Void says happy holidays

动词三单的变化规律动词第三人称单数变化规则如下:1) 一般情况下,动词后面直接加 -s. 例如: works gets says reads2) 以ch,sh,s,x 或 o 结尾的动词,在后面加 -es。例如: go- goes teach-,teaches,wash-washes br It says that 是主动态,表示碑石、布告、文章、通知等上面的文字的具体内容。 It is said that 是被动态,表示某个说法、现象被人们传播,经常被翻译为“据说”。 例句: There is a terrible word on the door. It says "DEATH". 门上写着一个可怕的字。这个字是“死”。 Something in me says“whatever”. And it brings me back to you. My stupid heart. Don't know,I've tried to let you go. So many times before. Then wound up at your door. My stupid heart. Too late, already on my way. If we go down in flames. Again then you can blame my stupid heart-ar-ar. (Oh shit!). (Okay!). You can blame my stupid heart-ar ... 用says和said都可以。 转述别人已经说过的话(发生在过去),用he says和he said都可以的。 需要注意的是如果用he said, 后面转述的那段话通常需要调整到过去时态。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... Says 如是说,话说,说. Simon Says 我说你做,西蒙说,片. Teacher Says 老师说,教师说,老师怎麽说 【例句】 He has no say in the matter. 他在这个问题上没有发言权。 If I knew, I would say. 如果我知道,我就说了。 She says no letter arrived this morning. 她说今天早上没有信来。 say和says的读音有区别吗?为什么?1,发音不同.say [ sei ] says [ sez ] 1,say say英[se]美[se 是当主语是I,They,We等复数名次或指自己时用的2,says则是指当主语是she,he,it等单数名次时使用。 欧美国家都是用自然拼读法学习英语发音,看单词就能读出来。本人也想这样练习,有哪位可指点下? 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ...

2024.11.29 19:30 trashy_boner Void says happy holidays

Void says happy holidays submitted by trashy_boner to blackcats [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 lost-in-512 Hello, while in vegas I recieved 17 sequential 1 dollar bill, not fancy. Is this run worth more than its face? Thanks

submitted by lost-in-512 to Bankstraphunting [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 Kilkus0 Me apaixonei pelo meu melhor amigo

OI, sou um cara de 15 anos, que até a um tempo atrás se considerava heterosexual, eu sempre gostei de garotas, elas sempre me fizeram sentir coisas que nenhum garoto fez eu sentir. Bom, isso mudou. Eu conheci um cara no 6 ano, ele é legal, sempre ri das minhas piadas e sempre entra na zoeira, ele é um cara incrivel, e nós nos falamos até hoje. Mas a um tempo eu tenho notado algo estranho dentro de mim, um sentimento que eu nunca tinha sentido por ele surgiu, eu comecei a olhar ele não só como um amigo, mas tambem como um interesse romantico. Eu sou do tipo de adolescente que acha piadas gays algo engraçado, não de forma prejorativa, mas sim algo como chamar o amigo de vida, ou de amor sabe? (Isso é mais comum do que parece na minha escola). Nós sempre fizemos esse tipo de piada e nunca foi algo que eu considerei serio, mas a um tempo eu tenho gostado até demais dessas brincadeiras, eu gosto quando ele me chama de vida, eu gosto quando eu digo que amo ele e ele responde que me ama devolta, eu gosto quando ele toca em mim, eu amo quando ele me abraça, eu amo cada segundo que eu fico com ele, ele tem sido o meu motivo de gostar da escola. Eu realmente estou apaixonado por ele, mas isso não é algo bom. Porque eu sei que ele não sente a mesma coisa por mim, até porque ele é heterosexual, e até mostrou interesse por algumas garotas do colegio. É um romance que só poderia acontecer dentro da minha cabeça, é um sonho meu, que nunca vai se tornar realidade, e isso doi pra caramba. Será que tem alguma forma de eu parar de amar ele? Talvez se eu tivesse nascido como uma mulher as coisas seriam diferentes.
submitted by Kilkus0 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 Set_Abominae1776 Fragen zur Art der Erzählung

