[WTS] Citizen "Ray Mears" Promaster Tough Eco-Drive Titanium

2024.11.29 18:34 TnT9 [WTS] Citizen "Ray Mears" Promaster Tough Eco-Drive Titanium

[WTS] Citizen submitted by TnT9 to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 Siifr77 Passed A+ Core 1

Scored a 720 today on Core 1. Hoping to do Core 2 in 6 weeks or less. Absolutely buzzin right now
submitted by Siifr77 to CompTIA [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 Comfortable_Bonus120 Help with a difficult situation

I came out as trans(m2f) to my fiancée in mid 2023. She was worried and unsure how she felt about it and asked if we could take things slow which I said was fine.
About 4 months later she was diagnosed with cancer and had a major operation to treat it followed by several months of chemotherapy. Because of this she asked if I could put my transition on hold until her treatment was complete as she wasn't sure she could handle both things at once. I said this was fine as she had enough to deal with and putting any more stress on her wasn't fair.
Things were looking good until around June this year when she was told her cancer had come back and wasn't responding to chemo so it was likely incurable with an estimated 5 year life expectancy.
She has since had radical surgery (Hipec) to remove all the visible cancer which hopefully means she is fully cured however they had to give her a full hysterectomy as part of the treatment. As you can imagine this has added to her stress, made her feel less like a woman and caused her to go into the menopause early (we are both in our early 30s).
I want to continue with my transition but every time I bring it up she gets overwhelmed and asks me to put it on hold. I don't want to add to her stress as she has been through enough over the last few years but every day gets increasingly more difficult for me to put things on hold. I'm not getting any younger and every day gets increasingly more difficult to try and ignore the dysphoria. I really do love her and I'm not trying to make her seem like the villain because she has been so strong through everything.
Any advice for this situation would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Comfortable_Bonus120 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 plz-let-me-in Trump proposed tariffs on Canada and Mexico may violate trade agreement he signed in 2019

Trump proposed tariffs on Canada and Mexico may violate trade agreement he signed in 2019 submitted by plz-let-me-in to politics [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 dvsmirk Super small bug

These keep appearing by my back door. They are really hard to see. Sometimes they move and sometimes they jump. Can anyone help ?
submitted by dvsmirk to whatisthisbug [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 Elegant_Drawing Råd til jobskifte

Jeg er pt uddannelsesleder i erhvervsskole regi i hovedstadsområdet. Jeg sidder med 54.000 + 15% pension som løn, har 3 teamkoordinatorer og cirka 35-38 medarbejdere og ansvar for knap 700 elever og 150 stakeholders (virksomheder og organisationer der har elever hos os) og et budget ansvar på +26 mio kroner.
Men jeg keder mig lidt. Livet som offentlig leder er langsommeligt (i min verden) og jeg matcher nok ikke helt energimæssigt stillingen.
Så jeg overvejer et skifte til retail branchen. Nok nærmere Salling Group. Men jeg aner intet om hvor man skal søge ind niveaumæssigt. Er det varehuschef? Er det noget andet? Kan lønnen overhovedet matche?
Er der noget der har en bedre indsigt i Salling Groups leder- og lønniveau der kan hjælpe mig? :)
submitted by Elegant_Drawing to dkkarriere [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 HCScaevola Is the xperia XZ2 compact usable today?

Im taking a liking in it especially for the small form factor and it seems to have a lot of both necessary and not necessary but appreciated features, but i have no idea if a phone with android 10 would be anywhere near usable today and for how long
submitted by HCScaevola to Smartphones [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 naomi_avocados At This Height, Nothing Is Clear Anymore

At This Height, Nothing Is Clear Anymore submitted by naomi_avocados to ThatLookedExpensive [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 angryowl1298 Upvote so I can be in next video :)

Upvote so I can be in next video :) Rate my pets plsss
submitted by angryowl1298 to SLGreddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 Visual_Cardiologist9 Valóban átgondolatlanul megépített és rossz fekvésű Biatorbágy új építésű része, a Szarvasugrás lakópark, vagy élhető?

Valóban átgondolatlanul megépített és rossz fekvésű Biatorbágy új építésű része, a Szarvasugrás lakópark, vagy élhető? Egy rokonom nemrég említette, hogy szeretne ingatlant vásárolni a Szarvasugrás lakóparkban Biatorbágyon. Azóta nem jött fel ez a téma, de kíváncsiságból rákerestem, hogy mi fán terem az a lakópark. A lakópark oldala szerint ezek hiper-szuper modern lakások, amit nem is vitatok. A kevés google értékelés, amit találtam, nagyrészt pozitív, viszont az egyetlen értékelés, ami jobban ki van fejtve, az egy negatív vélemény arról, hogy a lakópark fevése halmozottan hátrányos: közvetlenül a vasúti sínek mellett van, magasfeszültségű vezeték szeli át, ipari park és autópálya is a közelben, egyetlen ki- és befelé vezető út van csak, a szomszédok közvetlenül rálátnak egymásra stb. Valakinek esetleg van személyes tapasztalata a lakóparkkal/városrésszel kapcsolatban?
submitted by Visual_Cardiologist9 to askhungary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 Initialyee The first adjustable BP 100zz custom.

