2024.11.29 18:39 Ill-Cricket718 Pack luck
submitted by Ill-Cricket718 to CollegeUltimateTeam [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:39 Prize_Marsupial830 Do you think it's a good idea to write a psychological horror story, but using AI-generated illustrations?
2024.11.29 18:39 Michael_Monkey_1975 Dear Customers... Please update your profile
I did a shop and deliver last night once I checked out I got the customers address and notes. I see he's got this all caps message about not forgetting his ketchup. There was no ketchup on his shopping list. I actually messaged him and said I assume your ketchup message for from a previous order since you didn't have ketchup on your shopping list.
He didn't reply or give me a thumbs down so I guess it's all good.
submitted by Michael_Monkey_1975 to UberEatsDrivers [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:39 DariusStarkey Day 5: Posting a meme every day until the BBC puts Fear Her back on iPlayer
submitted by DariusStarkey to DoctorWhumour [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:39 FullAd9001 Higher Ground - Live @ SunFest - West Palm Beach (FL) - April 30th, 2008
submitted by FullAd9001 to SherylCrow [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:39 Anarcho-Pacifrisk Where to find…
Hey I had these crocs for a couple years and then they ended up destroyed when I moved across the country. I’ve managed to find the summer version again, but winter’s fast approaching and I was hoping to find them again. They really fit my vibe and I haven’t seen another winter pair quite like these since. I wear a US Men’s 10/Women’s 12, for context submitted by Anarcho-Pacifrisk to crocs [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:39 leumas0022 Need help
I need help with strawberry cake tower lvl 40 these are all the cookies I have (I hope these photos show up)
submitted by leumas0022 to CookieRunKingdoms [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:39 BeingBalanced Frustrating: External Account Listing on Transfers Doesn't List Bank Name
I've got a lot of external account linked to my SoFi. When making transfers it just shows the name of the account like 'Total Checking' and the last 4 digits. Now if I had 1 or 2 accounts linked it would be no problem remembering which is which but as you add more accounts it then becomes difficult to easily identify which account belongs to which bank. As far as the external account listing for transfers it appears you can't give the account a nickname in addition to not displaying the bank name. SoFi please add one or the other!
submitted by BeingBalanced to sofi [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:39 earnhar768 How long to calibrate data?
I just downloaded the Body State app this week and it seems to bottom out at 1 percent. Not sure how to get the numbers up (recharge) or how long it takes to become more accurate or calibrate. Just started wearing watch for sleep tracking last Friday when i upgraded to series 10 Apple Watch. I cleaned up leaves last Tuesday and ever since it drops to 1 everyday. I feel like I still have gas in the tank so not sure its accurate yet when saying im on 1 percent. submitted by earnhar768 to BodyState [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:39 AutoModerator 17% Off PlayStation®5 Digital Edition (slim)- $374
submitted by AutoModerator to Extradeals [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:39 lecherofahq My dad’s side was almost 100% German
submitted by lecherofahq to AncestryDNA [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:39 hoopheid [Timex Chronograph] Snoopy arrived today!
submitted by hoopheid to Watches [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:39 NicerKisx sweet relief
submitted by NicerKisx to JaydenBartels_NSFW [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:39 LStrings Am I a total idiot or can you not prebuild meals in this app?
Come from MFP and Cronometer where you can prebuild meals and then add them to the daily log rather than add each ingredient individually. I may be being stupid but I can’t find a way to do this in MF.
submitted by LStrings to MacroFactor [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:39 Violet-Rhobodendron Xmas biking
submitted by Violet-Rhobodendron to xbiking [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:39 Dead_Ghxst Pokemon Black (2) Rom
Ive been wanting to play Pokémon black and black 2 for a while now but I haven’t been able to find any download for the game anywhere although I can find just about every other Pokémon game, does anyone know where I can get it because the price for these cartridges are just unaffordable
submitted by Dead_Ghxst to PokemonBlackandWhite [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:39 Ok-Firefighter9001 I love the way xh albums and photocards look though 😩
submitted by Ok-Firefighter9001 to XdinaryHeroes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:39 Genivra_ Best VR set??
I'm needing help finding a good reliable VR set for my daughter who is requesting one for Christmas, I know nothing about VR, and what is needed. If it makes a difference she only has a Nintendo switch. If I need something different list that as well please 🙂 thanks so much!
submitted by Genivra_ to virtualreality [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:39 PicoVolee How build Pantheon?
