[2.0 SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!] New Boss

电脑的usb口3.0和2.0对于鼠标有什么区别吗?因为我本人喜欢打射击游戏,我用的400dpi之前插2.0的时候感觉… 我的世界如何用指令让爆炸不破坏地形,是所有爆炸,求我的世界防爆指令操作防爆指令,顾名思义就是爆炸不破坏地形的方法,是一串数字指令,如下:/gamerule mobGriefing false在我的世界里面如果TNT或者是苦力怕 如果管道材料为混凝土及其他预制或是现场浇筑的材料,管壁较厚,此时就不能取外径和内径的平均作为管径值,此种情况,需要注明内径外径,不能模糊称为管径。 建筑荷载KN/m2是多少公斤这只是基本单位,没有具体数值,无法确定是几公斤。1KN(千牛)相当于100kg(公斤 我的世界1.12 版死亡不掉落指令?输入/gamerule keepInventory true,这个世界死亡就不会掉落物品了,详细步骤:1、打开我的世界并且进入一个存档。 各位好,我是 @Domino ,机械键盘11年发烧友、产品经理. 本篇文章独家发布于知乎,内容偏向知乎读者群体,并且含有我本人较强的主观推荐。 计算器运算结果为几E+几(比如1e+1)是什么意思这个是科学计数法的表示法,数字超过了计算器的显示位数而使用了科学计数 ... 钢管直径标注中dn与Φ的区别,各代表什么意思,如何应用标注?dn是指管道的公称直径,但这既不是外径也不是内径,Φ指的 ... 手机共享网络的方式,除了最常见的通过wlan共享之外,还有通过蓝牙共享网络和通过usb共享网络。 不能,但是你的电脑上可以安装多个cuda版本。 你可以创建一个conda的虚拟环境,然后安装对应的PyTorch版本,你用这个连接里面的命令行安装,会有对应torch版本所需要的cudatoolkit被安装(cudatoolkit是cuda的子集,里面的东西够pytorch使用),这样使用的cuda就不会是你系统的cuda11.1了。

2024.11.29 15:50 YatoX5 [2.0 SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!] New Boss

submitted by YatoX5 to WutheringWavesLeaks [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 addapinch Peanut Brittle Recipe

submitted by addapinch to addapinch [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Elegant_Literature43 My kitsuke earlier

Yabane patterned kimono+ share bukuro obi!!
submitted by Elegant_Literature43 to kimono [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Greatsamsam What do you guys think about it?

What do you guys think about it? submitted by Greatsamsam to TinyWhoop [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 aminalzoubi [Store] 2018,2019,2020,2021,2022,2023,2024 Collector's Cache, weathers.

Most prices are negotiable for those who like picture like me:2018, 2019, 2020, 2020pt2, 2021, dead_reck, 2022, 2022pt2, 2023 ,2024 ,2024
my steam account
add me so we can trade.need to be friends for 30 days. Steam rep
why trade with me ? i have a lot of giftables i want to sell and im not willing to risk my rep for a single trade. also check my steam profile for recent comments , those are people i traded cache sets with ,they all went first you can check their profile for my gifted items .
i always give discounts for people who buy 2 or more.

