Missing Mt Pulag 🥺

无损检测中的UT RT MT PT ET 都是什么意思?学习的时候这些有什么不同吗?1、UT: Ultrasonic test 超声波探伤超声波探伤是利用超声能透入金属材料的深处,并由一截面进入另一截面时,在界面边缘发生反射的特点来检 请问 1 MT=?T (就是一公吨等于多少吨的?怎么转换?)公吨是公制的单位,中国采用公制,所以我们中国人平常说的"吨"指的就是"公吨",可把"吨"看作是"公吨"的简称 1公吨(tonne&#4 mt/a是什么意思?意思是:煤矿年产量是1千万吨。解析:Mt--百万吨;a--年;10Mt也就是一千万,所以10Mt/a就是年产量是1千万吨的矿井。根据矿井生产能力的大小,我国把矿井划分为大、中、小三类。1.大型矿 外贸中的数量单位MT,PT是什么意思?1、MT:(metric ton)公吨,简单地说,公吨是tonne或者metric ton,其缩写为mts(经常在邮件往来中使用),吨是ton。1公吨(tonne, metric ton)= 1000公斤,1吨(ton)(英制单位 2018-01-09 “MT”是什么单位? 20 2016-12-20 想问一下,单位MT是什么意思 24 2011-10-09 Mt是什么单位 49 2008-06-22 MT是什么单位 26 2007-01-17 外贸中的数量单位MT,PT是什么意思? 28 2009-01-30 Mt是什么工作? 51 2011-12-12 哪为朋友知道MT代表什么计量单位啊?还有tons是什么计量单... MT全称为metric ton,是质量的单位,即吨。 吨是数学质量单位,生活中多用于计量较大物品的重量。 质量单位,公制一吨等于1000公斤。 美制质量或重量单位。英国为英吨,美国为美吨。 部分行业用吨标识罐体的体积:实则是1立方米的水质量大约为1吨。 扩展资料: sc管、mt、tc管、kbg,jdg都是什么管扣压紧定与套接紧定kgb管壁厚与jdg有很大区别,jdg除了16的管壁厚为1.2以外,其余全部为1.6。kbg管壁厚和管大小有关。 大于16的也有1.2的,更有的1.0的也有。kbg管是sc管的更新换 1T等于多少mT您说的是磁感应强度吗?如果是磁感应强度则 1T=1000mT在国际单位制(SI)中,磁感应强度的单位是特斯拉,简称特(T)。在高斯单位制中,磁感应强度的单位是高斯(Gs ),1T=10KGs等于10的四次方高斯。由于 Mt代表全水份、Mad代表空气干燥基水份、Aad代表灰分、Vad代表挥发分。 煤中水分分为内在水分、外在水分、结晶水和分解水。 煤中水分过大是,不利于加工、运输等,燃烧时会影响热稳定性和热传导,炼焦时会降低焦产率和延长焦化周期。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ...

2024.11.29 14:50 Born_Preparation_748 Missing Mt Pulag 🥺

Missing Mt Pulag 🥺 submitted by Born_Preparation_748 to ITookAPicturePH [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 thestupidbines Nvidia Game Filter not working

submitted by thestupidbines to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 TheFirePea2013 This flashed in my mind while eating breakfast

This flashed in my mind while eating breakfast submitted by TheFirePea2013 to PizzaTower [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 R4Z0RJ4CK The Circle sale EU

submitted by R4Z0RJ4CK to VinylDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 Uniquex_Jake GED REAL TEST PROMO CODE?

Is there any promo code for the real exam? I really need it to take. Thank you for any help.
submitted by Uniquex_Jake to GED [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 _RaXXoN_ Have you ever noticed that most of the Indian hate comments on instagram reels are from Muslims?

Have you ever noticed that most of the Indian hate comments on instagram reels are from Muslims? just a fun thing in noticed haha
submitted by _RaXXoN_ to IndiaSpeaks [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 Ar99Thur [For Hire] I draw fantasy OC illustrations in semi-realistic style

[For Hire] I draw fantasy OC illustrations in semi-realistic style submitted by Ar99Thur to artcommission [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 baneyney1234 Good powerbanks that are compact?

Nahihirapan ako mag travel with my power bank that can't even power my phine right. I have a samsung s22 and my power bank is twice the thickness of my phone and it doesn't fit my waist bag. Any recommendations on what kind of powerbanks are compact and had the capacity to charge phones like mine? Currently have a Tylex powerbank I got it on sale years ago but medyo sira nadin siya kase sa kakahulog 😅 it still charges my tablet but not convenient since I dont really travel with my table
submitted by baneyney1234 to phtravel [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 NotNowImBusyMom Karma hits hard.