Really... how build Pantheon? Crit with LDR was really great in past time but now... I see lethality builds but I dont know, it is not so good like crit 1-2 years ago in my opinion. What do you build?
submitted by PicoVolee to wildrift [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:39 FilipeMiguelescritor O Eco do Vazio
No coração de cada ser humano, existe uma inquietação, uma sensação de que algo está sempre a faltar. É um eco de insatisfação que nos lembra que somos imperfeitos. A vida, com as suas voltas, apresenta situações que nos fazem parar e refletir. Perfeição, afinal, não é um destino claro; muitas vezes, o caminho esconde-se nas sombras. As decisões que tomamos nem sempre são fáceis. O medo, como uma névoa densa, pode-nos paralisar. Ao olharmos para trás, lamentamos o que ficou por fazer. Às vezes, falta-nos coragem para dar aquele primeiro passo. Mas, quando o fazemos, as portas começam a abrir-se, e novas oportunidades entram na nossa vida como luz radiante. Viver um dia de cada vez é o caminho mais sábio. O que está destinado a ser encontrará o seu jeito, mesmo que tentemos fugir. A meditação, num momento de silêncio, traz alívio e clareza. Mas é a fé e o amor-próprio que nos ajudam a preencher os vazios que sentimos. Dentro de cada um de nós, há um abismo de perguntas sem resposta. Essa busca por sentido pode ser dura, mas é o que nos faz avançar. O vazio, que por vezes parece insuportável, pode ser o impulso que precisamos para crescer. Os vazios emocionais, mesmo sem explicação, tornam-se pesados, mas cada um deve encontrar o que o faz viver. Na adolescência, essa dor era particularmente intensa. Em festas cheias de risos, sentia a solidão a pesar no peito. Como disse Fernando Pessoa, somos um constante desassossego, à procura de pequenos nadas que nos preencham. Todos nós experimentamos esse vazio, mesmo rodeados de pessoas. A verdade é que viver o presente é a chave. Cada dia traz novas alegrias, mesmo que sejam simples. Sejamos felizes agora, transformando o vazio em histórias repletas de amor e luz.
https://preview.redd.it/a31mgomuoqxd1.jpg?width=435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b944f4be0b5b34a6b3d0248079935f23c557e281 submitted by FilipeMiguelescritor to Lifestyle_ON [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:39 Glittering_Case_3284 question about the tier 3 crucifix and cursed hunts
is it still true that the tier 3 crucifix prevents cursed hunts caused by items? if so, are the hunts after the attempted cursed hunts still extended?
submitted by Glittering_Case_3284 to PhasmophobiaGame [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:39 seijuuro21 Indie pup up for adoption in Noida... please share
submitted by seijuuro21 to IndianPets [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:39 Bullfr0gger Pre-Built Gaming PC?
Hey alle,
Ich würde mir gerne nächstes Jahr einen Gaming PC kaufen, am liebsten wäre mir hier ein fix und fertiges Model, da ich mir mangels Zeit und Erfahrung einen Bau selbst nicht zutraue. Ich verneige mich vor allen die das können :)
Budget wäre € 1000-2100,-
Mein Ziel wäre aktuelle Spiele mit 1080p/60 fps und (bissl) Raytracing hinzukriegen. (Etwas Futureproofing wäre sicher auch nicht schlecht).
GraKa hätte ich gerne eine 4070 Super.
Zwecks Photoshop wären auch schneller 32gb Ram ganz nett
SSD (eh klar), 1 Tb
Beim Prozessor einen besseren i7 oder i9 .... hier bin ich aber leider in den letzten Jahren komplett ausgestiegen, tbh.
Auch von den Mainboards, Netzteilen hab ich wenig Ahnung ..
Hättet ihr Vorschläge für mich, fühle mich grad etwas ratlos?
Spontan hätte ich diese Kiste entdeckt:
(Post Zustellung ist hier ein riesen Plus ;) )
Viiiiiiielen herzlichen Dank im Voraus!
submitted by Bullfr0gger to PCBaumeister [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:39 Spirited-Dependent82 Austin Butler-Ed Berger Pic 'The Barrier' Lands At 20th Century
submitted by Spirited-Dependent82 to AustinButlerLand [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:39 Invalid_SyntaxError We take out the the bullies, but leave the victims
submitted by Invalid_SyntaxError to Kinder_Salt_Lake_City [link] [comments]