2024.11.29 18:29 Traditional-Ad2133 Black Friday shopping
Saving some Pokémon to open for Christmas with my brother. I PROMISE I will post the results on Christmas. This will not be kept sealed, ima rip it allllll Etb: 25$ x3 Temporal forces bb: 120$ x2 Paldean fates tin: 20$ Paldean fates collection box: 30$ Crown zenith bundles: 25$ x2 Surging sparks single packs 4$ x6 90% of this was bought at my lcs today with Black Friday deals. The only thing they didn’t have on sale was the booster boxes. submitted by Traditional-Ad2133 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:29 Wise-Blacksmith3871 Emikukis
Eh creado una comunidad sobre emikukis por si quieren publicar fotos de ella https://www.reddit.com/emikukis_H0T/s/TDlEaU9SeZ submitted by Wise-Blacksmith3871 to Mictia_hot [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:29 Disastrous-Berry56 Gift with purchase of $50
I'm confused, is the bag that you get free empty or items inside ?
submitted by Disastrous-Berry56 to Ipsy [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:29 AdeptGreen1268 [0 YOE] Please Review My Resume (Final Year CSE Undergrad) | Need Help
I am a final year student and I am having a tough time with placements, my resume isn't getting shortlisted of campus (my guess because of my CGPA and my college) and my college only shortlists people with 8.5+ CGPA for companies above 12LPA. I think I deserve at least 12LPA job based on my skills and knowledge but know I don't understand where I am going wrong. Please help me if you can tell me where I am going wrong and how can I improve. Also I have completed my 7th semester and I am looking for spring internship from January 2025 to June 2025 with a possibility of a PPO, if you are looking to hire or can refer me I would really appreciate it. Thank You https://preview.redd.it/fp7ioqo0wv3e1.jpg?width=1276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9004b9b32f267e906f759f1863e1196d74db8e7 submitted by AdeptGreen1268 to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:29 P_filippo3106 Only me or do some videos just randomly disappear?
I was looking for a few videos today and I couldn't find them AT ALL. No matter whatever input (even completely desperate ones where I typed either the comments or part of the video I remembered) gave any result. None at all.
YouTube's watch history not going back before the 29th of August doesn't help either (why the HELL even make such thing if it doesn't last????)
Has anyone ever had this problem? It's not the first time I see this. I remember this happening quite a few times already.
It's making me feral, it makes no sense. No SINGULAR trace of the videos I was looking for.
Ps: no, they could've not possibly been taken down. They had no content that would grant a copyright strike or something else.
submitted by P_filippo3106 to youtube [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:29 Ok-Impress-2222 Which 5-piece band sounds like they're a 4-piece band (and vice versa)?
submitted by Ok-Impress-2222 to fantanoforever [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:29 CelebBattleVoteBot2 Samara Weaving vs Margaret Qualley
View Poll
submitted by CelebBattleVoteBot2 to CelebbattlePolls [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:29 NaYeno My kindle PW SE bought earlier this year!
I will admit, ive read more due to it being easier with my life being wild 😅
submitted by NaYeno to kindle [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:29 MentalBodybuilder253 alguien para paja?
submitted by MentalBodybuilder253 to Tiktokersv2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:29 SadyrMachiba New mod - Decorative Engines Enhanced
All the engines, all the flips. On both creations and Nexus
submitted by SadyrMachiba to starfieldmods [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:29 onedollarninja The most vibrant spice
submitted by onedollarninja to HolUp [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:29 Sonic_Gamer501 How meta
submitted by Sonic_Gamer501 to Cookierun [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:29 IsaacPostsSomething eu_nvr
submitted by IsaacPostsSomething to eu_nvr [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:29 AdventurousKey06 18 years, what do you think?
submitted by AdventurousKey06 to Physiquecritique [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:29 Independent_Car5869 You Won't Believe This Insane Gumbo Mistake I Made
submitted by Independent_Car5869 to BBQ_Maniacs [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:29 Low-Artichoke-7239 Maniacs on the road
Is anyone else experiencing utter maniacs on the road recently? I’m being pulled out on, people stopping in the middle of roundabouts, people not indicating on roundabouts causing emergency stops… I don’t know what is going on lol
submitted by Low-Artichoke-7239 to drivingUK [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:29 Kalebthib Drop Elliott for Wright this week?
