Non traditional student breaking into Quant

2024.11.29 16:40 Great-Resident-8204 Non traditional student breaking into Quant

Long time lurker here. I (26M) had recently enrolled back into a university (non target) for a dual bachelor degree in economics and CS and expected to graduate in 26’ - 27’. I seen some posts pointing out ageism in this line of work and was wondering what kind of skills should I obtain to not only land an internship at a top firm?
submitted by Great-Resident-8204 to quantfinance [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 Inevitable-Tart-6769 Я работаю в KFC, задавайте вопросы

Я работаю в KFC, задавайте вопросы На вопросы про город не отвечаю, просто скажу, что не в Москве и не в Питере
submitted by Inevitable-Tart-6769 to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 Trumsk Just did 15k csmm! Feels amazing!

submitted by Trumsk to PokemonMasters [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 nonbinaryjuxera How do I find a Christian nonbinary spouse (who’s nonbinary like me)?

I ask because I’m so romantically lonely. I feel like I don’t fit in with guys or girls because I have autism but I feel like I’m similar to women but not quite (my gender is bigender-im a guy and juxera). I don’t have any transgendenonbinary Christian friends and im struggling with living in an unaccepting house.
submitted by nonbinaryjuxera to TransChristianity [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 hungryangmo Reached MG for the first time

Reached MG for the first time So I decided to take the game a bit more seriously and played more this season (75% solo, 25% with friends)
submitted by hungryangmo to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 FirstGearPinnedTW200 Traffic

The holiday rush
submitted by FirstGearPinnedTW200 to aviation [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 ExplorerWildfire Wow did not expect it this soon. Congrats to the folks who got it below a dollar but who knows how long it will stay a dollar.

submitted by ExplorerWildfire to KULR [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 unfulvio Fukuoka bank branch with some English support to open account?

My accountant recommended to open an account at 福岡銀行 as we need to setup some payment that SBI 新生銀行 does not support. I tried to open online but it’s for Japanese people only. I am not thrilled at the prospect to spend loads of time at a branch in person. Moreover my Japanese is a bit limited. Are you aware of any branch in Fukuoka city where they might be more foreigner friendly?
submitted by unfulvio to fukuoka [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 Particular_Log_3594 When Israel bombed British doctors using UK weapons

When Israel bombed British doctors using UK weapons submitted by Particular_Log_3594 to GreenAndPleasant [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 Scared-Body-8710 Games to recover from a breakup

Hello guys,
I'm once again back to this sub, last time it was for something happy, this time around it is horrendously depressing. Last time i was here to learn games to play with my bf, this time around, please suggest me some games for myself. The only game i've liked so far is: The house of the dead( sega,1996 version- i still have it on my laptop)
I do like puzzle, riddle games but i would like a mix of both mellow and calming, as well as ones with really good dark stories, preferably horror and gore. I'm a huge horror fan, so anything horror goes, just that i'm not a very good player, so something fun and easy to navigate is preferred.
Thank you very much for all your help guys, i appreciated it a lot back then, and i appreciate it even more now. Take care of yourselves and be safe and happy. Best wishes!🌸
submitted by Scared-Body-8710 to IndianGaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 Puzzleheaded_Gain913 Samsung S24+ Freezing on WhatsApp – Any Fixes?

Hi all, I’ve been having trouble with my Samsung Galaxy S24+. Whenever I open WhatsApp, the phone completely freezes. Has anyone encountered this? Any tips would be really appreciated!
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Gain913 to AndroidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 arkadius_z Could someone explain me what is the reward of restaking with EigenLayer?

I staked stETH in Eigenlayer using Altlayer as operator, but I don't understand what exactly is the reward, is there an third season of airdrop?
submitted by arkadius_z to EigenLayer [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 Particular_Tone6976 Feedback: Voice over is not good!

