Realization: The NPCs aren't idiots

2024.11.29 15:50 dragonsowl Realization: The NPCs aren't idiots

Skyrim suddenly makes sense. The NPCs aren't idiots, just scared of the caprisous invincible god who plagues their world. I suddenly feel much better about my pacifist run.
What would you do if a being whou could poison you, force you to fight your friends and will always come back crouched in front of you "trying to hide"? I personally sure as hell would indulge him in is fantasy in hopes that he won't kill me
submitted by dragonsowl to skyrim [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Low_Fan_2842 What nut milk does Bryan use?

I’ve been trying to find a good nut milk but all the ones I find at the grocery store are garbage. Does anyone know what brand Bryan uses?
submitted by Low_Fan_2842 to blueprint_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 SnooPineapples1756 Joggers by long gif

Joggers by long gif Real housewives gifs are my guiding lights and I recently found out that you can create such things with duration up to a minute! I think it's fantastic so I made Joggers moment into this form.
submitted by SnooPineapples1756 to BravoRealHousewives [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 MyNameisMayco He doesn't give a fuck

He doesn't give a fuck submitted by MyNameisMayco to guitars [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Alternative-Tell2408 شبك سلك الملاعب الأخضر: كل ما تحتاج معرفته 01101241000 شبك السلك الأخضر هو نوع شائع من الأسوار

شبك سلك الملاعب الأخضر: كل ما تحتاج معرفته 01101241000 شبك السلك الأخضر هو نوع شائع من الأسوار شبك سلك الملاعب الأخضر: كل ما تحتاج معرفته 01101241000
شبك السلك الأخضر هو نوع شائع من الأسوار يستخدم على نطاق واسع في الملاعب الرياضية والحدائق والمنشآت الأخرى
. يتميز بمتانته وقدرته على تحمل الاستخدام المكثف، بالإضافة إلى مظهره الجذاب.
لماذا يتم اختيار شبك السلك الأخضر للملاعب؟
المتانة: مصمم لتحمل الصدمات والتآكل، مما يجعله مثاليًا للاستخدام في الملاعب.
المرونة: يمكن تشكيله بسهولة ليناسب أي شكل أو حجم للملعب.
التنفس: يسمح بمرور الهواء والضوء، مما يساهم في نمو العشب بشكل جيد.
السهولة في التركيب والصيانة: يمكن تركيبه بسهولة ولا يتطلب صيانة كبيرة.
المظهر الجذاب: يضيف لمسة جمالية إلى أي ملعب.
أنواع شبك السلك الأخضر المستخدم في الملاعب:
شبك سلك مجلفن: يتميز بطلاء من الزنك يوفر حماية ضد الصدأ والتآكل.
شبك سلك مغلف بالـ PVC: يتميز بطبقة من البلاستيك (PVC) تحمي السلك من التآكل والعوامل الجوية.
شبك سلك حديدي: يتميز بمتانته العالية ولكنه قد يتعرض للصدأ بمرور الوقت إذا لم يتم معالجته بشكل صحيح.
مميزات شبك السلك الأخضر المغلف بالـ PVC:
مقاومة للصدأ والتآكل: يوفر حماية طويلة الأمد للسلك.
مقاومة للأشعة فوق البنفسجية: لا يتأثر بأشعة الشمس ولا يفقد لونه بمرور الوقت.
عازل للكهرباء: يوفر مستوى عالٍ من الأمان.
متوفر بألوان مختلفة: يمكن اختيار اللون المناسب لتناسب تصميم الملعب.
كيفية اختيار شبك السلك الأخضر المناسب للملعب:
حجم الفتحات: يجب اختيار حجم الفتحات المناسب حسب نوع الاستخدام.
ارتفاع السلك: يعتمد على ارتفاع السياج المطلوب.
سمك السلك: يحدد قوة ومتانة السلك.
نوع الطلاء: يجب اختيار نوع الطلاء المناسب للظروف المناخية.
تركيب شبك السلك الأخضر:
تحضير الأرض: يجب تسوية الأرض وتنظيفها من الحجارة والأشجار.
وضع الأعمدة: يتم وضع الأعمدة على مسافات متساوية.
شد السلك: يتم شد السلك على الأعمدة باستخدام أدوات خاصة.
التثبيت: يتم تثبيت السلك بالأعمدة باستخدام مشابك معدنية.
صورة لتركيب شبك سلك أخضر في ملعب
نصائح للحفاظ على شبك السلك الأخضر:
التنظيف الدوري: يجب تنظيف الشبك من الأتربة والأوساخ بشكل دوري.
الفحص المنتظم: يجب فحص الشبك بشكل دوري للتأكد من عدم وجود أي تلف.
الصيانة الدورية: يجب إجراء الصيانة الدورية للشبك حسب الحاجة.
باختيارك شبك سلك أخضر عالي الجودة وتركيبته بشكل صحيح، ستضمن حصولك على سياج متين وجميل للملعب الخاص بك.
هل لديك أي أسئلة أخرى حول شبك السلك الأخضر؟
صور: يمكنني تزويدك بصور توضيحية لأنواع مختلفة من شبك السلك الأخضر.
المقارنات: يمكنني مقارنة بين أنواع مختلفة من الشبك لمساعدتك في اتخاذ القرار المناسب.
نصائح التركيب: يمكنني تقديم بعض النصائح حول كيفية تركيب شبك السلك الأخضر بشكل صحيح.
submitted by Alternative-Tell2408 to roofingtilesegyptian [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 psek342 underated goat

