2024.11.29 14:40 Dreamy_Honey TIL that half of all plastics ever made were made in the last 15 years
submitted by Dreamy_Honey to todayilearned [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:40 GooseStaff-art Sun Imp & Goblin Shaman
Some creatures I drew recently. submitted by GooseStaff-art to doodles [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:40 ratInASuit Check out my new solo TTRPG "Ice, Snow, and the Quest for Salvation" right now for free
submitted by ratInASuit to rpgpromo [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:40 adasiukevich You’ll never walk alone - Celtic Vs Atletico Madrid - A show of support to Palestine
submitted by adasiukevich to Palestine [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:40 adukadu [WON] As of now, Kenny Omega wants to take it slow before going back full-time with the idea of easing into a full-time schedule down the line and hoping everything holds up.
submitted by adukadu to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:40 Much_Application_986 random idea but suitu should add gifting
if we get items we have already gotten or do not want instead of recycling we could gift these items to other players same with gems, coins etc.
submitted by Much_Application_986 to SuitU [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:40 EducationalAd4989 LC
submitted by EducationalAd4989 to BalenciagaLC [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:40 Alarmed-Exchange-234 Is it normal for one knee to grind but the other one not?
My left knee grinds, sounds like creptis but not in my right. I'd say it would hurt if I like squat fast down. I'm 19
submitted by Alarmed-Exchange-234 to Kneesovertoes [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:40 BitterSweet10 She's definitely a looker
submitted by BitterSweet10 to StreetTripleR [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:40 Affectionate-Spot395 Switching from iPad Air (5th Gen): 256 GB to iPad Mini (512 GB)
I am a undergraduate Psychology student at a university. For two years, I have been using iPad Air (5th Gen.). From yesterday, I was thinking of switching from iPad Air to iPad Mini because iPad Mini is too portable for me compared to air. I just used iPad for my Statistics and minimal Science courses. Most of the PSYCH lectures can be done on laptop.
As a uni student with this major, is it wise for me to switch from iPad Air to iPad Mini. Please let me know. I can't decide!!!
submitted by Affectionate-Spot395 to ipadmini [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:40 ShiwaniK Focus on N-E: PM Modi to inaugurate ‘Ashtalakshmi Mahotsav’ on Dec 6
submitted by ShiwaniK to TheWeeklyVoice [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:40 Strict_Engine4039 I was wondering what is PDai?
I sacrificed for pulsex and after I realised the project went to shite and I’ll never get that money back I noticed people n the community fomo over PDai what is it?
submitted by Strict_Engine4039 to pulseX [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:40 Elegant-Flamingo-463 What font is "A Nonsense Christmas" in?
submitted by Elegant-Flamingo-463 to identifythisfont [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:40 bobbylink21 Got my first $10k bagger on $ACHR!
Thank you to Saint u/joprax and the WSB mods (yall know why 😘) submitted by bobbylink21 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:40 NoWalk4578 I am new to videography. Should I buy the 6K pro or Pyxis?
submitted by NoWalk4578 to blackmagicdesign [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:40 Huwan8 Should I get RG Nu or RG Sazabi
Help, I can’t decide which gunpla I should get next between RG Nu or RG Sazabi. I really only care about looks lol. Which do you guys think would look good with my current collection: HG Calibarn, HG Michaelis, and HG Gundam Astray Red Dragon. I’ve always loved RG nu but I think it looks already too similar to the ones I have? While Sazabi has a very different look but I’m not sure if it’s too bulky and would look out of place with my collection (which are mostly predominantly white kits) If you have other suggestions, I am open as long as the kit is 1/144, preferrably RG Thanks! submitted by Huwan8 to GundamModels [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:40 AppropriateFudge2099 Box3 vermogen belasting
Hi, Ik had wat crypto ooit gekocht en totaal vergeten. Recentelijk bij de scheiding kwam ik hier weer achter. Dit vrijwillig bij de belastingdienst aangegeven en ze hebben nu eindelijk vastgesteld dat ik belasting moet betalen over een vermogen van 145.000 voor 2022 in box 3. En vragen of ik hiermee akkoord ga. Ik heb al overal op de belastingdienst website en rekentooltjes gekeken maar krijg extreem uiteenlopende resultaten van 880 euro tot aan 45.000 euro wat ik zou moeten betalen. Iemand hier met meer kennis hiervan die mij een duidelijker antwoord of iig een kleinere range kan aangeven waar ik aan moet denken als ik dit accepteer? Of moet ik hier bezwaar tegen maken?
