
2024.11.29 16:37 irshreddedcheese Fillmore

I have an extra ticket for tomorrow that's still available. Last call! Front bottoms general admission. Don't let it go to waste!
submitted by irshreddedcheese to NOLA [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 Shadow_Hunter2020 Werkongeval, wie betaald de fysio?

ik maak een post omdat ik midden in deze situatie zit en het nu echt in een stroomversnelling terecht is gekomen.
even kort door de bocht wat er is gebeurt:
Ik moest van mijn werkgever (A) iets tillen wat hoog stond en te zwaar was, waardoor ik een spier in mijn schouder verrekte, dienst afgemaakt op paracetamol. volgende dag langs de huisarts en jawel schouderspiepees verrekt. ik mag NIET tillen en ik krijg sterke pijnstillers.
werk gewoon een paar dagen door niks geks. tot ik toch moet tillen van mijn werkgever (A), ik herinner hem eraan dat niet gaat met mijn schouder (had dit de dag na de huisarts gelijk gemeld) uiteindelijk forceert hij me te tillen. ik ga hierbij door mijn rug. (merk het pas later want de sterke pijnstiller voor mijn schouder maskeert de effecten)
ik meld me gelijk ziek en ga naar huis, omdat doorwerken te pijnlijk is. de volgende dag staat arbo aan de deur en laten me weer werken. hierbij moet ik niet tillen maar druk zetten op mijn rugspieren, ik klaag dat dit pijnlijk is wordt genegeerd door management (B) en wordt niks mee gedaan behalve maar je bijt maar op je tanden en neemt maar paracetamol. ik zeg hier later nog iets van tegen een lager geplaatste manager (c) die regelt gelijk dat ik iets anders mag doen. Manager (c) liet me ook naar huis gaan op de dag dat ik door mijn rug ging.
Ik klaag over A en B bij HR, gezien ze dit hebben veroorzaakt. A krijgt de volle laag van collega's die hebben gehoord wat er met mij is gebeurt en gaat de ziektewet in met een "burn-out"
ik wordt overgeplaatst, tijdelijk werk daar tot mijn verlof ingaat.
ik heb telefonisch contact met HR voor mijn verlof ingaat, die zeggen dat ik me beter moet melden dat anders mijn verlof niet ingaat. ik geef aan nog steeds klachten/pijn te hebben, maar ze geven dit aan niet te kunnen noteren zonder dat ik open sta voor re-integratie. ik heb toen ja gezegd tegen een beter melding. (dom i know, ik kwam er later achter dat als ze mijn vakantie annuleren ze alle kosten moeten vergoeden.)
rugklachten blijven aanhouden, waren in het begin ietsjes afgenomen. maar begonnen nu aan te zwellen wat mijn constante pijn en slapeloze nachten opleverde. dus ik hiermee naar de huisarts, die zegt je hele onderrug en daardoor ook je boven rugspieren zijn beschadigd/verrekt. je zult Fysio nodig hebben om dit op te lossen.
Mijn rechtsvraag is: wie moet de fysio betalen?
ik heb hierover melding gedaan bij de ARBO die zeggen schade is niet permanent (vooralsnog) dus we kunnen je niet helpen.
Juridisch loket belt me volgende week terug
advocatenkantoor heb ik niks meer van gehoord. (ik heb des tijds een advocatenkantoor benaderd om sowieso procedure te beginnen omdat ze nog wel meer onethische en minder legale dingen aan het doen zijn. overtredingen van de ARBO-wet maar geen zware overtredingen dus arbo doet niks.) ik heb hier achteraan gebeld en kreeg te horen dat ik op mijn beurt moest wachten dat is toch al 1 maand geleden.
submitted by Shadow_Hunter2020 to juridischadvies [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 jack_shadow43 Got the holiday blues….

