Too poor for church?

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2024.11.29 17:49 fivehundredpoundpeep Too poor for church?

I left a liberal church [UU] Unitarian Universalist that was very wealthy. The people were very nice, and am still in contact with some. My beliefs changed and the church was following things I did not agree with so that's on me, but it occurred to me, if we were still there we could not afford any dues even if we were still members. We used to pay donations to them. I don't know if my husband plans to stay or not long term, but I was always the church goer in the couple.
I was a Christian fundamentalist for 15 years, and money differences there got hard. I never could afford tithes, medical bills so big even when we were working class.
Church both liberal and conservative seems to be for people with money. We were always the poorest couple in any church I went to, even when working class. I remember even in my first fundamentalist church, the ladies there would go on an overnight shopping trip where you needed at least a few hundred dollars, for meals, shopping etc. I had health problems that affected going, but I couldn't have afforded it anyhow. I was happy in that church and they treated us well, and church members would help each other to a degree but I remember those differences. Everyone was always a homeowner, like no one was a renter in churches. They had big families and stable jobs.
One guy I talked online showed me an article, that said far less poor people are going to church. I joked, "well none of us can afford it". Many of the pastors always were far higher socioeconomic class than me, even in the small fundamentalist churches I went to. My last fundamentalist church the pastor there showed off his new 90,000 dollar truck and constantly bragged about his vacations, that guy swam in money. I guess even a small church of 100 people if you are getting a 10 percent cut of their wages, that's still a lot of money.
I often wish there was a church for poor people out there. Maybe there's some home churches. I wish I had been born Hutterite, where they share resources and work together. I watch videos of this one lady who lives in a Hutterite community. I realize my different lifestyle from most of my church members did form a chasm. The second IFB pastor was always insulting the poor, "those who don't work don't eat" and really seemed to believe the poor were evil. I walked out midservice on my last day there.
I am considering what kind of church to go into since my beliefs changed, but its sad, I think well I am too poor to go to church and will not have much in common. I liked some social aspects of church so it is a loss for me.
The churches are wealthier in the town I live in here and just do not fit in. I don't think I am going to go to church anymore at all. I can't afford it. Church costs a lot of money.
I do wonder are there denominations that are easier on the poor, or where a poor person could go to church. Some towns have ministries that do work with homeless etc, but none near me. I thought of visiting one church that serves the homeless and poor, if I move to a certain town.
I have heard of a "biker" churches but we don't have those here. I am ex-Catholic from childhood, I think some Catholic churches were better to the poor but not interested in returning. Its too bad one can't find a church with poor people where we can help each other instead of making a pastor rich. Did money or lack there of impact your religious life?
submitted by fivehundredpoundpeep to poor [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 Coldyyywdyyy Need new friends and company to tag along

I’m really at a weird space these days, lonely and frustrated having no friends around and turning into an introvert which I’m not, so just need few friends so that I can feel that I’m not a loner and fyi I’m a fun person to be around.
submitted by Coldyyywdyyy to Chandigarh [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 BA-Animations It’s so Winnercity you guys I did it

It’s so Winnercity you guys I did it submitted by BA-Animations to Losercity [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 Swimming_Zucchini_48 Who has the best gucci jewlery?

Who has the best quality gucci jewlery?
submitted by Swimming_Zucchini_48 to JewelryReps [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 BasketFew8343 anyone else bored at home today alone or just me been debating stopping in

submitted by BasketFew8343 to HobbezeXXX [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 Deep_Lobster2981 Rodeo

Rodeo submitted by Deep_Lobster2981 to Rodeo [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 TheTrueRowlum [A3][Recruiting][UK/EU][Semi-MilSim][16+][No Attendance Requirement] The King's Royal Regiment, varied operation themes, new player friendly. Recruiting

submitted by TheTrueRowlum to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 uprinting Take-out Packaging Practices to Consider

Take-out and delivery are more than just food on the go–it’s part of your brand experience. With delivery and to-go orders booming, we’ve seen good practices that worked. Here are some that you might already be doing, or could try:

  1. Eco-friendly options - Studies show over 60% of consumers prefer restaurants that use sustainable packaging (NielsenIQ Sustainability Report, 2023). Compostable containers and recycled materials made of kraft paper can align your restaurant with the eco-conscious crowd.
  2. Better branding - We know that take-out packaging is a moving ad for your restaurant! Custom designs, branded stickers, or even a hashtag for social sharing can turn regular bags into marketing tools. A small café, for example, could add a branded sleeve or sticker to their coffee cups
  3. Functional design - Nobody likes soggy food. Invest in packaging that’s leak-proof and heat-retentive while looking great! The right packaging will keep your food fresh and your brand looking professional.
We love the idea that your packaging is more than a container—it’s part of your restaurant’s story. What trends or best practices have you tried, or has been a hit with your customers?
I hope this post gets approved as we would love to turn this thread into a valuable discussion for all!
submitted by uprinting to restaurantowners [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 Cautious_Tension_658 Do characters have different level caps?

I have a few characters maxed at 214 and some at 212, am I doing something wrong or is that just how it works? Thanks!
submitted by Cautious_Tension_658 to BleachBraveSouls [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 HanKravich Made Man - #17 FINAL - Reckoning

submitted by HanKravich to Youtubeviews [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 Jeydaine LF: Melmetal

Pokémon LGPE Version Melmetal only.
submitted by Jeydaine to CasualPokemonTrades [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 Seasalt_18 My cat keeps making “sin biscuits”

He’s 13 years old and has been neutered since he was 1. He did this when he was really young but after the age of 5 he stopped. But now he’s started again and his libido is back and stronger than ever.
Does anyone know a cause? Is this his mid life crisis? 😭 I’m tired of his public indecency. I need to get this fixed or he needs to get a room.
submitted by Seasalt_18 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 Long-Race-2645 My gift card has the money but when I try to buy the stuff on brawl starts store it says it is declined. Even with tax and total included idk why.

So I was buying the offers amber, Cordelius, Doug, Eve, Rodeo hank, and the gem offer. When I try to buy the things it says transaction is not completed. I have enough cash as I called and checked and they said I had the money. Tax and the purchase seems to be ok as the card is 25 and the tax was ok too being that the price was around 24.50$ I need some help please give answers.
submitted by Long-Race-2645 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 PSPMan3000 This is the Super Smash Bros of retarded drama (everyone is here)

This is the Super Smash Bros of retarded drama (everyone is here) submitted by PSPMan3000 to ClippedLive [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 Hot_Mine_9270 Adrenaline package

submitted by Hot_Mine_9270 to MicrosoftFlightSim [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 Prudent_Delay5123 Black Stockings😍

Black Stockings😍 submitted by Prudent_Delay5123 to Pamela_Reif [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 ode_to_sleep24 about ned website

hello there!!!! sorry for such a post, I'll delete it later:( I've wanted to order a ned plushie for a long time, and now I saw that it's sold out.... who knows will he be restocked and if so, when?
submitted by ode_to_sleep24 to twentyonepilots [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 ArkGartha [ASA] - ArkGartha - PvE / PvP Modded Cluster