Moin ihr Schreiber,
ich habe mich nun nach Jahrzehnten des Lesens auch mal rangetraut zu schreiben. Über die Jahre sind mir immer wieder (vor allem Nachts beim Einschlafen) irgendwelche Plotfetzen eingefallen, bei denen ich dachte, dass man da doch ne nette Geschichte draus machen könnte. Jetzt ist es soweit und aus dem Vorschlag eines Kumpels, gemeinsam an einer Geschichte zu schreiben, wurde durch meinen Perfektionismus jetzt ein Projekt mit Worldbuilding, Kartenzeichnen und Gedanken über Charaktere, Völker, Rassen, Sprachen, Religionen und Geschichten meiner Welt (Ich denke jetzt is jedem klar, dass der bums ins genre Fantasy fällt).
Bevor ich jedoch beim basteln der Welt als Rahmen die Geduld verliere und von der schieren Arbeit und Komplexität überwältigt werde, haben wir uns entschlossen das Pferd vom anderen ende aufzuzäumen und fangen gleichzeitig mit dem Schreiben der ersten Kapitel an. Hierbei schreibt jeder von uns das Einführungskapitel zu seinem Hauptcharakter, die wir beide dann in gemeinsamen Kapiteln quasi als Rollenspiel schreiben. Ich bin nun an meinem Einführungskapitel und etwas hin- und hergereissen, was den Erzählstil angeht.
Mein Hauptproblem ist folgendes: Ich möchte beim Schreiben die Geschichte mit möglichst viel Hintergrundinfo zur Lore schmücken, im ersten Kapitel geht es also einmal um die Beschreibung des Protagonisten, des Ortes der Handlung und damit auch zur Geschichte des Orts und dessen Entstehung. Durch all die Hintergrundinfos gerät aber meiner Meinung nach die eigentliche Erzählung ins Stocken. Ich würde behaupten, dass meine Idee des Erzählstils stark von GRRM und seinen SOIAF-Romanen geprägt ist. Ich war immer sehr angetan von seinen Intro-Kapiteln, in denen die Handlung vordergründig ist und sofort Spannung aufgebaut wird. Irgendwie passt es aber dann nicht, dass ich erst vom angespannten Protagonisten schreibe, der gebannt eine Gasse entlang späht, während er sich in den Schatten einer Mauer duckt, um dann in den nächsten Absätzen erstmal die Stadt, deren Aufbau, Entstehung, Geschichte und Bewohner beschreibe, nur um dann, nach gefühlten SEiten von Text wieder zurück zur Handlung zu kommen.
Immer weider lese ich über die geschriebenen Passagen und ergänze dann mit Infos oder schreibe um, wenn mir etwas nicht passt. Bin ich da zu empfindlich oder was meint ihr?
Habt ihr Tipps für mich?
Vielen Dank für die Antworten im Voraus!
submitted by Set_Abominae1776 to schreiben [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 CaptainSmartbrick So I noticed my expedition base carried over to my normal save. Is this intended?

submitted by CaptainSmartbrick to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 Individual_Today_871 1999 HGTV Holiday Garden With Commercials

submitted by Individual_Today_871 to HGTV [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 All_ahma Need help in creating prompt.

Hi 👋 guys . Can any one help me in creating a prompt that summarize a chapter or a file .I need it only to two cute of 20% of the file . and include every thing like exercise. Examples. And every title and subtitles. They main thing that I can controller they way of summarizing.
submitted by All_ahma to ChatGPTPro [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 nPMarley Today on 'questions you should already know the answer to'…

Today on 'questions you should already know the answer to'… submitted by nPMarley to Godzillamemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 RainOfExos White stuff stick out of display screen

Över MacBook Pro en go White stuff comin out of the this Place screen at try to move, IT, but, it’s like stuck to the display and is not dust. Anyone has any idea what this is?
submitted by RainOfExos to macbookpro [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 gogosep He’s had a little glow up I’d say… (‘92 Eunos Roadster V Special)

He’s had a little glow up I’d say… (‘92 Eunos Roadster V Special) submitted by gogosep to Miata [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 greenpepsidog Got a sealed in-box Device Label Dinosaurer, can I open it?

Got a sealed in-box Device Label Dinosaurer, can I open it? https://preview.redd.it/3gl5g6ls6w3e1.jpg?width=2503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a47c10d20da58964b08fdfb6514ca0eb086aeda
I really liked the idea of a Transformer that doubles as a functioning device, and I found a cheap listing for Dinosaurer and ordered it.
Now that it's arrived, I'm unsure if I should even open it? It's never been opened and its a line from 2009 that as far as I can tell is pretty rare, this was basically the only listing from this line I've been able to find.
Is this rare enough that I shouldn't open it? Could it possibly a bootleg? I assumed if bootlegs existed I would have been able to find one but I'm bad at judging these things. If it's a bootleg I'll probably just use it as an actual mouse lol
submitted by greenpepsidog to transformers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 Vegetable_Address919 IS the hexcore of the lvl of World rune ?

we agree that future Viktor is a quasi divine being? and all this only thanks to the hexcore a human invention how crazy is that? i may need clarification because it seems too crazy
submitted by Vegetable_Address919 to loreofleague [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 Xijit Today was not a good day.

I stupidly thought I was "that guy" and poked around inside the Ashen mesa wrecked land ship, and now I have lost my Auto shotgun and my grenade launcher.
Repeatedly runs to get them back ended up with me dropping my corpse farther and farther inside the land ship, until I ended up dying before I could get back to by previous grave marker.
submitted by Xijit to TheForeverWinter [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 nazkaye Velvet Chains

Velvet Chains Velvet Chains by nazkaye ( a dark teen romance)
submitted by nazkaye to Inkitt [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 TheThinkingGolem Rate my drip

Rate my drip https://preview.redd.it/9ogyny007w3e1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9b8ed3e9427d94f44fac41d531f7d6830a094c1
submitted by TheThinkingGolem to Bannerlord [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 Alan-Alexander First shoot with the ZF & 40mm F2.0

First shoot with the ZF & 40mm F2.0 submitted by Alan-Alexander to Nikon [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 Noshotgun92 10k holders! Crazy considering we was at 4k less than a week ago.

submitted by Noshotgun92 to SnakewifHat [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 zav3rmd See you lace-r!

See you lace-r! submitted by zav3rmd to MyPeopleNeedMe [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 Suchgallbladder The “Starjacker” mission is a huge wasted opportunity for NG+.

Since the Tracker’s Alliance quest line is a Bethesda creation, it’s strange to me that one of the best opportunities to showing NG+ “matters” was missed here.
As a side note, the Constellation mission where you can save your companion rather than accepting their death is THE best use of NG+ in the entire game, you use your prior knowledge to save your friend. It feels logical in a game full of illogical choices.
Likewise, “Starjacker” the 2nd time you do it, should give you the option to capture your target successfully, rather than hopelessly falling for his trick every single time.
Heck, maybe if you did, capturing him opens up a new quest line where you track down his helpers after he talks. Imagine that, an entire new quest unlocked due to NG+. Stuff changing due to NG+ choices gives it a reason to exist.
That’s kind of what I thought NG+ was going to be, giving you options to majorly change outcomes, instead of the single time that you do (other than a few dialogues that get shortened if you give the NG+ answer). Imagine if you could save Lin’s miners? Or stop the Terrormorph attack at the spaceport before it began? Etc.
So many missed opportunities with NG+.
submitted by Suchgallbladder to Starfield [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 Mysterious_Peak_6967 That _vti_ exclusion is so annoying

I'm still using Frontpage 2000 and it insists on storing its metadata in folders named _vti_something. For reasons that are not clear Onedrive excludes any names with "_vti_". They also have a bunch of exclusions relating to device names, despite that being a DOS quirk that could have been laid to rest years ago by excluding it from the Win32 API, but those exclusions aren't affecting me right now and _vti_ is..
submitted by Mysterious_Peak_6967 to onedrive [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 Life_Cardiologist379 My wants >>> your needs

My wants >>> your needs Remember my wants always come above your needs, always.
submitted by Life_Cardiologist379 to findommes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 Barry_NJ Which bezel insert?

Which bezel insert? Black or Red & Gold...
submitted by Barry_NJ to SeikoMods [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 ShikamaruOP I wanna move to your neighbourhood

Hii everybody, I am from a town near mumbai called Ambernath. I have an IT work from home job and I wanna move to Himachal Pradesh. What is the cost of living according to your neighbourhood if you guys can guide me. Also, would the locals appreciate alone bachelor living next door like they do here in Mumbai? Please help I wanna Move about 3 months or so from now
submitted by ShikamaruOP to HimachalPradesh [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 Minute_Boss_2412 Season 2 Rewards

If you don’t redeem the rewards in the season pass do you still get them after the season ends?
submitted by Minute_Boss_2412 to NBA2k [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:30 Ttvs12 Backliners?

Im playing peasent militia and i made 4 bow/thrower dudes but i find them a bit vunrable in bigger figths since once they get inn melee they are useless. So i have tried 2 xbow polearm dudes now.
But would i be better of trying to find 16 melee bros?
submitted by Ttvs12 to BattleBrothers [link] [comments]
