2024.11.29 14:47 Normal_Play_5766 Prezzo Commercialista
Salve a tutti, sono il figlio (M24) di un titolare di p.iva regime forfettario (?) fatturato utile decisamente inferiore agli 85.000€ annui, comunque da confermare con la commercialista stessa (non lo so da poco mi interesso della gestione contabile).
comunque, questa mattina riceviamo una fattura di ben 5000€ dalla commercialista in cui dichiara il seguente:
Anno 2022: 1435,03€
Anni 2023-2024: 3010€
webdesk 2023-2024: 200€
f24: 70€
cap 4%: 57,40€ + 131,2€
Iva 22%: 328,33€ + 750,464€
Rimborso spese pec art.15 ( 0€ ) ?
Totale parcella: 1820,77€ + 4161,66€
Ritenuta d'acconto 20%: 287,01€ + 656€
NETTO A PAGARE 1533,76€ + 3505,66€ = 5.039,42€
i costi sono degli anni 2021 e 2023/24
Abbiamo prontamente richiesto quanti siano stati gli acconti pagati negli anni precedenti e dichiara:
2020: 1500€
2021: 1800€
2022: 1000€
2023: 1000€
2024: 0€
Mio padre dichiara che il prezzo iniziale fosse di 1000 compreso IVA (ora salito a 1500 compreso IVA ) e che non gli fosse stato notificato l'aumento (non so quanto sia affidabile questa affermazione da parte sua essendo poco compatibile con la tecnologia, mail ecc ecc).
Le fatture ce le facciamo tutte noi tramite webdesk, quest'anno saranno state una 20-ina. Inoltre quest'anno abbiamo dovuto effetturae una fattura per la romania per la vendita di un autocarro e la commercialista ci aveva preventivato una spesa (200€? non ricordo) per l'iscrizione a qualcosa per poter effettuare fatture all'estero, e ok, ma per il resto? 1500€ annui? in più non ci ha mai avvertito dell'aumento dei costi (dichiarato da mio padre) e comunque sommando:
1500 x 3 = 4500 - 2000 di acconti dovrebbero essere = 2500€?
Cosa mi sfugge? in cosa sono colpevole di aver sbagliato? o in cosa la commercialista sta sbagliando? non esitate nel prendermi a parole per la mia ignoranza perchè so che a 24 anni, dopo 6 anni che lavoro nell'azienda (collaboratore famigliare, siamo solo io e lui) mi sarei dovuto informare prima della gestione contabile ma con un padre (M60) un po' ignorante al riguardo la situazione è un po' delicata, comunque vi sto cercando di dire le cose come stanno al meglio possibile, se servono altre info chiedete e vi dirò
submitted by Normal_Play_5766 to commercialisti [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:47 plixir Character AI Tools Memory Manager
If anyone uses CAI tools, I'm super confused. I've inputted things into the Memory manager to test if its even working, but it's not. I've checked the active box and put super obvious things into it to ellicite a reaction but nothing. How should I go about fixing this?
submitted by plixir to CharacterAI [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:47 throwaway_t6788 staff discount- free reduced sticker items?
saw an article in metro saying reduced sticker items after certain times are 0£ for staff ? if true, does this also extend to family member?
submitted by throwaway_t6788 to tesco [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:47 ninikat11 Where can I donate makeup
Hi! Does anyone know a place to donate makeup? Or someone who needs stuff? Most are just swatched. Ang dami ko kasi makeup dito sa bahay iisa lang naman mukha ko lol.
Also contemplating if ibenta ko nalang ng super low as a set like 500 for 5pcs of random stuff. Kasi ang bago pa nung iba and I need extra cash rin. Super undervalued na, I just need to declutter malala 🫠
submitted by ninikat11 to phclassifieds [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:47 Key_Will_7929 How do I stream for my computer to my Steam Deck?
I often see people saying that for very resource consuming games it is nice to stream from my gamer pc to my SD. However on YouTube everyone seems to have a different approach to this whether it’s Moonlight or Remote Play.
I tried remote play but the latency was really too high, perhaps my settings were not on point with the particular video.
Is there a guide that is validated by the community?
submitted by Key_Will_7929 to SteamDeck [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:47 smoreland32 Anyone else have disappearing animals?
FS25, latest update installed, tree disappearing was fixed but now my Goats have also disappeared from their pens but are still producing milk. What the heck is going on?
submitted by smoreland32 to farmingsimulator [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:47 AnonymusIsBack PC-Konfig Produktiv
Hallo Zusammen,
ich möchte mir seit längerem einen PC zusammenstellen, der hauptsächlich für „produktive“ Arbeit verwendet werden soll. In den meisten Konfigurationen und Videos geht es allerdings um Gaming-PCs, wesshalb ich mir bei der Konfiguration nicht so ganz sicher bin.
