2024.11.29 18:40 CharlesWNeal1925 This commercial sums up why I feel physically unattractive / bald men should give up even trying to date....
I have previously posted about my opinion that there is NOT "Someone for Everyone".....specifically that bald/ physically unattractive men have no chance to ever experience a romantic relationship....(unless they pay a gold-digger)
This commercial here sums up why I feel this way....
In this commercial two women are discussing Birth control options....and one of the women mentions another woman's husband as "Really super hot by the way".....
See part 00.45
When I see or here something like this....It reminds me that no woman would ever think about me/or describe me or other bald men in that way......and it makes me think...
....WHY should bald /physically unattractive guys even waste time trying to pursue women....when WE WILL NEVER BE THE "SUPER HOT GUY"... THAT THEY REALLY WANT?????
Anyone here see my point?
submitted by CharlesWNeal1925 to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:40 i_like_the_sun Correcting people
I was pondering the ethics and dharmic skillfulness of correcting people. In the past, I would have no problem correcting people that I thought were wrong; either they would become more knowledgeable, or I would be corrected by them and be less ignorant. However, speaking from experience, people really hate being corrected, and sometimes it's impossible to change anyone's mind even when the evidence they are wrong is written plainly on the wall. Also, I considered what if I was wrong to begin with? By correcting someone with my wrong view, I would be spreading ignorance. I also considered that the topic of discussion may matter, too; it may be more or less acceptable to correct people depending on if we're discussing politics vs directions to the nearest gas station vs religion (especially the four noble truths) vs parenting etc.
What is the best way to approach correcting people? Is the intention behind it what matters? Are some topics off-limits? Or maybe staying quiet and letting people live their life is best. I don't want to let people live with wrong information, but what are the karmic consequences of advising people? Perhaps they are too great to bother.
submitted by i_like_the_sun to Buddhism [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:40 Gruy605 Bizarní situace v práci
Abych to uvedl. Pracuju v menší firmě, kovoobrábění. Cca 25 zaměstnanců u nás na dílně, celá firma dohromady má něco málo přes 100 lidí.
U nás na dílně má asi 10 lidí smlouvu na dvě směny, já jsem jeden z nich. Odpolední jsou nárazové, od 14 do 22h. X-lidí je nemocných, hoří termíny.
Dneska jsem měl onu odpolední s jedním dalším člověkem. Ostatní jsou nemocní/nehodilo se jim to. Tohoto člověka ale včera začaly bolet zuby, celé dopoledne byl na pohotovosti, no radost.
Cca v 17h zamnou přišel, že dodělá poslední kus a jde domů, že to nemůže vydržet. No ale co já? Sám na dílně bych být neměl a ani nechci. Jenže dovolenou už nemám a dneska je posledního v měsíci kdy jdu do práce, tzn už si to nenaddělám.
"Vyřešilo" se to tak, že jsem volal vedoucímu a ten mi převede hodiny do příštího měsíce abych si je dodělal. Už to řešit nehodlám, ale co je správné řešení této situace? Stalo se vám někdy něco podobného? Dle mě se jedná o absolutní bizár pramenící ze špatného plánování práce.
Btw když jsem na odpolední musím taky pak zamčít a zakódovat halu, asi by byla moje zodpovědnost kdyby byl s tímto průser :D
Btw2 jsem zaměstnán jako obsluha strojů, ne plánovač, vrátnej...
submitted by Gruy605 to czech [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:40 RingsideNews_ GNX Success Boosts Kendrick Lamar’s Drake Diss Track to New Heights
submitted by RingsideNews_ to ThirstyForNewsCom [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:40 Gsimba28 But Bernie is goated
No need to explain, bro is the best and also very good looking submitted by Gsimba28 to okbuddycoral [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:40 Ernst_Granfenberg Glassblowing classes
Are there any classes that we can do within a day for our anniversary? Or does it take a few days to finish making something? Thanms
submitted by Ernst_Granfenberg to Seattle [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:40 im_avagrace This is little Beau, he thinks he’s big. 😊
submitted by im_avagrace to Kitten [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:40 Cody_255 Deji Collab with ComedyShortsGamer
I can't believe Deji is collaboration with ComedyShortsGamer 🥹 like look at him, So Old and it's been so long that we haven't seen him
submitted by Cody_255 to Deji [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:40 Not_Popdat Torn between L and XL size frame for first Hardtail
I'm 5'11 and I'm not sure what to get after my first ride in years. I rode my bro in law's M size frame of an electric Cannondale MTB (will update on the exact model later), and it felt a little awkward trying to find a comfortable riding position on the trail. My bro told me that the Cannondale's M frame that I rode is on the larger size compared to other brands, so should I just go for an L frame?
submitted by Not_Popdat to MTB [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:40 SilaDot What’s a better hopper?
