Training mission load and work, but none of the career mission do.

2024.11.29 15:37 ReserveLegitimate738 Training mission load and work, but none of the career mission do.

Title say it all.
I've noticed that in my case MSFS 2024 career missions load for 2 days straight, then they don't for the next 2. And it's a cycle like this. What do you think is happening and am I alone experiencing this phenomenon? Seems like everyone is advancing in their careers while I am held back.
submitted by ReserveLegitimate738 to MicrosoftFlightSim [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 OnlyHereForKC 1198 Latin America

Anyone have an old account from there they are not playing on anymore and looking for someone to take it over ?
submitted by OnlyHereForKC to kingschoice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 Plus_West_4939 (Battle of the Minis) ChatGPT4-O-Mini VS Mistral Nemo: Brainstorming battle from a story seed

I’ve been developing an AI tool for creative writers and decided to test the creative capabilities of ChatGPT4-Omni-Mini and Mistral Nemo using the same story seed as a benchmark. This is both an evaluation of their storytelling abilities and a showcase of how the tool works.
This is the prompt with the seed of the story. From this seed, we get different outlines from ChatGPT4-Omni and Mistral Large:
Using the The Three-Act Structure writing technique adapted for romance develop an outline of 1000 words for a romantic story with a bittersweet ending:
The protagonists are a young extraordinary talent teenager inventor called Sonia and a teenager boy called Alex who is smart and a talented athlete. Sonia has invented a Time Machine that allows to freeze the time for 2 person for an undefined amount of time, but every time she uses there is a substantial time to cool down in order to use it again. The initial incident is a big meteorite that is going to impact Earth erasing all life in the planet. Sonia uses the machine in order to save herself and Alex, but Sonia tells that she doesn’t know why Alex was saved by the Time Machine. They start to work together looking for a way to save the planet. 10 after the incident Alex discovers the truth that Sonia had really chosen him on purpose. Alex decides to leave her and for 20 years they follow separate paths. Then Alex finds out a possibility to save the planet and goes back with Sonia to share is findings. Sonia confirms his findings but tells him that to save everyone else they will have to die. They accept their fate and expend the next 20 years together until they run the plan, saving the planet and dying in the process.
With the outlines, we can create the full story.
In the links with the final result (linkt to the final text generated, link to the prompt history) so you can test it yourself. This is specially usefull for people who want to become prompt engineers. In order to fully understand the prompts you need some basic knowledge of JSON and XML formats:

Since I'm still developing the tool I'm open to test the brainstorming capabilities for anyone who wanted to test an outline for free.
submitted by Plus_West_4939 to VideoBooksFiction [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 Due-Marketing98 297127843804 4 LOCALS

297127843804 4 LOCALS submitted by Due-Marketing98 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 Stuckin13 Beyond The Holy Trinity: How to make new Classes and Mechanics?

Tank, Support, DPS. They're pretty well understood concepts, Tanks deal with enemies interacting with you, Supports deal with you interacting with allies, and DPS deals with you interacting with enemies. Usually this is in the context of trying to make the bad guy's health go down before yours does in some way.
Now, there are definitely a hundred and one ways to go about these three broad roles, everything from life stealing to crowd control to buffs and debuffs, but that's not what I want to get into here. Instead I'm interested in ways to change this dynamic entirely, such as adding new dynamics to how you and your allies interact with the world.
For example, I want to write a superhero (or superhero adjacent) LitRPG story, where fighting the monsters that appear is only half of the mission. The other half is protecting civilians and preventing as much collateral damage as possible, usually in heavily populated, urban environments.
This provides two new potential dynamics to the equation, environmental control or reinforcement, and saving or evacuating civilians. I'm having a bit of trouble with what classes and their abilities and mechanics would look though, since I'm not really sure where to look for inspiration. Should I look at RTS and Base Building games? Civ games maybe?
I do have one potential class already, the Idol, who has flashy, powerful abilities, but can only regenerate the energy needed to use them when people are around to see them saving the day. Basically, the more people that watch them, the more powerful they get, and they can even get into a positive feedback loop with enough viewers where they effectively have unlimited energy, though that's obviously hard to do without putting or keeping people in danger.
What about y'all? Any examples of litRPGs you can think of that do something similar about adding new dynamics to how their systems work? Any advice on where to find examples to be inspired by, or class/mechanic ideas you wouldn't mind me yoinking?
submitted by Stuckin13 to litrpg [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 lnfinity Bees dance to communicate the direction and distance to patches of flowers

