5700x3d or 3080 ti?

AMD RYZEN 5 3600 升級 RYZEN 7 5700X3D 老AM4平台,618活動花五千在某東買全新盒裝,獲得效能提升很滿意。 單獨升級CPU其餘都用原來舊配件,省滿多的。 AIDA64烤雞溫度還比原來低五度,老塔扇AS120還行。 烤雞或遊戲,實測功率都在400W 以下,舊全漢 550W、APC UPS BR700G還夠。 至於新裝機,建議直上AM5 DDR5平台了 ... 你4.1ghz搭载100mb三缓的延迟,就是不如5.3g 48mb三缓的延迟,最后游戏内low帧表现intel就是比5700x3d好。Intel目前1699的13600kf还就是能打你5700x3d。除非你给个4.5ghz,但那样1900的5800x3d又卖不出去了。症结还是5800x3d太贵了。 除非5700x3d降到900块。 5700x3d和5700x无印,全核定4.6 会有多大区别啊。感觉频率是不是太低了特别是单核,无印可以到4.85恶,电脑讨论(新),讨论区-生活与技术的讨论 ,Chiphell - 分享与交流用户体验 5700x3d价格和13600kf差不多了,建议可以等一下。我觉得真的花差不多1500买zen3感觉有点划不来,还不如老平台一起出掉换新平台算了。5600x+主板+内存出个1000多总有吧,加上你5700x3d 1400多,2500买新平台三大件应该可以的 3600 换 5700x3d 这个提升还是很明显的,甚至可以考虑5800x3d,我是出了5950x换了5800x3d,用来玩网游啥的。 至少CPU单核,多核,能效,大缓带的帧率稳定性都比3600强很多。不想大折腾。确实是个不错的选择,折腾的话。就把板子,内存,CPU全出了。来套新的,相比1100块的5700X3D, 7000系,或Intel 12,13代 来 ... 各位大大假日好 昨日新購入的 5700X3D 終於上機了 發現跟舊的CPU R5 5600比較下 老實說 在2K60 UP 遊戲體感差異上 真的沒啥感覺 (功耗 和 溫度提升真的最有感 很久沒有CPU溫度焦慮了XD) 遊戲 (D4 暗喻幻想 星際大戰 龍族教義2 黑神話) 顯卡4070S 2k解析度 設置幾乎全開情況下 偵數差距約1x% 1%low比較有明顯提升 ... 5700x3d在须弥城可以跑到90~110。但是在以前5600x不抽帧的其他地图,疯狂抽帧。几乎每次传送到新地图,都要抽一下。令人发指,无法忍受。 gamepp的游戏监控也能看到,5700x3d疯狂上蹿下跳。 个人猜测。在显卡跑不满的情况下,可能x3d能发挥该有的价值。 12600KF降价以后,5700X3D妥妥的变为智商税产品了,12600KF降价以后,5700X3D妥妥的变为智商税产品了,这次不得不说intel用amd惯用的手段打败了对手,在b站装机猿的最新一期评测视频中5700x3d在win11系统下甚至能落败对手126 ...,电脑讨论(新),讨论区-生活与技术的讨论 ,Chiphell - 分享与交流用户体验 Hardware Unboxed在5700X3D上市一段時間後 把AMD重點CPU一併比較 包含Zen2的3600作為3000系列代表 所有Zen2的包含3700X、3800X、3900X、3950X都歸在這級距 然後Zen3的5000系列則是包含6顆 5600X、5700X、5800X,以及各自的X3D版本 再來就是Zen4的7000系列 拿7600X作為6核最強遊戲CPU代表 以及目前遊戲CPU天花板的7800X3D Hardware ... 5700x3d配4070显卡,550瓦电源够吗,rt,现在是1700+4070,玩cs只有100祯,想换个CPU,电脑讨论(新),讨论区-生活与技术的讨论 ,Chiphell - 分享与交流用户体验

2024.11.29 17:24 UnableManager1 5700x3d or 3080 ti?

im wanting to get both but cant currently get both at the same time so just wondering what would u guys get first? gpu or cpu?
submitted by UnableManager1 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 morgaaah Does anyone know what item this is?

Does anyone know what item this is? submitted by morgaaah to growtopia [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 Consistent_Bid_5699 trading mermaid hall 2019 for adopt me pets! lf: high tiers/megas :)

submitted by Consistent_Bid_5699 to crosstradingroblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 Rhayvhenn_Yarra As I stared into my wife's eyes, I realized that something wasn't quite right

