
2024.11.29 14:43 DrByNight Score

submitted by DrByNight to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:43 JaneDoeee21 I need your urgent advice/help

Saan po kaya pwede humingi ng help?
Na diagnose po kase na may UTI po yung cat namin. Nadala na po sya sa clinic last last week kase napansin namin na hirap sya umihi. Nilagyan sya ng catheter at binigyan ng mga gamot na ipapainom. After a few days, natanggal nya yung catheter nya at binalik uli namin sya sa vet para ipainsert uli. Tas lumipas yung 1 week natanggal na yung catheter, pero sabi ng vet tatanggalin naman na rin daw yon since 1 week na nga. Pero up until now, hirap pa rin sya umihi and sobrang red ng ihi nya and napansin ko na medyo matamlay sya. Hindi na namin afford ang surgery na sinusuggest ng vet since naka 8k na kami + yung gamot nya. Saan po kaya kami pwedeng lumapit? Or ano po kaya yung mga nag ooffer na clinic or hospital ng murang surgery para matanggal ang crystals nya? Thank you!
submitted by JaneDoeee21 to catsofrph [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:43 Hardworkinggoat45343 REGIELEKI RAID. 940013474816

submitted by Hardworkinggoat45343 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:43 beauteshelf Raya Referral!

I’m a Raya+ member, and I’m selling some referrals! Only $60 this weekend — message me your insta and we’ll go from there :)
submitted by beauteshelf to RayaReferral [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:43 Tannernsx cutest little thing i saw today

cutest little thing i saw today submitted by Tannernsx to dumplingmeme [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:43 Chewie_1337 Unquenchable thurst for gaming / dopamine addiction ?

Hey all,
so i am near my 30s now and loved to play games since i was about 10 years old. I played and enjoyed countless games since then.
My favourites so far are: 1. Runescape 2. Rocket League 3. Pokemon 4. Battlefield 3
I've been in a bit of a dilemma for a while now, or rather, I have an extreme craving for gaming, but nothing seems to quench that thurst.
In my head, I imagine, "Great, I'm really in the mood for this game right now." Then I start playing and realize... it doesn't feel that great at all. Then I turn it off, and the craving comes back again. It feels like I'm somehow addicted to endorphins, but they don't seem to come from anything anymore.
Does anyone know this feeling?
You might think, "Well, I'll just stop gaming if no game is fun for me." But this inner craving remains, even if I don't play for several weeks. I want those feelings again, my body is practically drawn to the PC, only to realize... it's not that great after all.
When I do get excited about a game again, I notice that I can’t stop playing. When I try to take breaks, I unconsciously react like a little brat over the smallest things. My body just wants to play again.
It sounds strange, but sometimes it feels like my subconscious knows: "Alright, if you're annoyed enough, others (like your girlfriend) will leave you alone, and you can get back to gaming." This is how real life gets ruined.
I don’t understand how so many people out there can play for hours, turn off the game, and go back to their normal life as if nothing happened. For me, there’s always an internal struggle after I stop playing.
Even with relaxing games, I get nightmares, sleep poorly, feel completely drained for days, and sometimes even have anxiety. All of this fades when I don’t game for a longer period.
It seems like gaming just doesn’t agree with me. But I also can’t go without it. And finding a middle ground isn’t possible because the urge is too strong.
Am I just more susceptible to this? How do you all deal with it? I’d love to hear your thoughts and share experiences. :)
submitted by Chewie_1337 to truegaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:43 TormentedGaming I keep seeing velocatiel comments and had to try for you guys

I keep seeing velocatiel comments and had to try for you guys My mom used to have a many cockatiels while I was growing up so I'm fond of this sub, and lurk and comment once in a while.
I used copilot to create these, your mileage may vary, especially through different generators, my original attempt was trying to get a replacement of the velociraptor in the clever girl scene but didn't work someone with better prompts may be able to do it with an ai video for hahas,
The prompt I used is
"A velociraptor with feathers, a yellow head, orange cheeks, grey and white feathers, and a cockatiel's beak and face."
Hope this post tickles your funny bone, and gives you a laugh, have a great day.
submitted by TormentedGaming to cockatiel [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:43 jvc72 Buy Signal Merus NV - 29 Nov 2024 @ 09:40 -> USD44.40

Ticker: MRUS
Exchange: NASDAQ
Time: 29 Nov 2024 @ 09:40
Price: USD44.40
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:43 gorefleesh pensando em comprar, é boa?

pensando em comprar, é boa? fala galera, tô no rumo de comprar minha segunda guitarra e me deparei com essa promoção e ai veio a duvida: ela eh boa? alguem tem dessa e gosta?
submitted by gorefleesh to guitarras [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:43 reluctantcatholicmom How can you tell that the church I entered is not Catholic?

How can you tell that the church I entered is not Catholic? I visited Hallstatt, Austria. I entered this church and felt something was off. Turns out it was a protestant (lutheran) church. I can’t quite put my finger on it but what are some flags that this is not catholic?
Went around and saw a portrait of Martin Luther. Ok, that confirms my suspicion.
submitted by reluctantcatholicmom to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:43 fishoni [OC] One

[OC] One submitted by fishoni to TheSubstance [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:43 Report_Little My holiday fit yesterday 🥰🍁

My holiday fit yesterday 🥰🍁 submitted by Report_Little to Crossdress_Expression [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:43 DJMC2001 new video dropped, enjoy the video

new video dropped, enjoy the video submitted by DJMC2001 to DFO [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:43 Bogdan_X Trecutul negru, prezentul corupt și viitorul liber

Parlamentul are creionul cu care se desenează România și este organul reprezentativ suprem al poporului. Alegerile cu cea mai mare importanță pentru viitorul nostru sunt parlamentarele de duminică, mai ales în contextul amenințării acestui val de extremism. Ce face parlamentul?
• parlamentul poate iniția modificarea constituției
• parlamentul numește 6 din cei 9 judecători ai CCR, cea care tocmai au decis renumărarea voturilor
• parlamentul aprobă guvernul (prim ministrul și miniștrii)
• parlamentul face legile și aprobă ordonanțele de urgență date de guvern, ordonanțe ca OUG 13 a lui Dragnea
• parlamentul are puterea de a suspenda președintele
• parlamentul este cel care ne poate reforma justiția, sănătatea și educația
• parlamentul va decide dacă se fac sau nu autostrăzi și căi ferate de mare viteză
• parlamentul decide cât de mari vor fi taxele anul viitor
• parlamentul decide câte pensii speciale avem și câți bugetari mănâncă din banii noștrii
• parlamentul influențează dacă rămânem în UE sau nu; în Georgia, o țară sub bocancul lui Putin, chiar acum există proteste violente deoarece s-au suspendat negocierile intrării în UE pentru 4 ani - așa arată o țară unde admiratori sau sclavi ai lui Putin conduc
Cu alte cuvinte, în timp ce îmbătrânești în trenul mizerabil sau pe șoselele periculoase din țară, fiind enervat că ai dat 8 lei pe un suc la 0.5, sau când ți-e frică să mergi în spital că s-ar putea să nu ieși viu de acolo și nu ai absolut nicio speranță că cineva ți-ar face dreptate, ori când ai nevoie de o hârtie de la vreo instituție publică și ești tratat ca un gunoi și vezi că educația și profesorii din țară sunt luate în glumă, gândește-te că e responsabilitatea ta să schimbi aceste lucruri.
România nu se schimbă în mai bine peste noapte, nu există miracole, nu există soluție salvatoare, indiferent cât visează unii, dar se schimbă. Întrebarea astăzi este dacă vrem să mergem înainte, sau înapoi. Avem de ales între un trecut negru, cu AUR, POT și SOS, un prezent corupt, cu PSD și PNL, și un viitor liber, cu USR, REPER, SENS și DREPT. Toți susținătorii lui Georgescu se vor coagula în partidele extremiste. Împreună, votanții lor au ~3.5 milioane de voturi. Dacă prezența la parlamentare rămâne ca acum 4 ani, când au fost 5.7 milioane de oameni, putem să ne luăm adio de la o Românie liberă pentru toți și să urăm bun venit bocancului lui Putin.
Ieșiți la vot români! Lăsați „Ignoranța, rădăcina și trunchiul tuturor relelor.” și țineți minte, „Pentru ca răul să triumfe, este suficient ca oamenii buni să nu facă nimic."
Eu știu că voi știți lucrurile acestea, dar am zis să las asta aici pentru a putea posta mesajul acesta și pe alte rețele de socializare prietenilor voștri care încă nu s-au hotărât dacă și cu cine votează. Dacă aveți și sugestii de adăugat, puteți să le lăsați în comentarii, ori să postați direct cu modificările voastre.
submitted by Bogdan_X to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:43 Robot-Man97 Favorite Monsters

