2024.11.29 15:44 _Radivoy Mintadiákból egy senki lettem, és találkozni fogok néhány régi osztálytársammal és tanárommal, hogyan magyarázzam el nekik?
Öcsém szalagavatóján óhatatlanul is találkozni fogok régi ismerősökkel és tanárokkal. Én voltam az az ember az osztályból, akit közel 500 felvételi ponttal vettek fel egyetemre, akinek országos versenyeredményei voltak középiskolában, aki franciából és japánból is középfokú nyelvvizsgát és akiről mindig azt mondták a tanárok, hogy ilyen meg olyan sokra fogja vinni.
Hát kurvára nem így lett. Úgy kibasztak egyetemről két év után mint annak a rendje. Nagyon rosszul éreztem magam egyetemi közegben. Lecsúsztam a gólyatáborról helyhiány miatt, nem sikerült barátokat szereznem év közben sem, pedig próbálkoztam. Utáltam kollégiumban lakni, folyton gyökér és alkesz szobatársakat kaptam magam mellé, akik rendszeresen összehányták a mosdót és disznóólat csináltak a szobából. Hiába mentem olyan szakra, ami érdekelt, kibaszottul untam az összes előadást és gyakorlatot. Amíg lehetett, addig beseggeltem az anyagot vizsgára/ZH-ra, de valós tudás nem volt mögötte (ezzel jól meg is szoptam a ráépülő tárgyaknál). Nehezebb tárgyaknál ezt már nyilván nem tudtam eljátszani.
Harmadik félévben pánikbetegséggel és szorongással diagnosztizáltak, és muszáj volt passziváltatnom. Negyedik félévben visszatértem, de semmi motivációm nem volt már, nem is értettem az anyagot és nem is érdekelt, ráadásul már ilyenkor egy év csúszásban voltam. Szenvedtem, szépen megbuktam mindenből, és otthagytam az egészet a faszba. Most van egy jó szar munkám, jó szar fizetésért, és anyámnál lakom. Már angolul is nagyon szarul beszélek, a többi nyelvemen pedig egy alap mondatot sem tudok már összerakni.
Csomó volt osztálytársam jogi, orvosi és mérnöki szakon tanul vagy végzett, többeknek jól fizető, stabil munkája van. Nem tudok így eléjük állni. Kb. 2 hét múlva lesz az öcsémnek az a kurva szalagavatója, de már mindennap azon jár az eszem és nem hagy nyugodni. HOGY LEHET EZT AZ ELBASZOTT ÉLETET FELVÁLLALNI?? Az én osztályfőnököm úgy köszönt el tőlem a saját szalagavatómon, hogy örül, hogy megismerhetett, és biztosan nagyon sokra fogom még vinni. Rettegek tőle, hogy véletlenül összefutunk...
Mit mondjak? Hogy valljam be ezt mindekinek?? Mit hazudjak? Rengeteget gondolkoztam rajta, de csak azt látom magam előtt, hogy mindenki rajtam röhög, míg én a sárga földig süllyedek.
submitted by _Radivoy to askhungary [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 15:44 Vivid_Efficiency_430 [iOS] [$49.99->Free One-time purchase] BoyMath. Made For Finance Bros
submitted by Vivid_Efficiency_430 to AppGiveaway [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 15:44 Fpv_dji Do I need to buy new för batteries
Hi! I had a Pavo 20, but once I plugged it in it just started smoking, so I pulled it out but the drone didn’t work anymore. I tested plugging in the drone without the batteries and it worked. So I tried to solder on a new xt 30 but I couldn’t (I’m completely new to soldering) so I have just bought the Pavo 20 pro. And I’m wondering if I should buy new batteries? I have no idea of which one it was, and I can’t see any difference. I’m on a tight budget so I really don’t wanna buy new batteries but I don’t wanna ruin my new drone. So do I need to buy new batteries? Here are some picture of both my batteries xt 30 port: (It’s different batteries)
submitted by Fpv_dji to fpv [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 15:44 Mother_Ad3456 pharmacy 🍞
i got it 11 days ago.. (the day after my interview..)
but just found it in the spam.. hahhhaha
but first bread finally!!!!
submitted by Mother_Ad3456 to 6thForm [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 15:44 Born_Razzmatazz6578 Currently in a Cold War
Basically the title. He loves to do this thing where if I don’t respond to him the way he wants at a specific time he won’t speak to me for a whole day. At first I didn’t believe it and when he did it I begged for him to speak to me before he actually spoke to me, and when he did he basically brushed me off. The next time he had this temper tantrum I just waited for him to come to me. Now he has done something that was not satisfactory to me. So guess what?
Temper tantrum unlocked.
It’s been around two days since we haven’t spoke. Except from the odd messages here an there. We are keeping it friendly but still lowkey arguing. He has been working really hard to flip this on me too, with no prevail. It kind of just feels like a Cold War right now.
Any advice?
submitted by Born_Razzmatazz6578 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 15:44 hmtbthnsln Kesit veya Yayın Tavsiyesi İstiyorum
Merhaba. Terkedildim. Ek bilgi isteyene: Kafamda aştım artık ama ilişkiye başlarken depresyondaydım, bana iyi gelmişti, şimdi tekrar depresyondayım üstelik üstüne her ne kadar onunla zaten olmamam gerektiğini anlasam da ne yaptığını ve nasıl olduğunu merak etme laneti (çok aptalca) eklendi. 22 yaşındayım bu arada ve ilk defa gerçekten aşık olmuştum. Günhan'ı hep zor zamanlarımda yanımda olan bir abi olarak hissettim, bu ne kadar sağlıklı tartışılır ama seviyorum bu adamı. Günhan'ın veya Yiğitcan'ın bu konularda konuştuğu kesit veya yayın varsa söylerseniz sevinirim. Uygun bir post değilse silebilirim söylemeniz yeterli. Sizi seviyorum.
submitted by hmtbthnsln to wiredpeople [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 15:44 annedp TX Lege staffer rental
Where do staffers typically live? Looking for a short term rental or sublease for the legislative term but don't want to live with undergrads.
submitted by annedp to AustinHousing [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 15:44 Money-Humor3595 New water mark/Mouny design :3
submitted by Money-Humor3595 to Socksfor1Submissions [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 15:44 SuckBallsDoYa If you could choose 1 sentence to live by - what is your 1 sentence ?
Looking for inspiration 🥹🤷♀️❤️🫰 submitted by SuckBallsDoYa to Journaling [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 15:44 Crazy_Possession6201 End of tenancy advice
Hi all throwaway account for my own security.
I've been renting the same property since October 2022. I started renting when I moved back to my home town and it was my boss whos property I was letting.
In all the 2 years I have not failed to pay my rent on time. Here is the issue. My boss told me back in August to move out end of September which I agreed to (verbally). He's actually done me a few favours and has been a good guy to work for. I had not been able to find anything so it extended over into October. Towards the end of October, I had a fall out with a colleague (who is the number 2 in the company) over a personal matter and as a result of this, I kind of lost my head and disappeared for a week without telling anyone.
On my return I was told I had been sacked. I owe my boss £3k also. I went to his house to discuss why id gone (serious mental health breakdown) but he was having none of it and was kind of aggressive, demanding I pay him what I owe and to leave the house in 7 days. I promised him I'd be gone end of November.
I haven't been able to find anything. He expects me to hand the keys back Monday. What are my rights? I haven't been issued with an official notice but it's going to get ugly if I don't leave, and I'm afraid I might end up getting assaulted and beaten up in one way or another or forced out.
I've got no one I can turn to, I'm completely on my own in this. I've got 3 cats who are my life and soul and I don't even know what I'm going to do with them.
It feels like there's only one way out and that's all I'm thinking about
submitted by Crazy_Possession6201 to TenantsInTheUK [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 15:44 xatfi Näissä tuoteryhmissä vedätetään eniten Black Fridayna – ja näissä on parhaat alennukset
submitted by xatfi to xatfi [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 15:44 Quick599 [TSN] Darren Dreger says Kaapo Kakko’s name has resurfaced in trade talks. Ice time is an issue and the player probably wants a fresh start.
submitted by Quick599 to Habs [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 15:44 BuschWhackerReviews Joey Logano set up a bonus chart for his crew this season
submitted by BuschWhackerReviews to NASCAR [link] [comments]
submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to MetalsOnReddit [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 15:44 XxAaliya_PlayzxX IM SO ANNOYED I WANT TO TRADE THIS NEON LETTUCE BOWL FOR NFR COW AND ADDA LIKE MAYBE 3 RIDE POTS or maybe good overpay no htt pet
submitted by XxAaliya_PlayzxX to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 15:44 Scott-Redfield Name of this bay?
Is there a name for this bay on Lake Ladoga in Russia? Writing a novel and want it to be accurate. Thanks in advance! submitted by Scott-Redfield to geography [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 15:44 BlazzingMommyys How about my outfit for gym? 🤭
submitted by BlazzingMommyys to SexyButNotNude [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 15:44 adw1011 Tire pressure?
My car is sitting on 235 40 r18s and I’m wondering, what kind of pressure should I keep in the tire for best overall performance/MPGs and just general piece of mind? Checked the pressure this morning and ranged from 30-33psi
submitted by adw1011 to FocusST [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 15:44 MR--B0NES El niño que se identifico con Barbie xd
submitted by MR--B0NES to MemesEnEspanol [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 15:44 TheDoodleBug_ Love this song❤
submitted by TheDoodleBug_ to BollywoodMusic [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 15:44 LuckyOccasion5000 Can someone please help, I can't find the andwer and why?
submitted by LuckyOccasion5000 to iqtest [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 15:44 fzv_ $1TAROT READINGS!
I'm from the majestic deserts of Chile, I’ve been learning and reading tarot half my life since I was 17.
You can ask 1 question and I’ll pull 3 cards. You can get more answers and cars depending on your generous donation ;)
submitted by fzv_ to energy_healing [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 15:44 sleazy_b Monsters and Manuals: Bridging the Representative Diversity Divide
submitted by sleazy_b to osr [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 15:44 stewie_hiccz How can i grow faster,any tips?
Currently I'm in shelter lvl21
submitted by stewie_hiccz to DoomsdayLastSurvivors [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 15:44 Coolguy12345HD Timebomb x luther
Hello! I just wanted to share something that I worked on. I don't think I'm unique in saying that S2 E7 of Arcane kinda made me fall in love with these two's dynamic.
Even before this episode, I heard about their relationship but I didn't really pay attention to it up until this episode came out. I couldn't stop consuming timebomb content ever since. It moved me so much to the point that I made a music video about them accompanied by Kendrick Lamar's "luther" featuring SZA!
Basically, Arcane has set the record for how short of a time I could care about a certain pair of characters having romantic chemistry LOL
Hopefully you guys like it <33
submitted by Coolguy12345HD to TimeBomb [link] [comments]