Oliebollen op bestelling?

2024.11.29 17:46 officialife Oliebollen op bestelling?

Dag beste Groningers,
Binnenkort kom ik jullie prachtige stad bezoeken. Echter, ik reis weer terug naar het zuiden op 31 december en zal ik dus nergens meer oliebollen kunnen krijgen. Nu vroeg ik me af: waar kan ik de beste oliebollen bestellen? Ik reserveer ze graag vast omdat ik in het verleden uit de plaatsen waar ik gewoond heb gewend ben om te ellebogen voor de laatste oliebol. Meestal is dit bij kraampjes o.i.d., dus vandaar mijn bestel-wens. Kunnen jullie me daarmee helpen?
Alvast heel erg bedankt.
Groet en tot snel!
submitted by officialife to Groningen [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 Suntory_Black Any recommendations for local stores that sell reasonably priced maternity clothes?

Wife is hitting the 2nd trimester and it's time to buy maternity clothes. Looking for a local place so she can try them on rather then blind purchasing online.
submitted by Suntory_Black to SanJose [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 Knowledge-truebelief Var Olana Epistemolojik Perspektiften Bakış

Varlık nedir? Düşünürler, binlerce yıldır, varlığın tam olarak ne olduğunu öğrenmeye çalışıyorlar. Bir şeyin ne olduğunu öğrenmek için o şeyin ne olduğunu bilmek gerekir. Dolayısıyla; sorulması gereken ilk soru; bilmenin ne demek olduğu ile ilgilidir. "Bilgi nedir?" Sorusunu doğru cevaplamadan "Varlık nedir?" sorusunu doğru cevaplamak mümkün değildir. Bu bağlamda; Epistemoloji, her zaman için Ontoloji'den öncedir.
Olgularla aramızdaki zihinsel ilişki inançlarla kurulur. Birimiz üçgenlerin üç kenarı olduğuna inanırken, birimiz dört kenarlı bir üçgenin var olduğuna inanabilir. Normal olarak, ikimizinde haklı olması mümkün değildir. Peki haklı olanı haklı yapan gerekçe nedir? Üçgenlerin üç kenarı olduğuna inanan niye haklıdır? Çünkü üçgenlerin üç kenarı olması bir olgudur. İnanç-olgu ilişkisi doğru kurulduğunda olgu ile ilgili inancımızda haklı oluruz. İnanç ahlakı tam da burada devreye girer, o olmadan olgularla ilişkimizde haklı olamayız. Clifford'un, İnanç Ahlakı isimli eserindeki "Bir şeye yetersiz delile dayanarak inanmak herkes için her zaman ve her yerde yanlıştır." ifadesine bu açıdan yaklaşmak ufuk açıcı olacaktır. Biz, herhangi bir şeye, yeterli kanıta dayanarak inandığımızda o şey ile ilgili haklı oluruz. O şey ile ilgili haklı olmamız, bizim o şeyin doğruluğundan emin olma hakkına sahip olmamız demektir. Bunun adı da bilmektir. Demek ki bilmek, doğru inanmak demektir. Böylelikle bilginin doğru inanç olduğu sonucuna varırız.
Bilgi tanımından sonra aklımıza gelebilecek sorulardan biri; bilginin bir inanç türü olmasından dolayı bize bağımlı olup olmadığı konusudur. Doğru inancın varlığını inceleyerek bu konudaki merakımızı giderebiliriz. "Doğru inanç vardır." Önermesinin zıttına, yani; "Doğru inanç yoktur." önermesine baktığımızda bu önermenin hiçbir zaman doğru inanç olamayacağını görürüz. Bu da "Doğru inanç vardır." önermesinin her zaman doğru inanç olduğunu gösterir. O halde; bilgi, her zaman var olmadığımızı kabul ettiğimizde; biz insanlardan bağımsız olarak vardır. Doğru inancın bizden bağımsız olarak var olduğunu kabul ettik. Ancak; doğru inanç, doğası gereği, doğru inanana muhtaçtır. Doğru inancın sürekli var olduğunu ispatladığımızdan, onu sürekli var eden en azından bir doğru inananın varlığı zorunludur.
Her zaman doğru inanan, tek midir, yoksa birden fazla mıdır? Her zaman doğru inanan, hiç yanılmayacağından ve bu da ancak her zaman doğru inananın her şeyi bilmesi ile mümkün olacağından; doğru inanan, her şeyi bilendir. Her şeyi bilen, zaman ve mekan içindeki her olayı bilir. Sadece zamanı ve mekanı her tarafından kuşatıp gözeten zamanın ve mekanın içindeki tüm olayları bilebilir. Yani; Mutlak bilen, mekanı her tarafından kuşattığından tektir. Bilen, doğru inancı sürekli var ettiğinden, aynı zamanda Var edendir. Var eden; Her zaman doğru inanan ve Her şeyi bilendir. Evet, artık "Varlık nedir?" sorusu ile ilgili konuşma ehliyetine sahibiz. Var olan; Var eden ve var edilenlerdir.
submitted by Knowledge-truebelief to secilmiskitap [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 Airsek 7900 XTX concern

