Are 8.5 and 9 have the same width ?

2024.11.29 15:28 trypto98 Are 8.5 and 9 have the same width ?

submitted by trypto98 to BlundstoneBoots [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 Appropriate-Bed3163 Dashavatar of Bhagwan Vishnu

Dashavatar of Bhagwan Vishnu submitted by Appropriate-Bed3163 to hinduism [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 nunsploitation Warrior Nun movie: What we know so far

Warrior Nun movie: What we know so far While the end of Warrior Nun Season 2 on Netflix left things open-ended for Ava and the rest of the characters, it remains unclear whether the planned movie trilogy intends to continue this plot or begin a new adaptation with whole new story and characters.
submitted by nunsploitation to Nunsploitation_Movies [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 Small_Light_9964 Isibank 30 euros Amazon, code PF5UOR9MLJ

I bring you an easy and free way to get a 30 euros Amazon voucher, you have to simply:

  1. Download the isybank app and activate the plan that suits you best (I recommend the "isyLight" plan which is completely free) between 07/15/2024 and 02/28/2025. ⠀
  2. Access isyReward from the "More" menu in the app and join the "Bring a Friend 2.0" initiative. Within 15 days of activating your plan, and no later than 02/28/2025, enter the following friend code: PF5UOR9MLJ. ⠀
  3. Wait a few days for elaboration and verification, receive the prize and download the Gift Card by 06/30/2025.
submitted by Small_Light_9964 to ReferralNotReferal [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Local] - Westmoreland happenings: Christmas greens sale, music concerts, senior citizen news, more | Pgh Tribune-Review

[Local] - Westmoreland happenings: Christmas greens sale, music concerts, senior citizen news, more | Pgh Tribune-Review submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 Sirinaheartt I just want new music. Send me some playlists I can listen to.

No classical, country or rap plz
submitted by Sirinaheartt to makemeaplaylist [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 AjaLoveeee What should I add to Sunset & Monsoon next?

submitted by AjaLoveeee to BallPythonMorph [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 KillerKroc2474 Well, guess its time I show my new baby.

Well, guess its time I show my new baby. 2022 Sport Touring Hatch in Pearl White..god she’s beautiful!
submitted by KillerKroc2474 to civic [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 Major-Interest7058 $DecentLad

$DecentLad The Decent lads look to be cooking
Crazy team and a cult like community!
It’s been live for 2 days so far and Ath is 2M it’s currently got a nice floor at 900k gonna go parabolic.…
submitted by Major-Interest7058 to SolCoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Local] - Tarentum Bridge reopens after icy shut down | Pgh Tribune-Review

[Local] - Tarentum Bridge reopens after icy shut down | Pgh Tribune-Review submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 Fearless_Cell_7943 Where do I start

Hello guys, I’m a Beyoncé fan and Willie Nelson has a beautiful song on her new album called “Just for Fun” I absolutely loved that song and want to explore his discography. Where do I start? (I’m British and he isn’t that well known over here)
submitted by Fearless_Cell_7943 to willienelson [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 av8rblues Your OC/OCs see these 9 in a park . . . (Read Body) [Anything Interesting]

submitted by av8rblues to SolarisandLunaplus [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 NoNotice2137 Death of the Last Celestite

Since the aerver shutdown for CN is pretty much certain and the same for Global is increasingly more likely, yet they say that there will be one last story event before that, I think they're gonna kill the Navigator.
Considering just how many things were started, but not yet finished in this game, there's no way they could fit a decent conclusion into one event, so I believe the only way to justify the abrupt end of all these stories before a proper conclusion is to kill the protagonist and probably just give some textwall of an epilogue describing what happened to Astra and the most important characters like Vice and Carleen afterwards.
I just hope that the long overdue demise of Celestites won't be in vain and even if Navigator dies, the others will get their happy ends.
It's a huge shame we didn't get to know more about Longzhou, Astra and the ancient civilizations, both the one from where Claymore and others come from and the one that came before Aurorians. It certainly was a lot of fun when it lasted, even though I never got to catch up with the main story and lost all motivation to do so.
Rest in peace, Alchemy Stars.
submitted by NoNotice2137 to AlchemyStarsEN [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 worhhargbit Recreating the artwork from a classic mix

