訂價在 799 美元的 RTX 4070 Ti Super,跟 RTX ... ASUS 旗下 TUF Gaming 電競筆電系列過去以親民價格、軍規認證的耐用度和機甲風格設計擄獲不少玩家的心,而今年初的 CES 大展它一樣沒有缺席,帶來 TUF Gaming F15/F17、A15/A17 以及該系列第一台 16 吋機型(同時也是 AMD 全餐 Advantage...(Asus 第1頁) 目前大致上是這樣 剩mb有點選擇障礙華碩 tuf b450-pro gaming華碩 rog strix b450-f gaming價格上rog比tuf多了400 同樣都是五年保配置上也都是1h1d 都支援aura sync不知道兩者實際上是差在哪裡請問板上大大們選哪張比較好呢...(自組電腦分享 第1頁) ASUS 旗下平價定位的軍規電競筆電系列 TUF Gaming,在 2022 年初 CES 期間帶來全新的 TUF Dash F15 與 A15/A17 (2022) 新機,除了用上最新的硬體與散熱技術,全系列更支援獨顯直連功能,同時機甲造型與識別元素也持續進化。

2024.11.29 14:40 No_Composer959 Asus Tuf gaming a14 underperforming

I just bought this laptop for college and gaming. The fps seems great but when I watch other gaming test videos I learnt that I have a slight underperformance. For example rainbow six siege is supposed to give me between 180-220 fps on low settings but it gives me between 130-150 and in cs 2 while its supposed to give above 200 fps on low it gives me between 150-165 is my laptop underperforming for some reason?
submitted by No_Composer959 to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 TennisMathematician The only player ranked #1 in 2024 who skipped tournaments that year without it being due to a failed doping test

The only player ranked #1 in 2024 who skipped tournaments that year without it being due to a failed doping test submitted by TennisMathematician to tennis [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Human_Page_7009 How do I find the weight of my cartridge

Me and my family got a record player 2 years ago, and we never set it up properly. I recently have become very intrigued with record players and I want to start collecting vinyls but I can't set up mine properly. We got the camden 2 record player but I can't find the recommended weight for the cartridge. We threw out the manual years ago and I have been searching everywhere to find the recommended weight for the cartridge. I've tried to put it at the usual weight for most record players (1.8g) and it just seems very crackly. There is no serial number on the cartridge either, and I don't want to guess the weight just in case I damage both the stylus and the records. Any help will be appreciated, thanks.
submitted by Human_Page_7009 to turntables [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 emotion_all_damaged Kumusta na po duman sa Albay Park & Wildlife?

From CamSur lang ako pero more than 10 years nang dai nakakabalik.
Curious lang kung kumusta na duman, curious since then if well-maintained ang animals lalo na kang pandemic.
submitted by emotion_all_damaged to Bicol [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Own_Earth_2330 Lots of symptoms, doctors say it’s just anxiety. I’m losing my mind

I am 20, female. Over the last 2 months I’ve been experiencing some weird symptoms and despite going to about 5 doctors, every single one says nothing is wrong. It all started one day when I randomly got dizzy and started having muscle twitching all over my body. This lasted a few days but then the dizziness stopped. The twitching didn’t and is still persistent. The concerning part is that I started to also feel my right thumb weak after using it for some time. I then saw that a tendon keeps on relaxing or twitching and that is probably why it feels weak. I can still do anything, it just feels like something is making my thumb stuck. Kinda like the feeling you get when your hand gets really cold and you try to text lol. I just got back from the hospital, spent 6 days there. The moment I entered the hospital, the weird feeling stopped. Almost the entire stay I had no problem with my thumb. Got an MRI, blood tests, lumbar puncture and even a lung CF for dome reason. Everything came back normal. The problem is, now that I am home and started doing stuff, the weakness came back. I feel it in my other thumb as well now, the tendon twitching as well. By the way, the body twitching did not stop at all. It was just the thumb that got better at the hospital. I am confused and don't really know what to do anymore. The doctors at the hospital all thought it is anxiety and even gave me anxiety medication daily. I admit I am completely a very hardcore anxious person, but still. Of course, I just got back from a week long hospital stay which might explain the weakness. I am of course weak in general since I spent most of my time in bed, not even using my hands much. I've already been through the whole ALS scare. Even got suicidal thoughts because of it. Still scared of it but I plan on getting an EMG soon. It is so annoying because I finally thought I am getting better and then the second I left the hospital it got worse. I have completely lost my mind, good thing I'm on meds because otherwise I think I would actually start harming myself. My family is also heartbroken. I am too. I don't know how to regain my life and who to talk to. I was so happy I got better the second I came to the hospital. I am lost again. Thing is, the weakness is not constant. When I don't use my hand it's fine. One time after using it for a long time to write I also found that it got better somehow. Now that I didn't use my left hand, it feels normal. My right hand also feels normal right now. I just took my anxiety meds, so….. maybe I'm just relaxed. Please help, anyone. I am losing hope and I can feel the time slipping by. I'm in a very dark place.
submitted by Own_Earth_2330 to MedicalHelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Nikitakun [28/M] - Yo, you very likely need to open this post [Friendship]

