Starting First Internship At Boutique Law Firm

2024.11.29 14:42 flyiningicecream Starting First Internship At Boutique Law Firm

Hello, i am a second year law student. i would be starting an internship next week at a boutique law firm. are there any tips or advice that would help me? or something that i should keep in mind?
thank you.
submitted by flyiningicecream to IndianWorkplace [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 Laserablatin Help, pocket not dying!

I'm playing Germany for the first time with Gotterdammerung and I've capitulated France and am trying to destroy their remaining forces along the Maginot line. Strangely, despite this being a pocket, they are not running out of supplies or experiencing an encirclement penalty. They do have polygon of territory in contact with Switzerland so I'm wondering if that is the problem? I've also noticed weird issues with the Frontline AI behaving strangely in the new DLC. This is happening both with the aforementioned Maginot pocket and earlier when I invaded Czechoslovakia: units rather than staying in place or advancing when ordered to attack, my units constantly are marching in circles around the enemy area, sometimes completely abandoning individual parts of the front line they are assigned to.
submitted by Laserablatin to hoi4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 overdrive721 What’s the 1.02/1.03 worth? Trade it?

Currently sitting at 1.03 but can see a possibility of me moving up to 1.02 based on this week and next weeks projections.
Question is, who currently playing would you be willing to let go of this for? I have depth at RB but not so comfortable with my WR corps.
I’d like to target BTJ or MHJ but do we feel like there’s better prospects this high?
submitted by overdrive721 to DynastyFFTradeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 Titan_Eternal Counters for Astral & Teams Astral counters - Marvel Strike Force

Counters for Astral & Teams Astral counters - Marvel Strike Force submitted by Titan_Eternal to iF2PGames [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 Pristine_Line_7586 GS-11 step 2 trying to transition into GovIT with security + certification

Gm everyone! I’m currently trying to transition into an IT position within the federal government. I’m currently at Social Security and it’s just not a good place to be as the workloads are not sustainable.
I’m familiar with USA jobs and government hiring, but has anyone had any luck obtaining a gs job with just IT certs and home labs? I would appreciate any advice.
submitted by Pristine_Line_7586 to usajobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 Careful_Scratch3304 HEBBAL LAKE

Will hebbal lake be open tomo morning around 6 am ??
submitted by Careful_Scratch3304 to Bengaluru [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 BeastBoyOnBass I've never been a fan of Redbacks… Change my mind…

I've never been a fan of Redbacks… Change my mind… I just dont seem to like these speakers in any situation compared to other speakers on the market. I get that they are VERY high wattage which is useful but the tone really grates on me! Why would you pick it over its celestion counterparts like the greenback, evh or v30?
Great playing from Joe at Zilla none the less!
submitted by BeastBoyOnBass to ZillaCabs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 AmberX1999 Creepy documentaries??

Hey guys! I'm looking for some creepy documentaries, I'm very interested in cults and occultism, so anything along those lines will be great. I've seen all the popular ones on Netflix so far, so any strange documentaries that are lesser known will be awesome :) I also really enjoyed the documentary Devil at The Crossroads about Robert Johnson, and I watched one about the curse of led zeppelin and those really got me hooked so anything along those lines as well please :)
submitted by AmberX1999 to horror [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 Normal-Bandicoot-180 UK - Advice on becoming a DE? Conversion masters?

Hi all,
I am looking to switch careers to data engineering but am at a loss as to how to do that in today's competitive job market.
I am thinking of doing a masters degree next year and was looking into conversion masters in computer science; however, I am not sure how useful these would be for DE aside from giving me the "quantitative degree" some companies look very favourably at.
I would be very appreciative on some advice on how to switch to DE in the UK with the following credentials:

Thanks in advance
submitted by Normal-Bandicoot-180 to dataengineering [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 Plenty-Copy-15 Am just curious, why the longhorn?

submitted by Plenty-Copy-15 to dayz [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 VarunTossa5944 What were your most successful post titles?