Bees dance to communicate the direction and distance to patches of flowers submitted by lnfinity to cute [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 Interesting-Elk-2755 Guy said he thought I was the answer to his problems

Things were going great with me F24 and this guy M24 until last night. We hung out the previous night and we're talking about getting exclusive but I found out he lied to me about going on a date with a girl 2 days prior and his excuse for going out with the girl was because he assumed I was still seeing other guys. He met my sister last night and when we went home I wanted some clarity on things and the conversation took a turn and he started saying he doesn't know if he should put his focus on me or work and he has a lot of personal issues. He also was telling me I'm a really sweet and good person that he will be toxic and end up hurting me. He said that he thought I was the answers to all his problems which I'm not sure what that even means. When he was telling me his personal problems I just held him and told him I'm sorry he's dealing with these problems and it's okay he replied with saying "why are you comforting and not getting mad and leaving". He called himself a self sabotager and really was trying everything to push me away.
Earlier yesterday he was asking about what my parents would think of him and he really seemed to care what my sister thought of him after we left. He said it's best we don't see eachother anymore before I left but 20 mins before I left he said he still wanted to see me.
I know I should take this as a warning but I really have grown to care for him. He unmatched or blocked me (not sure which one) from tinder and I won't text him but I'm hoping he will end up reaching out and realize that things didn't have to end this way. I could be blocked for all I know.
TL;DR Guy I've been seeing that wanted to be exclusive told me 2 days ago that he will end up hurting me and being toxic yesterday but I still want to try and talk things through.
submitted by Interesting-Elk-2755 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 You_Got_Meatballed [Discussion] To those saying Parmesan doesn't teleport...

How'd he hunt me down at the new woods spot?
submitted by You_Got_Meatballed to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 EugeneTMaleska Theme: Machete 0, signed by Danny Trejo and artist Stuart Sayger

Theme: Machete 0, signed by Danny Trejo and artist Stuart Sayger submitted by EugeneTMaleska to comicbookcollecting [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 luzzi5luvmywatches Left the Dealer Wednesday night with a new Q5 e 55 S-Line Premium plus

Left the Dealer Wednesday night with a new Q5 e 55 S-Line Premium plus So my wife has had a Jeep Grand Cherokee for 15 years of our marriage and I finally broker her out of the lease spell she was under with Jeep and bought a Hybrid. Just wondering everyone's thoughts and or Good/ Bad stories I'm so excited and just want knowledge!!!! Enjoy your weekend everyone.
submitted by luzzi5luvmywatches to Audi [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 Swimming-Kitchen8232 What AA vehicle is this? Looks like a modified M16

What AA vehicle is this? Looks like a modified M16 submitted by Swimming-Kitchen8232 to ww2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 willp124 [F4A2F] Identity Death TGTF

Looking for a partner to RP a scenario with a heavy emphasis on mental changes and (eventually) identity death.
I'm expecting this would, at least to some extent, be fun - I really would love to focus on the thrill of slowly having you mind be rewritten; seeing your personality change, your mannerisms and speech patterns shift, your memories altered, slowly losing all sense of my old self as my identity is rewritten... you get the idea!
Similarly, I'd love drawn out reality changes to occur alongside the mental changes, where appropriate (I.e. evidence of new hobbies, clothing and wardrobe changes, etc). Physical changes is still important to help with the reality we are making. hearing back from some people! :)
I got diffrent ideas how this goes including: girl, tropes, characters, princess, giantess, works out and so much more like anthro and hyper usually based on a cyoa and always the result is female.
submitted by willp124 to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 mimi778106 Porque os homens comprometidos muitas vezes preferem pornografia do que fazer sexo?