item price (USD)
igneous infernal (Doom) 4
bleeding edge (Huskar) 2
magus mimicry (invoker persona) 10
seam ripper snuggle time (warlock) 5
angler in the abyss (Slark) 3
phantom balladeer (Abaddon) 4
bootblack brawler (Axe) 5
needlepoint necromancer (Dazzle) 2
hare of the cog (Clockwerk) 4
thundervolt (Zeus) 3
caprine chimera (Lion) 2
canis crystallum (Crystal maiden persona) 5
unchained entropy (Ancient apparition) 2
undying love (Undying) Rare 9
crystal colossus (Spirit breaker) Very rare 30
secondhand sorcery (Rubick) Ultra rare 50
item price
darkblade adept (templar assassin) 3
phantom's facade (phantom assassin) 9
lotus of the mountainbear clan (meepo) 3
martyrdom of the brineborn (naga siren) 3
elegy of the reaper (grim reaper) 1
mecha nyx (nyx assassin) 3
faithful fortune (marci) 5
ardalan arms race (snapfire) 5
dread of the night (night stalker) 3
blackwing bandolera (muerta) 3
exquisite agonies (queen of pain) 5
colossal terrorpin (tiny) 2
proselyte of the sakura clan 9
bloodmoon stalker (luna) 12
ancient exile (juggernaut) 30
aberrant observer (pudge) 60
2023 cache
Item Price
Snailfire (SnapFire) 20$
Brightfist (Marci) 20$
Dezun Viper (Dazzle) 7$
Primeval Abomination (Primal Beast) 7$
Astral Herald (Dawnbreaker) 7$
Spectral Shadow (Abaddon) 5$
Taur Rider (Alchemist) 7$
Crescent Huntress (Spectre) 7$
Tyrant of the Veil (Wraith King) 5$
Tomo'kan Footsoldier (Hoodwink) 5$
Darkwood Eulogy (Death Prophet) 2.5$
Sea Spirit (Kunkka) 10$
Triumph of the Imperatrix (Legion Commander) 5$
Beast of Thunder (Storm Spirit) 10$
Ancestral Heritage (Jakiro) 2.5$
Dead Reckoning Chest
item price
Dead Heat (lina) 10$
Spectral Hunter (antimage) 10$
Dying Light (dawnbreaker) 10$
Expired Gun (sniper) 10$
Death Adder (medusa) 10$
Soul Serpent (viper) 10$
Diretide 2022 Collector's Cache
set name hero price
Shadowleaf Insurgent hoodwink 15$
Chines of the Inquisitor faceless void 12$
Spoils of the Shadowveil Spectre 10$
Starlorn Adjudicator dawnbreaker 10$
Trophies of the Hallowed Hunt ursa 5$
Whippersnapper snap fire 10$
Scarlet Subversion riki 10$
Forgotten Station terror blade 5$
Champion of the Fire Lotus monkey king 5$
Hounds of Obsession chen 10$
Crimson Dawn pheonix 4$
Seadog's Stash clockwerk 5$
Deathstitch Shaman witch doctor 4$
Dirge Amplifier undying 4$
Blue Horizons marci 15$
Angel of Vex invoker persona 30$
Dark Behemoth primal beast 30$
Diretide 2022 Collector's Cache 2
set name hero price
Freeboot Fortunes ogre magi 4$
Darkbrew's Transgression alchemist 5$
Acrimonies of Obsession vengful spirit 7$
Withering Pain clinkz 4$
Sacred Chamber Guardian huskar 5$
Feasts of Forever nightstalker 5$
The Wilding Tiger brewmaster 10$
Dawn of a Darkness Foretold doom 5$
War Rig Eradicators techies 5$
Grand Suppressor silencer 7$
Transcendent Path oracle 10$
Cursed Cryptbreaker pudge 7$
Bird of Prey legion commander 10$
Darkfeather Factioneer phantom assassin 10$
Grudges of the Gallows Tree treant protector 15$
Brands of the Reaper anti mage 15$
Sublime Equilibrium void spirit 30$
Nemestice Collector's Cache 2021
set name hero price
Twilight Hex dark willow 20$
Litany of the Damned doom 20$
Astral Terminus enigma 15$
Caerulean Star enchantress 10$
Arcane Inverter gyrocopter 25$
Creed of the Skullhound lycan 25$
Desert Bloom nature's prophet 20$
Eyriebound Imperator skywrath mage 20$
Anthozoan Assault tiny 25$
Defender of the Brumal Crest winter wyvern 20$
Red Sands Marauder shadow shaman 25$
Aghanim's 2021 Collector's Cache
item name hero price
Silverwurm Sacrifice dragon knight 40$
Scales Of The Shadow Walker phantom lancer 10$
Perception of the First Light dawnbreaker 10$
Apex Automated clockwerk 10$
Test of the basilisk lord Razor 15$
Secrets of the frost singularity Ancient Apparition 5$
Perils of the red banks Chen 5$
The chained scribe Grimstroke 5$
Widow of the undermount gloom Broodmother 12$
Forgotten fate Mars 5$
March of the crackerjack mage Rubick 10$
Stranger in the wandering isles Drow Ranger 40$
Cosmic concoctioneers Alchemist 10$
Days of the demons Axe 20$
Blightfall Abaddon 10$
Pyrexae polymorph perfected ogre magi 15$
Wrath of the celestial sentinel Chaos Knight 60$
2020 cache sets