submitted by worhhargbit to AtmosphericDnB [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 Known-Literature3648 just stared yesterday and getting cooked

so I started playing STW for the first time yesterday and having some trouble. idk if my guns are too weak but the husk take WAYYYY to long to kill. I'm power level 6 and all my missions are recommended level 15+. if you have any tips or even just guns you don't use, id be grateful for your help
submitted by Known-Literature3648 to FortniteSavetheWorld [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 AdQuirky7744 Anup Sir blast hone ka timer lagrha hai

Anup Sir blast hone ka timer lagrha hai Gaand hi faad deto ho sir kabhi kabhi to aap
submitted by AdQuirky7744 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 Key-Sprinkles-5617 Is this soil good for drosera intermedia (?) ? Has anyone had any experiences with it?

Is this soil good for drosera intermedia (?) ? Has anyone had any experiences with it? submitted by Key-Sprinkles-5617 to SavageGarden [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 JimCripe MAGA Mike PANICS has he MAY LOSE Majority

MAGA Mike PANICS has he MAY LOSE Majority MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson panicking as Democrats surprisingly flipped seats in the House at the last minute.
submitted by JimCripe to MeidasTouch [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 Alternative-Tell2408 الشبك السلك البلاستيكي الأخضر: الحل الأمثل للعديد من الاستخدامات شبك السلك البلاستيكي الأخضر

الشبك السلك البلاستيكي الأخضر: الحل الأمثل للعديد من الاستخدامات شبك السلك البلاستيكي الأخضر الشبك السلك البلاستيكي الأخضر: الحل الأمثل للعديد من الاستخدامات 01092001780
شبك السلك البلاستيكي الأخضر هو منتج متعدد الاستخدامات يتميز بمرونته وقوته وخفته، مما يجعله مثاليًا للعديد من التطبيقات. يتكون هذا النوع من الشبك من خيوط بلاستيكية متشابكة لتشكيل شبكة قوية وخفيفة الوزن.
لماذا تختار شبك السلك البلاستيكي الأخضر؟
المرونة: يمكن تشكيله بسهولة ليناسب أي شكل أو حجم.
الخفة: سهل الحمل والتركيب.
المقاومة للتآكل: لا يتأثر بالصدأ أو العوامل الجوية.
العزل: يوفر عزلًا جيدًا للحرارة والكهرباء.
التنوع اللوني: يتوفر بألوان مختلفة، بما في ذلك الأخضر، ليناسب مختلف الاستخدامات.
السعر المعقول: يعد خيارًا اقتصاديًا مقارنة بأنواع أخرى من الأسوار.
استخدامات شبك السلك البلاستيكي الأخضر:
الزراعة: لحماية المحاصيل من الطيور والحيوانات الصغيرة.
البناء: لتغطية النوافذ والأبواب أثناء أعمال البناء.
الحدائق: لتحديد المساحات الخضراء وحماية النباتات.
الدواجن: لبناء أقفاص الدواجن وحماية الطيور.
الصناعات: لتغليف المنتجات وحمايتها أثناء النقل والتخزين.
يفتح الرابط في نافذة جديدة.
شبك سلك بلاستيك اخضر يستخدم في الزراعة
الاستخدامات المنزلية: لحماية الشرفات والحدائق المنزلية.
الأعمال اليدوية: لصنع الحرف اليدوية والمشاريع الإبداعية.
يفتح الرابط في نافذة جديدة.
شبك سلك بلاستيك اخضر يستخدم في حماية نباتات الحديقة
شبك السلك البلاستيكي الأخضر للأسوار:
المرونة: يمكن تشكيله بسهولة ليناسب أي شكل أو حجم للسور.
الخفة: سهل الحمل والتركيب.
المقاومة للتآكل: لا يتأثر بالصدأ أو العوامل الجوية.
العزل: يوفر عزلًا جيدًا للحرارة والكهرباء.
التنوع اللوني: يتوفر بألوان مختلفة، بما في ذلك الأخضر، ليناسب مختلف الأذواق.
السعر المعقول: يعد خيارًا اقتصاديًا مقارنة بأنواع أخرى من الأسوار.
الجمال: يضفي لمسة جمالية على المكان وينسجم مع الطبيعة.
يفتح الرابط في نافذة جديدة.
شبك سلك بلاستيك اخضر يستخدم في سياج حديقة
نصائح عند اختيار شبك السلك البلاستيك الأخضر:
حجم الفتحات: يختلف حجم الفتحات حسب الاستخدام، فمثلاً لتربية الدواجن تحتاج إلى فتحات صغيرة لمنع هروب الفراخ.
سمك السلك: يحدد قوة ومتانة الشبكة.
الطول والعرض: يعتمد على المساحة المراد تغطيتها.
اللون: اختر اللون المناسب لتناسب المكان الذي ستستخدمه فيه.
بشكل عام، يعد شبك السلك البلاستيكي الأخضر خيارًا ممتازًا وعمليًا للعديد من الاستخدامات. فهو يجمع بين المتانة والمرونة والسعر المعقول، مما يجعله الخيار الأمثل للعديد من المشاريع.
هل لديك أي أسئلة أخرى حول شبك السلك البلاستيكي الأخضر؟
ملاحظة: يمكنني تزويدك بصور إضافية توضح استخدامات أخرى لشبك السلك البلاستيك الأخضر إذا طلبت ذلك.
قد ترغب في البحث عن مصطلح "شبك بلاستيكي" أو "شبك سلكي بلاستيكي" للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات والصور.
submitted by Alternative-Tell2408 to roofingtilesegyptian [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 UnprincipledCanadian 20th Anniversary was a mistake....