I bought a TFX3 for a really good price on eBay a few weeks ago and it works great but the problem is half the time I dive it pops open and is really putting a hindrance on my dreams of becoming a snake god. To be honest I’m not sure if it’s the hoppers fault or my fault but I’d really like to avoid this.
submitted by SilaDot to paintball [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:40 RobertoC_73 Have a nice Black Friday, from THE Black Friday
submitted by RobertoC_73 to blackcats [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:40 Willi2312 forsen says he doesn't run ads
I am in dire need of clarification submitted by Willi2312 to forsen [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:40 Argentenuem "Whatever in creation exists without my knowledge exists without my consent."
submitted by Argentenuem to TF2fashionadvice [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:40 dekawogri Auf der Suche nach Bärten
Ich bin Oliver und arbeite gerade an einer Portaitserie von Männern mit Bärten. Ich mache das im Rahmen des Studiums „Visual Storytelling“
Was mich zu dieser persönlichen Reise durch die Welt der Gesichtsbehaarung geführt hat ist, dass ich mir gerade selbst einen Bart wachsen lasse - auf die Frage warum genau, habe ich aber keine konkrete Antwort.
Es macht mir bisher sehr viel Spaß und ich hoffe noch weitere schöne Gespräche zu führen und authentische Portraits zu machen!
Also wenn ihr Lust habt, oder jemanden kennt der Lust haben könnte, mit mir einen Kaffee zu trinken, über das Thema zu quatschen und sich dann ablichten zu lassen, meldet euch gerne!
Beste Grüße!
submitted by dekawogri to Hannover [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:40 Dangerous-Ad-8969 It should’ve been me
My sister was the second view on this video and I’ve never been more jealous of something so stupid 😤😂😭
submitted by Dangerous-Ad-8969 to smosh [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:40 trulysuper Catfish reels or combos recommendations?
I’m currently using the Ugly Stik GX2. It’s great, but I’d like to look into an upgrade while deals are around or coming up. Any recommendations for reels or combos would be greatly appreciated. I normally fish for stocked catfish, so no monsters
submitted by trulysuper to FishingForBeginners [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:40 DarkMagician9125 who to start
View Poll
submitted by DarkMagician9125 to Fantasy_Football [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:40 FarBuffalo how to finally free the space?
I've like 40GB free space on 1TB ssd. I've trying to free some space i.e deleted some big files 6GB each, trash is empty and still there's like 40GB free space, how it's possible? What if I need to import 60GB database, I cannot rely on the fact that maybe macos clear some internal caches. The same issue I've with icloud drive, I've freed local copies like tens of GB and free space on my local disc increased like 5GB. I'm used to windows and never faced the issues like that. Not sure what else I can do
submitted by FarBuffalo to MacOS [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:40 plasmastarfish The upgrade system for Moonsigil Atlas - the "cost" of your cards is their shape, and you can modify them between encounters!
submitted by plasmastarfish to deckbuildingroguelike [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:40 Meechani Send your game codes to my private dm please 🤗
Private dm please
submitted by Meechani to Goatapp [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:40 opeohyabetcha [WTS] Rare Vintage Silver & Gold - JM Garantito, Pamp, Bank of Chicago, Rami Suisse, ZVSP Suisse, Silver State Bullion
🔒 2FA USER 🔒
Security: I do not give out passwords. I have secured my login with 2FA and suggest you do the same.
Photos/Proofs - (feel free to request more photos of any specific piece)
2x 1oz Vintage Silver State Bullion Rounds - $100 each
1g Gold Vintage First National Bank of Chicago Bar + 14k Gold Bezel (Total weight 1.4g) - $225 shipped
12x 1oz Vintage National Bank of Chicago Bars - $600 for the bundle
1oz Italian Johnson Matthew Garantito (250 mintage) - $125
1oz Vintage Zurich Rami Fortuna - $125
2x 1oz Vintage Pamp Mecca Bars in mint seal - $125 each
1oz ZVSP Suisse Holy Site Bar - $125
1oz Emptyo Metals Square Bar - $35
2oz Emptyo MTO “square subtraction bar” - $70
100G Emptyo Metals Bar - $114
3x 1oz Vintage J. Aron Silver Bars - $125 each
I double pack all my items very securely. On customer request I can ship registered for large orders.
Zelle (preferred), Venmo, Cashapp, Crypto all accepted.
Feel free to chat or pm me
submitted by opeohyabetcha to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:40 69Cockie420 Fuck kenji&shade
Do I buy the mecha crow bundle 🤑 submitted by 69Cockie420 to FuckKenji [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:40 badboyroy22 Tabletop Simulator - AOS
Hello ladies/gents ,
I've recently discovered TTS on Steam and thought it was a great idea to learn the game and play when I'm not able to make it out to my local GS.
Wanted to start a thread to see who plays TTS and see if we can get some games going in the near future.
submitted by badboyroy22 to stormcasteternals [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:40 Questionable47 Does anyone have a valid invite link for the FSS discord.
The links on their website are invalid. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Questionable47 to flightsim [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:40 Witty-Resource6009 Vinetria
she looks unreal. she is my objective 10/10
submitted by Witty-Resource6009 to trueratecelebrities [link] [comments]