Sudden Breakup

2024.11.29 16:50 Leather_Hedgehog5142 Sudden Breakup

I’ve been seeing a guy for a little while now, we’re both in our late 20s, we talked about the future, we spent almost everyday together. From the start we were both on the page of “this will be a relationship as long as things keep going smoothly”. The feelings were mutual. We made it official less than a week ago, last night he says he needs space and that he doesn’t want to be in a committed relationship, that he got cold feet. HES the one that mentioned putting labels on things. I said I was okay waiting.
I’m so confused as to why this happened now, why did he all the sudden decide he doesn’t want this? Is he scared? Is he still thinking? Did he never even have the feelings he had the whole time? He said he still cares about me a lot but HOW? Why would he do this… he led me on so strongly and then broke it off right after we made things official.
submitted by Leather_Hedgehog5142 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 kukimogyi What is this hitchhiker plant?

What is this hitchhiker plant? It came with my aquarium grass, it attaches into anything with little spikes, also grow pretty fast. very hard to tear apart. should i remove it from my tank?
submitted by kukimogyi to PlantedTank [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Meliciraptor Angeblich zweite Folge zu Ritueller Gewalt von ZDF verhindert

Heute ist eine neue Folge des Podcasts "Geteiltes Leid" zum Thema Satanic Panic erschienen. Darin wird auch über die Vorgänge zur ZDF Magazin Royale Folge "Rituelle Gewalt" berichtet. Hier nochmal zwei Artikel zum Hintergrund:
Dann wird weiter berichtet, dass eine zweite Folge geplant war. 8 Tage vor Sendungsaufzeichnung gingen gemäß des Podcasts alle Beteiligten von einer Ausstrahlung der Sendung aus. Stattdessen wurde aber die Rückgrat-Sendung, die ja auch deutliche Kritik am ÖRR enthielt, gesendet. Auf Nachfrage wollte sich die UFE nicht äußern und hat ans ZDF verwiesen. Das ZDF begründet das Streichen der Sendung damit, dass es üblich wäre, nicht alle Ideen umzusetzen. Bei der Vorgeschichte ist das schon...interessant.
Hier der Podcast: Ab etwa Minute 24 geht es ums ZMR.
submitted by Meliciraptor to ZDFMagazin [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Illustrious_Bench571 Best budget friendly PSU in PH

Can you suggest what's the best PSU cause i have a Inplay GS650 pro rn but they say its the worst so now I don't want to wait for my computer to die
submitted by Illustrious_Bench571 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 cherrylover15 End of term June 7 or 27

Hi everyone I’m going to be an exchange student starting this January and I wanna book a round trip ideally. I already know I don’t wanna stay longer than necessary. So I was wondering if the term ends June 7th, could I immediately leave after that? Or do I really need to stay till June 27th (Summer term and UoB Xtra)?
Please let me know!
submitted by cherrylover15 to UofB [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Impressive-Bug2276 LF : still in Pokemon go shiny Darkrai. FT : pics ( I can do multiple of mine for it)

LF : still in Pokemon go shiny Darkrai. FT : pics ( I can do multiple of mine for it) submitted by Impressive-Bug2276 to PokemonHome [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 thenikj Deebo Samuel vs Jaylen Warren vs Ameer Abdullah | Need to Start 2

Which 2 would you pick to start between Deebo, Warren, and Abdullah? I am currently leaning towards benching Deebo even though he is projected to score the most out of the 3.
submitted by thenikj to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 TheIntrovertTito 30 [M4F] Looking for tita near cubao

Looking for tita na up for nsfw or constant fubu/fwb ons near cubao
Me: 30, 5'5 slim fit, works from home, from qc, gym, walk, no tats, non smoker
You: single, 23-30 , working din sana, up for nsfw stuff.
Swap pic in tg.
submitted by TheIntrovertTito to PHR4Rhookups [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Salt_Eye5558 Rubi Gonzalez Es Show

Rubi Gonzalez Es Show submitted by Salt_Eye5558 to RubiGzzOficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Minimaledchitech Bloom Jam

Bloom Jam Art of pressed flowers
submitted by Minimaledchitech to Satisfyingasfuck [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Sure_Sky_9155 Please help 🙏

Please help 🙏 Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
submitted by Sure_Sky_9155 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Alternative_Music1 Where He At

Not live for 8 days sadge
submitted by Alternative_Music1 to Squeex [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 tm2007 I’ll make sure to link the playlist in the comments

I’ll make sure to link the playlist in the comments submitted by tm2007 to lgbtmemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Bramo013 Help with letters

Help with letters Hi, I'm new to the 3D world and bought an A1 mini. I love this printer and finally got around to making my own simple print (I thought) in Bambu Studio. I can't seem to get the letters or trim brighter clearer or deeper then the top layer. I'm using an .02 nozzle. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by Bramo013 to BambuLabA1mini [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 nhatquangdinh Unpopular opinion: V-POP is generally cliché.