Which kicker we like more this week?
submitted by Kalebthib to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:29 seongzmin does anybody know the breeder of this kitty?
my ex used to always tell me she was just a barn cat so there isn't any breed to her except barn cat 😭 i just realized all the images i have of her aren't clear at all too lol submitted by seongzmin to cats [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:29 Numerous_Share_2373 grandpa linus
https://preview.redd.it/34elbw64wv3e1.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=e470aeccbd59e5c1f5cc2357113ed3f10bdee080 submitted by Numerous_Share_2373 to LinusTechTips [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:29 Isanthrope Pressure switch failed to close error York furnace
So last month, my furnace failed to light and it turned out to be a bad gas regulator so I replaced that and it worked for a month but now my furnace will turn on run for anywhere in between 20 minutes and an hour, then shut off giving me a pressure switch failed to close error. I have checked the exhaust, which looks clear I have checked the electrical connections, and they seemed fine. I have checked the pressure switch hose, and it was clear. I checked the switch by sucking air through the tube and I hear the micro switch click.I’m not sure what else to check. Any advice would help. Thank you.
submitted by Isanthrope to hvacadvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:29 aulasyoffical AIYAH If I don't want to see my family for Christmas.
I'm a college student and I'm currently staying with my family for Thanksgiving break. Here's some context to how my family is. They are homophobic, I have a boyfriend. They have been homophobic towards me in the past and a lot of it is unforgettable. My father admits he's trying to be okay with it. Anyways, I have been dreading seeing them for break. I gave them the benefit of the doubt but I'm really contemplating staying for Christmas because of what has been going on. Although, they are less homophobic they are still rude. As soon as my father picked my boyfriend and I up from college, he immediately asked who I voted for. I told him because I didn't want to lie; he started mocking me. I ignored it and moved on. The next day I started to make myself comfortable; I'm immediately in trouble because I made spaghetti. Yes, I MADE SPAGHETTI. I was told the night before I could make it. Then I got yelled at for making it??? Also, there was still enough for everyone. My little sister ate some and my parents lied and said she ate it all.
On top of that I was told I made a mess. So I asked what I forgot to clean up, that way I could be more considerate next time, and I was made fun of and asked if I was stupid. I'm autistic and was genuinely trying to understand what I did wrong because it was already cleaned up before they told me.
I'm trying so hard not to argue back or be snarky, but whenever my parents belitle my boyfriend and I for everything we do--it's difficult. How the hell do I tell me I don't want to be around for Christmas. My mother will blow up.
My parents are rude to me about EVERYTHING and it makes my break miserable. On top of that, it's constantly loud and I can't concentrate on my college work.
submitted by aulasyoffical to AITAH [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:29 TheThirdGathers When Che Says "Back in the 90's, When the Show Was Good" What Does He Mean By That?
submitted by TheThirdGathers to LiveFromNewYork [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:29 goblu33 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by goblu33 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:29 OutsideNew8972 varmuuden vuoks TW PÄIHTEET
Moikka! Vähän hävettää että joudun tällaista kysymään, mutta täytän ensi viikolla 18 ja tarviin apua. En siis ensinnäkään oikeen omista kavereita keneltä kysyä, mutta uskon että joku teistä osaa vastata ja voi vastata kysymyksiin🙏🏼 Eli siis tarkoituksena olisi käydä ostamassa kaupasta tupakkaa, mutta en todellakaan tiedä miten homma toimii. Kun jossakin kaupoissa on sellainen taulu missä on numeroita josta voit painaa että kuinka paljon haluat (?) mutta jossakin voi sanoa suoraan myyjälle että mitä haluaa. Mistä siis tiedän esimerkiksi tätä taulua painaessa että mitä saan, vai pitääkö vaan suoraan puhua myyjälle. Nyt se pääasia, eli jos haluan mallun punaista (vihdoin laillisesti) mitä mun pitää sanoa ja tehdä siinä kassalla? Ja onko kyseistä saatavilla tavallisesta kaupasta?
Kiitos vielä ja anteeksi.
submitted by OutsideNew8972 to snappijuorutofftopic [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:29 SuccessfulJacket5118 QC Dior B30
W2C: https://weidian.com/item.html?itemID=7310357838 Price: 590¥ Direct: Whatsapp +8613755766961 What do you think guys ?🙏🏼 submitted by SuccessfulJacket5118 to RepsneakersDogs [link] [comments] |