Got the holiday blues…. submitted by jack_shadow43 to malepolish [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 ConflictOk9748 Made Mistakes in My JEE Prep, Now Looking for Advice on How to Correct Them

(OP prepping for mains and not advanced)
Hi everyone,
This is honestly really tough for me to admit, but I’ve made some mistakes in my JEE prep, and now I deeply regret them. I’ve had a wake-up call, and I genuinely want to fix things. Here’s the situation:
I enrolled in Allen for JEE preparation like most others in my city. Things were going well initially—I was excelling in every test, ranked number 1 in the coaching. But around 4-5 months in, the pressure started to get overwhelming, and my mental health took a serious hit. It got so bad that I even thought about ending my life. Thankfully, I’m in therapy now, and I’m in a much better place mentally, but back then, I decided to quit Allen. I took a month-long break to focus on myself.
During that break, I realized that I still wanted to continue with JEE, but I knew I couldn’t go back to Allen. I joined Physics Wallah (PW) in late September, but I was already late, and the ongoing batches were way ahead. I joined the Arjuna 3.0 batch thinking I could catch up, but I underestimated how much work I had to do. There were topics I hadn’t even covered at Allen, and others I needed to revise. Fast forward to now, and here's where I stand:

I’ve fallen far behind my batch, and I know this is entirely my fault. I haven’t been consistent with question practice or taking tests, and I really regret that. While the content at PW is great, the lack of practice has been holding me back, and now I’m in a really tough spot. I still haven’t given up, but it’s embarrassing to be this far behind.
Now, as I look forward to Class 12 prep, I know I need to make up for the mistakes I’ve made, especially as my goal is JEE Mains (not Advanced).
Here’s where I need help:
  1. PW Power Batch: This is a Zoom-based batch with about 100 students, and it feels like an offline class experience. However, my current batch is set to finish by 28th January, and I’ll need until mid-February to catch up on the backlog. The Power Batch starts on 15th January, so I would be late in joining.
  2. Lakshya Batch: The Lakshya Batch plans to finish the Class 12 syllabus by December, but this would leave me little time to revise both Class 11 and Class 12 before JEE Mains in January. I’m unsure whether this is too risky with my current situation.
  3. Pracbee (10:1 Coaching): They offer a 10:1 student-teacher ratio, and the faculty are IITians. The reviews seem positive, and while it’s a bit expensive, I’m willing to invest. They also offer 1:1 coaching, but it's out of my budget (5L+ for the year). The 10:1 option seems like a better fit.
I don’t want to go back to Allen, and the offline options in my city aren’t great. I need help figuring out how to recover from the mistakes I’ve made and prepare effectively for JEE Mains in January. Given my current situation, what coaching option would be the best for Class 12?
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I really appreciate any guidance you can offer!Hi everyone,This is honestly really tough for me to admit, but I’ve made some mistakes in my JEE prep, and now I deeply regret them. I’ve had a wake-up call, and I genuinely want to fix things. Here’s the situation:I enrolled in Allen for JEE preparation like most others in my city. Things were going well initially—I was excelling in every test, ranked number 1 in the coaching. But around 4-5 months in, the pressure started to get overwhelming, and my mental health took a serious hit. It got so bad that I even thought about ending my life. Thankfully, I’m in therapy now, and I’m in a much better place mentally, but back then, I decided to quit Allen. I took a month-long break to focus on myself.During that break, I realized that I still wanted to continue with JEE, but I knew I couldn’t go back to Allen. I joined Physics Wallah (PW) in late September, but I was already late, and the ongoing batches were way ahead. I joined the Arjuna 3.0 batch thinking I could catch up, but I underestimated how much work I had to do. There were topics I hadn’t even covered at Allen, and others I needed to revise. Fast forward to now, and here's where I stand:Physics: Just started Center of Mass (COM). Maths: Still on Permutation and Combination. Chemistry: Inorganic: Chemical Bonding. Physical: Thermodynamics. Organic: Haven’t started yet.I’ve fallen far behind my batch, and I know this is entirely my fault. I haven’t been consistent with question practice or taking tests, and I really regret that. While the content at PW is great, the lack of practice has been holding me back, and now I’m in a really tough spot. I still haven’t given up, but it’s embarrassing to be this far behind.Now, as I look forward to Class 12 prep, I know I need to make up for the mistakes I’ve made, especially as my goal is JEE Mains (not Advanced).Here’s where I need help:PW Power Batch: This is a Zoom-based batch with about 100 students, and it feels like an offline class experience. However, my current batch is set to finish by 28th January, and I’ll need until mid-February to catch up on the backlog. The Power Batch starts on 15th January, so I would be late in joining.
Lakshya Batch: The Lakshya Batch plans to finish the Class 12 syllabus by December, but this would leave me little time to revise both Class 11 and Class 12 before JEE Mains in January. I’m unsure whether this is too risky with my current situation.
Pracbee (10:1 Coaching): They offer a 10:1 student-teacher ratio, and the faculty are IITians. The reviews seem positive, and while it’s a bit expensive, I’m willing to invest. They also offer 1:1 coaching, but it's out of my budget (5L+ for the year). The 10:1 option seems like a better fit.I don’t want to go back to Allen, and the offline options in my city aren’t great. I need help figuring out how to recover from the mistakes I’ve made and prepare effectively for JEE Mains in January. Given my current situation, what coaching option would be the best for Class 12?Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I really appreciate any guidance you can offer!
I started my JEE prep at Allen but quit after struggling with mental health, which led me to fall behind. I joined Physics Wallah late but still have a huge backlog and haven’t been consistent with question practice. Now, I’m preparing for JEE Mains and need advice on how to fix things for Class 12 prep. Should I join the PW Power Batch (starting 15th Jan)? Should I consider the Lakshya Batch that finishes by December? Or should I try Pracbee (10:1 coaching)? I’m looking for guidance to catch up and prepare for Mains, especially after my past mistakes
submitted by ConflictOk9748 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 Lumpy-Criticism-8158 759647829570 zamazenta raid 2 locals party powered

