2024.11.29 17:46 SmellOfParanoia Tips på namn till min pizzeria
Jag tänkte det är dags nu att öppna pizzeria. Jag har tänkt på det många år. Tjejen säger nej, det finns många pizzeria osv. Men jag tänker att med rätt namn på pizzeria så kommer folk köpa av mig.
Jag tänkte att det kan heta "Ännu en pizzeria" Eller "Ingen Panpizzeria".
Behöver mer ammunition, hjälp mig med namn till pizzeria snälla.
Glad fredag
submitted by SmellOfParanoia to unket [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:46 WickedSnicket366 Ain't no way my Pikmin be dancing on a dead man
submitted by WickedSnicket366 to PikminBloomApp [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 17:46 Fresh-Past9214 I don’t know how about you guys but I sometimes open hollow knight again to beat the gods and when I tried to leave location of gods home, there was this guy I have never seen before. Can someone say is it something added or is it really new???
submitted by Fresh-Past9214 to HollowKnight [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:46 SufficientParadise Jaghatai's battle report
submitted by SufficientParadise to WhiteScars40K [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 17:46 Davidand8Ball is there any way to set him free
submitted by Davidand8Ball to ThankGoodnessYourHere [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 17:46 SetAggressive5728 Advice or Info on KLONE
Hey all,
I’m an avid fragrance/cologne collector I like to say. I keep around 8-10 in my rotation at all times. Recently I have been interested (especially) with a baby on the way to venture in on some “Replica Colognes” although I use to think NOT a chance. These are no better then fugazi shoes or designer clothes, I’ve come to find out some brands or companies are very well respected and are extremely similiar.
Does anyone have any info or reviews on KLONE?2024.11.29 17:46 johnnyhabitat Being paid fairly?
I work at a large chain on full commission(no salary, no hourly wage). We have a system where my normal pay is 17% of the total sale price and we have a $2,000 floor price. For example, our top of the line aids go for $11,990 MSRP. I can cut the price down to $9,990 without a pay cut. If I go any lower than that, my commission is cut to 10%. I had someone come in and they had a benefit of 4k from an insurance we don’t work with. So I matched the insurance and took 4k off of the price. So from $11,990 to $7,990. My boss asked me if I was really okay with doing that, I said yes. He said he’s taking a huge loss on it.
I’m not sure what the aids cost, but am I being ripped off for pay here? I’m getting paid $790 to take care of this guy for the next 5+ years on that alone
submitted by johnnyhabitat to audiology [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:46 Wild_Principle4961 ¿Que onda con las hermanas Cejas?
Son de terror. Te rompen todo, te cagan a puteadas y si tenes mala suerte te meten una mano o te tiran con algo. Tienen mas de 60 causas, como es que todavia no las meten presas?
submitted by Wild_Principle4961 to Pergamino [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:46 XOjoell AFTER 3 MONTHS WAITING!! 😍😍
Ordered these back in September finally got them !🥳 submitted by XOjoell to TheWeeknd [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 17:46 CanadianMaps Fie Zi cu Soare, Fie, sau Cerul Noros, Fie Ploi, Ninsoare Fie, Noi Mergem Voios, Drum Bun! (15,40kg in sacosa, pe Bd. Iuliu Maniu).
https://preview.redd.it/90srry1dov3e1.jpg?width=2040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=866c739a82c93356f4b5faba093dac9b39f1f7f2 submitted by CanadianMaps to fuckcarsRomania [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 17:46 AzaranyGames This is a new low in tiny bread slices
Udis brand bread - it's particularly frustrating because it was absolutely delicious, just ridiculously small. submitted by AzaranyGames to Celiac [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 17:46 UnlikelyElderberry16 Trade Help
Playoffs are coming up in my competitive league and i am very close to being in. I have Joe Mixon and Aaron Jones and I am thinking about trading those two and receiving Jahmyr Gibbs and Breece Hall. I can not take any losses going forward. Mixon has a bye soon so I am inclined to do it because I have no one to replace him. It is a PPR 14 man league. Please give me advice🙏
submitted by UnlikelyElderberry16 to FantasyFootballers [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:46 PrimaryPrestigious62 where can pop-punker meet each others and maybe date ?
submitted by PrimaryPrestigious62 to poppunkers [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:46 garoto_banana2 Não faz sentido Deus ter criado o universo
Quero dizer, o sol e a lua são compreensíveis, mas todo o resto não, ele criou tantos corpos celestes, estrelas e galáxias incontáveis e tudo isso pra não servir de nada, são literalmente mundos inteiros sem propósito, mundos que se quer vamos visitar ou até mesmo chegar a olhar pq está alem do universo observável da Terra.
