[WTS] Seiko KS 5626-8011 Grain Dial Hi-beat Automatic Movement

2024.11.29 18:30 TnT9 [WTS] Seiko KS 5626-8011 Grain Dial Hi-beat Automatic Movement

[WTS] Seiko KS 5626-8011 Grain Dial Hi-beat Automatic Movement submitted by TnT9 to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 Logicschapin Rosen bridge questions.

Here are some additional questions:

  1. In the Rosen Bridge, do the guards have access to all the native coins that are bridged to other networks?
  2. I assume that all the guards would need to collude to act maliciously. However, as more tokens are bridged, the wallets holding these tokens will grow massively. How is this risk managed?
  3. How is the cold storage controlled and secured by all the guards?
  4. Could someone provide a comparison between Rosen Bridge and other bridges?
  5. Are there plans for future developments in the architecture to reduce risk points or enhance decentralization? f so, what specific ideas or initiatives are being considered?
submitted by Logicschapin to ergonauts [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 MeanEquipment577 For B2C nutrition app, should you just copy the paywall and landing page structure of a successful or popular competitor?

For B2C SaaS app, should you just copy the paywall and landing page structure, of a successful or rising competitor?
As per title, as an indie developer I would not have all the resources to do A/B testing.
Would it be best to replicate what other popular competitors are doing?
I mean, context is mine is a nutrition app, a rather commoditised space.
submitted by MeanEquipment577 to BootstrappedSaaS [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 _Chaos-chan_ How this entire sub sees Reska

How this entire sub sees Reska submitted by _Chaos-chan_ to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 HaveAskedYouThrice I had a solid minute of thinking I had a lowball success story ...

I had a solid minute of thinking I had a lowball success story ... submitted by HaveAskedYouThrice to poshmark [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 DesperateAsk7091 We are the prey...

We are the prey... OC
submitted by DesperateAsk7091 to UnnervingImages [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 Efficient_Agent_9587 Kashish

Kashish saying she downgraded to digvijay in splitsvilla because she had no choice so you mean digvijay is the downgrade from addy no offense to addy but seriously
submitted by Efficient_Agent_9587 to splitsvillaMTV [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 steeleindustriesinc Pano Talk 💃🗣️

We just restocked on the High FOM L3HARRIS GPNVGS. These systems go as high as 3300+ FOM. They come with full kit, including data sheets for all the tubes. If you’re in the market head to our website and take a look. • If you have any further questions on specific models or would like to see photos through the tubes please give us a call 800-674-7302, or send us an email [email protected]https://steeleindustries.com/product/l3harris-high-fom-white-phosphor-gpnvg-ground-panoramic-night-vision-goggle/
submitted by steeleindustriesinc to NightVision [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 cos Boston, Cambridge and Somerville councilors join forces to reform broker fees

Boston, Cambridge and Somerville councilors join forces to reform broker fees submitted by cos to boston [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 M4MAYHEM cloudy regidrago 2 local 438191994138 & 555244653495

submitted by M4MAYHEM to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 EKapq Which gpu should i get rtx 4060 or 6650xt

Im looking to build a new pc and the specs are: asrock b550 pro4 5700x 16gb ram 750w psu. and im not sure which gpu too get im in between 4060 (300€) or the power color 6650xt (220€) the option for a new 6700xt is for some reason 500 so im in between these two, know the 4060 has dlss but is that really worth the extra 80€ also games i play fortnite, cs2 rdr2 cyberpunk 2077 etc
submitted by EKapq to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 undauntedscion Classes

Am I supposed to register for classes before I'm approved for OSAP or should I wait for OSAP first?
submitted by undauntedscion to TrentUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 cvrsing Goodwill Find

I was cruising Goodwill recently and I picked up this shirt. At the time, I didn't know it was disrespectful to own it. Now I want to get rid of it the right way. I was told they're supposed to be burned when someone leaves a club or if a member passes away. What should I do with it?
submitted by cvrsing to motorcycleclubs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 Cataclysm-Nerd01 Is there alot of time jumps in silo?

Hi everyone. Just recently started watching Silo; I'm on episode 2 of season 1. Just wanted to know if there are a lot of time jumps backwards and forwards?. I'm on episode 2, and I'm introduced to Juliette after episode 1 ends, but are there time jumps? Because the way episode 2 started, I thought I may have missed something.
submitted by Cataclysm-Nerd01 to SiloTVSeries [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 Working-Procedure-79 Passei no TCC :)

Depois de 2 anos trancando a faculdade por motivos pessoais, finalmente terminei :)
submitted by Working-Procedure-79 to Conquistas [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 Classic-Speaker-527 Pokaż co cię kręci ^^

submitted by Classic-Speaker-527 to SexyPolishInfluYoutub [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 Flint_East_Wood_ Tank hunting at Kharkov

submitted by Flint_East_Wood_ to HellLetLooseConsole [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 PrestigiousCoat390 Handmade Fairycore Necklace

Handmade Fairycore Necklace submitted by PrestigiousCoat390 to jewelry [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 offkaws03 Sou babaca por não conseguir lidar com a relação da minha namorada e o pai?