submitted by Lumpy-Criticism-8158 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 azazelbelia Cuál ha sido su momento oscuro ? Y han logrado salir de el?

submitted by azazelbelia to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 Hall_Richard6815q Yeah it sucked

Yeah it sucked submitted by Hall_Richard6815q to Memes_Of_The_Dank [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 AustriaHungaryMoment Looking for Advice on Leibermuster

Hi y’all, I’ve been working on an alternate history uniform (Panzergrenadier in an army that is basically the Reichswehr but in the 60s) using Leibermuster stuff as a base, and I had a few questions which I think you guys might be able to answer.
First off, is HikiShop’s Leibermuster decent quality? The only other stuff I could find was super expensive and looked weird, so I’m just making sure it isn’t going to fall apart after a week. They seem to have a mixed reputation, but I’m assuming the non-wool uniforms should be okay at least.
Secondly, what insignia would be best to use? The DAK shoulder boards seem like they would fit the materials and color best, but I don’t know what insignia was used on the few Leibermuster uniforms actually produced. I also can't tell whether or not Leibermuster tunics had collar tabs sewn onto them from the few historical pictures I can find, and the tunics on display seem to be inconsistent with regards to collar tabs.
submitted by AustriaHungaryMoment to reenactors [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 Puzzleheaded-Buy4156 Assassin using a dagger and a little bit of magic?

