
2024.11.29 16:32 tunesquadwaterboy Thoughts

Thoughts submitted by tunesquadwaterboy to tradeblockapp [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 Odd_Matter_261 my room

my room
submitted by Odd_Matter_261 to SLGreddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 Tekman123 Ats or ets2 mp

I've got the legit version of both games and a lot of the dlc but I want all of the dlc but I'm broke AF right now. If I use cream to unlock the dlc after acquiring it from a ship will I be able to play online without a ban on either game?
submitted by Tekman123 to Creaminstaller [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 Sephyu888 Offre d’Emploi: Aides Moulistes chez Magna

Offre d’Emploi: Aides Moulistes chez Magna submitted by Sephyu888 to DreamjobMaroc [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 ParticularGrass6246 3 times in a row

3 times in a row submitted by ParticularGrass6246 to Smilepleasse [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 The_BroScientist Some advice for those going through Olanzapine (Zyprexa) withdrawal

Zyprexa is the third most potent antipsychotic available. Out of 30 different antipsychotics. So, withdrawals are bad. Not going to put that lightly.
However, for those down to 2.5mg, the jump down straight to 0 is doable for most people.
It will affect your ability to socialize; it will affect your ability to work. But if you’re desperate to get off, it is doable.
Symptoms to expect: Insomnia, malaise, depression/anxiety, some nausea, some agitation. Fatigue to be expected both from the withdrawal and lower sleep quality.
For help with sleep:

That’s for insomnia.
Personally, I’ve found stimulants like Adderall to help functional ability and symptom reduction. For some, this may exacerbate anxiety, but it does not for me.
I am recovering from autoimmune encephalitis and on chemo and it is still possible. The withdrawals will last for about thirty days for most people, with the peak being at the two week mark. I was on this drug for years, often on a high dose (10mg).
Some caveats
If you are at risk of rebound psychosis or hypomania, I would advise cutting the 2.5mg pill in half for a month before getting off. I am not at risk of this.
Everyone is different, so tolerability may vary. However, I still have residual brain inflammation and am on chemo and I can still handle it.
It WILL make work more difficult. No doubt. If you’re in an important position and at a high point in your career with a lot of responsibilities, I would recommend a slower taper.
It WILL fuck with your mental health and you will have hopeless thoughts. This is normal and you have to recognize that this is only an effect of the withdrawal itself and is only temporary.
This post is for those who are wondering if it is possible to drop to 0 from 2.5mg, even after long term use. It is. It will just suck.
Take that for what it’s worth. You will likely lose weight, and once the withdrawals are over you will likely feel sharper. This drug makes you dumb and slow as hell.
While the risk of PAWS is extremely low, especially in comparison to benzodiazepines, it’s still a possibility in a very rare select individuals. Take this into account when you make a benefit/risk assessment before hopping off.
Take that for what it’s worth. It is possible and you don’t need to micro taper in my opinion, especially if you’ve only used it short term. Just wanted to let people know that it is possible.
Discuss this option with your psychiatrist/doctor and monitor symptoms closely. If they become unbearable, I’d recommend going up to 0.125 (half of 2.5mg) instead of reinstating the drug altogether. This will lessen withdrawal symptoms.
Best of luck to you all.
submitted by The_BroScientist to Antipsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 LucasUTD17 Genuinely no clue who wins this

What’s your thoughts and opinions on this battle?
submitted by LucasUTD17 to bankaifolk [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 Sephyu888 SOGEA Lance une Campagne de Recrutement – des Dizaines de Postes Disponibles

SOGEA Lance une Campagne de Recrutement – des Dizaines de Postes Disponibles submitted by Sephyu888 to DreamjobMaroc [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 Sephyu888 Espoir Maroc recrute un(e) Assistant(e) RH sur Rabat

Espoir Maroc recrute un(e) Assistant(e) RH sur Rabat submitted by Sephyu888 to DreamjobMaroc [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 Equivalent_Total_418 Hey guys, I have Raddle in boxes if anyone would like to have him. I would love to have fauna, fuschia or deirdra. DM me if anyone wants him!

submitted by Equivalent_Total_418 to acnh [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 sukumarkarne GOAT Movie

GOAT Movie submitted by sukumarkarne to formuladank [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 hereswhatworks Legend may be true as Roman shrine found under Leicester Cathedral

Legend may be true as Roman shrine found under Leicester Cathedral submitted by hereswhatworks to RomanRuins [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 HungaroJesus This guy said he was Jewish, then she said, he would kill half of Hungary

This guy said he was Jewish, then she said, he would kill half of Hungary submitted by HungaroJesus to hatenigas [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 pokemonsamir1988 Real or fake

Real or fake Real or fake please help me
submitted by pokemonsamir1988 to PokemonCardValue [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 TreadItOnReddit Soundtrack isn’t complete?