Ter context: ik had in 2022 geen andere schulden behalve mijn hypotheek van 200.000 en een autolening van 50.000
submitted by AppropriateFudge2099 to geldzaken [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:40 DefenseExpress What Else russian Defense Minister Belousov Came to Ask From North Korea | Defense Express
submitted by DefenseExpress to ukrainewar [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:40 Apprehensive_Foot595 A Definite Confirmation
I just want to say that I finally understand that I am actually not the problem. And I can truly say and trust myself. I AM NOT WRONG. MY MOTHER IS.
I am worthy and capable of a good life. If I work hard and keep up what I've been doing.
Recently I have had a twist of fate. As if everything is going perfectly fine. I worked hard and I made sure balance my time to the best of my ability. I have made friends, kept them in touch. I have a good romantic relationship in the buffer. My academics are great. My future is bright. My options are secure. Financially I'm well off enough. I just turned 21. I am recovering physically. I have a good head on my shoulders I'm smiling. I am enjoying life.
The one thing all those have 1 singular thing in common. My mother, wasn't next to me physically. Directly in close contact. She was in my life as a phoen call or text away. And that's it. I had what I needed to survive. Our talks were cordial enough. I say I love you to her. I did my best.
Once I came back to her apartment. Just for the weekend. For the first few hours I thought this might work. Maybe she changed no. Her actions her words. Everything. I can't take it anymore. If I stay like this forever. I will drown by her. Letting her fill me with all this, negativity I'll die.
I tried so hard, just to smile and actually appreciate life. Trying to live. Trying to understand life isn't hit to survive. Maybe there's more to it. No. These couple of hours. I can't.
So, to anyone out there, who is hesitating, "Maybe my toxic parent is right". But you have done your very best. You have a life that you worked so hard for, and the only thing stopping you is them. Leave. This is your sign to actually leave.
I have made up my mind, I actually am decent. I am not a bad daughter. I am not a bad you g adult. I am not perfect, but I'm doing well. I am not a failure. I just need to leave her. I can't save her anymore. I won't stay as a emotional crutch. This is my father's problem to deal with. Not mine anymore.
submitted by Apprehensive_Foot595 to toxicparents [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:40 Squizie3 Sometimes the enemy comes from within the family. [accident in Belgium, no one was harmed]
submitted by Squizie3 to fuckcars [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:40 Chchchch3rryb0mbx Weekly 5x5
submitted by Chchchch3rryb0mbx to lastfm [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 14:40 Warfrogger Quick Head lift question
I have 3 oil extractors. A and B are on the same level and <10meters below the factory floor. C is down a cliff of at least 50 meters. If I let A and B run until they backflow down the pipe to C completely filling it will the pipe leading to C inherit their head lift or will C still need still need its own pump once flow changes direction towards the factory.
Crude, no pun intended, Excel Diagram
submitted by Warfrogger to SatisfactoryGame [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:40 Luc3e Anyone get the code for $100 off on the Bigme store?
Please share! I think it is not a unique code
submitted by Luc3e to eink [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:40 PointZeroGames Aim his tail
submitted by PointZeroGames to PointZeroGames [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 14:40 gyipkin [SG] Drop + Sennheiser/EPOS PC38X [W] £130 - collection SE1 London
Drop + SennheiseEPOS PC38X perfect for gaming .
Still in a great condition.
Amazing soundstage and imaging .
Number 1 option is collection , I can also post after payment.
submitted by gyipkin to HardwareSwapUK [link] [comments]