The problem with being a chill guy from the 4th dimension

2024.11.29 14:40 StellarBossTobi The problem with being a chill guy from the 4th dimension

The problem with being a chill guy from the 4th dimension submitted by StellarBossTobi to memes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 SasukePitocoPopozudo Ajuda pra um amigo, desenho 3D antigo da Netflix

Vou por o próprio relato dele, e umas coisas a mais
era um desenho que tinha na netflix e o protagonista era careca e na maior parte da obra ele ficava de olhos fechados, teve um episódio que ele tinha se apaixonado por uma garota e observava ela por um telescópio ou algo assim da varanda dele
tambem tinha um ep q um cara 3x maior q ele tava usando o banheiro quimico e ele tava na fila pra usar depois, e o cara tinha deixado o banheiro PODRE
Era de mais ou menos, 2015-2017, e era praticamente todo em 3D
submitted by SasukePitocoPopozudo to BrasilLostMedia [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 wewdwtnizrub Cyber Florist Black Friday 2024 Promo Code

Discover the Cyber Florist Black Friday 2024 Promo Code
Check out these exclusive Cyber Florist discount codes for November 2024 and save big on your next purchase.
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to YoursCoupea [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Top_Ad_5957 If I run Xbox one games through an hdd for the series x, will they be optimized for next gen?

What about games like Elden ring, and cross gen games like Cold War
submitted by Top_Ad_5957 to xbox [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Kenix-47 099026990452 Mega Altaria got 3 locals ready to go

submitted by Kenix-47 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Special_Data2815 Renesis 1.3l Polaris RZR Swap

Anyone have any ideas for a transmission
submitted by Special_Data2815 to projectcar [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 thechief77 Iyi günler ve Iyi akşamlar değerli subreddit sakinleri

Merhabalar dostlar bugün, burada yine bugün trafikte yaşadığım iki adet olayı sizlere sormak ve danışmak amacı ile buradayım.
Ben uzun yıllardır trafikte taşıt kullanan (Gerek bisiklet gerek motor gerek araba) bir bireyim. Bugün öğleden sonra ufak bir iş için merkeze inmem gerekti ben de motorumla dışarı çıktım. Her ne kadar trafikte bir araba kadar yer kaplamasam da ben yolda araba gibi davranmam gerektiğini biliyorum ve öyle davranıyorum, emniyet şeridini hız yapmak için bir gün bile kullanmadım ve trafikte sağdan soldan kaçtığım hiç olmadı. Her neyse, kırmızı ışıkta sağa dönmek için bekliyordum bugün. Yol çift şeritliydi ve sağa döneceğim için de motorumun ön tekerleğini öndeki aracın (araba) sağ arka tekerleğine hizaladım ve yeşil ışığı bekledim. Beklediğim esnada dikiz aynasından beyaz bir Fiat aracın (model bilmiyorum araba işte) yavaş yavaş solumdaki boşluğa yanaştığını ve beni yolun sağına sıkıştırdığını farkettim. Arkamdaki araç iyice yanıma sokulduğunda muavin camı ile hizaya geldim ve şoföre "Abi ne yapmaya çalışıyorsun zaten ışık kırmızı hani hedefin ne?" dedim şoför karşılık olarak "Motorun var sağa kay azıcık işte de bana yer bırak" gibi usulsüz bir cevap aldım. Birinci sorum budur ki iki tekerli taşıtların (bisiklet ve motorların) sağdan soldan kaçması ve trafikte 3. bir şerit varmış gibi davranması doğru mu ve beni trafikte sıkıştıran bu herifin böyle sokulma hakkı var mı?
Buraya kadar ilk yaşadığım olaydı ikincisi yaya şeridi ile alakalı. Bahsettiğim gibi bugün tüm gün motorlaydım ve trafikte motorla olduğum sürece bir araba gibi yaya geçitlerinde her zaman yayaya yol veririm (her ne kadar beni sollayıp geçen aşağılık herifler olsa da!) bugün gene yaya geçidinde durdum (Geçidin sol tarafında bir anne ve çocukları, sağ tarafta ise yaya geçidi kullanan moto kurye vardı ve ben sağ şeritteydim.) Ben durmama rağmen arabalar ve yolu kullanan diğer motorlar geçti ama ben gene de geçmedim (Bu hareketim doğru mu? 2. sorum bu) belli bir süre araçlar geçmeye devam etti ve moto kurye bana "Sen versen ne yazar bunlar geçtiği sürece" dedi. Ben de bu usulsüz herifin hem yaya geçidinde motorla durmasına hem de durmayan araçlara kızmasına sinirlenerek "Çok rahatsız isen olman gerektiği yerde kullan!" dedim. Arkadaş biraz surat yaptı ve benim önümden yavaş yavaş yola geçti. 3. sorum da budur ki yaya geçidi kullanan motorlar hakkında ne düşünüyorsunuz?
Arkadaşlar bu şekilde, uzun yıllar trafikteyim ancak ülkede bu kurallar (varsa) varlığını unuttum ve emin olmak istiyorum metin de biraz uzun oldu ancak umarım sıkmamışımdır tekrardan iyi akşamlar.
submitted by thechief77 to ArabalariSikeyim [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 offthiscentury Help Choosing Between Nikon Z6 III and Nikon Zf for Action Figure/Toy Photography

Hi everyone,
I know this gets asked a lot, but I have yet to read anyone asking for my specific use case. I’m deciding between the Z6 III and Zf as my first "real" camera, upgrading from an iPhone 13. My main focus is toy/action figure photography, and plan to pair whichever model I buy with a NIKKOR Z 50mm f/1.8 S lens.
While the Z6 III seems like the obvious choice, a few things are making me pause:

I feel like either would be more than enough, but as this is my first "real" camera, I may be overthinking it. Any advice or insights—especially from those with experience in low-light stills—would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by offthiscentury to Nikon [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 bagadefente Model not downloading on macOS

I just installed version 2.5.1 on an M1 machine running Sequoia 15.1.1. Tried using Inpainting, it failed to download the first model initially but worked on the second attempt. Now, it's trying to download the second model (DiffusionBee Default 0.1), but it keeps failing every time with the attached error. I've tried around 30 times over the past hour, but the result is always the same.
The network is working perfectly fine, so that's not the issue. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? Would it be possible to manually download and install the model? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by bagadefente to DiffusionBee [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Daggy1234 Linking IOS app to desktop account

Hi, Just migrated from old PTCGO and setup some cool decks on my desktop game. I also realised there’s a mobile app and i was wondering how I could make them sync progress.
My desktop app is a Pokémon trainer club account linked to my Nintendo account. The mobile app only lets me login with google, apple or Nintendo but the Nintendo doesn’t show any progress when I try and load data.
How could I make this work!
submitted by Daggy1234 to PTCGL [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Fantastic_Daikon9292 Bored with hubby

I'm bored with my hubby in the bedroom, I want a separation to explore and he's half way on board
submitted by Fantastic_Daikon9292 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Dice7Drop Gap between original foundation and newer slab foundation- repair

Hey all, my fiancé and I bought our first home very recently and while doing some trim work I noticed a gap between the foundation of the home and a newer addition that has a slab flooring. The gap is filled with what seems like small concrete and I assume like motar (the darker 4” stuff in the picture). Can I just put backer rob in and fill it with caulk?
submitted by Dice7Drop to HomeMaintenance [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 ioXyrael Is this the highest (Level 89) comfort level we had by current patch?

Is this the highest (Level 89) comfort level we had by current patch? submitted by ioXyrael to Enshrouded [link] [comments]


I, 23 F, have been shamed and hurt by my mum. She used to slap me and hit me witha stick or belt if i didnt do well enough on tests and used to body shame me in front of her friends by buying me small clothes and telling me to fit in them. Yesterday, I was visiting my sister, 14 F, who still lives with our parents and saw my mum's friends. They were over to have lunch. When I entered the room, I heard my mum saying that I am so successful now because of her. And that I said she was the best mum ever which was of course not true. Then proceed to boast about how smart I was and how that was all her doing. She didnt know I was coming and so when I responded by saying, "No, Mum . That is not true." she looked shocked. And then I explained everything to her friends and my mum ran out the room crying. I helped my sister with her homework, left and turned my phone off. When I woke up the next morning, I had many missed calls from all my relatives. Some were on my side since they didnt know about this and were furious, but my mother's parents were angry at me for saying such 'lies'. Even my step-dad said that I was in the wrong for making her cry. It was heartbreaking for me to see my step-dad turn on me. My mum called in the afternoon and reprimanded me. I told her to shut up and cut the call. So, AITA??
submitted by violinprodigy to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 erudorgentation What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by erudorgentation to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 AR4LiveEvents Electrically identical ?

I know the barrel on the right is 75 ohms. But is the one on the left?
I’m looking at the dielectric and am scratching my head. Thanks
submitted by AR4LiveEvents to VIDEOENGINEERING [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Titan_Eternal Battleworld Day 3 (Difficulty 4) - Marvel Strike Force

Battleworld Day 3 (Difficulty 4) - Marvel Strike Force submitted by Titan_Eternal to iF2PGames [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Tough-Building-1496 Jobs in Zim...why dont we have one?

Why do we not start a job site here on Reddit. Recommend decent jobs we hear about. I'm sure we could all benefit from the info. Would you join this?
submitted by Tough-Building-1496 to Zimbabwe [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Dr_Driv3r VW Kombi T1 '73, Welly

VW Kombi T1 '73, Welly submitted by Dr_Driv3r to DiecastCustoms [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 t_297 SweetDreams

submitted by t_297 to Reverse1999Codes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Weekly_Feed_9420 stuck on black screen

i just bought xplane 11 on steam and it opened fine when it downloaded. i tweaked some settings, my game crashed and now when i try open xplane 11 im stuck on a black screen. what do i do?
submitted by Weekly_Feed_9420 to Xplane [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Weird-Sample9886 40 [M4F] Be my new daily chit chatting friend!

My work from home can sometimes be a bit less exciting. Quiet house, not much social interactivity, not always the best. I dont hate it, but this is where you come in! I'll need you and your face in my day to really survive the future. You're my only hope!
submitted by Weird-Sample9886 to snapchat [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 Bald_Mayor Pendaftaran merek dagang

submitted by Bald_Mayor to finansial [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 EstablishmentFun4149 [Hiring] US or UK individual 100/month (passive)

I need someone in either the UK or US with a spare laptop that they can run 24/7 and allow me to remotely connect to it. You'll need to sign up and verify fully on a website or two (more details will be given)
Would be nice if you could also setup a payoneer or paypal.
If you meet certain conditions i can increase the amount paid per month.
Please contact me via whatsapp +44 7379375786
Thanks :)
submitted by EstablishmentFun4149 to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:40 loonytrickster Korean 30th anniversary Dual Sense controller.

Korean 30th anniversary Dual Sense controller. submitted by loonytrickster to playstation [link] [comments]