set name hero price
Origin of the Dark Oath night stalker 20
ravenous abyss underlord 15
abocalypse unbound ancient apparittion 10
beholden of the banished ones warlock 20
fury of the righteous storm distruptor 10
mindless slaughter pudge 15
heartless hunt bounty hunter 20
herald of the ember eye grimstroke 10
fissured flight jakiro 10
flashpoint proselyte husker 15
signs of the allfather nature's prophet 15
songs of starfall glen enchantress 10
Glory of the Elderflame lina 30
Lineage of the Stormlords juggernaut 30
Silent Slayer silencer 15
ancient inheritance tiny 20
forsworn legacy mars 35
Blaze of Oblivion phoenix 10
Beast of the Crimson Ring bristleback 15
Talons of the Endless Storm chaos knight 15
Ire of the Ancient Gaoler arc warden 25
Horror from the Deep tide hunter 25
Evolution of the Infinite enigma 10
Clearcut Cavalier timber saw 10
The King Of Thieves keeper of the light 10
Carousal of the Mystic Masquerade rubick 10
Secrets of the Celestial skywrath mage 10
Blacksail Cannoneer sniper 10
Wrath of the Fallen doom 10
Crown of Calaphas shadow demon 10
Master of the Searing Path ember spirit 25
Steward of the Forbidden Chamber templar assassin 15
Claszureme Incursion faceless void 55
2019 cache sets
set name hero price
Echoes of the Everblack abaddon 25
The Arts of Mortal Deception enigma 10
Adornments of the Jade Emissary earth spirit 20
Poacher's Bane tide 15
Appetites of the Lizard King slark 15
Forbidden Medicine dazzle 15
Curse of the Creeping Vine undying 15
Priest of the Proudsilver Clan chen 10
Soul of the Brightshroud deathprophet 10
Pursuit of the Ember Demons husker 15
Riddle of the Hierophant oracle 10
Paean of the Ink Dragon grimstroke 10
Allure of the Faeshade Flower dark willow 20
Glimmer of the Sacred Hunt drow ranger 30
Defender of Ruin disruptor 15
NEW!! cinder sensei ember spirit 80
gothic whisper phantom assassin 70
Prized Acquisitions batrider 4
Grim Destiny wraith king 10
Verdant Predator venomancer 5
Fury of the Bloodforge bloodseeker 10
Endless Night abaddon 15
Directive of the Sunbound clockwerk 5
Automaton Antiquity brood mother 5
Verdant Predator venomancer 5
Tales of the Windward Rogue pangolier 15
Automaton Antiquity broodmother 7
Distinguished Expeditionary Tusk 5
Tribal Pathways warlock 5
Sight of the Kha-Ren Faithful drow ranger 10
Dapper Disguise pudge 15
Souls Tyrant shadow fiend 30
Tribal Pathways warlock 7
Fowl Omen necrophos 25
2018 cache sets
set name hero price
Trail of the Sanguine Spectrum blood seeker 6
Pitfall Crusader pangolier 10
Insights of the Sapphire Shroud dark seer 6
Pillar of the Fractured Citadel spirit breaker 12
Forlorn Descent undying 12
Stonemarch Sovereign wraith king 25
The Murid Divine necro 9
Primer of the Sapper's Guile techies 6
Molokau Stalker venomancer 6
Morbific Provision witch doctor 6
Raptures of the Abyssal Kin queen of pain 6
Fate Meridian invoker 12
Grasp of the Riven Exile weaver 6
Visions of the Lifted Veil phantom assassin 25
Dread Compact warlock 100
Endowments of the Lucent Canopy shadow shaman 120
Pitmouse Fraternity meepo 6
Fires of the Volcanic Guard ember spirit 9
Third Awakening dragon knight 15
Shackles of the Enduring Conscript axe 6
Shimmer of the Anointed nyx assassin 3
Cruelties of the Spiral Bore magnus 40
Loaded Prospects brewmaster 3
Ire of Molten Rebirth phoenix 3
Pattern of the Silken Queen broodmother 3
Dread Ascendance doom 20
The Rat King chen 3
Raiments of the Obsidian Forge underlord 9
old cache sets
set name hero price
Creeping Shadow phantom assassin around 120
Stormwrought Arbiter sven around 120
Submerged Hazard tinker around 90
Manta Marauder bat rider around 90
Legends of Darkheart Pursuit Night stalker around 200
Weathers. buy 3 and get 4th for free the lowest of them is the free one
weathers can be traded now!!
weather price
Ash 15$ 9$
Aurora 2$
Harvest 3$ 1$
Moonbeam 5$ 2.5$
Pestilence 3$ 1$
Rain 9$ 7$
Sirocco 3$ 1$
Spring 2$
Snow 5$ 2.5$
PS: even if you don't see an item in my inventory feel free to add me and ask about whatever item you're looking for
submitted by aminalzoubi to Dota2Trade [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 mbl91 To buy our dream home or not…