So I've never played Skyrim before and don't know much about how builds work. I also don't really need a detailed guide for every single item or whatever, just some general directions I guess or even just confirmation if what I'm trying to do is even possible lol.
For more context, I'm playing Skyrim VR using the FUS mod list and I'm currently on my way to Whiterun after spending some time in Riverwood. I've found some kind of stones and buffed my sneak xp
What I'm trying to go for is an assassin character using a (maybe two?) dagger and being able to quickly deal with enemies by sneaking up to them. Idk if that's possible but I'd really like to be able to be very op when it comes to defeating enemies who aren't aware of me and kinda struggle in normal combat where I'm not able to sneak up on them. Maybe even be strong when it comes to stuff like charisma (I've only played fallout lol but I think I saw a speech stat as well) and therefore be able to avoid direct conflict and 1v1 battles where I have no advantage of being able to sneak up on enemies
I would also really like to use magic, but kinda as a last resort type of thing? Situations where I have no chance with my dagger and use magic powers as a last ditch effort. I've only unlocked lightning, fire and healing but are there any other abilities that would suit me for this?
Is all of this possible? And what would my general equipment look like? Just the best light armor I can find plus the best dagger?
And are there any perks that would really benefit this playstyle?
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Buy4156 to SkyrimBuilds [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 olekjs AWS Certification as a PHP Developer: 4 things I learned

Some time ago, I was learning and taking the AWS certification. I thought about looking at the topic from a PHP developer's perspective. I realized a few things we deal with daily at work. Sharing my conclusions and wishing you a great Friday!
submitted by olekjs to PHP [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 LordIggy88 After the election has gone to Trump… how will Biden’s legacy be remembered - as a president and a person?

It really depends if his best work - getting us out of Covid, ending the Covid recession, the inflation reduction act, bipartisan infrastructure law, bipartisan safer communities act, lowering Medicare costs and drugs, support for Ukraine, etc - is repealed or (hopefully) kept.
As for his personal character? Well, stepping down for the race will always be remembered as an act of humility to me, even if it was too late. Still, I just pray the man has a good retirement - and is remembered well in history.
submitted by LordIggy88 to JoeBiden [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 RushScary7705 Looking for a referral code

About to make an account here for the first time, it's asking for a referral code. Doesn't say what I'll get from it, but if someone wants to share theirs I'd appreciate it. TIA.
submitted by RushScary7705 to Schwab [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 pihe_puha Mennyi idő kell még, hogy végre úgy érezzem, hogy sikerül megszokni a munkába járást és a munkahelyi feladatokat?

21 éves vagyok, és júniusban kezdtem életem első "komoly" munkahelyén. Irodai adminisztrátor vagyok, szóval nem a világ legnehezebb munkája, de akkor is azt tapasztalom, hogy egyszerűen nem tudom megszokni ezt az egészet.
Zöldfülű vagyok még, és nagyok látszik is. Apróbb, javítandó hibákat vétek (szerencsére) és nem egyszer fordult elő, hogy főnöknek kellett magyaráznia nekem valamit. Minden ilyen alkalom után csak azt kívánom, hogy nyeljen el a föld...
És egyszerűen olyan nehéz elkövetkeztetnem attól, hogy csak egy pár hónapja olyan egyszerű volt a sulis élet. Akkor jártam be amikor akartam (nyilván volt egy bizonyos határ :D), nem voltak komolyabb felelősségeim a tanuláson kívül. Ráadásul olyan gyorsan telnek a napok, hogy egyebet sem csinálok hétköznapokon minthogy dolgozom, és úgy érzem hogy az utóbbi pár hónapomat elvesztegettem.
Azért kezdtem el dolgozni, mert akartam finanszírozni a tanulmányaimat, de már majdnem hogy bánom. Jó a munkahely, összes kollégám jó fej, a főnök is nagyon kedves, tudom hogy szerencsés vagyok. De nem érzem magam annak... mikor fogom végre elsajátítani a munkát így általában?
submitted by pihe_puha to jobshungary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 Devbrat999 Song name from new album

TPNE’s first song - the party never ends technically has two songs right with two different beats. I wanted to know that after the beat change at 1:30 min mark the song which comes on has ever leaked and/or is a song in itself? Cause ngl it’s fucking heavenly and I’m hooked to it Someone please tell me
submitted by Devbrat999 to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 ExpertAward1203 Which garbage company is cheapest in the area?

