30% off Black friday sale - Ultimate UI, prebuilt templates for Framer

2024.11.29 15:40 soltwagner 30% off Black friday sale - Ultimate UI, prebuilt templates for Framer

30% off Black friday sale - Ultimate UI, prebuilt templates for Framer 24 hours left — best deal on Frameblox! 🙌
30% off Black Friday sale 👇
Ultimate UI Kit for Framer: plugin, components library, prebuilt pages, templates, lifetime access, regular updates, and more... 🎉
Get it now https://www.frameblox.com
submitted by soltwagner to framer [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 LilLuke21 4 High beam harness

Hey guys, I have a 1994 k1500 that I am trying to do the 4 high beam mod on. I see tutorials everywhere on YouTube with links to purchase the wiring harness but it seems like every one is marked as unavailable or sold out. Does anyone know where I can purchase one or have the blueprints to build one? Thanks
submitted by LilLuke21 to obschevy [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 Downtown-Ad4335 I know i just posted, but this game is so cooked

Out of my last 100 matches. I would guess that maybe 3 of them were actually gameplay. The other 97 is just stand in place launching projectiles as fast as their character can. And run away in an absolute panic when i aproach. Repeat steps.
Do you have rocks where your brain should be? Or is your IQ actually low enough to enjoy that shit? Do you also enjoy getting your lil dumb ass 3 stocked?
Really cant imagine why other gaming communities make fun of smash players the most. Yall Have fun w this shit fest, majorly dumbed down version of the game. Im spent w Super Dodgeball Bros.
In the wise words of a hilarious karen of a smash tourney “ENJOY YOUR VIRGINITIES”
submitted by Downtown-Ad4335 to SmashRage [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 EJnos04 To all the people saying it’s a 1Lp

How? Like when he said that Dawn FM was a short chapter and it’s 2LP. And now that we’re at the longer chapter ( he tweeted something like “this was a short chapter not this next one tho”) how do we get a 1LP situation? I want to hear toughts on this 😄
submitted by EJnos04 to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 Leading_Plan6775 On Video Essays and Educational Content

I love video essays. I hate video essays.
We live in a largely audio-visual world, it's highly stimulating. If given the choice between only reason something, only listening to something, or watching a video, most people will pick the video. It replicates real life to use multiple senses in an interaction than it does to only use one sense.
So if I want to learn more about a topic, what's my first response? To go on YouTube or TikTok and find a video of someone talking about it. For most social issues, there's a wealth of videos of people sharing research, opinions, and anecdotes already condensed down into 40 minutes of easily consumable content. For some more academic topics, it's more of a toss up.
What's the issue? These videos are made to be easily consumable. Which is great! They can appeal to a larger audience! More people can watch and enjoy the videos. I even heard one video essayist say this was to make education more accessible. I can't begin to tell you how many videos I watched as a kid and how many great things I learned about. But that's also the issue, they were all at my level as a kid.
Now that I'm older, they don't live up to my expectations the same. I can recognize the lack of substantial research and evidence, the loose ends never tied up or even addressed, the shallowness and surface level approach to hard hitting topics. As a kid these flew over my head, I took away the spark notes and called it a day. I feel like I was promised a yacht and got a paddle boat. I just come away unsatisfied.
How does this create the same addictive feeling that pure entertainment videos might? Assuming you've got a bit of education or experience past that of a middle schooler, you'll recognize these gaps even subconsciously. Your brain will be looking to fill in the missing information you were promised. So you go: Click. Next video. Maybe this guy will ACTUALLY get into it. No? Ok. Click. Next video.
Cue the endless cycle of clicking, watching, clicking, watching, and never becoming truly satisfied with how you've spent your time.
These video essayists say that they are "making education more accessible," but they're not giving you an education. They are creating content. They are engaging viewers. They are giving you just enough information to be curious and keep watching until they've got enough ad spaces and engagement to cast you aside and call it a day.
Are there exceptions? Of course there are, there's exceptions to every rule. The point of this post is for you to recognize that if you are on a journey to cut back on an addiction to the internet, you have to vigilantly review EVERYTHING you consume and how it affects you. You cannot assume that content creators of any kind have what's best for you, the consumer, in mind.
submitted by Leading_Plan6775 to nosurf [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 Dear-Mycologist6286 Need Help Deciding on Bathroom Renovation Options – Which One Makes More Sense?

