2024.11.29 16:30 Infamous-Quarter-595 For the sisters in the sub
Plenty of times, whenever I come out of a hangout with girlfriends, the world just feels right.
The only reason I miss high school is because of my friends and our designated dormitory area. It'd just be us, no guys in sight and those were such happy times. I have these fantasies: 1. going to live on an estate/apartment/island that has only women. 2. Constructing a mall that's women only. 3. Constructing a resort/hotel that's women only.
Anyone else have their girl paradise musings or wishes?
submitted by Infamous-Quarter-595 to Uganda [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 16:30 chesswise 15 second short
Please check it out and give any advice, thanks. submitted by chesswise to YoutubePromotionn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 16:30 TrickSatisfaction473 Diggs sayless
submitted by TrickSatisfaction473 to CollegeUltimateTeam [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 16:30 ellevishh Kallen Kozuki, Code Geass
submitted by ellevishh to cosplayers [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 16:30 MrShuuurliii [Paid] Freelance come Full Time Game Designer for Tower Defense Game
Tower Defense Game
As title says, looking for a game designer who can help improve Tower Defense formula for one of the existing games with 0 userbase right now • economy design and balancing • features to improve td formula • overall feature addition & improvement to maximumize kpis; dau, churn, retention, revenue
If u have experience in succesful rpg,arpg, tower defense, strategy or similae games. Please dm me your linkedin and i will reach out to you there
submitted by MrShuuurliii to gameDevClassifieds [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 16:30 Kitchen_Mobile_7660 I love the comparison between these two comments on my last post.
submitted by Kitchen_Mobile_7660 to Klonoa [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 16:30 twiichii Hawaii Volcanoes National Park with aa and pahoehoe
Hi all, earlier this year I went on a field trip and hiked with Geological Society of America, University of Hawaii Hilo, and reps from other organizations to look at various volcanoes and lava flows. Thought it would be cool to share. Take care, and happy hiking! submitted by twiichii to Volcanoes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 16:30 kambabyxx yellow bikini is such a fun color!
submitted by kambabyxx to SFWSwimsuits [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 16:30 motionlesspizza Took these and felt kinda cute, idk
submitted by motionlesspizza to crossdressing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 16:30 curbyjr VZ61, anyone see anyone with a black Friday sale on VZ61 parts kits?
submitted by curbyjr to partskits [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 16:30 ChickenButtEtc What can I do like 5lbs of overcooked rice and undercooked beans? Unseasoned
I forgot that dry beans (pinto) need to be soaked. I was boiling them with rice at the same time, and I tried overcooking the rice to save the beans, but had to abandon that. The beans are half cooked or maybe less, and the rice is complete mush. Is there anything I can do with this wall paper paste I created? Hate to just throw it in the bin, but I will if I ought to. no access to composting
submitted by ChickenButtEtc to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 16:30 RAMEAU87 My chat with psychiatrists at social events
At two different social events, I met two different psychiatrists, both young women.
The first told me this is good there are sick people bc it gives them work.
The second told me she chose psychiatry bc it pays well.
I informed her about PSSD and she told me she never had a patient with such problem, staying in disbelief.
They live their simple life, earning money and good statu.
If they were proposed to take the medications they force on people and forced for a stay at the psych ward, they would considerate torture is proposing to them.
They make a life of wrecking the lives of people through torture and bring neurological mayhem as well as body diformities.
I wish them what they do to others.
submitted by RAMEAU87 to Antipsychiatry [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 16:30 timingfountain Bleed from within are playing an unreleased song in live in Ireland tour
As per band instagram, as always it’s gonna be a banger!
submitted by timingfountain to Metalcore [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 16:30 Psychology_Free 🤣🤣
And no I am not doing no mf full carry for nobody 😭 submitted by Psychology_Free to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 16:30 ToeAggressive7271 Weird green pixel lines with black screen after alt-tabbing.
I relogged to ask for help as i have spent vast majority trying to find out what is going on and why i have this occuring thing with no answers.
The monitor is a new one, and can run fine on games, it has HDR and is an Rapture screen.
I was able to alt-tab on any game to (for example) Firefox just fine up until today. I was on Far Cry 5 and i alt-tabbed to discord but this happened instead, i had no sound anymore and it would not let me restart my pc except for force restarting. It is happening to other games as well. It is not a monitor issue as i have tested it on a different pc, with different games + Far Cry 5 on all the same settings.