Olá galera, meu primeiro post nesse sub e vim perguntar algo que tenho visto muito por ai (e que já ocorreu comigo), sobre alguns homens preferirem pornografia do que sexo
Eu falo especificamente do meu grupo: mulheres que não negam fogo, estão sempre dispostas a transar, tem fetiches e realizam eles, fazem de tudo pro sexo ser o melhor possível e ainda sim, as vezes, o parceiro em vez de ir atrás de sexo, prefere pegar o celular e se masturbar pra uma tela de celular onde tudo é forjado pelas atrizes, corpo editado, gemidos forçados, não consigo entender isso
Uma coisa é um relacionamento que não tem uma vida sexual em pleno vigor, outra coisa é vida sexual ativa e mesmo assim recorrer a isso
Eu já fui uma mulher com problemas com pornografia quando era menor de idade e sei o quanto ela pode ser prejudicial
O curioso é que a maioria dos caras diz a mesma coisa: não importa o quanto de sexo se faça, o homem precisa de um tempo sozinho se dando prazer
Eu fico com raiva, porque sempre to disposta e acontece isso
E depois fico triste, pq tenho medo q isso acarrete em um vicio e sei como esse vicio pode ser desgraçado
Nunca proibi ninguém de nada, apenas acho q se tem uma vida sexual ativa, isso poderia ser evitado
submitted by mimi778106 to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 AcArtemis Le choix est vite fait 🙂‍↔️

Le choix est vite fait 🙂‍↔️ Personne n’échappe au wankil crazy
submitted by AcArtemis to wankil [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 lostsoul2189 Can I transfer character data from FF7 Remake to FF7 Rebirth

I'm going to get FF7 Rebirth and I want to know if I can transfer character data (HP/MP etc..) from FF7 Remake to FF7 Rebirth. I beat the PS4 disc version of the game on the PS5.
submitted by lostsoul2189 to FF7Rebirth [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 PM_ME_YOUR_TATERTOT I’d like to use a photo for a custom paint by numbers. Please make this photo funny/comical.

I’d like to use a photo for a custom paint by numbers. Please make this photo funny/comical. My initial thought would be them riding a roller coaster or peaking around a corner.
submitted by PM_ME_YOUR_TATERTOT to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 AggressiveFennel9446 Prime Vegeta

Prime Vegeta submitted by AggressiveFennel9446 to AnimeMeme [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 Chemical_Logical Honda CGL 125 o Cargo 150?

Estoy ahorrando para mi primera moto, la quiero para ir y venir del trabajo y para algún que otro mandadito, tal vez para trabajarla en mis ratos libres. Y la verdad es que quiero una moto que sea fiable y que sepa que no me va a dejar tirado. ¿Cuál de esas dos opciones me recomiendan?
submitted by Chemical_Logical to MotosMexico [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 Kaos410 Honk honk!

submitted by Kaos410 to Nepenthes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 Rikers1 Room for rent in Marassi w private bathroom - 5 star amenities; gym, pool, beach and the works. DM for more details. P.s. must be okay with dogs. Singular but you know…

submitted by Rikers1 to Bahrain [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 lechepicante Demon & angel

Demon & angel submitted by lechepicante to ZombielandSaga [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 Neither-Location-730 Вовремя ты

Вовремя ты submitted by Neither-Location-730 to kakayato_fignya [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 breakingthebox WB Mega altaria. 644419010008 & 274823178507

submitted by breakingthebox to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 phattigerx01 What are you guys listening to on this Black Friday?

What are you guys listening to on this Black Friday? submitted by phattigerx01 to MetalForTheMasses [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 15:37 Legal_Sherbert Accounting 1

Can anyone there in Fayetteville tutor my son in Accounting 1 to prep for his final exam. DM
submitted by Legal_Sherbert to UniversityofArkansas [link] [comments]