For some reason, almost all contemporary Vietnamese songs are about romantic love. Not all of them fall into this category, though there are relatively few songs on other topics. In addition to that, most songs are ballads, and male singers sound like they're running out of breath (they do run out of breath when they sing live on stage omegalul)
And those are the reasons why I mainly listen to Japanese music. Some Vietnamese songs still slap though, such as Ngọt's songs.
submitted by nhatquangdinh to VietNam [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Worldly_Rate9469 Ocenie, zeszmace, powymieniam się fotami, pv

submitted by Worldly_Rate9469 to SexyPolishInfluYoutub [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Dark_Side_Moon_ Exchange student in Engineering

Hello everyone, I’m an engineering student from Canada looking to do an exchange program, HKU is one of my options. Can you please tell me how are the student life/studies/expenses in HKU.
submitted by Dark_Side_Moon_ to HKUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 the_letter_57 Fresh buns for today’s sandwiches

Fresh buns for today’s sandwiches submitted by the_letter_57 to Breadit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Interesting_Oven_431 Смена региона

Логин Nefor581
До этого проживал в Украине хочу сменить на русский регион
submitted by Interesting_Oven_431 to Stalcraft [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 InfantryMOD Tough new legal crackdown on puppy smuggling moves a step closer

Tough new legal crackdown on puppy smuggling moves a step closer submitted by InfantryMOD to prsuk [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Patriot_KingTTV Going on a little rant....

Let me apologize from the jump. I just have a little rant I need to get out of my system.
I discovered twitch probably 6 or 7 yrs ago. I watched twitch streamers for a few years before I got the itch and started streaming myslef. From the get go I supported the streamers I watched by watching/lurking, dropping bits, subs, gifting subs and buying things off their throne wishlist and whatnot. I have continued that throughout the years. I am to the point now where I have been spending 3-$400 a month on supporting different streamers thru a variety of those things. I don't mind doing it, I can afford it and I figure I watch them for entertainment and if I were to go to the movies or something I would pay for that and I know how much work goes into getting everything together and ready that is needed to stream on a regular basis.
Now let me say, I don't ever expect anyone to support me financially. I know many people are not able to like I can. That is totally fine, but know I kinda would hope that they would support me by watching my streams. Hell, they don't even have to watch, tab me up and help a brother out. Put me on mute and lurk. That costs absolutley nothing, not even your time. I have been streaming for over 4 yrs now. I am sitting at 360+ followers and 2 subs. I have never had more than 10-12 people watching at a time or had more than 4 subs at one time. Mostly I stream to 3 or 4 viewers with one of those being my alt account I have on my phone when I stream. I have had zero hype trains, never had anyone tip/donate and have never had anyone gift any subs. Again, I don't stream and expect any of that, but it is getting so frustrating knowing that I go into peoples stream and I am active in chat, I give bits and subs and none of them ever show up in my streams...ever. Not even to just lurk. I'm tired of it. Over the last month I have let all my subscriptions expire and I don't plan on giving anymore monetary support to anyone unless they make an effort to just be in my stream from time to time. I don't even expect someone to be there every stream, but hey 1 or 2 times a month would be nice.
I don't that too much to ask or expect? Like I said, I don't give support expecting anyone to financially support me in any way, but I would like for some of the people that I do support financially to just show up.
I'm sure I am probably gonna get a lot of push back and hate for this take, but it is what it is. Just the way I feel and I wanted to rant. Tell me if I am the asshole.
submitted by Patriot_KingTTV to Twitch [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Bates2725 Will they send a head out separately or do I need to buy a whole new one?

Will they send a head out separately or do I need to buy a whole new one? submitted by Bates2725 to IKEApets [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Callmekanyo Miele washer and dryer model questions

I want to buy the best washer and dryer and think it’s Miele because of their 10 year warranty. What I can’t figure out is which models. I don’t have a storefront to compare models but there’s an appliance store that will bring in whatever I choose. Is there an American model that’s as heavy duty as the ones sold in Europe? (They are different!) Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Ps. Consumer Reports lists LG washing machines higher than Miele. I’ve owned 3 LG sets and can’t fathom how their rated higher.
submitted by Callmekanyo to Appliances [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Inevitable-End1749 Should i be worried my upper side bp is high

submitted by Inevitable-End1749 to hypertension [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 parrotbirdtalks Elegance

Elegance submitted by parrotbirdtalks to plantsandpots [link] [comments]