Sat Nov 30 @ 10am EST - OPM OIG Investigators Requests Your Help re: 2020 OPM-BCBS $50 Billion Contract

2024.11.29 17:53 Throwaway_353535353 Sat Nov 30 @ 10am EST - OPM OIG Investigators Requests Your Help re: 2020 OPM-BCBS $50 Billion Contract

tl;dr: In 2020, BCBS was shutting down doctors' office in DC/MD/VA and nationwide. The U.S. federal government agency, OPM (HR agency), said it wasn't their responsibility if US govt employees couldn't get healthcare. OPM's independent Inspector General is now doing a pre-investigation into OPM's lack of action. OPM OIG is unfamiliar with contracts, legal clauses, and health insurance and asked me to reach out to regular folks for information.
Sat Nov 30 @ 10am EST - OPM OIG Investigators Requests Your Help re: 2020 OPM-BCBS $50 Billion Contract
1) VIRTUAL MTG LINK: (up to 100 people) // FB EVENT:
a. All Feds and Non-Feds who want timely access to their doctors and/or have critical medications, and if needed, willing to inform their agency's/company's relevant OIG and other offices.
b. All residents, especially in VA, DC, MD, NC, and MI and are willing to contact their state's attorney generals and politicians; MA and CA are optional.
c. Medical Providers (current/former) or others knowledgeable about contracts w/ insurance companies. (more info below)
d. Legal folks (current/former) who can discuss allegedly-illegal contractual clauses. (more info below)
e. Contract folks (current/former) knowledgeable about service contracts/compliance to ensure you're getting what you're paying for and what to do if the services aren't delivered as expected. (more info below)
f. Emergency management/First RespondeDisaster Response folks who work on Mental Health.
g. Retirees who aren't afraid to lose their jobs for speaking up and has more time than the sandwich generations.
h. FYI: folks at agencies, HHS, OPM, and State Dept: HHS never replied; OPM and State stated it's not their responsibility if their employees can't get healthcare.
3) 2020 EVENT: In 2020, BCBS was shutting down doctors' offices in the DMV. With half the USG employees in the DMV area, this would have a harmful impact on govt employees and operations if employees couldn't receive critical meds and timely medical care. OPM signed the insurance contract with BCBS, but it refused to stop BCBS; it authorized a random US govt employee to enforce federal laws and the $50 billion contract on BCBS. It took two days to successfully do so, saving healthcare access for millions of feds and Americans.
4) OIG PRE-INVESTIGATION REQUESTS: OPM OIG asked me to reach out to other folks to help with their pre-investigation. They are not lawyers and are unfamiliar with health insurance. 1) They asked if folks remember issues in March 2020. 2) They also requested to speak to folks to learn more about the Insurance Companies' contracts with in-network doctors, specifically the reportedly-illegal clauses which state a company can threaten the doctor's license if s/he report a company's harmful actions.

6) CAVEAT: I don't work for OPM; I am not a lawyer; I don't have any contract training - The talk will be in laymen's terms. I will focus on the overarching issue, not focus on legal phrases. Also, this isn't a session to convince folks of the evidence from 2020; there was at least one media article and BCBS' own public statements and private emails with OPM.
Please feel free to share with friends and family. Thanks.
submitted by Throwaway_353535353 to HealthcareAdmins [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:53 hellohaeme Birmingham posters?

I saw on the kerrang website about the cryptic posters being put up, and one of those places was Birmingham (UK). Does anyone have any pics? I’d love to see where they posted them 🥹
submitted by hellohaeme to piercetheveil [link] [comments]

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2024.11.29 17:53 AndreaNewsHub Sader Filler Tout – Interior Filler – All Substrates – Filling and Levelling of Holes and Cracks Up to 1 cm – Gasket Plasterboard – 1 carton of 1kg – Powder Format #ADV #Filler #Sader #Tout #Interior #–

submitted by AndreaNewsHub to ItaliaBox [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:53 BolognaFishHoe Keeping something like the hive-mind theory in mind, do you believe that collective human consciousness can create new realities?

