Bears radio

2024.11.29 15:29 Ivy_Thornsplitter Bears radio

If anyone can get the last few minutes of the final drove an clip it please. I love to hear the final minute of broadcasts during plays like this.
submitted by Ivy_Thornsplitter to NFLNoobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 xKyoshirax Hamas terrorist opens fire at Israeli civilian bus in West Bank; 8 wounded

submitted by xKyoshirax to Israel [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 claritywithinclaire 31F lost 200lbs, unsure if I am still unattractive

31F lost 200lbs, unsure if I am still unattractive submitted by claritywithinclaire to LooksmaxingAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 dr14pamela Test

submitted by dr14pamela to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 airbornchaos Absolute noob question. Are these two batteries "electronically" interchangeable?

Original battery Vs. Potential Replacement
I'm working on a project that makes no sense, whatever; neither economically, ergonomically, nor rationally. It's purely an academic effort. I have several of these old Baofeng 888s radios without functional batteries(among many other wear-and-tear issues.) It was easier to just replace them, so these are just spare parts now. I'm going to harvest the guts from one and mount them in a new enclosure, and see if I can get it working again.
I'm going to replace the original battery with an 18650 and a TP4056 for charging and protection.
My concern is: If I understand the 18650 listing correctly, this version will allow 10 amps of power draw at 3.7 volts. I don't know how much the power the radio will draw, should the two be matched? If the battery allows more power than the radio needs, and if that arrangement is acceptable for safe and sustained use, then why is the power draw specification not standardized across all 18650 batteries in the same way voltage is? (I'm also finding 8amp and 15 amp versions)
submitted by airbornchaos to batteries [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 Haunting_Release_429 yarikz im catching up to you buddy

yarikz im catching up to you buddy submitted by Haunting_Release_429 to BeeSwarmSimulator [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 antith3ticaldreamgrl Wheel help needed (I think)

Hello, I’m going to try and make this short but to the point. I’ve done a lot of research and I’m feeling discouraged and confused.
I started skating in impalas (blue harmony) a while ago and broke them in, enjoyed them, they served their purpose but they became way too big on my feet (I lost some weight and it changed my foot size). I mostly skate indoors because I live in a cold part of the country during the fall/winter. I also weigh 250lb.
My treat to myself for sticking with the hobby was boardwalks (sure grip) that came with the 57mm outdoor wheels. The boot fits soooo beautifully I can’t even explain how nice it feels on my feet which I was nervous about. But I wore them to the rink the other day and I couldn’t get more than a lap in without tripping, slipping, losing my balance. It felt horrible. I figured the wheels were too tight so I loosened them and then I could feel rattling every single time I moved my feet off the ground so I tightened them again. Idk how to explain but it was like tripping over my own feet trying to walk normally. I then figured it could be the wheels since they’re outdoor wheels inside but I didn’t know if that could make a huge difference especially since my impalas I believe have 58mm wheels? So then I thought maybe I’m too heavy for gummy/soft wheels. It did feel a bit sticky but also like I couldn’t move without losing my balance…. The only thing I didn’t do was tighten my trucks bc I don’t know if they felt loose, I will do that later. But wheels. I’m 250lb, skate recreationally and will be indoors for the next 6 months but really want to keep my sure grip boots. Should I get bigger wheels? Smaller? Harder? Or just give the skates time to adjust (don’t want this option because it feels unsafe). Thanks so much in advance. I tried to get this answer on my own to no avail
submitted by antith3ticaldreamgrl to Rollerskating [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 blankblank60000

submitted by blankblank60000 to massachusetts [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 Money_Run_793 Orange and blue interceptor with top folding pincers

I’ve looked through this whole sub, just wondering if anyone has found a ship like it
submitted by Money_Run_793 to NMSCoordinateExchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 HeartbreakEmergency Who’s the biggest rival of your favorite team?

submitted by HeartbreakEmergency to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 lucas7871 518863258596 regieleki from germany (2accounts already)

submitted by lucas7871 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 SnooLentils580 Recording my band with no experience (except a little at home with audacity)

Hello so i want to record my band and a couple of tracks. im gonna have audio interface and mics. what program would you recommend (cheap or free is preffered)? and do you have any good learning resources that i could use? thanks!
submitted by SnooLentils580 to homerecordingstudio [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 Juiceforlife999 I dont get why

I see a lot of yall talking about how we are ungrateful as a fanbase and all that, but truth is album didn't meet expecations. ITS NOT BECAUSE WE LISTENED TO LEAKS OR WE JUST WANT TO COMPLAIN, BUT THE SONG SELECTION WASN'T GOOD. If you were to recommend a album to a person, TPNE would never be recommended cuz its ass
submitted by Juiceforlife999 to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 shhureyes Blue Zushi

Blue Zushi submitted by shhureyes to StellarCannabis [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 starbies_barbie Haul for sister in law!

Haul for sister in law! My sister in law loves black and moody colors so this is what I went with. I have never personally tried ILNP so hoping that she loves it! Would love to try these polishes in the future, I am a gel girl right now but these are gorgeous!
submitted by starbies_barbie to ILNP [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 _Molly_Jeann Nice n short💋

Nice n short💋 submitted by _Molly_Jeann to skirt [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 hold-on-pain-ends meirl

meirl submitted by hold-on-pain-ends to meirl [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 No-Beginning-1146 The Cheese…ILGM ❤️Amsterdam

The Cheese…ILGM ❤️Amsterdam submitted by No-Beginning-1146 to MarijuanaSeeds [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 Imaginary_Monitor_69 Do you guys use Swain mainly as ADC, Support, or Mid? or perhaps another?

So I am not that good in league and rarely play, but I love playing Swain and Xerath, my friend who plays support used to force me into playing ADC Twitch or Jhin, but when I play alone I enjoy support Swain a lot, and wanted to ask if you guys also use it as support or mainly ADC or another role, just to see what people with skill play him at
submitted by Imaginary_Monitor_69 to SwainMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 Koolaid_Is_Free H: 2x bos W: 500 leaders

submitted by Koolaid_Is_Free to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 degenerate_snail What is this? Any reason for concern on this monstera leaf?

What is this? Any reason for concern on this monstera leaf? submitted by degenerate_snail to plantclinic [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 ButterscotchSea4804 she searches for keys!

she searches for keys! so glad she doesn’t only give a pfp
submitted by ButterscotchSea4804 to MLPIOS [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 downtherabbbithole Sombreros

Sombreros submitted by downtherabbbithole to FotografiaMexico [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 Cultural_Yoghurt_373 Anyone who’s where i can read this

Anyone who’s where i can read this submitted by Cultural_Yoghurt_373 to Novelnews [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:29 Gulpiegator2 Zerotier member unable to use foundry link

I am using zerotier to run foundry for my ttrpg tables. It has been working well but a player recently joined and when they use the link for the foundry they get "The connection has timed out". They are authorized on the zerotier and both of us have it open. They haven't changed any settings on my network so they are the same as the other members. Does anyone know what may be causing this or can point me in the right direction?
submitted by Gulpiegator2 to zerotier [link] [comments]