Well well well, what mood are you in today? Friend-making one? Hm, then are you possibly into silly chats that inadvertently segue into deepest philosophical talks? Possibly into watching horror or any sort of stuff together? Into buddying up and learning stuff together? You like porridge and existential crisis? Then probably you should consider sending me a DM telling me any random story about how things once went weird with you and what you learnt from that and we could go from there :) Or just say 'hi' (any 'hi'-derivative works as well)
submitted by Nikitakun to MeetPeople [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Addeehimnortz Baguio to Pulag

Hi, may idea kayo sa commute from baguio to pulag (denr&ranger station) saan ang sakayan, anong mode of transpo(mas okay if yung jeep na sa sa bubong sasakay hehe), earliest time ng byahe and travel time?
Plan ko kasi is semi-joiner sa mismong hike. Mas trip ko kasi na solo ang travel ko going to/from pulag and manggaling ako ng metro manila.
submitted by Addeehimnortz to PHikingAndBackpacking [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 dalas84 Has anyone seen if Kirkland Cookware set is on sale today?

submitted by dalas84 to CostcoCanada [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Nyaarla What is the worst non meta champions game you ever had ?

What is the worst non meta champions game you ever had ? This game ruined me mentally, you would think Eve support , what a joke, well this game, both Ambessa and Eve perma invaded my jungle, and i ended up with 0 marks, it never happened to me, i managed to scale somehow, but it was too late, very frustating game ( eme/dia elo, euw)
submitted by Nyaarla to wildrift [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Helpmebecomerich_2 Where is the best place to look for funding.

I’ve had an idea for a few months about something it’s not been done before and potentially would be used daily world wide..
submitted by Helpmebecomerich_2 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Alarming-Athlete-44 6901 4554 6492

submitted by Alarming-Athlete-44 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 DefenseExpress What Else russian Defense Minister Belousov Came to Ask From North Korea | Defense Express

What Else russian Defense Minister Belousov Came to Ask From North Korea | Defense Express submitted by DefenseExpress to UkraineWarRoom [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 TheFrandorKid Back In Stock

Back In Stock I’ve seen a couple of toppers on here that look just as great as this official one, but thought I’d share just because I think it’s pretty cool 😎
submitted by TheFrandorKid to Midsommar [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Duckmoodown Does anyone have a list of games that CANNOT be played on psvr2?

I just bought and psvr2 and learned that it’s not backwards compatible with psvr games. I’ve never owned a psvr so idk how this works but what I do know is that I haven’t found a single list of games that are psvr only and can’t be played on the psvr2? I want to know what games I need to avoid so I don’t end up buying something I can’t play and for some reason that info is impossible to find
submitted by Duckmoodown to PSVR [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 I_am_jacks_secret Planting that seed, make that karma grow please

submitted by I_am_jacks_secret to KarmaFarmer [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 WedgebArtist52 opinioni su queste colonne?

opinioni su queste colonne? submitted by WedgebArtist52 to MinecraftItalia [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 a24release Amz blocking MEDO from Ad Program because of Pro-Palestine content