This subreddit is actually filled with dumbfucks.
submitted by NotNowImBusyMom to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 SnoozeDoggyDog My first post here, some of my own X-Men designs I've done this past year! (r/beanzaru)

submitted by SnoozeDoggyDog to Cyclopswasright [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 tilesmanxola Casually watching soccer

submitted by tilesmanxola to TheCatReport [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 11th_hour_dork Help me understand why I’d use anything beyond Cursor?

I’m not a software engineer, but I do a lot of systems design/low-code modeling. Over the last few months, I’ve begun developing some tools using LLM, and have generally been blown away by how LLMs have given me access to building things I would have needed a SWE for before.
I have ChatGPT, 2 Claude subscriptions, and a cursor pro subscription.
I use O1 preview for review/analysis/debugging/scoping.
I use Claude to generate initial files, and review/analyze any changes that I don’t fully understand to existing code by pasting in cursor diffs (toggling between accounts because of the rate limits).
Finally - when it comes to the actual code writing/editing itself, I use cursor. Using composer to edit code/seeing the diffs (vs copy/pasting from apps) has been a gamechanger
I’m paying $80/month, but I know that I’m capped at that $80/month in spend. I’ve heard of other in-line editors (cline, aider, etc) that people swear by - but given that I’m fumbling around/debugging a lot (inexperience), I’m hesitant to make the switch given they have pay-as-you go models. That said, I want to make sure I stay open to using better solutions, as the moves from ChatGPT > Claude > Cursor > combinations of all 3 have lead to significant progress each time.
So - for anyone with experience across the tools I’ve used + ones I haven’t… what should I be thinking about?
submitted by 11th_hour_dork to ChatGPTCoding [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 kdbleeep Supervisor

submitted by kdbleeep to BestOfWholesomeSubs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 EcstaticReach8496 Pose Doll Kit by Super Junk

Pose Doll Kit by Super Junk Hi everyone,
I’m on the hunt for an unopened Pose Doll Pattern + Kit by Super Junk, but I haven’t had much luck finding one. I’ve tried searching online but haven’t been able to track anything down.
If anyone knows where I might be able to buy one or has any leads, I’d really appreciate your help!
Thanks in advance!
submitted by EcstaticReach8496 to Dolls [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 NoaTheModel Selfportrait

Selfportrait submitted by NoaTheModel to 35mm [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 kdbleeep Golden

Golden submitted by kdbleeep to BestOfWholesomeSubs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 Womed19941a The road is not the stage

submitted by Womed19941a to CrazyFuckingVideos [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 tributer88009 Bianca Andreescu - Canadian tennis player

Bianca Andreescu - Canadian tennis player submitted by tributer88009 to HottestFemaleAthletes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 Salmanlovesdeers Was India called Bharat in any non-religious texts before 18th Century?

By this I mean the Maurya inscriptions refer India as Jambudvipa, did anyone refer it as Bharat/Bharatavarsha other than religious texts?
Thanks for any and all answers.
submitted by Salmanlovesdeers to IndianHistory [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 Ichigokurosaki69420 Shikaar Maryada

What's the maryada for hunting? You can't really do Chandi Di Var while hunting so whats the maryada for doing hunting and could someone provide sources asw if possible?
submitted by Ichigokurosaki69420 to Sikh [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 bucketjai Why don’t al nassr fans go to games

The Al Awal park is a disgrace. For the past year these fans have been showing no support meaning we have essentially no home games. I can’t wait till these guys go back to signing players like “Petros” because the only reason they have players like Otavio and Brozovic is because of Ronaldo.
submitted by bucketjai to AlNassr [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 Ripamon Who Wins This Kenjutsu Battle?

Who Wins This Kenjutsu Battle? submitted by Ripamon to NarutoPowerscaling [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 Proof-Ad920 Cséplőné Gönczi Veronika

Főigazgató asszony. MP többször felhozta már, hogy rettegnek tőle a gyermekvédelmi dolgozók. Miért? Ki ez a nő? Gulyás Gergely a héten azt mondta, hogy a gyermekvédelem jelenlegi állapota az főigazgatói hatáskor, akkor ezek szerint várhatunk felelősségre vonásra?
submitted by Proof-Ad920 to hungary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 _green_butterfly_ Quero perguntar pra ex esposa do meu namorado se ele era narcisista

Namoro um cara que é divorciado e foi casado por 8 anos. Ele diz que a ex esposa é narcisista, chegou numa época que começou a fazer mal pra ele mentalmente e ele teve até alopécia de tanto estresse.
Enfim, agora EU que tô começando a desconfiar que o narcisista é ele..
Vcs acham errado perguntar pra ex esposa como foi a relação, ou se ele era narcisista ou coisa do tipo? Eu realmente não sei como perguntar pra ela.
submitted by _green_butterfly_ to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:50 Harry524920 Mtg

Kd age is around 32 days yet im still waiting for mtg come. Anyone know when it will come. Been saving gems for vip and i can get a bit impatient
submitted by Harry524920 to RiseofKingdoms [link] [comments]