Eu não sou terraplanista mas faria muito mais sentido Deus ter feito nesse modelo, pq no que estamos é inútil. Ele simplesmente fez um universo incompreensívelmente grande pra nós fazer habitar apenas a Terra até os nossos últimos dias.
O Apocalipse só fala de coisas que vão acontecer na Terra o que me leva a acreditar que nunca vamos colonizar outros planetas, pq é algo muito importante pra ele ter escondido o que iria acontecer com o pessoal que estivesse em Marte, ou alguma lua de Júpiter, enfim, tudo se resume a Terra e todo o resto é espaço inútil que ele fez pra ficarmos passando vontade de ir, como aquelas áreas inacessível em jogos kkk
submitted by garoto_banana2 to opiniaoimpopular [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:46 yogafire629 Ada Rekomendasi Komunitas untuk Pedagang Online dengan Pembahasan Tingkat Lanjut?
Halo semuanya,
Saya saat ini sangat struggle dalam bisnis online yang tadinya lancar saya jalani selama 10 tahun lebih. Untuk itu saya sedang mencari komunitas online yang aktif untuk para pedagang online yang berjualan melalui website atau marketplace seperti Shopee dan Tokopedia. Saya ingin bergabung dengan komunitas yang pembahasannya sudah di level menengah ke atas, bukan fokus pada topik dasar seperti cara memasang iklan atau memulai jualan.
Saya sudah mencoba beberapa grup seller di Facebook, tapi kebanyakan diskusinya masih terlalu basic untuk kebutuhan saya. Jadi, saya ingin tahu apakah ada komunitas (dalam bentuk apa pun—WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook, dll.) yang cocok untuk seller yang ingin berkembang lebih atau berdiskusi tentang strategi bisnis online yang lebih advanced?
Jika ada yang juga berjualan online di sini dan sudah bergabung di komunitas seperti itu, mohon referensinya atau minta "clue" untuk cara carinya ya.
Terima kasih banyak sebelumnya!
submitted by yogafire629 to finansial [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:46 theDOGPAK My favorite photo with Theseus aka "Little One"
submitted by theDOGPAK to dogpictures [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 17:46 brainysoccer UAE National Day Decoration
submitted by brainysoccer to UAE [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:46 CD-Josie-2 Feeling cute and cozy 🥰
submitted by CD-Josie-2 to Crossdress_Expression [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 17:46 KingOfSpiderDucks List advice needed
Hi there, new squire here looking to become a knight pilot.
I managed to get a Chainbreaker Lance and a Valor Strike Lance as I figured that would be the most money-efficient way to start this army.
Is 2 big and 8 small knights a good list combo? If so please write down the best list I can build with that. Otherwise please tell me what I need to add.
Thanks a lot :)
submitted by KingOfSpiderDucks to ImperialKnights [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:46 Ishaningle Need help
I'm planning to buy the nothing phone (2a) after seeing most of the posts about the display issue the screen retention and burn in stuff .....should I buy it or choose something else ( I have fallen for the phone and nothing seems better than that to me , need your genuine opinion on the screen and power of the phone )
submitted by Ishaningle to NOTHING [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:46 Tight-Heart-9605 G(old) star murder in daylight
submitted by Tight-Heart-9605 to MurderedByWords [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 17:46 New-Cauliflower-632 You think Travis Kelce is getting a td today?
submitted by New-Cauliflower-632 to fanduel [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:46 rob_fillo_music Better Man - Rob Fillo
submitted by rob_fillo_music to Newmusicreview [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 17:46 slogmog Medicine donation - Bay Area
Looking to donate 5 prefilled syringes of Ganirelix Acetate (exp: 04-2025) in Bay Area, CA. I also have several boxes of Menopur but just noticed the expiration is 10-2024 :(
submitted by slogmog to IVF [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 17:46 hornyboy22006 Who is gonna be her?
submitted by hornyboy22006 to DesiCelebHub [link] [comments] |