Just bought a new house in the area and looking to set up trash removal service. Between Twin Bridges and County Waste, what is your experience and which is more reasonable?
submitted by ExpertAward1203 to Saratoga [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 ittronic214 Shedding process

I have a question about the shedding process. I can’t find the answer or at least a somewhat decent one googling. How long does the whole process take ? I noticed my snow corns color getting damp almost 3 weeks ago. Last time she started hiding soon after that and was done after 10 days in hiding. This time she still is pretty active even looking for food yesterday (was her feeding day, but I didn’t expect her to come looking). I still am not sure on how to spot her going into pink, but I think she was in pink about a week ago. I feel like her eyes get extremely reflecting when she is in pink. Now I am confused on what to do. Should I feed her, keep moisture up or let it sink to 50% and don’t mist. I wanted to clean but I normally take her out for that, because I don’t trust that the cleaner is actually safe for snakes 🤣 what do I do ?
submitted by ittronic214 to Cornsnake [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 Easy_Inevitable1793 What are the best movies to watch when sick???

Idk I need recommendations on what to watch I'm sick and feel like I'm dying
submitted by Easy_Inevitable1793 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 Vanillaluver3000 Law of Opposites & intuition talk - for those who need help

I stumbled upon this term "law of opposites" recently via Neale Donald Walsch in his book "Conversations with God", though it is more of an ancient term. I want to offer my own personal experience with it, to help anyone who needs it with "manifestation".
So the law of opposites - this law in terms of "manifestation" references how when what you desire or intuit is close to appearing to you, you will see in your physical circumstances the EXACT opposite of that desire. This is like when you desire perfect health and then the circumstances of your health get physically worse. My example here will be about my cat. He had physical symptoms of sickness, really bad to the point he wasn't eating, and my mom said "he's dying". That induced a lot of fear, but God/intuition/consciousness communicated with me and told me that he was fine, going to be fine, that he was healthy. So now I have what God said, that he was healthy and fine, and then the physical circumstances where my cat went days sleeping 24/7, barely eating or moving at all.. all the physical symptoms pointed to death, right? This is the law of opposites. But I got to a point where I faced the fear, which is just illusion/untruth; I sat with my cat and in this one moment even though my physical senses told me he was dying, my intuition/discernment very clearly said/felt once again that he was fine. I felt strong peace in that.. and so it was crazy to experience that amidst what my physical senses and "Logical" mind were telling me! I realized what was happening that night, that God was showing me what He says is THE truth and the ONLY truth, no matter what our physical senses tell us.. if our physical senses tell us something opposite to what God says, THEY ARE WRONG, no matter how "real" what our physical senses tell us feels! The next day after realizing all this, my cat "all of a sudden" started eating and moving again, cleaning himself and doing biscuits and all the things he does when he is healthy. And now it's the next day after that, he's still fine.
My intuition/God (I use all these terms interchangeably) also showed me during this time a bible story that connects to this exact experience. Two stories actually. They are symbolic/metaphorical to the point I am making, and I think they will help you all as they helped me:
1) Jairus’s Daughter
Jairus, a synagogue leader, begged Jesus to come heal his critically ill daughter. While they were on the way, messengers arrived with devastating news: “Your daughter is dead. Why bother the teacher anymore?” Their physical senses told everyone the situation was hopeless—death appeared final.
But Jesus responded with a higher truth: “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” He continued to Jairus’s house, where mourners were already weeping and wailing. To them, Jesus said, “The child is not dead but sleeping.” Though the crowd laughed at Him in disbelief, Jesus entered the room, took the girl by the hand, and said, “Little girl, I say to you, get up!” She immediately arose, fully alive.
2) Lazarus Lazarus, a close friend of Jesus, fell gravely ill, and his sisters, Mary and Martha, sent for Jesus to come quickly. But Jesus intentionally delayed His journey, saying, “This sickness will not end in death. It is for God’s glory.” By the time Jesus arrived, Lazarus had been dead for four days, and the physical reality seemed final. Martha expressed her grief, saying, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.”
Yet Jesus assured her of a greater truth: “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.” Despite the apparent hopelessness, Jesus commanded that the tomb be opened. After praying, He called out, “Lazarus, come forth!” and Lazarus walked out of the tomb, alive and restored.
Key Takeaways:

  1. Truth Is Not Limited by Physical Circumstances: In both stories, people's physical senses led them to declare the situation hopeless—death seemed irreversible. Yet Jesus (the holy spirit/intuition/God/consciousness) revealed a higher truth: death itself is not final in the presence of divine power. Intuition and faith align us with this higher truth, transcending appearances.
  2. Trust Over Fear: When Jairus was told his daughter had died, Jesus immediately countered the fear with reassurance: “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” Similarly, with Lazarus, Jesus asked Martha to trust in His words and not the evidence before her. Faith calls us to trust what God or intuition reveals, even when it contradicts our sensory experiences.
  3. Divine Timing Is Perfect: Jesus intentionally delayed in both stories, allowing circumstances to appear impossible. This shows that delays in answers to prayer or guidance don’t mean abandonment—they are opportunities for deeper trust and greater miracles.
  4. The Eternal Perspective: Both stories highlight that God’s truth operates beyond the constraints of time, space, or the physical body. What we see with our physical eyes is often incomplete. Faith aligns us with the eternal perspective, where God’s power and love reign supreme.
How This Relates to Intuition:
Just as Jairus and Martha had to trust Jesus’ words over what they saw and felt, I invite you to trust your intuition/what you see as true when you do your techniques - when you see what's true, you will feel hope, peace, and clarity, even if fear or external circumstances tell you otherwise. Intuition, divine guidance, operates beyond the surface level and points to deeper realities that may not yet be visible. When you see what you don't want, the "opposite" of your desire, believe, have faith, and act on what feels true, even in the face of doubt, fear, or “impossible” circumstances.
submitted by Vanillaluver3000 to awakened [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 greatfizz83 Cheap fuel is a beautiful thing

Cheap fuel is a beautiful thing submitted by greatfizz83 to AirlineManager4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 bqpd1 Free 89 Bellingham or Bonmati and loan icon pick for everyone who plays FC25 before Jan 17, they will be handed out on Dec 17

submitted by bqpd1 to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 Speedicut1837 copyrighted materials on Powerpoint CELTA

Hello all! Just a quick question about something I've been worrying about. My CELTA course is soon coming to an end but it's just occurred to me that in several of my TPs I've used images from the internet in my Powerpoint presentations that might be copyrighted. None of my tutors has mentioned it, and the Cambridge assessor has already been and gone. Our work will be sent to Cambridge before we get our certificates. Could I fail because of this? I'm starting to freak out!
submitted by Speedicut1837 to ESL_Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 easylearn__ing Test Course (4.9 stars)- AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C02) Exam Prep: Ace Your Certification with Two Practice Exams

submitted by easylearn__ing to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 AMRossGX Let's talk about Tempus 💙

Do you guys use him? How happy are you with him and which hero did you switch him in against? Anyone who uses him in a non-Eternity team: what's your line-up? If you've found any special tricks of synergies for him, let's share and compare! 🤗
And maybe someone can explain his healing / max health increase to me. At the end of a battle all the team's health often jumps up or down. What's that all about? 🤔
submitted by AMRossGX to HeroWarsApp [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 mantrakid Pretty Pretty People

Pretty Pretty People Last few days of lunch drawings were very pretty.
submitted by mantrakid to nateschmold [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:37 ProfessionalZone3201 A few hungry beggars

A few hungry beggars submitted by ProfessionalZone3201 to squirrels [link] [comments]