Show us your posts where you think the article made a big difference in getting readers' attention.
submitted by VarunTossa5944 to Substack [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 bryand456 $325 VERY EASY Citi bank Checking account bonus when you use Zelle to send yourself $3000 or ($500 six times)

$325 VERY EASY Citi bank Checking account bonus when you use Zelle to send yourself $3000 or ($500 six times)
You can use your own Zelle or paypal account to send yourself any amount of money until it adds up to $3000. If you use paypal, make sure it is an ACH transfer. You must make at least two transfers. You will get your bonus approximately one week later.
In order to Zelle yourself you can sign up with zelle at a different bank, such as chase bank, with different info. For Example, Use your email to sign up for zelle at chase and use your phone number to sign up for zelle at citi bank. Then send from chase to zelle and vice versa.
submitted by bryand456 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 MrRiccoSuave Went out for Black Friday for the first time ever. $160 for all of this.

submitted by MrRiccoSuave to stormcasteternals [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 brandencoker WTB: Ottawa 10 D

I love the Ottawa, but I’m running out of makeups to buy from the current offerings at GS. I know this is a shot in the dark, but if anyone has a Midnight Suede that they like to part with, hit me up. Even better, if you have one of the limited release Color 8 Ottawas, DM me pronto! Heck, I’d even settle for Black CXL .
I’ve got cash money, and I’ve also got a beautiful pair of Brass boots in Crimson Kudu 10 D (see my recent post) if you’d like to trade.
submitted by brandencoker to grantstoneboots [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 CaptainGrumpyVN Patch on GOG is 10.38Gb but needs 140Gb storage space to patch, rip my drive

Patch on GOG is 10.38Gb but needs 140Gb storage space to patch, rip my drive
submitted by CaptainGrumpyVN to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 PuzzleheadedView9393 What is going on with my nails?

What is going on with my nails? I've noticed that for some reason my fingernails have started to get these weird uneven surfaces. They feel bumpy to the touch and for some nails I was able to peel parts of the top layer off. I already have a visit to a dermatologist planned but the appointment is in February next year. I'm doing a complete blood analysis next week but I wanna know if this is some kind of vitamins deficiency or something urgent for my peace of mind. Thank you for the answers in advance :)
submitted by PuzzleheadedView9393 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 GreyArea1985 Have you migrated Fact Tables and dimension tables from SQL Server to AWS Databricks? If yes, how did you handle it?

we are migrating our BI DWH (Dimension Tables and Fact tables) from SQL Server to Databricks.
The exisitng data load set up in SSIS is this:
Soruce - SQL Server Raw table
Stage: Get only latest updated data based on timestamp column
Final layer: Use Merge statement to update the final table (All merge statements are Stored Procedures)
Now we want to keep the same Secondary keys that generated on SQL server in our Unity Catalogue as well.
My appraoch is to keep one notebook for each table , so I can make sure to maintain logic for each and every table speararetly
let me know if there is any other better way to do it
or if you have done migration from sql server to databricks , please let me know how did you guys did it.
submitted by GreyArea1985 to databricks [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 Wingzillion Burning pillar dual floor 87

How do I defeat the two Ginnys? I have all inferno espers available.
submitted by Wingzillion to Dislyte [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 Exotic_Rub5102 Prituzba na rad Centra za soc rad (smestaj u dom)

Pozdrav svima,
Zanima me da li je neko imao ovu situaciju.Malo je komplikovanije pa je duzi post.
Osoba u porodici je tesko pokretna,jedva ustaje, s hodalicom hoda i ima pocetak demencije. Pre godinu dana smo pokusali preko Centra ZSR da ga smestimo u dom, ali su ga odbijali i zbog hitnosti je bio u privatnom domu. Medjutim, taj privatni dom zatvaraju, teraju nas svi drzavni organi da ga premestamo sto pre, pritiskaju nas i ne rade svoj posao, a mi nemamo gde sa njim, plus zahteva negu 24h.
Skupili smo brzo papire za drzavni dom i predali Centru, da bi nam rekli kako se dzabe trudimo, da je sve puno i da nikad nece upasti u drzavni dom bez veze, pa je najbolje da ga smestimo u drugi privatni koji su preskupi?! Mi necemo jer su sada domovi 800,900e (pre godinu dana nije bilo toliko), a i ko garantuje da se i taj drugi nece zatvoriti.
Centar i dalje ne radi svoj posao, salju lekarsku dokumentaciju jako sporo i moramo da ih teramo da salju svim domovima u Srbiji jer iz nekog razloga posalju u 2 doma na 10 dana. Nece da se potrude iako smo rekli da nam makar treba negde da bude na listi cekanja.
Ovo je toliko eskaliralo da smo pismeno slali zahtev Centru da imamo dokaz kako ne rade svoj posao.
Zanima me da li se neko ikada zalio dalje na rad Centra? Da li se neko zalio na resenja domova jer oni biraju i odbijaju ljude kako im dune bez obrazlozenja?
Ako imate bilo kakve ideje, pisite jer ja necu odustati od drzavnog doma.
submitted by Exotic_Rub5102 to pravnisaveti [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 randomseeker1346 Any survivors of Telos U for young adults?

I was forced to attend Telos U while having CIRS disorder because my parents said that if I don’t go they will stop supporting me. When I was there they medically gaslighted me and said my condition is all psychological and the nurse even said “there’s no way you are seeing a holistic doctor under my watch. They are cash cows and don’t help.” Part of my medical condition is that I couldn’t exercise and they had a rule that you had to get 30 minutes of exercise to get any of your electronics. When I was suffering from fatigue and couldn’t exercise they refused to give me my phone and when I told my parents about it they said “your just being a victim and attributing your circumstances to the external world.” My parents even went and said that if I sign myself out than I will be homeless. And guess who told them to say that script? My therapist. Do you know how I know that? Because I listened through the fucking door before he brought me in to family therapy and he told my parents that saying that would be a “boundary” and that I am manipulating them to get out. And for what? For money? That’s bullshit. And my parents don’t even acknowledge that it was abusive and traumatic and again, repeat the narrative that I’m being a victim. I still to this day have dissociative flashbacks where I’m seeing the events that happened there through a TV screen.
I was once falsely accused of saying something I never said and was placed on “target LOS” for 48 hours and when I tried to cry for help and say that I never said it my parents repeated the exact same fucking narrative. Not trying to sound aggressive but I HOPE THOSE FUCKERS GET SHUT DOWN! I’m tired of all this suffering from that whole place and what they did to me, physically and mentally! Are there any survivors of that place? I want to connect with them and fight against Telos U the right way.
submitted by randomseeker1346 to troubledteens [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 AdhesivenessOld3420 I made my first spooky cartoon, please check it out? 🥹✌️🎣

I made my first spooky cartoon, please check it out? 🥹✌️🎣 Hey guys! I’ve made my first cartoon, it’s called “Shadows of Trouville-sur-Mer”. It’s located in a mysterious coastal town and centers a girl named Leontiné, who lives with her grandma in an old mansion and is caught off guard by strange events unraveling around her.
I’d love for you to check it out and let me know your honest thoughts about the story!😊
You can also check more content about this world on my Art Station:
submitted by AdhesivenessOld3420 to cartoons [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 reddit_lss_2 Test Title 29-November-2024 14:42:20

Test body 29-November-2024 14:42:20
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 Relevant-Impress-420 In a alternative universe instead of BowserEggman and WarioDeDeDe we got.... Wario vs Eggman

In a alternative universe instead of BowserEggman and WarioDeDeDe we got.... Wario vs Eggman I got bored
submitted by Relevant-Impress-420 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 Actual_Echidna2336 Base blastoise for Base Articuno back in the day vs Now

Back when the Jungle set was released, I pulled an Articuno, it was my favorite card. I foolishly brought it to school and traded it for a Base set blastoise. I regretted it since then, alrhough I don't play the actual card game just collecting Pokemon I thought was cool and rare, and I thought having a Blastoise was like having a Charizard, if not better since it beats it, but Articuno was a basic and would be better in the TCG. Either way I kinda had regrets I traded the cool new card I pulled for some base set.
Flash forward to today, and I see base set Blastoise being valued at more than Articuno? Would you make the same trade today? Who got the better deal?
submitted by Actual_Echidna2336 to PokemonCardValue [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:42 skeletonpaul08 UFC Fighter Still In Pain After Being Elbowed In The Anus During A Fight Earlier This Month

submitted by skeletonpaul08 to nottheonion [link] [comments]