So I was preparing for a new build and my initial want was for all red build with the new Ryzen x3d and a 7900 XTX specifically the powercolor red devil, but recently they are sold out everywhere and I'd prefer to do an all new build and not one with a used gpu.
So I contacted powercolor directly to see if I could get any more information and was told the 7900 XTX red devil is essentially end of life and winding down. So I thought to go to a backup of the 7900 XTX by Sapphire but it too seems is out of stock everywhere.
Now I know there's been rumors at least the new 8000 series is releasing soon probably early 2025 but was told that none of the 8000 series would be able to beat the 7900 XTX so l'm confused why it seems companies aren't still producing these as imo they are a great card for the price. Does anyone have more updated information on the 8000 series or will I be forced to go Nvidia which I honestly don't want to do but not seeing a choice at this point?
submitted by Airsek to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 Old-Fly3308 Kindly help me reality check

So, I ended a relationship (Never committed, just dating) after seeing each-other for three months because he twice told me he just wasn’t ready for a relationship (He broke up with his long term partner 4 months before we started dating) and I was ready for a relationship and that’s what I wanted from him. Things felt unfair and unbalanced because although I loved the connection, I felt he would gain the benefits of seeing me without having to commit while I wanted more. I have a lot of empathy for the situation and do not blame him for not being ready. However, I’m stuck in a thought loop of thinking /I/ self sabotaged the connection and if I had given him more time he would have been ready later on, I’m starting to blame myself and I don’t know what to do. I want to text him and get clarity on if I did self sabotage but that also seems pointless.
submitted by Old-Fly3308 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 MrBobKazamakis Just accepted a job with Transocean as an offshore welder. What did you wish you took on your first hitch? What did you wish you knew before you left?

Hello kind folks,
The title is pretty self explanatory. Just accepted an offer. Taking my physical and background check soon. Then bosiet and weld test.
In the mean time, I'm trying to make sure I have everything I need. I intend to ask my recruiter this same question, but it would be stupid of me not to ask you folks with experience as well. What did you wish you had? What did you wish you knew?
Thanks a bunch!
submitted by MrBobKazamakis to oilandgasworkers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 ValyrianSigmaJedi So you’re not a “fully grown man” if you are not a millionaire.

So you’re not a “fully grown man” if you are not a millionaire. submitted by ValyrianSigmaJedi to LengfOrGirf [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 Trzn_Talk_8862 HERE’S!!* WAY TO WATCH Lightning vs Predators LIVE STREAMS NHL ON TV CHANNEL

HERE’S!!* WAY TO WATCH Lightning vs Predators LIVE STREAMS NHL ON TV CHANNEL Hey fellow NHL 2024 viewers. As I’ve been watching NHL 2024 Streams for quite a few seasons now, I've done some digging to access the trusty NHL 2024 Streams. I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into NHL 2024 Streams and haven't found a great way to watch NHL Hockey 2024/25 live for free..Posted on November 29, 2024.
NHL 2024 streams is the official backup for NHL 2024 streams. Watch every NHL 2024 games free online in your mobile, pc and tablet.
submitted by Trzn_Talk_8862 to rarebeauty [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 Butrus666 WBC speaker cables

WBC speaker cables Today I received WBC speaker cables 7awg and jumper cables 8awg. Must say Im impressed. Excellent buyer experience when opening the package,awesome build quality and great sound,which I have more to explore,since I got these cables today. Wanted to share some pics. And must admit….Im an audioholic 😂
submitted by Butrus666 to audiophile [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 rubendariom Tony Evans - Watch Sermon: Encountering God's Promotion

Tony Evans - Watch Sermon: Encountering God's Promotion submitted by rubendariom to RUBENS [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 Agabone Ancient caves of Cappadocia, Turkiye

Ancient caves of Cappadocia, Turkiye submitted by Agabone to FineArtPhoto [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 No_Entertainment9368 Induct him into the Pride of the Lions

Induct him into the Pride of the Lions submitted by No_Entertainment9368 to detroitlions [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 Nikorausu New teleport mechanic on Shen's ultimate.

The changes on the map and other things already are on PBE, including the new teleport. For those who don't know the changes, basically, now you can teleport on wards and minions at the beginning of the game again, but now you have the channeling time and the traveling time before reaching the point you want. The thing is, the traveling time is based on distance and it becomes faster with unleashed teleport.
That said, what if Shen's ultimate gives shield immediately after using it, but the time to reach your ally varies based on the distance between you two (unlike teleport, it wouldn't have a fixed channeling time, only a traveling time). Visually, I think it would be cool if Shen's body stayed still meditating and his spirit travels to the ally similarly to Yone's E. This way, it opens the opportunity for Riot change or buff the rest of his kit, considering the "nerf of his ultimate". What you guys think?
submitted by Nikorausu to Shen [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 cattjm Need some suggestions for a present for my fan fan.

I have a very specific request, and would love your expertise. My best friend loves to put his fan right in front of his face to sleep which means the fan on the bed next to him and he breaks them quickly because of this. I would love suggestions for fans that maybe have a gooseneck on a taller stand so that he could angle it over him if that makes sense? Or any other solution you guys can think of! A wall mounted fan might be my best option, but I don't think that will be perfect. He also likes them loud and he often takes them apart to 'fix' them often, and ideally not too energy hungry. Any suggestions would be great! Thanks for reading!
submitted by cattjm to fans [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 Warm-Echo5540 "When I Become a Whale: Subtle Signs 🐋🤫"

Ever wondered what it means to be a whale in crypto? Watch for the signs! 🐋🔍
.#WhaleSecrets #OceanMysteries #MarineLife #UnderwaterWonder #NatureWhispers
submitted by Warm-Echo5540 to BingX [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 Utopiaoflove Anyone tried this brand?

Anyone tried this brand? submitted by Utopiaoflove to Michigents [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 rya1237 Ideas for Dalmatian mix

My grandma wants a Dalmatian and we might get her one for Christmas, but she is allergic to dogs... We were looking for mixes and none that she likes are hypoallergenic (miniature Great Dane Dalmatian, st Bernard Dalmatian mini, huskmatian, longhair Dalmatian). If you know any good hypoallergenic Dalmatian mixes or just cute dog breeds pls help!
submitted by rya1237 to Pets [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 Phyire7 "Personal offer"

Just to give perspective, I can buy 2 full month's worth of groceries with the money needed to buy 3 digital vehicles and n measly 15 ! days of premium.
Gaijin's HQ might be in ukraine (or wherever it is not 100% sure), but their greed lies in 1st world countries.
submitted by Phyire7 to WarthunderPlayerUnion [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 AnswerLegitimate Flowers or Worthy ?

