Thinking about last summer

2024.11.29 18:40 Naive_Quail_1592 Thinking about last summer

Thinking about last summer Shirt Collusion Jorts Haikure Jeans
submitted by Naive_Quail_1592 to fashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 FerroFede Welcome to Wrestling Empire

Welcome to Wrestling Empire Where Ripper Ace can live without his head
submitted by FerroFede to WrestlingEmpire [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 Chance-Chard-2540 Rory On Question Time!

Rory On Question Time! Interestingly his primary concern regarding immigration was the “perception we don’t have control of immigration” driving the rise of far right groups. Not sectarianism or the crushing of native health and social care wages but I digress.
Also note the brazen lie by one of the panelist’s that “a lot of that spike in numbers was HongKongers” Just 92,000 (4.8%) of the 1,924,000 non-EU net migrants who arrived in 2022 and 2023 were Hongkongers.
submitted by Chance-Chard-2540 to TheRestIsPolitics [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 Agile-Ad-7260 Obligatory Trendpost

Obligatory Trendpost submitted by Agile-Ad-7260 to Polcompballanarchy [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 Double-Assumption-58 Looking for polar plunge spots

Are there any particular spots people think would be nice for an early morning polar plunge?
submitted by Double-Assumption-58 to bloomington [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 Wrong_Equivalent_431 WB MEGA ALTARIA!!!! 625551821322

submitted by Wrong_Equivalent_431 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 MadWorldEarth Super Cat - Dolly My Baby (Original Version)

Super Cat - Dolly My Baby (Original Version) submitted by MadWorldEarth to reggae [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 moss-covered-glasses Apollo is officially 1 year!

Apollo is officially 1 year! submitted by moss-covered-glasses to Rottweiler [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 BlastFist Terrace Heaters

We are moving to town soon and will be renting an apartment with a sizable terrace with glass paneling. It is big enough for a dining area for example. What are the best options to heat this space to enjoy during the winter? Wall mounted? Electric? Anything to consider?
submitted by BlastFist to Tampere [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 2bernadoodles Airport taxi from Wilmington to Geiger?

What taxi service did you use and how much was it?
submitted by 2bernadoodles to USMCboot [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 dearlyzin99 RIP
submitted by dearlyzin99 to geoguessr [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 Local-Garage1245 Career Fed - How am I Doing? - Ideas to Change?

Hello all,
Any and all constructive advice is greatly appreciated. Throwaway account because finances. Please let me know if any additional detail is needed.

submitted by Local-Garage1245 to Bogleheads [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 _KFC__ As a guy who despises the Motorcycle, I have ideas to nerf it

Idea 1:
Uptier it
Idea 2:
The bike itself goes to tier 8 & the 20mm FS goes to tier 9
Idea 3:
Stabiliser removed & AP pen from 70mm to 57mm
ATGM launch speed from N/A to 50 kmph
ATGM TANDEM removed OR penetration from 1000mm to 750mm
20mm FS reload time from 0.1sec to 0.4 sec if penetration is at 70mm
submitted by _KFC__ to cursedtanksimulator [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 Remarkable_Chart9069 whhat the scalop

whhat the scalop submitted by Remarkable_Chart9069 to DannyGonzalez [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 DuchessofVoluptuous What holiday items do you regret buying?

So I'm personally sending back the evermore ornament and I'm debating on the reputation throne.
I love the begin again tea cup, vigilante chair, & August wine bottle.
Personally I think it's because certain things have sold out faster than expected.
submitted by DuchessofVoluptuous to TaylorSwiftMerch [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 Low-Background-3051 Momo and sana

Momo and sana submitted by Low-Background-3051 to kpop_heaven [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 braine_096 man, i sure love throwing a bunch of random-ass unrelated characters in the same groupchat

man, i sure love throwing a bunch of random-ass unrelated characters in the same groupchat submitted by braine_096 to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 TheIronzombie39 What if Mussolini stayed neutral in WW2?

Fascism will most likely die with Mussolini, who will likely die in 1953 (the Mussolini family has had short life spans), and King Umberto II will do what King Juan Carlos I did and restore Democracy to Italy
What happens to their colonies is up in the air. They will definitely lose East Africa at some point. But Libya is more complicated as Italians really really wanted to colonize Libya or as they called it “Italy’s Fourth Shore”. By the time of WW2, Italians had already risen to 13% of the population in an extremely rapid period of time and already outnumbered the natives in Tripoli. Another 15 years and the discovery of oil and no wartime involvement, it’s possible that Italians could have managed to outpopulate the natives as Libya was far less populated compared than say, Egypt or Algeria. So Libya may remain apart of Italy even into the 21st century, the areas around Tripolitania and Cyrenaica might even get incorporated into Italy Proper with a rump protectorate to the south.
So this timeline is basically the worst ending for Libya.
submitted by TheIronzombie39 to HistoryWhatIf [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 xFantt Advice - Mother hates my girlfriend.