Realities/dimensions are infinite, yes? That's what I've heard from science and spirituality. If that's true, I know there are realities that vary only slightly from this reality, but that also means there are realities that vary a lot from ones like this. Do you believe that enough human consciousness, all basically manifesting the same thing can in turn create a new reality? Bringing something to life that wasn't previously in existance? it's a theory I've had all of my life, and I guess only reality shifting could tell you if it is true or not. I just want to know what others think.
submitted by BolognaFishHoe to SpiritualAwakening [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:53 liluzisbrt All of the posters from the NA tour are on their site for sale at $40

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Userboxes (SSB4) 👊 Part 1 Part 4 of my Smash Bros userboxes 🫶🏻
To the new people: I originally posted these on my Instagram account for people to repost them in their stories to show others who they love. 1 really liked how they turned out so I decided to post them here to for people to save and possibly repost them on other social media platforms. I've seen people copy these and paste them into the comments, idk how works tho
submitted by nintenbingo to supersmashbros [link] [comments]

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2024.11.29 17:53 OkLeg2717 Hinge and verification

Hello, So recently I met a man who I was pretty sure was catfishing me on Hinge. He would refuse to video chat, every time he tried to I was sleeping. I just notice his profile has since been verified.. is there anyway a fake person could verify a profile?
submitted by OkLeg2717 to catfish [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:53 awakenedusopp I think if shin had an ability akin to this, he could hang with almost anyone

I think if shin had an ability akin to this, he could hang with almost anyone Shin like kaneda will never be as strong as other top tiers strength wise, so having him forcing the opponent into a situation he can go in for a kill would be great. Would be hard to convey it different then foresight though....
submitted by awakenedusopp to SakamotoDays [link] [comments]

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2024.11.29 17:53 Strict_Departure_192 How can i know if a male friend likes me?

I have a male friend who is also my college schoolmate tho at time we are not close. He said that he was only my “stalker” during those days. We’ve been pretty close when we got a chance to be work buddies. We talk about random things and talk about future career plans, he will listen to me when i vent out regarding work. We share the love for coffee and sometimes he buys me coffee which i know he also does with our other workmates. I feel like he sees me as a female friend but that “stalker” remark got me confused. I know i shouldnt.
submitted by Strict_Departure_192 to AskMen [link] [comments]

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and whatever it looks like. ❤️😁
submitted by Overall_Speaker_6832 to gratitude [link] [comments]

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2024.11.29 17:53 danni26109 The Lads gacha system is weird

I play quite a few gacha games, I can usually only play one at a time for my sanity because farming is a commitment so I play other otomes on the side (Shall we Date/Ikemen/NTT Solmare(before solemare became OBSESSED with Obey Me(which is also gacha). which has a god awful gameplay system ngl, haven't played since Nightbringer came out, i could ramble all day about their failures)) my beloveds.
What other gacha games have that Lads doesn't is "personalized" gacha pools. You obtain the card/character? you can still get them in your gacha pool after the event ends. Now maybe I'm wrong about this but I swear on my life, I have not been able to rank up or even obtain the shards of cards that were in the limited gachas. and sure. I've only been playing since mid July but thats still A LOT of limited cards that I've gotten that should be in my gacha pool. BUT THEY'RE NOT.
I have so many cards that I would like to fully rank up but I can't because they're just not in my pool even with the amount of money I spend.
I bought nearly every single pack in Cat Caretaker and I still only have rank 1 cards. There are so many little things that this game lacks or just completely messes up because InFold wants money so badly that I can't stand it.
submitted by danni26109 to LoveAndDeepspace [link] [comments]

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Seven Boys.
submitted by gustasilvab to tiodopave [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:53 dobby_sparkle [Task] Download an app and give me your thoughts! US and iPhone only [$10]

Hi! I'm looking for a couple of people (must have an iPhone, and must be in the US - VPNs will not work) to download an app and then give me their thoughts on what they think of it (what you like, what you dislike, if there's anything you would improve etc.). That's it! Shouldn't take more than 10 minutes. The app is only available in the US and for iPhones, so if you're outside of the US or have an Android you won't be to download it (sorry!). Thank you
submitted by dobby_sparkle to slavelabour [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:53 inZania GMV Max ads take credit for organic sales

Yesterday a friend purchased from my TikTok store, my only sale of the day. They already followed me, and purchased directly from my shop. Today I logged and saw my GMV Max ad had attributed the sale to itself, and considered it a conversion. This is extremely concerning to me, not just for wasted money, but because it implies the AI targeting is being influenced by factors it should not be (my friend isn't actually a good demographic to target). Has anyone experienced this?
submitted by inZania to TikTokshop [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:53 LastDisaster5667 Hey I'm a bad artist doing free character commissions commit if you're interested idk what I'm doing

submitted by LastDisaster5667 to artcommission [link] [comments]

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