Regidrago Raid! Will add up to 10 - 5720 2099 8465

2024.11.29 18:40 sassystew Regidrago Raid! Will add up to 10 - 5720 2099 8465

5720 2099 8465
submitted by sassystew to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 QuickMentality The Greatest Game I've Ever Played: 34 Minutes of Swings

submitted by QuickMentality to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 Neither_Goat Neptune 4 Plus

Hi, I am looking at the Neptune 4 Plus on their site and Amazon. I cannot figure out if it actually comes with a print nozzle or not, can someone tell me?
submitted by Neither_Goat to elegoo [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 mikeyukay On the plane

Well guys, in my way to Vegas. Sitting on my seat, feeling calm. LA to Vegas here we go. Wish me luck guys.
submitted by mikeyukay to fearofflying [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 master_lui Vorlaufzeit beim Konzertbesuch?

Servus beinand, ich bin morgen beim HBZ Konzert im Zenith. Einlass ist um 18:30 und Beginn um 20:00.
Das ist mein erstes Konzert, daher habe ich keine Erfahrung wie lange man vor Beginn da sein sollte oder ob es reicht „regulär“ zwischen Einlass und Beginn anzukommen.
Ich will nicht unbedingt in die erste Reihe aber auch nicht fast noch in der Eingangstüre stehen müssen.
Bin um Ratschläge oder Erfahrungsberichte sehr dankbar :)
submitted by master_lui to Munich [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 centaccount9 From 6th Ave to space: Haribo gummi candies blast off into Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (Source: collectSPACE)

From 6th Ave to space: Haribo gummi candies blast off into Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (Source: collectSPACE) submitted by centaccount9 to SpaceInvestorsDaily [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 skwiiss The amound of people waiting for the zepplin in Classic HC

The amound of people waiting for the zepplin in Classic HC
submitted by skwiiss to classicwow [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 dogmilf2honeyted Why can I not stop thinking about my ex

Me and my ex split a while ago ((years not months)) and I felt like I’d moved on and am seeing someone new, but I can’t stop thinking about my ex and how had we have met now things probably would’ve been different. We were in 2 different points in our lives, and now I’ve settled down from my party girl ways, I think he might be the one that got away.
It started when the guy I’m seeing done something disrespectful to me, and I thought my ex would never have done that to me… and now I can’t stop.
Has anyone else had this? And does it get easier?
submitted by dogmilf2honeyted to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 RegularVast1045 #BanBlackFriday

Black Friday is bad now with the much crowds and it’s getting not popular anymore due to downfall of Black Friday
submitted by RegularVast1045 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 Fantastic-Paper-234 tips from aakash top ranker

tips from aakash top ranker submitted by Fantastic-Paper-234 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 SunGroundbreaking281 Can someone open trident door for me i have the enchant relics

please open i just got enough to get it
submitted by SunGroundbreaking281 to FischRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 Sad-Midnight8008 At least we got KTM Drip 🙁

submitted by Sad-Midnight8008 to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 Fire59278 Advice Thread

What's some advice you wish you'd gotten staring out in the trades? What would you tell a terrified Baby Gay (or baby ally?) that's interested in getting into your position? 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ What's one thing you can do to make the atmosphere more positive and inclusive?
submitted by Fire59278 to GaysInTrades [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 cubs27 Take the Bears now
submitted by cubs27 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 antesdeeuestaraqui Uma reflexão breve

Estou tomando um suco de manga que está tão bom a ponto de eu considerar que nenhum problema importa e que a vida só por isto já valeu a pena ser vivida, enquanto outros objetivos mais importantes às vezes me desgastam e me fazem pensar o contrário.
Será mesmo que pra alcançar a felicidade precisamos de coisas que requerem tanto esforço, quando beber um simples suco de manga traz toda a satisfação e alegria que outras coisas complexas não chegam nem perto.
Estaria o sentido da vida nas coisas simples que estão sempre diante de nossos olhos, mas deixamos passar batido, enquanto corremos cegos atrás de coisas tão superficiais?
submitted by antesdeeuestaraqui to FilosofiaBAR [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 Spare-You-3113 Therapist earned that payment