I'm 18, so is my girlfriend. We started dating in high school of senior year, we hit it off really well, rarely argue and genuinely want to be around each other all the time. I want to begin by letting y'all know that I'm Indian and in our culture its morally correct to marry someone who is also Indian. My girlfriend is Hispanic, so interracial marriage is looked down upon. I told her the moment that we started dating that its going to be hard to get approval from my mother.(Father passed when I was 10) She was completely fine with that and still chose to move forward with me.
My mother expressed to me since young that im only allowed to date/marry someone from our culture. I knew that isnt how it should be and have told her many times how wrong it is to think like that. So around the 2nd month of dating I told my mother I was talking to someone and I wanted her to meet them. She denied saying that she doesnt want to meet her. I asked her why and she refused to give me a reason, all she would ever say was because she didnt want to meet her. It kept going on like this, i've showed my mother pictures of her since she didnt want to meet her, but she would then insult her and say horrible things to me about what she thinks of her. We had arguments almost daily and it was just awful. Eventually I guess she was tired of me being out of the house and always being with her that she started another argument, this time the argument led to my mother saying she wants to kill my girlfriend and her family because of how awful being by her side has made me become. She then told me that If I ever choose to marry my girlfriend that she will kill her and then off herself. I honestly didnt know how to react at that moment, It just hurt. I couldnt believe that the women who gave birth to me could say that about someone who she has never met, or spoken with. Later she proceeded to cry and tell me how much she has done for me, and how much she had to work and save to buy a business in order to get a stable life. She said she did it all for me, which is somewhat true, but it was also her choice to do all of that, my parents decided on having a child and its their responsibility to take care of that child, which is now me. But not all of what they did was for me it was also so they could have their needs met too.
My girfriend has known about everything going on for months now, I tell her about every argument and everything that my mother says about her. She still chooses to stay with me and has told me that at anytime that I want to we can ends things.
Every since then I dont speak with my mother that much anymore, and Sadly ive developed a hatred towards her due to all of this. I have decided that I want to move out of this house and get away from her whether she likes it or not. The only thing i feel guilty on is that my mother relies on me for a lot of things like her business and technology, paperwork, etc, since she was not born in America she has trouble with the language. But she also had 18+ years to learn from when they moved to America. So I feel somewhat guilty about leaving her, but I also don't, as she has been emotionally manipulating me since young, I only ever realized when I saw what a normal family was and that was my girlfriends family.
I currently live with my mother and have been planning to move out and get a dorm at college and then get an apartment the following year with my girlfriend. My financials are good enough and i've been working since young. There is a lot of stuff that I left out, but I hope that what I wrote is enough for yall.
What I want to ask is do you guys think this is the right call, to move out. I am completely fine with getting disowned by my family/mother over my decision to love my girlfriend, but my girlfriends family absolutely loves me, I have never really felt loved by my own family infact most of my family members thought I was an idiot, who would amount to nothing, some still do.
Please ask away if you have questions, I will reply back as soon as I can thank you
submitted by xFantt to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 MugShots Fredericksburg man arrested in connection to murder, other offenses, police say

Fredericksburg man arrested in connection to murder, other offenses, police say submitted by MugShots to ArrestStories [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 mandysandy36 Is there subreddit to find a person?

Hi, I am a programmer and I was following a fellow Programmer's medium post to write my code. Today when I tried to check out his posts it says his account has been deleted. His techniques and explanation was great. If I find his socials it would be great for me. Is there any subreddit where I can find any related info about him?
submitted by mandysandy36 to findareddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 Accomplished_Ad2303 Help with Chat Bubbles! in alt+z mode (no ui)

Hello! When I'm doing missions I like to use alt+z to hide the UI and see everything more cinematic but when I do that the black texts above the characters disappear and you only hear them talking. Can you help me to use this mode so that they don't disappear with some addon or something? 
submitted by Accomplished_Ad2303 to wow [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 PomPouPou C'est quoi le délire avec les stylos Legami ?

Hello la daronnie !
Ma nièce (8 ans) et mon neveu (4 ans) ont tous les deux mis sur leur liste au Père Noël des stylos Legami effaçables.
Pire, ils précisent : le modèle koala ! J'en ai donc discuté avec leur père (mon frère) et il semblerait que ces stylos soient les nouvelles cartes pokemon de cette génération et le stylo Koala (introuvable à des prix raisonnables) l'équivalent d'une Dracofeu 1ère édition.
C'est d'autant plus stupéfiant que mes neveux et nièces sont pas du tout branchés marques, ne regardent pas d'écran (0 exposition pub), et n'ont jamais eu de demandes si précises et "brandées" auparavant.
Vous aussi vos cours de récré sont atteintes par cette folie ?
submitted by PomPouPou to ParentingFR [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 Catpaw616 Asking the subreddit what they think of a random episode each day: Day 11 — The Return of Harmony (Parts 1 and 2)

Asking the subreddit what they think of a random episode each day: Day 11 — The Return of Harmony (Parts 1 and 2) submitted by Catpaw616 to mylittlepony [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 homicideisfun parents would kill me if they were awake but it's 1am and they're all sleeping :3

parents would kill me if they were awake but it's 1am and they're all sleeping :3
submitted by homicideisfun to fempark [link] [comments]