I recently self-published a book on KDP called “Medo and the Garden in Gaza.” The book is about Medo Halimy, a popular 19 year-old vlogger in Gaza who died after being hit by shrapnel during an Israeli airstrike in Khan-Younis in August 2024. To increase sales and visibility, I decided to use the Amazon Promotional Ads Program. I submitted three ad campaigns: manual keyword, auto-target keyword and a category and book title ad campaign. After three days, I received an Amazon email informing me that MEDO didn’t qualify for the ad program because MEDO failed to meet Amazon’s “Creative Acceptance Policy.” Specifically, the book is “temporarily restricted from advertising due to current events.” There was no Appeals Process and my Appeal Letter wasn’t read. I know the letter wasn’t read because I immediately received a “This case is closed” email after I sent my appeals letter. Case 16741136391.
I am not Ta-Nehisi Coates. I know one can find books on Amazon about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. But, I can also, from personal experience, tell you that Amazon is actively involved in censoring Pro-Palestine content. Not censorship, one might say, because MEDO is for sale on Amazon. But, all avenues for getting MEDO seen and interacted-with, beyond my one MEDO content page, are closed. All promotional doors within Amazon are shut. I don’t know how many others have been or are going to be affected by Amazon’s policy. I simply want to share my story with this community because 1984 is very much here. I’m developing a Plan B for getting MEDO seen. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
While Amazon can’t be
submitted by a24release to KDP [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 PostmanSAMXBL H: Raven mask W: Z7%FDC Marine Chest piece

submitted by PostmanSAMXBL to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 brownmanthings Downsides to put ratio spread?

Downsides to put ratio spread? I initiated the following (put ratio) position today:
Long: 1 x 27,000 PE (expiring 27 March 2025)
Short: 3 x 23,000 PE (expiring 27 March 2025)
The underlying is the Nifty 50 index. Here's the payoff chart for context:
This website is called Opstra.
I don't plan to hold this position until expiry and will exit once I've realized 50% of max profit.
However, I need help managing the downsides in case they occur.
The question here is: What factors can cause me to move in the red and how do I manage those factors? I know that an increase in IV, for example, might push me toward the red, but how do I manage that risk (and any other potential risks to this position)?
submitted by brownmanthings to Trading [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 arnoldgoth I need help deciding a good time to break with my boyfriend.

A little background, I was diagnosed with complex PTSD as well as major depressive disorder. And I recently got off my antipsychotic due to them not working and for my health is stopping my antipsychotic. I realize that my mental health has gone down this yea.
My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for two years. neither of us have anything in common other than smoking weed. I’ve started to fall out of love with him by not only the way I’m treating him, but just from noticing that we don’t do much like going out we have nothing in common. We currently live in separate bedrooms. He recently told me that when I get home from having a bad day, I take it out on him which I hate. He’s an amazing guy treats all my animals well, makes me dinner every night. Pays majority of our rent, but I don’t see myself in the future with him as he also doesn’t ever talk about ever wanting to get married or having children, which is a big dream of mine.
I recently wrote him a note explaining all of this and how I love him. I’m just not in love him anymore and we always promise each other that if we fall out of love, we tell each other so we’re not wasting our time. It’s currently the ending of November almost beginning of December and I don’t know when the right time to give him the note. See after giving a note I will talk to him as we live together in the same apartment. I’m hoping we’ll be able to stay roommates until our lease is up in April.
everybody keeps telling me I should do it either before Christmas or after Christmas and I can’t figure out which is the best time it’s been eating me up inside. I’ve been having the worst anxiety of my life recently because I have to be around without actually telling him the truth .
This has been a very hard decision, but I’m hoping that you guys can help me decide whether I should do it before Christmas or after Christmas . If someone were to do this to you, would you want it to be right away or wait?
submitted by arnoldgoth to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 andrewYHM 5* ZAMAZANTA on me, adding 6 more! 874801557496

submitted by andrewYHM to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Y3tt3r Easier to move from Pedal to dobro or dobro to Pedal?

I've never really tried pedal steel and I won't like it looks confusing but intriguing. Just watching some dobro on youtube and one guy basically never lifted the bar. Lots of slants and pinches and always had the bar across all strings which made me think he likely came from pedal. So for those who play both, what do you think?
submitted by Y3tt3r to Dobro [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Own_Accountant_5229 How do I pass on these unicorns?

submitted by Own_Accountant_5229 to UberEatsDrivers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Shot_Swimming_7082 what to play?

I still don't know what to play: dark sith monk, sorceres tempest or gemling mercenaries. monk looks fun, but sorceress looks so good for mapping.... 
submitted by Shot_Swimming_7082 to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 StellarBossTobi The problem with being a chill guy from the 4th dimension

The problem with being a chill guy from the 4th dimension submitted by StellarBossTobi to memes [link] [comments]