Favorite Monsters These are my favorite monsters. I’ve made decks with these monsters for years and still include them in some way or fashion.
submitted by Robot-Man97 to yugiohshowcase [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:43 theeeetechkid 2kg wheel on Simucube Sport

Just recently bought a Simucube Sport and pre ordered the Grid Engineering Porsche RSR wheel which weights about 2kg. I’ll be running the base at max 10-12 nm due to a previous elbow injury. Would the weight of the wheel dramatically reduce the detail of the feedback at the strength I’d run the base at? Does it make sense to get the Pro instead because of the higher slew rate?
submitted by theeeetechkid to simracing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:43 Kybzs Hi I am looking to buy a turntable for my partner and I am a bit lost, can I get some help?

I have absolutely no experience with turntables or speakers, but I know my boyfriend has really good speakers so I am gonna assume they can support turntables. I was thinking of the Audio-Technica AT-LP60XBT but any other recommendations? Would prefer if buying anything extra is unneeded.
submitted by Kybzs to turntables [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:43 BrickNMordor Field of 68 - who funds it?

I enjoy some of their stuff, so this isn't meant to trash them, at all. They travel to a lot of events, big and small, and are always streaming and posting videos.
The thing that makes me scratch my head is that their numbers just don't seem to add up to being able to afford the types of coverage they provide. I've seen them with 6 talking heads at one tournament. That's 6 flights, 6 rooms, meals for 6 people and that doesn't count any behind the scenes folks. The view count on some of these videos is minimal.
Does anyone know who funds it? Someone has to be dumping money into it, as either a passion project or a tax writeoff.
submitted by BrickNMordor to CollegeBasketball [link] [comments]



2024.11.29 14:43 Available_Age7592 Statler didn't like the way TLC portraited her, but didn't stop her from signing up for another season

Statler didn't like the way TLC portraited her, but didn't stop her from signing up for another season submitted by Available_Age7592 to 90dayfianceuncensored [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:43 cyberjayar Moraine to the rescue

submitted by cyberjayar to WoT [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:43 Any_Panic_8759 .

submitted by Any_Panic_8759 to theshordybacks [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:43 smokeweed69429 Is there a way I can transfer expedition companions to my normal save?

Found these cool ass siege engine looking creatures on a scorched world and I really want to take them with me (along with my dissonance beetle). How do I do it if I can?
submitted by smokeweed69429 to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:43 RichFaceWatchFace Check out our Black Friday offer!

Check out our Black Friday offer! submitted by RichFaceWatchFace to androidwatchfaces [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 14:43 cassiegross95 Blake Lively on the Set of 'It Ends With Us' in New Jersey, January 12, 2024

Blake Lively on the Set of 'It Ends With Us' in New Jersey, January 12, 2024 Blake Lively on the Set of 'It Ends With Us' in New Jersey, January 12, 2024
submitted by cassiegross95 to FameFrenzy [link] [comments]