1. The Mielsen Company(荷兰VNU集团子公司--尼尔森市场研究公司),2007年的营业总额为30亿欧元; 2. IMS Health(美国艾美仕市场研究公司),营业总额为14.12亿欧元; 3. Taylor Nelson Sofres(英国TNS市场研究公司),营业总额为13.50亿欧元; 4. company一般指有限责任公司,用得较普遍。 Corporation与Inc.(全称Incorporated)是一样的,只是说法不一,样指综合性、集团性公司。 Co.Ltd(全称Company Limited),指股份有限公司,是针对某一个特定的公司. Company含义较广,可以是各种公司的统称或泛指。 This research is supported by company A and may lead to the development of products that may have been licensed by company B in which I have A business and/or financial interest. I have fully disclosed these interests to Taylor and have developed an approved plan to manage any potential conflicts that may arise from such an arrangement. factory是泛指工厂、厂房。factory也有代理店的意思。 manufactory是指手工生产的工厂。用在手工制造业,也可以是小加工业,但是那种大型的流水线作业比如说像一汽那样的企业就不能用这个了,可以用factor company一般指有限责任公司,用得较普遍。 Corporation与Inc.(全称Incorporated)是一样的,只是说法不一,样指综合性、集团性公司。 Co.Ltd(全称Company Limited),指股份有限公司,是针对某一个特定的公司. Company含义较广,可以是各种公司的统称或泛指。 百度一下你就知道,多么霸气的广告词啊!在我们生活、工作当中,遇到问题,很多时候都会上网查一下,这时候大家基本都会选择百度一下,但是由于对搜索引擎知识的匮乏,大多数时候,我们使用百度搜索出来的结果都是不上自己想要的,甚至还有很多人被百度推荐的广告给误导。 Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Nominees Limited (英文简称HKSCC Nominees Limited)。 香港中央结算有限公司是港交所全资附属公司。投资者股份集中存放在香港中央结算有限公司。 当公司发展到一定阶段所推崇出来的一个口号. 当百度逐渐被越来越多人使用的时候,"百度一下"也就成为了中文搜索的代名词,这就跟在国外"google"能进词典一样.最初可能是靠网民的口口相传,大家都说"啥啥啥百度一下呗"之类的,当说的人多了,就形成了一种网络流行语,而百度公司看到这种现象再进行 ... 1、公司名称(the name of the company) 2、本人姓名(person’s name) 3、职位、职称、头衔(position, title) 4、公司地址 (the address of your company) 5、电话号码 (telephone number) 6、传真号码 (fax number) 7、电子邮箱 ( E-mail address) 扩展资料: 名片中常用职称、头衔名称的英文翻译 1、公司名称:the name of company. 2、姓名:person's name. 3、职位、职称、头衔:position,title. 4、公司地址:the address of your company. 5、电话号码:telephone number. 6、传真号码:fax number. 7、电子邮箱:E-mail address. 扩展资料. 名片要素. 1、属于造形的构成要素有:
2024.11.29 14:50 No-Classroom-3258 Bots and other company??
can someone tell me why everytime somebody make respectful complaint some of the ppl in this group here get really mad and call us bots or that we dumb for asking ? Lmao ppl get really mad to the point ya where deleting the post about the moldy weed and waiting more than 2 weeks for a zip or straigh up insult them
Pd: i like lit weed love it but that customer service maaan
submitted by No-Classroom-3258 to LitFarms [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:50 OnettiDescontrolado La Intendencia de Montevideo otorgó una partida de 25 mil pesos a los funcionarios presupuestados
submitted by OnettiDescontrolado to uruguay [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:50 kdbleeep BUnnY Is cooKed to DEatH,Oh GrEAT HEAVeNS!
submitted by kdbleeep to BestOfWholesomeSubs [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:50 Laurela-_- ¿Como hago una fila/columna/tira de imágenes como en la rule 34?
Sonará estupido, pero escuchenme un momento; He estado viendo por MUCHO tiempo como rayos hacer que varías imágenes se junten, fusionen en una sola.
Igual como en la rule 34 ya que es el mejor ejemplo en el que puedo pensar, porque las imágenes ahí no están separadas, es SOLO una imagen con un tamaño exagerado uniendo un montón de imágenes.
Y cuándo se descarga es igual a como se vé, una solo imagen de digamos... 2000 x 2000 que se vé igual a un comíc con más de 15 o 20 imágenes.
Como hago eso? Cual es el truco? Cuál es la aplicación?
Lo único que he encontrado son para hacer COLLAGE, y cuándo creí encontrar una verdadera solución tenían un límite de fusión de muy pocas imágenes.