With no new content, the nostalgia factor only lasts so long.
submitted by UnprincipledCanadian to classicwow [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 Ledsojah Today is a good day

Today is a good day RIP SOPHIE & DUMILEE
submitted by Ledsojah to Sophie [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 BumblebeeDirect “The calligraphy’s beautiful.”

“The calligraphy’s beautiful.” submitted by BumblebeeDirect to thewestwing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 Immediate_Button_524 Grain Spawn What’s Going On?

Grain Spawn What’s Going On? Beginner here! Hoping someone can tell me what’s going on so, I can learn.
I was attempting to make grain spawn to use later to expand to fruiting blocks.
Here’s what I used and the process for the grain spawn:
Substrate: Sterilized Grain Substrate with Injection Port - (purchased from reputable company)
Inoculation Method: used Oyster - Italian (Pleurotus pulmonarius) Liquid Culture - 10 mL Syringe (purchased from same company)
Used “Bella Bora” still-air box (sanitized with alcohol wipes, wore gloves, and followed instructions for wiping syringe with alcohol wipe and injecting 10ml liquid culture through port.
*Now here’s where I may have gone wrong:
  • let inoculated grain spawn sit in open closet, low natural light, not in darkness for about a week until I saw mycellium growth about 10% and mixed gently. Let sit again for more growth, repeated that for a while.
Lots of white colonization-yay!
Then: I see condensation, and a small, wet looking spot in the corner (11/11)!
Let that sit to see what happened (circled it with marker to see if it grew) IT DIDNT GROW and still hasn’t. BUT IT TURNED INTO THIS BLACK LIQUID (~11/20) Still has not grown outside the marker line for over a week now.
At this point it’s been at least a month from inoculation (started ~10/25)
We’ve got LOTS of white, the bag is extremely inflated, condensation, and the black spot (11/29)
I don’t think there is cobweb mold (it’s hard for me to tell with condensation and mycellium growth) but maybe that too.
What is this? What do I do? What happened?
Thank you so much!!!
submitted by Immediate_Button_524 to ContamFam [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 NewRenegadeart_01 open to drawing anything new and challenging even your OCs as long as its a crazy idea

submitted by NewRenegadeart_01 to DrawForMe [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:28 Designer-Living-1758 Vampire Jason Todd

submitted by Designer-Living-1758 to RedHood [link] [comments]