My biggest flex of the year

2024.11.29 16:50 Necessary-Sleep1 My biggest flex of the year

My biggest flex of the year submitted by Necessary-Sleep1 to sadboys [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 airrules420 What country is this?

What country is this? submitted by airrules420 to mapporncirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 NaiveEye1128 Parasites

How many of you have had to deal with high parasite load, and what have you done to mitigate it?
Those of you who've never had issues with parasites - what do you attribute to your success?
submitted by NaiveEye1128 to rabbitsincolonies [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Mountain_Ad6178 21 [M4F] #ohio but wouldn’t mind a long distance relationship

Hello everyone, I’m from Ohio, I am a 21 year old, 6’0” latino man. I am currently looking for a special connection either online or in person, although in person would be preferred. Im looking for someone similar in age between 19-24.
Im not that picky about looks, it just depends on how i feel about you. I just don’t want someone that will ghost me one day later and actually want to start a real relationship.
I do like to talk about my interests/hobbies which are reading, video games, tv shows/ anime, and exercise. I am interested in learning about you and your hobbies and interests what you like and don’t like ect. So as you can tell I’m pretty introverted, I just hope we can connect.
submitted by Mountain_Ad6178 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 RetroDave $59.99 990v6 and $86.99 2002r? Thank you Brighton MA factory store!

Once again it was worth braving Black Friday at the factory store near the NB headquarters.
submitted by RetroDave to Newbalance [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 IanAgate A very special day for a young Red Isaac ♥️

A very special day for a young Red Isaac ♥️ submitted by IanAgate to LiverpoolFC [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 New-Introduction-858 Fitness saved my life, but you never would really know it.

Fitness saved my life, but you never would really know it.
I am 5'10", 130 lbs, very lean, and 90% of my length is in my legs. I have never had much muscle mass and I look more lanky than a giraffe. Genetically, I do come from slender people. I had two VERY athletic siblings growing up, but I was the book worm that never played a day in my life. I had no interest in anything sports, or fitness, or even health related my entire life.
At 26, I found myself in a miserable marriage with mental health and thyroid issues. I was on a handful of prescription medications and spent a majority of my spare time sitting on the couch - spiraling down by the day. One day, I got the most wild idea to walk in to Anytime Fitness. I was wearing jeans, and a hoodie, with shoes NOT suitable for working out. But I got on a treadmill and walked the exact distance of one mile. The person that walked in to that gym was a person of the past. I felt refreshed and renewed--excited for the future.
I know the science of it all...Increased endorphins released through exercise, better regulation of stress response, improved self-esteem. Google will beat you to death with the many reports available online. But what I needed, was a reason for it to work. I had run out of chemical, therapeutic, sappy Tik Tok video reasons to improve my mind. I needed the most under recommended, unreasonable, and unlike-me change to jumpstart a new lifestyle.
I am still 5'10", 130 lbs, very lean...and very little muscle mass. You won't see extreme body transformations or fitness competitions on my social media. I still struggle with lifting a bag of dog food from the cart. But I also visit my local gym semi-regularly, monitor what types of food I eat, and frequently take walks outside. I became certified in personal training, but focus on habits instead of weights. I indulge in fast food feasts, but recognize the impact it can have on my mental health. I spend entire days couch rotting, but appreciate the physical rest I gained to do better the next day. I am a youth sports coach and focus on praising young women on their body's capabilities instead of their physique.
This passion I have for positive life changes is something I could harp on all day. In fact, I do. Family or community members constantly make the "oh, you're lucky you're so skinny" or "I wish you would just have a hamburger". It's meant to be a compliment, I get it. But I try sooo desperately hard to discuss the changes I have made. My physical appearance hardly changes, but my lifestyle is what I am proud of. I DO eat a cheeseburger, but I also love cooking nutrient dense foods. Yes, I am skinny, but I am also physically capable of many things. These are the same family and community members that ask my health advice, but discredit anything I tell them because "I get it genetically". You can't change the mind of someone who doesn't want to believe in themselves.
So I am here to tell you...just try it. Please...give yourself a 30 minute walk. You don't need name-brand outfits and shoes. You don't need a fancy workout plan. You don't need crash diets. You don't need someone else's opinion. Start small and try your best. Give yourself a chance.
submitted by New-Introduction-858 to Life [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Next-Candidate-3970 My friend got this crazy clip with car glitch. (His tiktok acc is Clakyfn if you wanna watch it again)

My friend got this crazy clip with car glitch. (His tiktok acc is Clakyfn if you wanna watch it again) submitted by Next-Candidate-3970 to sypherpk [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Agitated-Candidate79 anime_irl

submitted by Agitated-Candidate79 to anime_irl [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 SharkZilla96 Vermont or Schlieffen?