I am frequently receiving feedback that the voice-over and visuals are not matching, although the visuals and animations are good. Honestly, I also feel that the videos look cool even without the voice-over!
My AI voice-over channel with the same visuals is performing well: AI Channel. However, I tried using my own voice-over on a new channel, and it’s not getting views: VO Channel.
I’m in a dilemma about what to do next. Please someone help!
submitted by Particular_Tone6976 to VoiceActing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 Tanyaxunicorn They increased the distance back to 10 kms

They increased the distance back to 10 kms submitted by Tanyaxunicorn to swiggy [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 TeaIQueen Jaylen or Jalen?

I’m stuck on the spelling. 😫 middle name is Bradley.
submitted by TeaIQueen to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 nickjhowe Lewis Hamilton wants to go to Mars

Lewis Hamilton wants to go to Mars Tim Dodd the Everyday Astronaut interviews Lewis after an IWC fighter jet flight
submitted by nickjhowe to formula1 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 vilchur Propaganda CG: Lasconi ne invita sa vedem un OZN invizibil

Propaganda CG: Lasconi ne invita sa vedem un OZN invizibil submitted by vilchur to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 Maximum-Candidate652 Patent attorneys - advice on making best of inventor meetings?

How do you make the best of inventor meetings ?
I hardly ever get out with a good understanding. I find listening and taking notes a challenge. A lot of inventors are not good at explaining things: it all gets messy in my head, and often need some hours afterwards to process to guess how the invention may be working based on what I could grasp from scribbles
This makes asking smart spontaneous question also quite impossible
Maybe that's just how I process things in other life areas too (slow), and also when i was a student, I can do it, but need my time: I can't be the only one
submitted by Maximum-Candidate652 to patentlaw [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 exaltics Never alone in the bathroom with Teddy!

submitted by exaltics to MiniatureSchnauzer [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 francacereu1974 Our YYZ cover

Hey! We’re a Rush tribute band from Chile, we started a couple of months ago. Anyway: here’s a cover of YYZ we recorded at rehearsal, I hope you like it!
submitted by francacereu1974 to rush [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 617_guy Grill 23 on Berkeley Street now has an overflow of cars waiting to be valeted. This overflow takes up an entire driving lane. Where they park the cars— another lane.. meanwhile the bike lanes are empty. Whoever thought this was a good idea should be fired

Grill 23 on Berkeley Street now has an overflow of cars waiting to be valeted. This overflow takes up an entire driving lane. Where they park the cars— another lane.. meanwhile the bike lanes are empty. Whoever thought this was a good idea should be fired submitted by 617_guy to boston [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 fudgesik Pourquoi est-on obligé de sourire ?

Je ne souris pas “par politesse” quand je salue quelqu’un, ou pour paraître sympa, lorsqu’on me souris sans raison je ne souris pas en retour
Je souris uniquement lors de moments drôles, je ne le contrôle pas (comme le rire)
Mais je ne suis pas capable de me forcer à sourire dans d’autres situations, et je n’en ai pas spécialement envie
Évidemment je me suis prise des remarques toute ma vie et ça deviens franchement agaçant
Pourquoi en France doit on sourire par “convention sociale” ? Être courtois n’est pas suffisant ? Pourquoi devoir se forcer à afficher une expression de rire lors d’une situation pas drôle ?
Si vous souriez souvent, est-ce naturel ou devais vous vous forcer ?
Et si vous faites des remarques aux gens qui ne sourient pas, quel est votre but ? Pensez vous que la personne va se mettre à vous sourire ?
submitted by fudgesik to AskFrance [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 ImYourLandlord18 My 8 year old is going to be pumped

Just picked this up for him for $429. It will be his first rifle. I can’t wait!!
submitted by ImYourLandlord18 to SmithAndWesson [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 Jumpman707 My cousin took multiple edibles before coming to Thanksgiving and took a shoe without even realizing

My cousin took multiple edibles before coming to Thanksgiving and took a shoe without even realizing submitted by Jumpman707 to pics [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:40 bigbad50 hmmm

hmmm submitted by bigbad50 to TheFireRisesMod [link] [comments]