Fireflies. Hundreds upon hundreds of fireflies surrounded me, illuminating the air yet nothing else. A cold breeze brings with it the realization of what I have done.
I take in the feeling of handwarm wood between my fingers, covered in blood and dirt, cascading from end to end.
I loved her. Truly, the love of my life.
My gaze met what once was recognizable as her face, now nothing more then a conglomerate of skin, tissue, bone and blood, all mashed like a ragout.
The remnants of her cold eyes met mine.
Its over.
It's been fifteen years, two breakups, and... oh.
The children.
I forgot about the children. I would take care of them, I would. Just not today. Today I did enough.
Backtracking to the car, I thought about what could've been. I thought of the moments that we had; the good, the bad, the mad. And about how her smile always convinced me of feeling at home. Now. for every single thought about it, I shivered in fear.
How long has she been this way? Was it always? When did it start? And for the most part, how did she hide this from me for so long?
Echoes of her last words wrecked through my skull, tried to make me question, yet the thought of her visage hidden beneath the well groomed mask reminded me of reality. I couldn't fathom that... whatever this thing was... pretended to be human for this long.
I slammed the car door with tears in my eyes, the sound of the starting motor tried to sooth me, but it was too late. I killed my wife. I killed the thing that I loved for fifteen years, seven months, three weeks and one day. I've been a calculated person, I've always been, but this? I didn't know how to feel. Moonshine and headlights fought for recognition while I broke down in tears and slammed the gas.
And it wasn't long before I arrived at my house.
Wiping the tears from my eyes; I killed the motor and tried my best to forget. I made my way to the rear of my car, and that's when I noticed the smell. It was familiar, it was what I smelled every day after I woke up, until it changed. My mind must've been torturing me. I was hungry, tired, depressed, just wanted to be done with it. Without further thought. I opened the trunk.
It was... my wife.
Not the caricature of what once was known as her face, it was... her. The face I loved. An honest smile of relief, hidden beneath duct tape. I raised my eyebrows, as I tried to comprehend what I witnessed. I... I just killed her, didn't I?
While my thoughts were roaming broadly, her smell replaced itself with a chill running down my spine, her voice echoing through the night, her mouth closed, yet her voice growing ever closer.
"You did forget the children, hun."
submitted by Rhayvhenn_Yarra to shortscarystories [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 colourblindCameleon Would you rather

Would you rather spend one single night in Fromville without talismans, or the rest of your life there with a talisman?
submitted by colourblindCameleon to FromSeries [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 Normal-Ad-7471 [PC] [2010’s] Roblox Game

Roblox game from the early 2010’s and i don’t really have a lot of memory of the game so bare with me. Only thing i can remember is that you were able to build things like barbed wire and it was an apocalyptic wasteland and the only few memories i have of it were me in front of an abandoned bridge building barbed wire, and me in a sewer (?). That is all i appreciate any leads
submitted by Normal-Ad-7471 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 Merlyn_saidit_7830 Send It -MERLYN THE MAGNIFICENT

Posting all my old music to YouTube. Please lmk what you guys think. All feedback is appreciated
submitted by Merlyn_saidit_7830 to musicians [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 PastValuable4814 TPNE Day 1 enjoyer

TPNE Day 1 enjoyer Let’s see if this will have the WLR effect😌
submitted by PastValuable4814 to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 bon_ich Small game release

Just finished another game. This time about dodging and throwing balls. Feedback is much appreciated!
submitted by bon_ich to Unity2D [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 makitango [Global] [Bird] 5€


Code: 5WC0PZ
submitted by makitango to ReferralTrains [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 Ok-Hurry4347 New haircut, was it better before or now?

New haircut, was it better before or now? submitted by Ok-Hurry4347 to RateMeTeenager [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 riddleman01 Wanneer heeft minister Agema de bouw van de eerste tien bejaardentehuizen aangekondigd? (5) letters

Wanneer heeft minister Agema de bouw van de eerste tien bejaardentehuizen aangekondigd? (5) letters
Antwoord: https://www.puzzelwoordenboeknu.com/wanneer-heeft-minister-agema-de-bouw-van-de-eerste-tien-bejaardentehuizen-aangekondigd-5-letters/
submitted by riddleman01 to dailytriviaanswers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 CrimeInCanada ‘Akin to torture’: Sentencing for (Carland Walker), found guilty of First Degree Murder after beating girlfriend, )Nabila Aminzadah) to death while she was bound with packing tape