A little background: Husband (39) and I (33) have been together 10 years and have been renters our entire relationship. Currently renting from family, so we don’t actually pay market value rent since they wanted to help us save since the goal is for us to be able to buy a home. We’ve been able to save a little bit of money & I’m itching to get into our own place because I feel like this house is too small for us, our toddler, and our pet — ESPECIALLY because husband wants to have another kid sooner than later.
We started a house search & based the search price on monthly payment estimate from our loan officer, BUT forgot about including the estimate for property taxes, mortgage insurance, etc. (this is important later). Point is — we found a house that we absolutely LOVE! It is right around the corner from a park and down the street from a really good school. It checks every box that we’re looking for in a house, and it’s got plenty of room to grow. There are a few minor things we’d want to do (put grass in front instead of gravel and replace the kitchen sink), but other than that, it doesn’t appear to need any work (obvi inspections would tell us more). We could literally stay in this house until we’re too old to go up the stairs! BUT the estimated monthly payment with current interest rates (including insurance, property taxes, etc) is going to be between 40-45% of our current monthly take home. I say current because my salary increases every year that I teach and also as I acquire more units — so come July I would start making 3k more a year, 5k if I get the last few units I need to move all the way over on the pay scale. I also get a few stipends at the end of the school year that would be added to my June paycheck. My husband also has a chance to make a little more if he goes on-call with his job, which would put a little more in our pocket each month as well. Based on our current monthly take home, even with 45% going to house payment, we’d still have enough to cover bills as they stand right now plus estimating a little higher since house will be bigger. We just wouldn’t have a lot of money leftover to go to savings each month until mine or my husband’s pay increases. Also as a teacher, when we do decide to have another child, my monthly income would decrease by half for the time that I go out on maternity leave bc they deduct the cost of the long-term sub. Disability insurance makes up some of the cost, but not all. Then we also take into account the cost of two kids in daycare vs one. A second kid is at least a year away though, if not longer, so we’re hoping we could refinance before that happens to lower our payment. Without a lower payment or increase in pay though, I’d worry about the ability to make ends meet while on maternity leave since we need both incomes as it stands right now.
We did put in an offer on the house below asking to get us at a more comfortable payment, but the sellers wanted asking or higher — not an official counter offer, they just said they’d only consider an offer that was at least asking price. Our agent asked us if we want to put in a new offer at asking or just pass — and THAT is where we are torn…
TLDR — torn on buying our literal dream home because the monthly payment would be higher than we’d like until our income increases mid 2025. Do we tighten our belts and just deal with the higher payments until income increases & we can eventually refinance? Or do we pass it up & take it as a sign that it’s not meant to be right now?
submitted by mbl91 to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 paladyr Can anyone add a trusted device?

