2024.11.29 17:39 shadowbannedra Is the mech HOD being changed ?
I heard from seniors that the tenure has ended and we might we getting a new HOD and dean , the current ones lets just say is hard to function with .
submitted by shadowbannedra to Vit [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:39 freddddddy123 buy and sell St. Catharines
I joined reddit a few years back and never used it until last month. Does anyone know if there is a buy and sell group on Reddit for the Niagara Region?
submitted by freddddddy123 to stcatharinesON [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:39 No-Combination5177 Are these termites?
Hundred found under my front yard tree in North Texas (USA). submitted by No-Combination5177 to Termites [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 17:39 One_Union_472 Jinrang is clearly stronger then james flee and g/kitae kim, bros aura alone made all of gen 2 unite made kitae kim return to Korea and made james team up with kitae kim 100 vs 1 gun style
submitted by One_Union_472 to lookismcomic [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 17:39 Skyer17 WEATHER BOOSTED Mega Altaria, add 9585 2575 8867
submitted by Skyer17 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:39 ladysonyan Did I just buy (and open) a resealed pack?
Im very new to the tcg so im sorry for my ignorance.
I just bought my first pokemon pack in a long time (lost origins) and I opened it. I only got one reverse holo, but inside was also a black bordered code card, which Ive heard indicates hits? The pack itself felt a bit weird to the touch (very, crumply?) but I didnt think much of it because I havent felt one in a long time so maybe this is just how they felt? I didnt remember.
But now that Im connecting all the dots. Did I just get scammed?
submitted by ladysonyan to IsMyPokemonCardFake [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:39 poacoa Mold or something else in toilet?
We just moved to a new place and took a week vacation. After coming back there’s this that formed in the several of the toilet bowls, is this mold or something to do with the hard water (Florida)? We come from up north and never experienced this even on longer term vacations. Mainly just concerned with what could be in the new places water supply. Apologies in advance for the photos.. submitted by poacoa to Plumbing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 17:39 robotkiller3 Attacking Gameplay
This is the first time I’ve bought the game since ‘22 and the gameplay is confusing me so much. I’m only playing on world class at the moment but have had so many 0-0 draws. Players never seem to want to run in to space and when they do the timings are always awful.
Anyone got any tips for how to get some better attacking movement? I’m not sure if it’s just me or if it’s the game/sliders.
submitted by robotkiller3 to FifaCareers [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:39 ProfessorOk6734 25m never dated, good career though
I’m 25, former military, been to college, got a good career going but I’ve never been in a relationship. I wasn’t allowed to date or go to school when I was growing up. I feel like I’m way too far behind to even start and my lack of experience will end and has ended multiple attempts. Thoughts?
submitted by ProfessorOk6734 to lonely [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:39 National-Active5348 I’m not sure if i have retired or jsut unemployed
50-m Asian, a relatively new immigrant in the UK. Had been working here for 2 years and quitted in June this year. Since then , I have been unemployed.
Have a house in London that I already paid off. Not sure what will be nexts
submitted by National-Active5348 to FIREUK [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:39 anjie45 Any advice?
Starting content review and was wondering if anyone has tips on staying organized with time while also tracking topics or question types I tend to get wrong. Suggestions?
submitted by anjie45 to Mcat [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:39 Matilda_Mother_67 Why are African-American churches so lively and basically like a party compared to more conservative denominations like Catholicism?
submitted by Matilda_Mother_67 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:39 Illustrious-One-7058 This was a picture posted by photographer - JosephRadhik for ChaySam wedding. Sam is seen wearing a robe which says ‘Mrs Akkineni’ but can anyone tell why there is a gay/pride bandaid on Naga Chaitanya’s feet?
submitted by Illustrious-One-7058 to BollyBlindsNGossip [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 17:39 Kelsiar_Vin Good or bad? Original or already done? Horror movie idea
I had this idea for a movie basically a spin on Frankensteins monster, no idea if it’s been done before or why I even thought about it but it goes something like this: rich, resourceful, psychotic doctomadman wants to create life but unlike frankensteins monster, he wants to create a being of perfect parts, not a monster but the best of humanity, a “god” so to speak. Spends the movie collecting the most desirable parts from some of the worlds most exceptional people until it collimates into…something evil? Something revengeful? Idk about the ending but has this already been done? If not someone send me Netflix’s info
submitted by Kelsiar_Vin to horror [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:39 Mr_BertSaxby Italy
submitted by Mr_BertSaxby to natureisbeautiful [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 17:39 GiftAffectionate3400 Please pray so I wouldn’t have to leave the country I live in until summer of 2025, I really love my country, I like living here. Thank you for praying!!!
submitted by GiftAffectionate3400 to PrayerTeam_amen [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:39 According-Iron-8215 Video on one of the most obscure Marvel Characters
submitted by According-Iron-8215 to marvelcomics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 17:39 haber71net Kırıkkale’de Husumetlilerin Kavgası Kanlı Bitti!
Kırıkkale’de Husumetlilerin Kavgası Kanlı Bitti!\ https://www.haber71.net/kirikkalede-husumetlilerin-kavgasi-kanli-bitti/?feed_id=158860&_unique_id=6749fc6303cfb submitted by haber71net to haber71net [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 17:39 kaphi OVG Münster: Pro-Palästina-Camp an RWTH Aachen darf bleiben
submitted by kaphi to aachen [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 17:39 TheBlackMessenger [Diskussion] Schwurbler widerlegen andere Schwurbler
Ist es euch auch schon mal untergekommen, dass ihr sehr wie z.b ein Reichsbürger einem Flacherdler erklärt dass die Erde rund ist?
Ich finde es faszinierend wenn Leute die völlig irrational wirken dann bei anderen Themenfeldern brillieren und seriös komplexe Sachverhalte erklären.
submitted by TheBlackMessenger to ichbin40undSchwurbler [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:39 That_odd_emo What‘s your opinion on "Stop making your sexuality a character trait"?
submitted by That_odd_emo to actuallesbians [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:39 Educational-Walk6616 Selling Pc
I’m thinking of selling my pc and getting a gaming laptop since I’m never home to ever use it.
How much do you think I can sell my pc in Cad:
Ryzen 7 5700X3D ASUS Rog Strix B550-A Gaming 360mm Thermalright Aio T-force Vulcan 32gb ram 3600Mhz MSI Radeon Rx 6800 Gaming Z Trio Crucial P3 2TB PCIe Gen 4 Corsair RM750e Power Supply
submitted by Educational-Walk6616 to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:39 Positive_Actuator860 Hmmmm too many options I don’t know who to choose
submitted by Positive_Actuator860 to pokerogue [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 17:39 freaxsxs Case recommendation for iPad 10th gen
I upgraded from 5th to 10th gen. I ordered a case online. The top part of it is fully exposed. I realized later I think they do it to stick the pencil there. I saw they either have that part exposed or a larger case with a pencil holder.
I don’t use pencil, but I would also like a better coverage if possible to protect from drops. Do you have any recommendations for such case that covers all around the edges? I couldn’t really find one like I had for my 5th gen.
submitted by freaxsxs to ipad [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:39 Signal-Document-9639 Mujeres como le gustan que les coqueteen? Sin llegar a ser pesado
submitted by Signal-Document-9639 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]