There’s a folder in the game files with the soundtrack. Lots of files. I tried listening to them all but couldn’t find the only music that I actually like.
Trying not to spoil it, the music that plays underground near a big statue. Reminds me of Arx Fatalis music.
I couldn’t find it in the folder though. Anyone know how i can get it?
submitted by TreadItOnReddit to AtomRPG [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 TheBigLover Kuromi vs Impmon (Hello Kitty vs Digimon)

Kuromi vs Impmon (Hello Kitty vs Digimon) submitted by TheBigLover to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 Prudent-Bluebird7305 Sony 35mm 1.8 vs Sigma 35mm DG DN

As the title suggests, I am thinking of buying one of these two lenses. They are similarly priced, although Sony is a about £150 cheaper. (I don't do videos, only photography) Is Sigma significantly sharper and better in low light? Thank you !
submitted by Prudent-Bluebird7305 to SonyAlpha [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 McSpicyMayo They’re multiplying!

They’re multiplying! submitted by McSpicyMayo to smiskis [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 Blu3Raptor_ Just a little comic I did of Acideus (my character) losing her rock

Just a little comic I did of Acideus (my character) losing her rock If ya’ll can’t read it well, just tell me
submitted by Blu3Raptor_ to ImaginaryMonsters [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 OsDer666 Tengo miedo

Buenos días/tardes/noches para cuándo leas esto. Quizás haya subido hace unas semanas o días algunos post aquí de ya sea preguntas, desahogos o motivación para ustedes. Pero una persona como yo, joven y sensible, tengo mis miedos e inseguridades ¿Miedo a qué? Tengo miedo de las personas que quiero, que algo les suceda o que de plano pierda contacto con ellas, lo admito soy alguien con problemas de dependencia emocional muy fuerte, sobrepienso excesivamente a tal punto de que me hago daño a mi mismo en mi propia cabeza, las voces nunca se callan y me repiten todos los días la misma frase "Y si le pasa algo a...?" Cada noche ruego por esas personas, ruego porque nunca les pase nada, que se cuiden mientras pasa el tiempo que necesito para ir a ellas y tener la oportunidad de visitarlas, ruego porque el destino les sonría a cada momento, pero aveces me entra esa duda de que "¿De verdad alguien me asegura que estarán bien y que mis ruegos hayan sido escuchados?" No le basto a mi cabeza con solo tener lo que tengo, no puedo llorar, ni una lágrima, tengo miedo de que algún día esa persona le suceda algo y de verdad, me afectaría muchísimo, todas las noches despierto en plena madrugada solo para en mi mente desearle el bien. Siento que mi mente se divide en dos, una cuenta chistes, hace reír a los demás y ayuda a los demás a sentirse mejor, la otra sale en la noche, la más romántica, melancolica, triste y se siente que ya ha llegado a su límite. Quiero llorar cada vez que pienso en esto pero simplemente no puedo, es decir soy un chico, a todos los hombres/chicos nos han inculcado de que un hombre nunca debe llorar, pero cada día siento como si un pedazo de mi alma se estuviera fragmentando, es como si algo dentro de mi estuviera haciendo un molde y con cada pensamiento, cada vez que siento que quiero llorar, al molde le sale una grieta y eso dentro de mi hace lo posible por remediarlo.... Solo.... Solo quiero un abrazo de esas personas que amo demasiado y sería capaz de meter la mano al fuego por ellas, no quiero que se vayan de este mundo ni les pase nada. Solo con ese abraso sincero creo que mis lágrimas saldrían por fin y daría rienda suelta a una versión de mi que siempre estuvo demasiado oculta en lo más profundo de mi alma. Mientras escribo esto, el corazón me palpita muy débilmente ¿Por qué algunas personas debemos sufrir tan pero tan fuertemente? Se que la vida me está pateando pero, esto ya parece personal....
Ahora mi pregunta es ¿Como abandonaron ese miedo? Si tienen algún consejo sea hombre, mujer helicóptero apache, lo aceptaré con mucho gusto. Solo quiero dejar de sentirme así todas las noches...
submitted by OsDer666 to DesahogoyConfesiones [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 bluebunnybunny Which one?

Which one? submitted by bluebunnybunny to handbags [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 Guilty_Carpenter2354 Why did this have to be in leagues

Why did this have to be in leagues submitted by Guilty_Carpenter2354 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 NahNoWayyy Felt cute might delete later :3

Felt cute might delete later :3 submitted by NahNoWayyy to StraightFemboys [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 Purple-Box1687 is mbbs worth it now???

so i will be appearing my brother will be appearing for mdcat next year and I had some questions. I know that first an mbbs student have to go through those 9 years and then he gets a stable job/ high paying jobs but many people are complaining that they are not getting mo ship and stuff

  1. Students from colleges like kemu, agu, kmc ,rmc, amc, what about them, are they facing issues or only the top 10 % or 20% students get job
  2. what about plab (hearing that it is getting saturated) and how much it costs for step programme now
submitted by Purple-Box1687 to pakistan [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:32 Background-Fly-9000 Looking in deadwood

Looking for some flower or carts. In deadwood till Sunday dm me
submitted by Background-Fly-9000 to SouthDakotaCannabiz [link] [comments]