underated goat If Woria was the leader of revolution army , kuma wouldn't be cucked.He would've raid mary Geoise itself for his nakama
submitted by psek342 to Piratefolk [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Minute-Ad9806 Help me please

I am a 1st year college student who's currently struggling to pay for my tuition. My family is financially unstable, I dont want to stop goin to school. It has been my dream to become a nurse ever since I was a kid, seeing all the pnle results on my feed, I can't help but feel defeated. Im so anxious since I'm not from a privileged family, My parents cannot pay for my tuition anymore. Pls I beg you guys even if its a small amount I will gladly accept it. Thank you.
submitted by Minute-Ad9806 to helpme [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 realcatqt Girls on a date in prison, 1990.

Girls on a date in prison, 1990. submitted by realcatqt to RareHistoricalPhotos [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Beginning-Breath6380 Fold-A-Freak, rolling and folding freaks for Mork Borg and CY_Borg. Second best Borgian stuff this year after the Tephrotic Nightmares.

Fold-A-Freak, rolling and folding freaks for Mork Borg and CY_Borg. Second best Borgian stuff this year after the Tephrotic Nightmares. submitted by Beginning-Breath6380 to MorkBorg [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 el3rod عروض مونوبرى‏‎‏ قطر|حتى 3-12-2024|الرائعة\ #عروض_مونوبرى‏‏\ #العروض #el3rod\ #تخفيضات #خصومات #تسوق #عروض #تخفيض #خصم #عرض\ #اخر_عروض_قطر #عروض_قطر #قطر

عروض مونوبرى‏‎‏ قطر|حتى 3-12-2024|الرائعة\ #عروض_مونوبرى‏‏\ #العروض #el3rod\ #تخفيضات #خصومات #تسوق #عروض #تخفيض #خصم #عرض\ #اخر_عروض_قطر #عروض_قطر #قطر submitted by el3rod to el3ord_Qatar [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Upper-Self-7198 Fun Fact:

Fun Fact: Dr Connors doesn’t recognize Peter in this scene because of the drastic changes Peter’s face underwent between spiderman ps4 and spiderman remastered😱
submitted by Upper-Self-7198 to SpidermanPS4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 vermthrowaway This weapon is almost good but has such a terrible attack pattern

This weapon is almost good but has such a terrible attack pattern submitted by vermthrowaway to Vermintide [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Chemical-Language232 Can't Beat ML on Expert as a Summoner

Can't Beat ML on Expert as a Summoner submitted by Chemical-Language232 to Terraria [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Dangerous-Brain- Well there reputation is in the floor now

Well there reputation is in the floor now submitted by Dangerous-Brain- to Dandadan [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 federalbureauofcats Update on the paint kitten!

Update on the paint kitten! Thank you for all of your suggestions on how to get the remaining paint out of her fur. Through a combination of snipping and working paint out and shaving the majority of the paint was worked out. Our wonderful vet team shaved the rest while she was under anesthesia for her spay.
This gal will be going to her forever home tomorrow 💕
submitted by federalbureauofcats to FosterAnimals [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 tinycup45 Carb float for MiniMoto

Carb float for MiniMoto I’ve worked on a mikuni carb before (yz250) but not something like this. No tuning screws other than idle, the float forks are all bent up and i’m not sure if it’s from the last person who worked on it, or if it’s factory. Any idea on if i should straighten the forks out or leave em? Can send more photos if needed. Time being i’ll be cleaning it out with some brake cleaner as its a tad grimy
submitted by tinycup45 to carburetors [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 SykoKenCi New Rog Ally Z1 Extreme 460€ ?