Any possible causes to it? If there is fixes, what is it?
submitted by ToeAggressive7271 to pchelp [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 16:30 Impossible_Pack_3671 Essa pessoa faz escalações hipotéticas igual eu nesse sub e ninguém reclama.
submitted by Impossible_Pack_3671 to animebrasil [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 16:30 craving-for-denial MSc (angewandte) Psychologie Fernstudium mit fachfremdem Erststudium
Liebe Community,
Kurzfassung: ich suche Empfehlungen für ein MSc Fernstudium angewandte/Beratungspsychologie mit Zulassungsmöglichkeit mit fachfremdem Erststudium. Ich möchte nicht in die Forschung und nicht Psychotherapeut in Deutschland werden.
Langfassung: Vorab: ich bin in Österreich, deutsche Berufszugangsregelungen betreffen mich daher nicht. Ich habe ein Ingenieurwissenschaftliches Studium bis inkl. Doktorat an einer angesehenen Präsenzuni abgeschlossen. Derzeit arbeite ich an meinem Wechsel in die psychosoziale Beratung/Coaching. Das ist in Österreich reglementiert, daher mache ich die Ausbildung Dipl. Lebens- und Sozialberatung. Ich möchte dem ganzen etwas universitäre Tiefe hinzufügen und für die Außenwirkung einen akademischen Abschluss aus dem Bereich. Meine erste Idee war BSc Hagen. Den hab ich angefangen. Allerdings stelle ich fest, dass nach bereits so viel Studium ich nicht so viel machen möchte was mit meinen konkreten Tätigkeitsplänen wenig zu tun hat. Und ich bin auf die Möglichkeit gestoßen zumindest an der iu direkt den Master Angewandte Psychologie und Beratung machen zu können und würde den Schmuck des MSc dem BSc vorziehen.
Meine Anforderungen: praxisnahe universitäre Inhalte, Flexibilität, Schwerpunkt in Beratungspsychologie/Klinische Psychologie, gerne ein Hauch Wirtschaftspsychologie dazu.
Das ganze soll außerdem ggf. die Tür zum neuen MSc Psychotherapie in Österreich ab 2026 öffnen, der ein fachverwandtes Bachelorstudium voraussetzt. (u.a. Psychologie, Erziehungswissenschaft, Soziale Arbeit - also nicht so eng wie in Deutschland).
Von der Möglichkeit auf Zulassung mit meinen Voraussetzungen weiß ich nur von der iu fix. Apollon würde mich auf den ersten Blick vielleicht noch mehr ansprechen, aber keine Ahnung wie es da aussieht. Die iu ist ja etwas in Verruf, was für meine Anforderungen vielleicht egal wäre, aber zumindest will ich wissen, dass ich dort trotzdem was sinnvolles lerne.
Ich bitte um Erfahrungen und Empfehlungen. Gerne auch dazu in wie weit der Master inhaltlich ohne Psychologiebachelor machbar sein sollte. (Statistik bin ich aus meinem Doktorat sattelfest).
Danke schon einmal.
submitted by craving-for-denial to Studium [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 16:30 Ok_Calligrapher_3627 exhaust mod?
i have a 2015 is350 f sport but i want a lil growl. so im in the market for a cost efficient but loud. Im looking for something in the middle not too expensive but jus the right amount of growl. Any suggestions besides cutting my muffle
submitted by Ok_Calligrapher_3627 to LexusIS [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 16:30 After_Bee_4427 [searching] need cwl champion league clan for max ID
I have one max id and one semi max id , i want to join both in cwl .... And i am trustworthy player So anyone want 2 id clan message me I want to join both of them and need champion league clan
submitted by After_Bee_4427 to ClashOfClansRecruit [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 16:30 Beaner101mx Mastermind Game
In app designer, what are the steps to creating a game panel for mastermind
submitted by Beaner101mx to matlab [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 16:30 PersimmonFront9400 how to run multiplayer
how do i run this? i click on relams and mutiplayer and nothing shows up, whats going on?
submitted by PersimmonFront9400 to SKlauncher [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 16:30 Grafiska sad
submitted by Grafiska to classicwow [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 16:30 TankFar7993 busco amigos
quiero conocer personas y hacer amigos ya que soy una persona muy sola, tengo 16 años y soy gay y soy muy buena onda y amable :)
submitted by TankFar7993 to gaysian [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 16:30 Innocent-Prick What are some unique places to eat in Vegas?
Going for a few days by myself for a work trip and wondering what are places I should check out to eat. I don't care about fancy restaurants. Are there any good buffets?
Also, best strip club cause why not 😆.
submitted by Innocent-Prick to vegas [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 16:30 _Continual_Learner_ What was your headcanon for the Harry’s instability in the second movie?
In the first movie, we get the reasoning that the goblin formula causes mental instability, but Harry doesn’t take it until the third movie. If you look at his behaviors, judgment, and symptoms in the second movie though, he’s sort of all over the place: