2024.11.29 18:42 Disastrous_Bee_3191 Asked this and got removed from ccna main sub:Are there any dump alternatives
Broke need dump alternatives and some confidence that I'll pass without buying dumps before I buy the exam with the little money I have left
submitted by Disastrous_Bee_3191 to ccnastudygroup [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:42 Ambitious-Fee-9044 Female vocalist wanted
Hi! I'm working on several anime music covers for YouTube and SoundCloud, and would love to have a vocalist for some of them.
submitted by Ambitious-Fee-9044 to RecordThisForFree [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:42 goldgusher Kaleidoscope
submitted by goldgusher to shareyourmusic [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:42 downwithsocks Someone's exhausted after his turkey dinner
submitted by downwithsocks to cats [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:42 muchichi Varlamore or Fremmy for a melee build?
This is my first leagues and I just want to do fun content that im not leveled for on my main. Mainly want to do Zuk and TOB. Everything else is a bonus. My current guaranteed region is morty but thats going to be my last selection my first two are a bit up in the air.
I like Zeah for raids 1 experience, its largeness means a lot of skills will be covered, and DHL.
The issue is i cannot decide between Varlamore and Fremmy. I love fremmy for BIS neck and ring and the ability to obtain soul axe, virtus, and all 4 DT2 boss rings (idk how this is possible). Those bosses seem really fun to learn. I like varlamore for the same reason I like Zeah. Its huge and has a lot of new content, I want to try Colosseum, and moons its great early/mid game armor. Which would you choose for melee?
submitted by muchichi to 2007scape [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:42 Annual-Piccolo-4381 Caso K
Queria entender q a agencia publica fez esse podcast, qual resultado pratico pode vir dessa reportagem, ja que o velho tarado ja morreu..
Fazem parecer que é uma Caso de pedofila com bebezinhos de colo, mas ñ é nada disso.
Nao conseguir sentir empatia de nenhuma daquelas mulheres,para mim pareceu que eram um bando de adolecentes sem juizo nenhum, que faziam fila (literalmente) para conhecer o velho, ao inves de ta estudando para ser alguem na vida
A historia de um velho do barco, tarado, levando um monte de adolecentes desviadas para um Iate e fazendo aquelas festas de funkeiro ostentaçao ( mas sem funk ) Tinha Sexo mas Ñ tinha violencia, E sei que Vao me crucificar aqu nesse post, mas uma adolecente ja sabe sim o q é Certo e errado, as Santinhas estavam la por que queriam estar e pareciam adorar todo aquele dinheiro jorrando a toa..
Nesse podcast tem muito eh depoimento de como Elas gostavam de ir para shopping comprar roupa e etc..
Ouvi agora o ep.4.. e
No propio podcast mostra Elas falando que ate pouco tempo atras ñ se viam como vitimas...que seguem gostando daquelas pessoas do passado, que so agora entendem aqui como errado...agora que o velho morreu e ela ficaram sem herança, ne? so se for...
Comparar com o Caso do Joao de Deus tb achei falta de respeito com as vitimas do Joao de Deus, elas sim estavam em contexto ñ sexual e foram surprendidas Pela açao de um tarado maniaco, ñ tem comparaçao, a pessoa ir num Centro espirita buscando cura de uma doença e ser abusada com vc aceitar Virar amante de um velho Rico e tarado por vontade propia ir com Ele de bikini beber em um barco...sem comparaçao os 2 casos
O Podcast passa 4 episodios se questionando pq a justiça ñ condenava o Velho e nem a Midia noticiava...e bem, acho que ñ é por causa do dinheiro propiamente nao ,talves a justiça nao via crimes Ali mesmo nem os jornais...notem que a segunda temporada Vai mostrar a mesma familia,com o mesmo dinheiro, so que usando de violencia e ai sim estrupos...e adivinhem o que aconteceu?? Teve prisoes teve Midia teve jornal...e era a mesma familia e o mesmo dinheiro de anuncios...o que mudou??? Provavelmente que no Caso do filho teve de fato violencia.
submitted by Annual-Piccolo-4381 to ProjetoHumanos [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:42 papa_prevail I love messing with scammers that impersonate my boss. I drag it on as long as possible.
submitted by papa_prevail to pics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:42 Practical_God Eyes Wide Shut (1999) [938x1252] by Harry
submitted by Practical_God to MoviePosterPorn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:42 bugsbunnyindrag Favorite author accused of heinous sex crimes?
Just finished Neil Gaiman's Sandman series-- WOW! How did I not hear about this sooner?! It's given me a lot of inspiration for my future supernatural fantasy romance trilogy (which will have a 750K+ word count, not to brag 😏).
I know Gaiman's ~allegedly~ a monster, but we're all old enough here to separate gossip and legal accusations from the talented, incredible, and freaky artists they're volleyed at, right? I believe this community is mature enough to give predatory old men the benefit of the doubt. So, who is your favorite sex pest author? And which book of theirs should I read next in preparation for my (eventual) writing? Also, do I have to apply for the Pulitzer or will they just give it to me as soon as I self-publish on Amazon?
submitted by bugsbunnyindrag to writingcirclejerk [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:42 40455R Looking for Guava Junipers in a US 12!!!
Like the title says - if you have any leads please let me know!
Really bummed that today’s sale seemed so out of reach for most people who really wanted a certain product. Selling out before the minute is up is crazy. Seems like releases these days are no easier than playing the lottery with damn near impossible odds.
submitted by 40455R to PollexSaleheBembury [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:42 SuchAKnitWit Hubby bought me the tortilla blanket....
My cat is now obsessed with it, and has been sleeping like this for hours.