I have so many questions!! I was wondering if I should get myself one of these for 460€ currently in Saturn (Germany) since i belive its good deal. I did check some reviews and it seems powerful enough although battery seems to be an issue, anyway..
I have a good pc, 7800x3d with 4080s, and im not interested in playing a lot AAA games on it, since i belive those are much more enjoyable on regular pc.
From your experiences, of someone who maybe has a good pc did u find much enjoyment in it, or did u end up using rog ally rarely? I dont want it to collect dust.
Im a sucker for fps, stuttering kills my enjoyment, so after many updates after launch did it improve, is it possible to maintain 60fps in most titles ? If not is it still smooth experience?
When im thinking about it i would play it when i travel, work, in bed, when taking dump perhaps..
I know Ally X is out but 899€ is just not worth it, considering its doube the price atm.
submitted by SykoKenCi to ROGAlly [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 weak_superher0 AITK for creaming in my sleep while my relatives were present?

So, my relatives were visiting our housr for a wedding. I slept in the same room with them. Now, I don't have a problem of sleep-talking but for some reason, maybe due to a nightmare, I screamed loud enough for our relatives to wake up. In the next morning they seemed tired due to this incomplete sleep and so I might have ruined their day unintentionally.
So, AITK, for screaming in my sleep?
submitted by weak_superher0 to AmItheKameena [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Nice_Flamingo203 Next pullback level?

We are having a great breakout which is exciting! I put 1000$ in at .73. Wishing i would have doubledoubled down at a dollar. Possibly looking to put more in at the next pull back. What level are you guys watching for the next pull back to retest? 1.45 1.50??? Should I double down or just hold what I got until the (hopefully) ETF approval and SEC case drop?
submitted by Nice_Flamingo203 to XRP [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 ItsOnLikeNdamakung Start 2, Bench 2

Currently have Tyreek, who bailed me out with a near miracle TD, and Higgins. Trying to decide WR3 and Flex with the current options:

Deandre Hopkins (volatile) Amari Cooper (volatile) Jerry Jeudy (seems to becoming safe) Jordan Addison (about as boom or bust you can get)
submitted by ItsOnLikeNdamakung to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Weekend_Conscious Payment question

Payment question I flew recently and had bought a Costco sw gift card to cover part of my flight fare to get the 2% rewards through my Costco membership. It's been almost a week since my flight and I just noticed my account shows charges for all the tickets despite using a gift card to pay for some of it. One shows pending and I'm assuming it will fall off after a couple more days but it didn't show as a pending charge until today. It originally showed me the order total after the use of the gift card which was $900 something. Now it's split into 3 charges. Attaching the pics to show. Just curious if this is the norm (as this was my first time flying with sw) and if I should expect it to drop off as a pending charge or if I should be reaching out to their customer service which I assume will take a while to get through given it's the holiday season. Thanks for any feedback!
submitted by Weekend_Conscious to SouthwestAirlines [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Liftboy22 Mercedes-Benz CLA 250 AMG-LINE 4MATIC savjet

Pozdrav ljudi, znaci kolega mi sa posla nudi ovaj auto za 21k eura. Auto je 2015 god. sa 100k km, on ga je kupio prije godinu sa ali bi htio promijeniti auto jel nema u ovome toliko mjesta koliko je njemu potrebno. Auto je u odlicnom stanju bez ogrebotina i redovno odrzavan. Mene zanima kakva je pouzdanost ovog auta, vidiljivost u auto posto nema zadnju kameru, i jeli uopce pametno uzimati auto koji je skoro 10god ili je bolje malo nadodati i uzeti nesto novo. Lp
submitted by Liftboy22 to croautomobili [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Owderland CoD atual é bom ?

Bom queria começar uma discussão/conversa será que CoD é realmente bom atualmente? Ou é só saudosismo do passado em época como d BO e MW ( antigos) , dentre outros CoDs , eram realmente bons e tinham apoio das empresas tanto em bugs quando em ouvir a comunidade será que CoD ( digo do warzone também) é bom ou ele só não tem um competidor para fazer ele ir para frente o BF mesmo sendo relativamente bom não põe a activision ( ou empresas produtores do CoDs do ano ) em alerta para melhorar o jogo para ter uma maior playerbase parece que a gente só se acutusmou mal e muito mal em aceitar isso e não vai mudar tanto porque a empresa já está lucrando e é isso que importa por fim quero saber a opinião de vocês
submitted by Owderland to codbr [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 PuppyLover77 Distortion Dark and Divergent giveaway including a $100 Amazon gift card, English tea and biscuits and more {WW} (12/05/2024)

Distortion Dark and Divergent giveaway including a $100 Amazon gift card, English tea and biscuits and more {WW} (12/05/2024) submitted by PuppyLover77 to giveaways [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:50 Silent_Scoper Looking for an avian vet in or around Glasgow

Long shot but does anyone know any avian vets at all? I've called a few vets ie Ardmory, Ark & Lawries, and none can get me in till next week. Got a few wee budgies the other day and one has a respiratory problem and I'm not sure he will make it before they can see him next week 😕. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
submitted by Silent_Scoper to glasgow [link] [comments]