Eai, tudo certinho rapaziada? Toma cuidado, porque o texto tem assunto pesado e delicado de "abuso e sexualização" , se for sensível para você, não se prejudique lendo isso.
Minha mina tem uma relação estranha com o pai dela. Eu já cheguei a falar com ela sobre isso, e ela falava que ele sempre foi assim desse jeito. Ela até concordou que era estranho em partes, mas não mudou em nada com ele.
Relacionamento e família complicada, minha namorada tem 18 anos e acontece umas parada meio estranha, ela passou parte da vida dela no Discord e acho que isso poliu a mente dela num nível estranho de se sexualizar pra quem ela gosta. Ela não me traí, nem mostra interesse em outras pessoas. Mas devem ter coisas que influenciaram ela ser assim:
1. Gostar de DarkRomance; 2. Ter frequentando servers estranhos do Discord no passado;
Várias vezes quando vou na casa dela, eu vejo como é a relação dela com o pai, desde sempre eu e meu grupo de amigos e amigas sabíamos que era difícil pra ela sair de casa porque o pai sempre proibiu muito, se saísse era pra perto de casa e com localização 24h apenas. Mas ele topou que ela namorasse cmg porque fui bem respeitoso em chegar nele e conversar, já estamos juntos faz quase 1 ano, mas preciso de ajuda, porque estou com uma dor no peito que me corrói por dentro.
No geral ele é bem pau no cu com ela na maioria do tempo, ela várias vezes manda mensagem falando como que ele não se importa em ouvir ela e sempre ouve a madrasta que tem problemas com ela. Ele fica passando a mão na cabeça dela meio carinho, e parece normal, até a mina ter 18 anos e olhar uma cara estranha pra ele, dar um sorriso meio pá, fechar os olhos e dar uma risada autista de quem parece que saiu de um anime. Tapas na coxa e as vezes na bunda, quando ele faz isso, nem sempre, mas as vezes ela sai fazendo uns barulho estranho. E ela tava bem brigada com o pai e a madrasta, alugou uma kitnet e saiu de casa, mas não se passou 24h e estava com saudade do pai. Eu ajudei ela na mudança e tudo mais, gastei o dinheiro daquele mês com coisas pra casa que ela me pediu ajuda, como coisa pra cozinha, louças e coisas de casa enfim. Ela foi falar com o pai que pediu pra que ela voltasse. Ela esperava que nessa conversa ele iria brigar com ela, mas não, ele ouviu ela e disse pra voltar porque ama ela, e depois de discutir um pouco mais sobre o problema da madrasta, ela não disse pra ele as outras coisas que ela tava tendo em casa como um problema, sobre ele e ficar proibindo ela de coisas simples como sair as vezes comigo, não gostar da minha família que é perfeitamente bem e tranquila e ama e trata ela bem. Mas ele é extramamente ciumento, por isso mantem ela sempre perto dele. É normal o pai cuidar de uma filha, eu entendo, mas não entendo essa dependência que ela tem dele e ele pegar no queixo dela, cheirar o cabelo, dar tapa na coxa, chamar a filha de gostosa e ter ciúme excessivo. E ela não se ajuda ela parece até que curte.
Eu tento fingir que isso é normal, mas não consigo. Como eu? O namorado da mina que mais fez sentido entre as outras que me relacionei, como que eu vou lidar com outro cara tratando ela desse jeito? Ainda mais o pai? Ela aceitando numa boa, até meio que gostando? Pra um homem, ver sua mulher com cara de cadela pra outro homem é horrível, imagina para o pai? É nojento, é estranho é horrível.
Eu tô cansado, eu tô triste, puto pra caralho, e isso vai me sugando uma energia e disposição. vou conversar com ela, mas preciso saber de mais pessoas.
submitted by offkaws03 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 Aria_mua Bundinha do penadinho

submitted by Aria_mua to porramauricio [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 Dapper-Material-2302 Looking for an editor.

Looking for an editor. (Budget is 15 and up) I had to put something down for the budget. I don't really know what fair pay is, so I wanted to share my thoughts. I will be starting a new YouTube channel after the New Year. It's going to be a cooking channel. I like the style of Sam the Cooking Guy. I have someone working on the intro video as well as a logo. I will be building the cooking area, filming it as it will become a very important part of the channel. Lets talk and git things moving.
submitted by Dapper-Material-2302 to YouTubeEditorsForHire [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 SmallFrogOnALog Mane colors?

Loveee the new primal mod, but I’m a bit stuck on whether to keep the mane on my king darker or go lighter with it for more contrast? Just wanted to get some opinions and see what other people think looks best!
submitted by SmallFrogOnALog to lioden [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 EnderDemon11 These skins are currently on sale for 30% off on Auric Cells until December 2nd

These skins are currently on sale for 30% off on Auric Cells until December 2nd Note: Vittorio is not actually 560 unless you own a piece from the set.
submitted by EnderDemon11 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 vicn77 A la carte service?

Looking for an a la carte provider.

  1. Don't need VOD or any other streaming services (Netflix, Disney+, etc.)
  2. At least 2 simultaneous connections
  3. m3u8 w/working epg so I can connect it through Jellyfin and Plex
  4. PPV would be nice but not necessary
  5. US channels primarily
Basically looking to cut out cable/satellite at a fraction of the price.
I see ranging prices for 1000s of channels, VOD, and other libraries. Just looking for the basics without paying for all the extra fluff.
Am I asking for something that's not available? Do all providers and resellers have a set price for everything?
submitted by vicn77 to findiptv [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 18:30 pokechatyt Free pokèmon cards

Use my whatnot link and claim upto £200 free credit
submitted by pokechatyt to PokemonTradingCards [link] [comments]