Need to move, send help.
submitted by SuchAKnitWit to HEB [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:42 DRP1994 Any body interested? Fit 2022+ tundra/Sequoia
submitted by DRP1994 to ToyotaTundra [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:42 SafeOffice Use My Referral Code And Get $2000 Off Your New Tesla Purchase https://www.tesla.com/referral/angela157740
submitted by SafeOffice to referralcodes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:42 AshMain_Beach US Navy aircraft carrier USS Nimitz in formation with Indian Navy aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya during Malabar 2020 [ALBUM]
submitted by AshMain_Beach to WarshipPorn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:42 Odd_Theme_3294 Accommodation after finishing undergrad
What are you guys doing for accommodation when you finish your degree? My tenancy for my house finishes at the end of July, all my friends are moving back in with their parents.
So I’m not sure what to do. I could move back in with my mum - however she keeps making comments on how awful my body looks and stuff like that (and I love her but don’t think I could live with the constant comments)
Any advice would be appreciated
submitted by Odd_Theme_3294 to UniUK [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:42 RAGhosh Sinn 556 I B review
submitted by RAGhosh to sinn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:42 Aggerbragger What packs to open to get cam newton?
Am I pulling lower tier packs? Or should I prioritize overall pull chance vs price of the pack. I know it'll be damn near impossible but I wanna try
submitted by Aggerbragger to CollegeUltimateTeam [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:42 lemkowidmak @PennWBB: Q2 1:59 | Penn 26, UTC 24ASHNA TAMBE FOR THREE!!!!!#FightOnPenn https://t.co/kyQLamAB1d
submitted by lemkowidmak to phillysports [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:42 Winter-Delay-2017 ¿Es normal que extrañe a un chico cuando YO lo rechacé?
Hace como 3 meses aprox. estuve con un chico que me trataba bien lindo (esos que le llaman Princess treatment) obviamente que a mi me gustaba eso, me sentía amada y respetada.
¿Cuál es el problema? No me gustaba físicamente, no me atraía. Y encima me gustaba un chico en ese entonces (lo sé soy muy pendja pero al final ni me declaré pq dsps me di cuenta q ya tenía pareja🤡) entonces apenas estuvimos saliendo 1 semana, le conté lo que sentía y le corté.
Desde ese día, no paro de pensar en él. Intenté quitar de todas mis redes (ig, wsp, dc, steam, tiktok, etc) pero aún así lo tengo marcado en mi mente.
Y como soy una vieja chismosa, estuve viendo los tiktoks que compartía, y la mayoría decía tipo: "dónde estas?, estoy un poco triste y te necesito", "mi niña de ojitos lindos, te extraño demasiado", "dame chance mi niña", "la perdone por haberse ido y volví a ser feliz a su lado, pero la lámpara se ve rara".
Pero a la vez también compartía tiktoks de: "cuidado con dejar ir personas increíbles por estar confundidos", "video de un chico tirando ramos de flores al suelo y pisando con mucho rencor y odio", "sé que revisas mis compartidos para decirte que no hay otra"(cuando vi esto supe que me odia a todo pulmón pero es entendible y lo comprendo pero me asusté).
Qué opinan ustedes?
submitted by Winter-Delay-2017 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:42 Super_cool000 14F I'm booored
submitted by Super_cool000 to LetsChat [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:42 Key-Atmosphere-1360 Posting for my wife... CD is 2 days past expected period. Anyone else seeing an early line? Both tests taken within 1 hour of each other.
submitted by Key-Atmosphere-1360 to TFABLinePorn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:42 Capital_Cup_2048 S23 Ultra for ₹72,999 ($863). Do you think its worth it???
submitted by Capital_Cup_2048 to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:42 nogrun Bate Volta em Bragança saindo de São Paulo pro jogo
O título é auto explicativo.
Eu iria pela hora do almoço, pra tomar umas na lagoa, ver o jogo e voltar. Alguém pensando carona ai?
submitted by nogrun to Cruzeiro [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 18:42 SteHasWood Question
Which was the first Terminator film you saw, and what age were you? I was 8 in 1996 watched T2 for the first time, instantly got hooked. Bought this guy a few years ago now, a Sideshow T800 bust combat version. Something about this skull that makes you stare. submitted by SteHasWood to Terminator [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 18:42 YungDumAndFullOfPoo Keep the peace? Help!
Keep the peace? Help!
Myself (30m) and my partner (28f) have a beautiful little boy, coming up for his second birthday this weekend. We've had a fairly big row, both believing the other is in the wrong but the issue isn't so much that. It's that every time we have an argument we sometimes go anything from a day to a few not speaking, unless little one is in the room, we do our best to keep him out of it which obviously isn't easy or ideal. We've both tried coming to eachother prior, my issue is any time she hears something she doesn't like she just shuts down and stops the conversation, and when that's not happening her main goal seems to be making sure she's not to blame for anything. On my end I just want to rush through it because I feel like every argument is bound to go wrong, so I'm either trying to get it done quickly, not really dealing with the problem or avoid the conversation at all.
Last week we had a falling out, it's been just over a week. All week I've just not wanted to speak because I'm sick of going round and round, fully aware it isn't helping. She's not spoken to me equally. I'm at a loss. I feel like it's irreparable and our communication (when our son isn't involved) is just toast. It's not the environment I want my son growing up in and I'm terrified about making the correct decision. I want to get through christmas and potentially consider my options after the break, but keeping the peace is hard. Do I shut up for the next few weeks or let her know how I feel? I'm all over the place
submitted by YungDumAndFullOfPoo to Advice [link] [comments]