I also have MVS, D Robinson, and NWI.
Jameson Williams didn’t do well for me yesterday. I Any advice?
submitted by AnswerLegitimate to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 Muneeb007007007 Python Online IDE

This project integrates Streamlit, the Ollama model, and a local Python environment to dynamically generate and execute Python code. Users can interact with the Llama2 model for code generation and execution, providing a seamless experience for both input handling and file management.
Code: https://github.com/MuhammadMuneeb007/PythonOnlineIDE/
submitted by Muneeb007007007 to PythonLearning [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 Tautological-Emperor Dream of Empire

Empire came. But not with the telltale march of soldiers, not with great works that humbled old black mountains or deep forest valley groves.
Empire came on warm smiles, straight backs, immaculate clothes that defied dirty roads and winding paths. It came tucked in satchels, came on neat, ivory-cream colored pages. Empire came in the words, the very thing to describe itself; realized when a mind balloons a word into the world. A dozen languages who had known the world only by the cleft of cliffs or the sinuous river passage, who had defined the beginning and end of the place of people within it grew larger, grew vast. Empire called to them in the name it wore, in the strange, luxuriant words that could only be known and imagined when thinking of it. Empire rode, glittered, like a bauble between everyone who spoke, inflamed young hearts and eager minds at the feet of elegant riding boots.
Empire trickled in the trade, worked and wormed its way between the bargaining of smiles and laughter and good jokes as much as it did into exchanging cattle, expensive heirlooms, gold, acres of forest. Empire saw love between strangers as they swapped last names and mixed bloods, as banners from a far away land found its way atop old totems, worn mantles, on the flanks of strong longhouses and roomy hunt lodges.
Empire came on the warm, summer winds. Billowing sails to cut up the skies like white wings, or on horseback for a league and more, white and red and silver against so much green, or in prim jasmine-colored tents across sprawling desert dunes. Empire stayed, too, in the winter, long after the traders had fled better seasons and the people in their longhouses and yurts and cavern-cathedrals had bed down with warm bellies and old stories against raging snow or threshing storms.
Empire whispered in the lonely winds. It touched the sick with unseen hands, rode the fever highs and deathly lows as priestesses and shamans and pale lords found no cure to unfamiliar sicknesses. Strange animals and annoying birds chattered in the woods like unwelcome guests, littered the undergrowth with a sea of split egg shells or ate their way through winters waiting harvest. Just over the hill or up in the mountains, fires burned, men commanded and women heaved as they remade the land into new shapes. Shapes that had only been as imaginary and weightless as empire had been, when it had only been in books and across pages.
The dream of empire lay over the land. Touched a dozen, a hundred, a thousand people’s into one, singular tapestry. The banners wore no smiles like the traders who had bestowed them, and the hard men and women who stood now beneath them had no more gifts, their stories iron-rigid as the metal they wore and the killing-lightning they carried.
submitted by Tautological-Emperor to flashfiction [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 ScotIander What would the cute innocent harmless curse that Yuji kicked for no reason during Shibuya's top 10 list be and what is his agendas? (Yuji should have received the death sentence for this instead)

What would the cute innocent harmless curse that Yuji kicked for no reason during Shibuya's top 10 list be and what is his agendas? (Yuji should have received the death sentence for this instead) submitted by ScotIander to JujutsuPowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 Beepboopboppoo 🍃 on a RC leaving out of New Orleans

Leaving out of New Orleans on a cruise in a week. Advice on bringing a sauce v a p e and less than 1k of gummies?
submitted by Beepboopboppoo to Cruise [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 Zerkille Call of Duty Zombies 100% Help

Looking for help 100%ing all zombies everything (games, maps, easter eggs, achievements, levels, weapons, farming, etc) on Xbox Series X. I have a great tv, audio, mic, storage, etc set up. I was a proficient zombies player WaW-BO3 (Xbox 360), but just got my setup/Xbox Series X and am not used to the new zombies style yet. As mentioned I’m looking to 100% every zombies everything, but beyond that am just looking to get the full zombies experience and play through, so having help doing anything/everything from simply high-rounding and fully exploring/experiencing everything in WaW Nacht to super easter eggs in the new games would be great. If you can help with literally anything feel free to drop your gamertag or whatever and we can set something up, you don’t have to commit to 100% every zombies everything, just help with any individual piece would be awesome. Thank you!
submitted by Zerkille to zombieeastereggs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:46 EsseNorway "Harvesting" Green Wood from the Side of the Road

submitted by EsseNorway to Snorkblot [link] [comments]