Need Help Deciding on Bathroom Renovation Options – Which One Makes More Sense? submitted by Dear-Mycologist6286 to floorplan [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 iton428 What is my vibe ? And first impression on me

What is my vibe ? And first impression on me Yes i a sick on the 2nd picture
submitted by iton428 to Teenager [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 Intelligent-Pop-4632 rate my bacon🙏

rate my bacon🙏 submitted by Intelligent-Pop-4632 to Bacon [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 Michael7560 Proposed S93 Schedule Enhancement

The S93 LTD which ends Brooklyn Service at 10:06 can get crowded as well as not being able to make it can cause problems the the new schedule would have the S93 end service to Brooklyn at 11:00 here are the times as follows
11:00 (LAST)
submitted by Michael7560 to nycbus [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 aratakizech Alternative Set

Hi Chasca Mains! First time posting here. So I actually got her and since my luck on Obsidian is so disappointing, what is her best alternative between Wanderer's Troupe and Shimenawa set?
I have a a lot of good spare from the two sets and I'm curious which performs better.
Thank you!
submitted by aratakizech to ChascaMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 noldshit Theory on why all the tip screens

Doesn't the POS company charge a percentage to process a card?
So, with that in mind... If I'm selling POS services it behoves me to jack up the bill in any way I can so my cut of the percentage is higher.
I push the tip screen on merchant to "reward" their staff which in essence rewards my cut.
Fornicate ALL the greedy bastards and pay in cash.
submitted by noldshit to tipping [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 Sad_Troodon Zhang My (OC) by me

Zhang My (OC) by me submitted by Sad_Troodon to characterart [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 JaySTAR Laifen Wave elektrische Schallzahnbürste mit Oszillation & Vibration (Edelstahl) für 79,99€

submitted by JaySTAR to dealsde [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 Jotaro1970 If you could change anything about Batfleck, what would it be?

If you could change anything about Batfleck, what would it be? Personally i think he should have been closer to main Batman rather than trying to adapt the version from the Dark Knight Returns, it was too early to even try and think about that, and give him the no kill rule
submitted by Jotaro1970 to batman [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 TheRealThrillho2 28 M4F 2 down on my first bingo cards, any lovely ladies willing to keep the ball rolling?

submitted by TheRealThrillho2 to nudebingo [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 westanirrelevance Does this look like nasal valve collapse?

(Pictures in comments)
I'm 22F and have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a hiatus hernia, POTS and a bicuspid aortic valve. I take venlafaxine and quetiapine for PTSD.
I've had what I think is sinusitis or the flu the last couple of days and have been coughing up some bloody mucus which has been dripping down from my nose. This morning when I tried to blow my nose, nothing but pure red blood came out though there was no actual nose bleed. I went to look inside my nose to look for a cut but noticed that the right nostril looks caved in. I can't feel any hard cartilage at the bottom of the side of that nostril like I can for the other one. Nothing is coming out of that nostril either whilst the other one is running like crazy.
If it's relevant, I also have stomachache, diarrhoea and rectal bleeding.
Is it worth getting it looked at or is it a symptom of sinusitis?
submitted by westanirrelevance to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 Gutierrez28 Careem Quik electronics is a joke

Delivered the wrong item.
Haven’t replied to support chat in 36 hours. On the phone say it’ll be sorted ‘soon’ or ‘very shortly’. Appears they have a different perception of time.
submitted by Gutierrez28 to dubai [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 randybeans716 Season 1

I’m on episode 11 on season 1 on my rewatch and it’s just the little things that you pick up on during a rewatch.
When Jackie told O’Hara how Zoey walked in on her and Eddie and the way O’Hara just cracked up was hilarious. I loved her reaction!
And I love Jackie’s friendship with Momo. How they lay in the chapel together and just talk.
And you can see the relationship with Jackie and Coop slowly blossom. And they start to trust and respect each other.
I just started my rewatch yesterday so I’ll be posting more. I absolutely love this show. I’m conflicted about the sequel though. I would love to see more but I loved how it ended.
submitted by randybeans716 to NurseJackie [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 nobodyspecial2895 Random bug bite my youngest brother has this random bug bite on his arm. any suggestions on what it might be?

submitted by nobodyspecial2895 to bugbites [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 stay-acid Ness and Isagi’s conversation after the latest chapter.

Ness and Isagi’s conversation after the latest chapter. Ik that boy is waiting outside the locker rooms for Isagi. That or he’s jumped off the stairs already.
submitted by stay-acid to BlueLock [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 Jandy4789 This might upset more than a few and hurt my karma, but it's time to settle this.