Warning: This story contains sensitive and graphic content that may be disturbing to some readers.
Carland Walker stood in a Toronto courtroom Thursday, with his back three of Nabila Aminzadah’s sisters who were sitting in the gallery and apologized to the family of his girlfriend.
On Oct. 23, a jury found Walker guilty of first-degree murder rejecting his defence that he never meant to kill his girlfriend. Walker tried to plead guilty to manslaughter at the beginning of the trial but the Crown rejected that plea.
In his elocution to the court, Walker told Justice Michael Brown that Aminzadah never deserved the abuse he put her through and reiterated what he said on the witness stand which the jury didn’t believe. “I didn’t want Nabila to die. I truly loved hurt. When I hurt her, it wasn’t love. She’s not here and it’s my fault,” said Walker.
“I am no saint and I’m the furthest thing from the hero, but I didn’t want Nabila to die. I didn’t deserve her or any of her kindness,” he added.
It was just after 3 a.m. on Nov. 12, 2021, when police were called to the basement apartment on Ellesmere Rd. near Morningside Rd. where Walker lived with his brother.
According to evidence heard in court, when paramedics arrived, the 36-year-old was lying on her back in Walker’s bedroom with bruising on her body, a swollen face, her eyes swollen shut, with marks all over her body including scars and bleeding. They also found a broken broomstick, HDMI cable, and two darts along with packing tape with hair and blood on it.
Aminzadah was rushed to hospital where she was pronounced dead. Her cause of death was determined to be multiple blunt force and sharp force injuries.
In her sentencing submissions, assistant Crown attorney Beverley Olesko told Justice Brown that Walker used packing tape to bind her hands and legs and around her head, to prevent her from making any sound.
“To be beaten in the way she was was akin to torture,” Olesko said.
“He used a broomstick that he broke while beating her and used an HDMI cable to whip her. The entire event took place in the bedroom while she was confined. The level of violence was nearly unthinkable. The way the injuries were imposed were cruel and deeply dehumanizing to be whipped and bitten,” Oleska added, telling the judge at minimum there were 256 individual strikes to Aminzadah.
Olesko said another aggravating factor was that it was intimate partner violence. She also spoke about the ripple effect of this horrific crime on first responders, nurses, Walker’s brother who was asked to call 911 and Aminzadah’s family.
“She was bound and gagged during the killing. We can’t imagine the sheer terror she would have felt not being able to escape her attacker.”
Olesko said there was an escalation in his long history of abuse during their two-year relationship. Furthermore, Olesko told the judge Walker was on bail at the time for assault with a weapon. That assault did not involve Aminzadah, she said. The jury never heard about that outstanding charge.
The statutory sentence for first-degree murder is life in prison with no eligibility for parole for 25 years.
The Crown explained that three of Aminzadah’s sisters who were in court Thursday and attended the entire trial, planning to file victim impact statements. Olesko said upon further reflection, they decided not to file because they didn’t want to share their pain with the public at large and they wanted to “close the chapter.”
She added, “I don’t think the court needs a victim impact statement to know how loved she was.”
Justice Brown will deliver his sentence on Dec. 13.
submitted by CrimeInCanada to CrimeInTheGta [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 __DaTort connector?

submitted by __DaTort to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 RSPS_317 SnowRSPS - Rust PC/Console servers & Runescape private server

Hello everybody I’m the owner of www.SnowRSPS.com and if you’re tired of admin abuse and boosted to hell servers then come check out our Console & PC servers. We have Easy mode and Hard mode servers on Console Rust. Please stand by for more servers. https://discord.gg/snowrsps
submitted by RSPS_317 to runescape_servers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 VonCarstein89 Just got this little beauty painted

Just got this little beauty painted Testing some new ideas, and I think it came together quite nicely. One in paint two to go. What do you guys think?
submitted by VonCarstein89 to Miniaturespainting [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 bro_hi_xd Hi

submitted by bro_hi_xd to fortnite_t [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 Impressive-Bug2276 LF : still in Pokemon go shiny Darkrai. FT : pics ( I can do all of them for it)

submitted by Impressive-Bug2276 to CasualPokemonTrades [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 mr-crease Oh no, i get you bruh.

submitted by mr-crease to Funnymemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 PrestoVVarrior24 Looking to upgrade my SF any suggestions 250kmt

Looking to upgrade my SF any suggestions 250kmt submitted by PrestoVVarrior24 to MyTeam [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 Naive_Success_1944 Black Friday

Any other store get way overloaded with black Friday stock ..omg thd stock they sent crazzy
submitted by Naive_Success_1944 to petsmart [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 OppositeTip9997 Help? I dont hnow what is happening to her

Help? I dont hnow what is happening to her submitted by OppositeTip9997 to cactus [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 Vivitheoofer Look I'm going to sound crazy but...please hear me out

Look I'm going to sound crazy but...please hear me out submitted by Vivitheoofer to capcom [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 SnooHobbies3811 Yay! Accidental milestone

Yay! Accidental milestone I was just grinding bosses/coins for the event, and accidentally got Tier 6! Just goes to show that grinding away at the labs has incremental benefits 😊
submitted by SnooHobbies3811 to TheTowerGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:24 Timely_Philosopher91 Valorant freezes, then freezes my computer after its been closed

Whenever I launch the valorant game the game launches fine, but after about 30 seconds of running at smooth 165fps at max graphics it suddenly freezes for a couple of seconds before it goes back to normal. This keeps happening even after I have closed valorant, forcing me to restart my pc. I have never had anything like this on any other game. I have tried updating all drivers, updating and reinstalling both valorant and vanguard but nothing has worked.
PC specs:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 7600
GPU: 3060TI
OS: windows 11
If any other information would be helpful in diagnosing my issue please ask.
submitted by Timely_Philosopher91 to ValorantTechSupport [link] [comments]