If you know me, you know I enjoy doing some work things with rackets:
I custom paint them. I lengthen them. I cover freecore handles to wood.
But I think this is my greatest feat. An adjustable BP Astrox 100zz. And it's adjustable in 5 minutes to however you want from original BP to Extremely HL.
I haven't played with it yet but I'll be trying it out tonight. Just excited to show you guys.
submitted by Initialyee to badminton [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 nodbless Regidrago WB on me add 10 fast 574269441186

submitted by nodbless to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 Complete_Remove5540 I need to talk to a mod.

Please stop deleting my posts and just speak to me!
I find it strange that my post was taken down when my intent was to SHOW OFF THE DESIGN of MY NEW CAMPSITE...
Was it literally just because I added a picture of Faith for extra effect? What’s wrong with that?
Like I know my campsite isn’t as fancy and elaborate as the ones on Pinterest, but I’m proud of having come up with that. It almost feels like my design was so basic that they decided it was an “everyday boring occurrence” and that it wasn’t cool enough to be shown off.
submitted by Complete_Remove5540 to AnimalCrossing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 matrixsolver Practical question

So, first of all, congratulations to everyone who got great scores. Let's also hope that these predicted percentiles aren't true and that we finally get what we deserve.
Ignoring the mayhem caused by these scaled scores, let's discuss GDPI. How are we going to prepare for it? Is there any good coaching? Maybe IIM students could suggest something from their experience.
Also, what’s your opinion? Will the predicted percentiles shoot up or not?
View Poll
submitted by matrixsolver to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 27DBradshaw I need help purchasing a pc

I’m looking to learn how to and build a gaming bc for my room that’s around $800-$900 but I have no idea what I’m doing could someone please help and I’m happy to answer any questions?
Or if I shouldn’t build one if you have any recommendations for a rebuilt pc that would be fine
Also finding a monitor, keyboard and all that would be very helpful too!
submitted by 27DBradshaw to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 lss_web_1444 Image post title 7

Image post title 7 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 VikingTheCatFox2010 Would you agree with this?

Good start dates for Gen Z
1990 - Terrible
1991 - Not good at all
1992 - Not good
1993 - Not great
1994 - Okay
1995 - Can work
1996 - A bit better
1997 - Makes sense
1998 - Good
1999 - Suitable
2000 - Understandable
View Poll
submitted by VikingTheCatFox2010 to Teenager_Polls [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 Longjumping-Milk-126 Ce e cu laserele de la operă?

Sunt niște lasere la operă și pare ca se construiește o scenă. Despre ce e vorba?
submitted by Longjumping-Milk-126 to cluj [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 Aromatic_Zebra_8708 Both, both is cute (by machuuu)

Both, both is cute (by machuuu) submitted by Aromatic_Zebra_8708 to BocchiTheRock [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 Dry-Ad4598 My dog's behaviour

Hello. I wanted to ask a question. My male golden retriever smells and licks my buttocks. And also when I sit on couch or chair he tries to smell..and when I get up he smells that areaa too....and he does this very impulsively. It's very awkward and embarrassing I'm a Female
submitted by Dry-Ad4598 to goldenretrievers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 Caydanlik_King Bu sub'ı nasıl femboyların seveceği ilgi çekici bi yer haline getirebiliriz?

İsteklerinizi ve tavsiyelerinizi bekliyoruz. submitted by Caydanlik_King to NapolyonTr [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 lss_web_1444 Link post title 244

Link post title 244 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 Mr_Muda_Himself_V3 Ladies, Gentlemen, and everyone In between welcome to another Community KOF tournament, you know what to do.

Ladies, Gentlemen, and everyone In between welcome to another Community KOF tournament, you know what to do. Rules:
  1. No downvoting (it’s a dick move.)
  2. You can only comment one team per comment, if your pick gets in, then you can comment another team.
  3. there’s no limit on how many times a series can be used in the tournament but each team can only use one character from said series (example: if you have Goku on a team you can’t have Vegeta on the same team.)
  4. if a character is already on a team, they can no longer be used.
5.The Top 3 most upvoted teams will be added.
  1. Promotion is fine but no bribery, don’t do it.
submitted by Mr_Muda_Himself_V3 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 Upstairs-Appeal6257 Best way to unclip these wires?

submitted by Upstairs-Appeal6257 to Appliances [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:34 Koala_Born Arrastão, falta de água e o morador da Zona Sul ficou assim

Arrastão, falta de água e o morador da Zona Sul ficou assim submitted by Koala_Born to riodejaneiro [link] [comments]