No es algo vital lo sé, pero eh estado tanto tiempo con esta espina de incertidumbre que ya se me hizo irritante.
submitted by Laurela-_- to Colombia [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:50 Simmumah Bro is trying to start a war between us and amazon
submitted by Simmumah to Fedexers [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:50 freegaff first one since getting the charm
big nosepass/probopass lover so more than happy i managed to get him submitted by freegaff to PokemonScarletViolet [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:50 ShallotNo9829 Water damaged leather!
My sister’s Mulberry Bayswater after her water bottle leaked 😰. The photos show it now it has fully dried. Any tips for getting it back to its best? Thanks! submitted by ShallotNo9829 to handbags [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:50 Born_Preparation_748 Missing Mt Pulag 🥺
submitted by Born_Preparation_748 to ITookAPicturePH [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:50 thestupidbines Nvidia Game Filter not working
submitted by thestupidbines to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:50 Rude-Temporary2602 Annoying cough
So i screwed up a couple days ago and drunk two lemonades and two cranberry tropicals. Well now i have this annoying cough two days later and i don’t know how to get rid of it. I been taking tums and pepto bismol and the cough is just becoming more annoying. Any ideas how to get rid of it
submitted by Rude-Temporary2602 to GERD [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:50 szhenb581 Click 4 Click
Will try to get everyone’s!
submitted by szhenb581 to PKMNTikTokDeals [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:50 TheFirePea2013 This flashed in my mind while eating breakfast
submitted by TheFirePea2013 to PizzaTower [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:50 Future-House-8998 Can someone help me in identify the year on this mini? Spotted in Damascus, Syria.
submitted by Future-House-8998 to MINI [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:50 CREATOROFREALMS Xan't risk it for sorry about this
submitted by CREATOROFREALMS to shitposting [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:50 R4Z0RJ4CK The Circle sale EU
submitted by R4Z0RJ4CK to VinylDeals [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:50 Uniquex_Jake GED REAL TEST PROMO CODE?
Is there any promo code for the real exam? I really need it to take. Thank you for any help.
submitted by Uniquex_Jake to GED [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:50 _RaXXoN_ Have you ever noticed that most of the Indian hate comments on instagram reels are from Muslims?
just a fun thing in noticed haha submitted by _RaXXoN_ to IndiaSpeaks [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:50 Agile_Shower5303 Dakota with DamageCTRL
submitted by Agile_Shower5303 to DakotaKaiWWE [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:50 Ar99Thur [For Hire] I draw fantasy OC illustrations in semi-realistic style
submitted by Ar99Thur to artcommission [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:50 baneyney1234 Good powerbanks that are compact?
Nahihirapan ako mag travel with my power bank that can't even power my phine right. I have a samsung s22 and my power bank is twice the thickness of my phone and it doesn't fit my waist bag. Any recommendations on what kind of powerbanks are compact and had the capacity to charge phones like mine? Currently have a Tylex powerbank I got it on sale years ago but medyo sira nadin siya kase sa kakahulog 😅 it still charges my tablet but not convenient since I dont really travel with my table
submitted by baneyney1234 to phtravel [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:50 NotNowImBusyMom Karma hits hard.
This subreddit is actually filled with dumbfucks.
submitted by NotNowImBusyMom to TeenIndia [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:50 SnoozeDoggyDog My first post here, some of my own X-Men designs I've done this past year! (r/beanzaru)
submitted by SnoozeDoggyDog to Cyclopswasright [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:50 tilesmanxola Casually watching soccer
submitted by tilesmanxola to TheCatReport [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:50 11th_hour_dork Help me understand why I’d use anything beyond Cursor?
I’m not a software engineer, but I do a lot of systems design/low-code modeling. Over the last few months, I’ve begun developing some tools using LLM, and have generally been blown away by how LLMs have given me access to building things I would have needed a SWE for before.
I have ChatGPT, 2 Claude subscriptions, and a cursor pro subscription.
I use O1 preview for review/analysis/debugging/scoping.
I use Claude to generate initial files, and review/analyze any changes that I don’t fully understand to existing code by pasting in cursor diffs (toggling between accounts because of the rate limits).
Finally - when it comes to the actual code writing/editing itself, I use cursor. Using composer to edit code/seeing the diffs (vs copy/pasting from apps) has been a gamechanger
I’m paying $80/month, but I know that I’m capped at that $80/month in spend. I’ve heard of other in-line editors (cline, aider, etc) that people swear by - but given that I’m fumbling around/debugging a lot (inexperience), I’m hesitant to make the switch given they have pay-as-you go models. That said, I want to make sure I stay open to using better solutions, as the moves from ChatGPT > Claude > Cursor > combinations of all 3 have lead to significant progress each time.
So - for anyone with experience across the tools I’ve used + ones I haven’t… what should I be thinking about?
submitted by 11th_hour_dork to ChatGPTCoding [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:50 kdbleeep Supervisor
submitted by kdbleeep to BestOfWholesomeSubs [link] [comments]