Wie schon gesagt wird damit hauptsächlich gearbeitet (Bereich Software-Entwicklung, virtuelle Maschinen…). Als „Gaming“ würden bei mir nur Spiele mit niedrigen Anforderungen wie LoL oder Minecraft in Frage kommen, da Shooter usw. auf der PS gezockt werden.
Deshalb dachte ich an eine gute Konfig mit CPU im gehobenen Segment (evtl Ryzen 9 9900X), genügend Arbeitsspeicher (32/64 GB) und mindestens 2TB SSD.
Budget ist aktuell so bei ca 1000-1500€.
Nun zu meiner größten Frage, kann man hier vorerst die integrierte Grafik des Prozessors verwenden, oder ist eine Grafikkarte auch bei meiner Nutzung essenziell? Ich würde mir halt für die Zukunft noch die Option offen halten zB ne 4080 zu holen, falls es dann mal erforderlich sein sollte.
Ich habe einen Monitor mit WQHD und einen mit FullHD, wobei letzterer wahrscheinlich irgendwann auch noch auf WQHD geupgradet wird.
Kann mir einer von euch hier eine passende Konfiguration empfehlen? Weil ich schon öfters gehört habe dass bestimmte Komponenten besser zusammenarbeiten als andere und ich davon nicht wirklich Ahnung hab.
Vielleicht kann ich ja auch noch nen Black-Friday Schnapper mitnehmen.
Danke schonmal :)
submitted by AnonymusIsBack to PCBaumeister [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:47 Tyler_Miles_Lockett The Fate of Humankind, illustrated by Tyler Miles Lockett (me)
submitted by Tyler_Miles_Lockett to ancienthistory [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:47 JoshuaRP1030 M27
submitted by JoshuaRP1030 to amiugly [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:47 Heavenly_demon_ I know probably it’s fake but
I have been applying for jobs non stop for last few months. On Monday I’ve received an email my profile was selected and after that they sent me a questionnaire, I have filled it and submitted it and then I received the congratulations email. No interview, no LinkedIn of the recruiter. I know it’s fake but, the small hope is stopping from ignoring the email I just want to confirm. Thank you.
submitted by Heavenly_demon_ to careeradvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:47 Whiplack1a A long lasting friendship
submitted by Whiplack1a to Awww [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:47 stinkyneeky 11 year old cat at Jackson shelter needs a home ❤️
submitted by stinkyneeky to lansing [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:47 305FUN2 Australia's SASR getting ready to go out on patrol in the field. NVA and VC nicknamed them the ‘Ma rừng’ or ‘phantoms of the jungle’. [1440×1152]
submitted by 305FUN2 to MilitaryPorn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:47 frisk_the_good_boi happy birthday Mie-san!
submitted by frisk_the_good_boi to Sukinako [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:47 susanfermac poids hea 120
submitted by susanfermac to machinebtp2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:47 avocadonessss Error code PSE0501 on screen
Hello all, I am trying to book a F1 dropbox slot. The frequency of the slots opening is so slow and the worst part is I am experiencing PSE0501 error when I try booking the slot. Tried different browsers, various devices and yet no resolution. The customer service asked me to mail and yet no response from them since 30 hours. If anyone of you have faced the similar issue, can you please help me resolve it or is there anything I can do? Country of booking- India submitted by avocadonessss to usvisascheduling [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:47 Professional_Pin8977 I woke up to 🌸 this morning!
Woke up to this little bud finally popping through this morning! I worry about this begonia Rex, though 😅 I keep her in 60% humidity, but she hasn’t shown any new growth at all really since I’ve gotten her. I worry the pot is too big and I don’t like the soil mix she’s in (/stays moist for a longggg time) but I’m nervous to repot and disturb her. What do you think?
submitted by Professional_Pin8977 to houseplants [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:47 Dizzy-Study3176 मोडी लिपि (म, ma) नमस्कार (namaskāra)
submitted by Dizzy-Study3176 to marathi [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:47 FivePercentLuck "Wherever I go I'm always the _____est in the room"
submitted by FivePercentLuck to AskOuija [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:47 xamffm Bitte nicht…?
submitted by xamffm to Staiy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:47 Ali-Imran- Kurram massacre, more than 100 killed and CM was busy in preparing attack on capital
submitted by Ali-Imran- to PAK [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:47 Legitimate_Track4153 Thoughts on another year without GX character unlock?
submitted by Legitimate_Track4153 to DuelLinks [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:47 Tactless2U Red wine on a 85 year old cotton tablecloth … yikes!
I have an antique tablecloth that I have used for special occasions. Yesterday someone spilled Thanksgiving Pinot Noir on it… and hid it under a folded napkin overnight. Help!! submitted by Tactless2U to CleaningTips [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:47 grandpagoth No more mr chill guy
submitted by grandpagoth to DigitalArt [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:47 Formal_Eye_8125 É desvio de caráter acreditar que Maria era menor de idade
Se você defende essa ideia, ou você é um crítico da religião que se baseia em calúnias e desonestidade, ou você é um religioso passando pano pro casamento infantil.