This subject grinds my gears to the nth degree and I just got a heap of downvotes for it so it's time to take some folks to school.
People are convinced that the main T-Rex in the series (since JW became a thing anyway) is literally called "Rexy", if JW calls her this then it's simply retconning the franchise, which I can well believe they want to do.
However, to anybody who says this stems from the book as Muldoon calls her "Rexy" I have gone to the effort to prove that this is false and he never uses it as a given name, it is purely a derogatory abbreviation (remember that Muldoon does not like the Dinosaurs, think they should all be destroyed and would not give such an animal a whimsical cutesy name).
Now, the predominant terminology is T-Rex / Tyrannosaurus / Tyrannosaurus Rex or most commonly Tyrannosaur. She is also often referred to as being the big tyrannosaur / rex.
I feel that if this animal was literally named, Crichton would use this himself, yet there are two chapters dealing expressly with this particular T rex and they are titled "BIG REX" and "Tyrannosaur".
Although referred to by numerous characters, a name would be given by those who were most familiar - so let's look at the characters who actually work at the park and directly refer to the adult T-Rex.
Wu / Hammond / Arnold / Regis / Harding / Muldoon.
There are so many instances of the word tyrannosaur I haven't created an exhaustive list, I've focused on pages and dialogue about the adult specifically to ensure it is in the correct context. (Page numbers may vary depending on your copy of the book)
So here we go:
Pg.122 - Wu “we tend to refer to some of them as male, such as the tyrannosaurus rex, we all call it a ‘him’ but in fact, they’re all female".
(Here, Wu makes it clear he's referring to an 'it', so singular and 'it' is not a very polite pronoun for something / someone wit a name. It's more like a product/exhibit.)
Pg. 161 Chapter “BIG REX - (if this animal was actually named “Rexy”, I feel Crichton would have done so here.)
When discussing “the little one” Ed Regis says “The other one’s a full grown adult tyrannosaur…”Pg165. Chrichton “waiting for the T-Rex to appear”
Pg166. "The tyrannosaurs' jaws worked once / the tyrannosaur sprang silently forward/ still the tyrannosaur hesitated…thus this tyrannosaur was probably fearful of another tyrannosaur".
Pg167. Ladies and Gentlemen - Tyrannosaurus Rex".
Pg201. “Maybe the tyrannosaur” (Chrichton). Pg203 “ 'was it the tyrannosaur?' Ed Regis asked"
Pg 204/205 multiple references to tyrannosaur.
Pg232 “had been in the Land Cruiser when the tyrannosaur attacked” (Chrichton)
Pg 236 Regis is contemplating his actions “except to get away from the tyrannosaur” (Chrichton)
Pg238 “maybe the tyrannosaur was still hanging around”
(Now for themost important evidence - even Muldoon does not name her / him. If it was her name, it would be frequent).
Pg247/248 Muldoon: “No question what happened…the T-Rex got him” Pg248The T-Rex threw it" (referring to a Land Cruiser).
Crucially, this next dialogue proves that nobody integral to the running of the park names it:
Pg279 Arnold: “Looks like the Rex went into the sauropod paddock..we’ll have to get him out..”
Muldoon: “With what? We haven’t got anything to use on a rex
Hammond: “How many sauropods will the Rex kill?”
Harding: “Probably just one… the Rex can feed…" Muldoon: “that’s a full grown adult tyrannosaur..” “...that tyrannosaur..”
Pg280 Muldoon: “Well now you’ve got a Rex in with the sauropods.
(Now 300 pages in we have the first time Rexy is used, quickly followed by reverting to the classification of a thing again with no personification.)
Pg303 Muldoon: “No doubt about it, Rexy’s been in with the sauropods…the rex is out there somewhere.
Pg304 Muldoon referring to a young hadrosaur: “the T-Rex brought him down..” bite marks > “the T-Rex”
Pg308 Muldoon: “Where the hell is the damn Rex?”
(Now the second chapter, and one where if it were her name, Crichton could have used it appropriately)
Pg322 Chapter “TYRANNOSAUR” - referred to as him, the rex and the animal on one single page.
“Remember” said Arnold “ the tyrannosaur’s our main tourtist attraction” (not are our - so not plural, they are referring to the adult)
Muldoon: “Let’s go see Rexy and give him a dose” (That's the second and final time followed by....).
“I’ve wanted to put a needle in this big bastard for a while…and there he is”
Tyrannosaurus Rex is eight tons” (again this implies the adult and not the juvenile) Muldoon to Gennaro.
And finally, Pg324 “I think this is as close as we can get to our Rexy” (This clearly indicates it's an abbreviation, and it is stated that Ellie find Muldoons sense of humour to be irritating, so this is his idea of whimsy).
Pg334 Muldoon: “I know it’s a valuable animal” (and when told they need to move the t rex in case it drowns, his response does not afford the Rex any sort of humanised value.
Given the context of these extracts, I don't see how anyone can argue that the Original Rex is in any capacity literally named "Rexy". It is a fabrication which stems from the JW trilogy for marketing reasons, however those raptors (Blue, Charlie, Delta and Echo) are actually named.
submitted by Jandy4789 to JurassicPark [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 Dependent_Attempt874 Promiscuous girlfriend?

Guys. Is it normal for someone to hide their past? My girlfriend and I talked a few times. And once she said that she thought the number of people I had slept with was quite good. She said that hers was much less. Months went by and in another conversation she mentioned the amount and it was 4 less than me. I've already stayed there, it's not that much less. At the moment I was having difficulty. I went through that and evolved a little. We fought and broke up and in a conversation it increased to at least 6 and in my head it remains, if you lied before, you must be lying now too, there must be much more to this story. And after a few days I thought, everything is fine. Finally, in this crazy life that she had before until 2023 she got pregnant 3 times and 2 times she tried to abort and only one was successful. Now you're pregnant with me. But I have a lot of difficulty because she lied. I don't think it's normal to lie.
submitted by Dependent_Attempt874 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 plainwhitesauce69 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by plainwhitesauce69 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 UsedStrategy9 Ariana just shared this behind the scene video from Wicked

Ariana just shared this behind the scene video from Wicked submitted by UsedStrategy9 to wicked [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:40 reddit_lss_2 Test Title 29-November-2024 15:40:04

Test body 29-November-2024 15:40:04
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to lssAuto [link] [comments]