I'm almost at the point where I'm willing to buy a bureau project but cannot decide between the two. Which one do you believe is more fun to play?
submitted by SharkZilla96 to WoWs_Legends [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 _reginaphilange Rapid weight gain

I (32F, 5’3”) baby in Feb and had Gestational Diabetes. 6 weeks postpartum, I was down to 132 pounds and steady for a while. My pre-pregnancy weight was 147 pounds. Come August, I stopped breastfeeding and got my period back and that’s when the weight gain started. Granted my food habits haven’t been the healthiest but it’s not been abysmal either.
Today I’m at a whopping 152 pounds.
I’m already on 1500mg Metformin.
I’m tracking macros to no effect.
What do I even do? So lost! 😞
submitted by _reginaphilange to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Donewithlifeforsure What's your biggest nightmare ?

submitted by Donewithlifeforsure to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Noledgebase Professional Diploma in Administration Management ($44.99 to FREE)

Professional Diploma in Administration Management ($44.99 to FREE) submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 FreeShopping6747 Hot tip from the Texas Aggie Football program!

Hot tip from the Texas Aggie Football program! submitted by FreeShopping6747 to cfbmemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Daide Hndrxx

Kid's name I came across due to my job. No vowels allowed. Apparently.
submitted by Daide to tradgedeigh [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Gullible_Thing34 Resident Evil Outbreak File #2 Gameplay Showdown (1 - 3)

Resident Evil Outbreak File #2 Gameplay Showdown (1 - 3) submitted by Gullible_Thing34 to youtubesubscribe [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 turdyturtleeee I have never told anyone my problems

After high school I stopped telling my problems to anyone. I don't even know how to go about it now ,like how do u talk to someone about ur problems without feeling like your problems are superficial. How do u tell someone u keep feeling like killing yourself with them thinking ur some edgelord . It feels easier to talk about this anonymously rather than to someone irl.
submitted by turdyturtleeee to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 StandardPatience3001 Help with 6 month old waking multiple times at night

My 6 month old is waking up multiple times at night and has developed a sleep association with feeding. He has 3-4 naps during day time of 1 hour long. At night once he sleeps at say 9 pm he starts waking up in 3-4 hours time and then waking up pretty much every hour.
I want to see if he self soothes but I am worried if he would be really hungry as if a bottle is given before his bedtime he will only drink 100ml formula at a go. Hence maybe he is waking up hungry. I am not sure and since I have work this is becoming really tiring.
Please help with any ideas
submitted by StandardPatience3001 to sleeptrain [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 junkolover11037 Friend Safari sharing

submitted by junkolover11037 to pokemonXY [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 inaudibledaisy Favorite Subtle Shimmers?

Favorite Subtle Shimmers? I'm coming to terms with not being a full out glitter girl (it feels too chaotic for me) but I do like some sparkle and shimmer. I recently got olive & june's twilight at Walmart, and really like the slight shimmer but want a liiiittle bit more. If this is 10%, I'm looking at like 20% sparkle shimmer glitter fun
So, does anyone have suggestions on subtle shimmers? I really like ILNP's and Cirque's formulas, I know the former must have /something/ but I'm honestly overwhelmed by the options!
Obligatory ignore the cuticles etc, it's a week old mani 😅
submitted by inaudibledaisy to RedditLaqueristas [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 roseturtlelavender 2under2 graduates...what has been the toughest age so far for you?

A few months ago I would have said we were out of the woods and things were great. But youngest just turned 2 and my eldest is 3.5. Suddenly things have gotten really hard and overwhelming again?
submitted by roseturtlelavender to 2under2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 Noledgebase Executive Diploma in Human Resources Strategy ($39.99 to FREE)

Executive Diploma in Human Resources Strategy ($39.99 to FREE) submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 D4nnyzke Csizi Péter helyettes államtitkár (aki nem engedte be ma MP-t) akkor vált hírhedté mikor tönkretette Pécs tömegközlekedését és adósságba taszította a várost

Csizi Péter helyettes államtitkár (aki nem engedte be ma MP-t) akkor vált hírhedté mikor tönkretette Pécs tömegközlekedését és adósságba taszította a várost submitted by D4nnyzke to hungary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 BGWJ777 B

submitted by BGWJ777 to Law_and_Politics [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 16:50 orinocotribune Masar Badil: The Zionist Enemy Retreats in the Face of the Will of the Resistance and the Steadfastness of Its People in Lebanon

Masar Badil: The Zionist Enemy Retreats in the Face of the Will of the Resistance and the Steadfastness of Its People in Lebanon submitted by orinocotribune to OrinocoTribune [link] [comments]