Hey hey, survivors! Get ready to ascend with us! We’re a savvy crew enjoying epic PvP and PvE action in ASA. With daily active admins and mods, new players can always count on support. Our servers are open to all and cross-platform compatible!
The fire’s always crackling in our digital campground and stories are better with friends! Whether you're a seasoned survivor or just stepping onto the island, a warm welcome awaits in our Discord!
Pull up a log, grab your s'mores, and join our Discord! 🏕️ 🔥 🦖
How to join: ➤ From the "JOIN GAME" screen, make sure you're on the "UNOFFICIAL" tab
➤ Check the "SHOW PLAYER SERVERS" checkbox
➤ Search for "ArkGartha"
PvP Maps & Server Names:ArkGartha - PvP - TheIsland - 3XP / 5H / 6T / 8B - Wiped: 2/13/24
ArkGartha - PvP - Scorched Earth - 3XP / 5H / 6T / 8B - Wiped: 4/1/24
ArkGartha - PvP - The Center - 3XP / 5H / 6T / 8B - Wiped: 6/4/24
ArkGartha - PvP - Aberration - 3XP / 5H / 6T / 8B - Wiped: 9/5/24
More maps to come when released!
PvE Maps & Server Names:ArkGartha - PvE - TheIsland - 3XP / 3H / 8T / 30B
ArkGartha - PvE - Scorched Earth - 3XP / 3H / 8T / 30B
ArkGartha - PvE - The Center - 3XP / 3H / 8T / 30B
ArkGartha - PvE - Aberration - 3XP / 3H / 8T / 30B
More maps to come when released!
PvP Mods: ➤ Super Spyglass Plus
➤ TG Stacking Mod 1000-50
➤ Cybers Structures QoL+ (Crossplay)
➤ Solo Farm Mod
➤ Snow Owls
➤ MarniiMods Hairstyles
➤ Alfa Oceanic Platforms
➤ Klinger Additional Skin Cosmetics Rustic Building
PvE Mods: ➤ Automated Ark
➤ Utilities Plus
➤ Pelayori's Cryo Storage
➤ Death Recovery Mod
➤ TG Stacking Mod 1000-50
➤ Upgrade Station
➤ Super Spyglass Plus
➤ Net Projectile
➤ Arkitect Structures Remastered
➤ Dino Mindwipe
➤ Improved Egg Incubator (CrossPlay)
➤ Shiny! Dinos Ascended
➤ MarniiMods Hairstyles
➤ Klinger Additional Rustic Buildings & Cosmetics
submitted by ArkGartha to ARKServers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 Vityan11 H: scrip mule W: caps for 1 and 2 star items and single leader for any 3 star item.

If you are interested, hit me up. I will be available after weekends and maybe during them but it's not 100% instead of asking what I have, just add me, drop a msg and I will join so you can check it out. Also have a plan mule. Limited time events are leader only. Normal stuff is for caps. Just get in contact with me to check it out.
submitted by Vityan11 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 Bohnster My 2010 BMW X5 Twin Turbo Diesel struggles to start in cold weather (see video)

My 2010 BMW X5 Twin Turbo Diesel, with 150,000 miles, struggles to start in cold weather. It takes up to 45 seconds of cranking before it starts.
The issue occurs only when the engine is cold; if there’s residual heat, it starts fine. Once running, the engine performs flawlessly with no hiccups.
Suspected Cause:
I suspect an electrical issue, but I’m open to other possible explanations for the rough cold starts.
submitted by Bohnster to BMWX5 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 boosted_frs [WTS] B5 SOPMOD FDE

$70 shipped
submitted by boosted_frs to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 RichW0rld [Question] Will you guys date a girl who's family member died due to suicide?

Genuinely curious, I (25F) 's brother killed himself few years ago. The man i was dating left me because of that so i kinda tried to build relationship with 2 different men after that. But none of them worked out. I'm just concerned, will i ever find a man ?
submitted by RichW0rld to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 Ambitious-Ant7482 yall send links to mods that you guys made

in comments!
submitted by Ambitious-Ant7482 to Robot64 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 QCHybrid4Life [go]

[go] Lol, I got this as my first encounter of the day while trying to catch Lugia, hmmm is this a sign should i just invest my time and shiny hunt this Lugia 😂😂
submitted by QCHybrid4Life to ShinyPokemon [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 17:49 Traditional_Belt6750 Offering I want to speak English - Level A1 I'm Brazilian.

I'm Brazilian. I'm from Curitiba.
submitted by Traditional_Belt6750 to language_exchange [link] [comments]