This hasn't worked for me for at least a year on any device (3 PCs and a phone). I check the box to trust the device and it never saves. Has anyone been successful in adding a trusted device?
submitted by paladyr to fidelityinvestments [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 ShiwaniK Les Femmes Michif Otipemisiwak Sends Message of Support to Survivors and Families of MMIWG2S+ in Vancouver

Les Femmes Michif Otipemisiwak Sends Message of Support to Survivors and Families of MMIWG2S+ in Vancouver submitted by ShiwaniK to TheWeeklyVoice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 gamedevnet .Net

submitted by gamedevnet to gamedevnet [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 HDCTHari Quick question: do you have to off the usb port in the steelseries arctis nova 5x or it automatically turns off by itself when you shut your pc down

I have just bought the arctis nova 5 and I was wondering if the usb port offs by itself when you shut your pc down or you have to off it manually?
submitted by HDCTHari to steelseries [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 nuncio_populi Comment on PATH Budget before December 9

submitted by nuncio_populi to Newark [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 SuperHedgehog9852 What's a series you stopped liking after RE-reading it?

It's such a rude wake up call but it happens lol.
For me, it's some of the YA titles I used to love

I unhaul books too so getting rid of these was WEIRD as when I did.
submitted by SuperHedgehog9852 to fantasyromance [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Purple_Cost_2017 Does Vanguard run on Windows 10 LTSC Iot?

I was able to run and play a match on Valorant right after the installation, but after a while I received an error which I forgot what it says. I tried enabling tmp as well as boot secure but to no avail.
submitted by Purple_Cost_2017 to WindowsLTSC [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Greentea_Teapot What is your personality type?

I’m a INPT-T
submitted by Greentea_Teapot to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 SignificantArmy9546 Weight loss options for a free fed cat - Can’t limit food access

submitted by SignificantArmy9546 to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 MeaningPale7414 AMD software detected that a driver timeout has occurred.

submitted by MeaningPale7414 to AMDHelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Important-Amoeba-525 Failed Postgraduate Formative Assessment.

I am very upset that I failed my formative assessment (57/100) as it was my first graded assessment that I completed for my masters degree. I did follow the essay guidance and I discussed my essay on multiple occasions at my professor’s office hours (they reassured me that it was a good essay plan but a different person marked it). They were also aware that I was ill while I was writing this formative assessment.
And so I’m keen to improve for my future assessments. Does anyone have any advice please? Thank you!
submitted by Important-Amoeba-525 to UniUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Spider_Boyo In prep for more DC (hopefully)

In prep for more DC (hopefully) My first DC purchase since the last Dark Knight Tumbler (why there's a another one coming is still a mystery), a £20 increase from RRP, that's the market for you
Excited to have the only Killer Moth and Blue Beetle, and I quite like the vehicles, the plan though is to amass a collection of minifigures like with Marvel, that Arkham rumour better be real or I'll riot
submitted by Spider_Boyo to lego [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Training_Fact_9749 2buck

2buck submitted by Training_Fact_9749 to Bombing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Background-Mark9505 What episode was when the city of bikini bottom hated in I'll go first the sponge who could fly

submitted by Background-Mark9505 to spongebob [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Lordfelcherredux Temp where you are in Thailand?

Pleasantly cooler weather tonight just outside of Bangkok. How's the weather where you are?
submitted by Lordfelcherredux to Thailand [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Longjumping_Sea_353 Could the Pixel 9 be a good choice?

Can it be a good choice if you want to save money or can one less camera, 4GB more RAM and a vapor chamber make the difference for the Pro?
submitted by Longjumping_Sea_353 to GooglePixel [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 TimesandSundayTimes [INTERVIEW] Max Verstappen: Spending half my life in F1 would be boring

submitted by TimesandSundayTimes to MaxVerstappen33 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Fragrant_Job_1456 I’m an avid reader exploring philosophy and literature—ask me anything!

Whether you’re curious about my reading list, favorite books, or anything, feel free to ask! I’m open to giving book recommendations.
submitted by Fragrant_Job_1456 to Indianbooks [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Ron341 “Kylian can keep his head high”: Ancelotti and Bellingham in support of Mbappé after Liverpool-Real Madrid

“Kylian can keep his head high”: Ancelotti and Bellingham in support of Mbappé after Liverpool-Real Madrid submitted by Ron341 to latestworldstories [link] [comments]