It’s the Friday after Thanksgiving and I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday with family. I tried to cancel session today but my therapist wasn’t having it.
But quick post…y’all my therapist earned her check today, I’m a private pay client and she doesn’t accept insurance. Today’s session was so deep and moving I was upset with her towards the end of session cuz I didn’t plan to do all that crying and deep digging today. I of course told her and she didn’t care, basically she said “all in a days work, go lie down you did good work today in session”. Major eye roll to her cuz she did herself is a great therapist. I won’t tell her that tho cuz she already gets a big head when I give her accolades.
I’m thankful for my therapist even tho she pushes me when I don’t want to be pushed. #toughlove
submitted by Spare-You-3113 to TalkTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 KaleidoscopeNo5401 Found the absolute beauty's today

submitted by KaleidoscopeNo5401 to VHS [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 Alternative-Ground88 Request: Esmé Bianco

Request: Esmé Bianco submitted by Alternative-Ground88 to CKTinder [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 McFinity_GER Hydranet - Weekly DEV Update #137

Hydranet - Weekly DEV Update #137 Hydranet HDN - Weekly DEV Update #137
Web DEX Frontend - Minor issues with the swap page are being fixed
Web DEX Backend - Identified swap issues are being debugged - Lithium bug with parallel payments has been fixed by processing swaps sequentially instead; working on a solution for simultaneous parallel swaps - Issues with maximum amount payments have been solved - New etherscan API has been implemented, replacing Covalent API
Web DEX Orderbook - Ability to move liquidity has finally been fully debugged - Authentication service has been updated - Work on channel balances validation implemention has started
submitted by McFinity_GER to hydranet [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 MysteryFunk [Discounts Ongoing!] Taking anime style comms starting at $5! VGEN link in comments!

[Discounts Ongoing!] Taking anime style comms starting at $5! VGEN link in comments! submitted by MysteryFunk to artcommissions [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 byalung Savouge Spin Doctors clinch the last semis spot with a straight-set win over La Salle! Thoughts on their chances in the next round?

Savouge Spin Doctors clinch the last semis spot with a straight-set win over La Salle! Thoughts on their chances in the next round? submitted by byalung to SportsBytesPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 koreanpatootie Congrats, mga bagong licensed nurse! Just to ask, sa baba ng sahod dito sa Pinas, ano ang nagiging motivation or reason nyo sa pagkuha ng nursing?

Wala, curious lang po. 💙
submitted by koreanpatootie to AskPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 Jhendo1526 Chat every time Hexy hits “LIVE”
submitted by Jhendo1526 to hexyIRL [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 Deal_Now Frate, care e faza cu covrigii de la Luca?

Deci, nu înțeleg... ori am început să acord prea multă atenție, ori chiar se întâmplă ceva. Mă duc dimineața la muncă, de obicei îmi iau cafeaua de acasă, în termos, dar azi nu mi-am mai luat. Așa că am făcut o pauză la Luca, ca tot omul. Era vreo 6:30 și în fața magazinului era deja coadă.
Și nu vorbesc de o coadă obișnuită, frate! Eram înconjurat de 16 oameni cu covrigul în gură, ca niște soldați în tranșee. Și era frig, bă, și ploua. Totuși, ei stăteau ca niște eroi pe lângă vitrină, unii tremurau, alții dansau de frig, dar covrigul nu-l lăsau. Chiar și când intrau să-și ia comanda, se chinuiam să țină covrigul în gură și să nu le intre fumul de la cuptor în ochi. Dar nu, frate, nu-l lăsau! 🫣
Am văzut și o fetișcană, vreo 18-20 de ani, probabil. A luat cafeaua, s-a dus la masă, evident cu covrigul în gură, și cât a băgat zahăr, cât a mestecat, cât a făcut ea… și-a terminat covrigul și apoi a apucat altul, că na, trebuie să îți bei cafeaua cu stil.
Eu, între timp, stăteam la rând și mă uitam așa la ei, în jurul meu, și nu știu… mă gândeam: ce naiba se întâmplă, frate? De unde atâta disperare după covrigul ăsta?
Mă gândesc că, pe măsură ce prețurile cresc, ei parcă se răzvrătesc, mai mănâncă un covrig sau doi ca să arate că își permit. Probabil la modul „coaie, plm, e 10 lei covrigul, dau și 5 covrigi pe zi, arăt că îmi permit și că o duc bine”. Nu știu, frate, părerea mea. 🫣
Voi câți covrigi mâncați?
submitted by Deal_Now to CasualRO [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:40 Qsychodelica The theme was rainforest…

The theme was rainforest… submitted by Qsychodelica to DTI [link] [comments]