2024.11.29 19:30 AnimeEagleScout AU Tiny Kurama
AU where all the Bjiuu are equally powerful but they are the size of like a house cat. So for the slug it be big but not city crushing big.
They still are powerful and the Kurama that they saw was a Genjutsu.
"This things can fit in my pocket!" Naruto exclaimed holding up a summoned avatar of Kurama "This is actual sized!"
"Naruto the 9 tails is huge and it crushed the village 12 years ago." Kakashi said.
"You wanna go in here and see it?!" Naruto says pointing to his stomach.
submitted by AnimeEagleScout to NarutoFanfiction [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:30 Danthewaterman5 [WTS] TLR1-HL w/box + keys
TLR1-HL lightly used with box and keys: $110
Price is PP FF Shipped
submitted by Danthewaterman5 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:30 pennylane-2266 Abim benim yerime US vize dokumlarini post ofise birakip teslim alabilir mi?
Merhabalar, F-1 vizemi yenilemeye calisiyorum, Temmuz 2023'te doldu. Interview Waiver opsiyonu sundu sistem, su an merak ettigim abim benim yerime kurye adreslerine birakabilir mi evraklarimi ve alabilir mi? Ona 2023 te boyle bir ihtimal icin vekaletname vermistim noterden, icerisine kimlik vize islemleri icin islem yapma hakki da veriyor. Ben su an amerika'dayim, ailecek sansiz bir donem geciriyoruz, annem su an zaturreden dolayi hastanede (durumu iyiye gidicek yeni antibiyotikle insallah, iyi dileklerinizi bekleriz) eylul'de de babamizi kaybettik zaten onun icin gitmeye calisirken gecen hafta boyle bir sey oldu, lutfen sorunsuz reentry olmasi icin tecrubelerinizi iletin. Interview waiver cok iyi oldu simdi bir tek soru abim vekaletnameyle dokumanlari birakip sonra teslim alabilir mi.
submitted by pennylane-2266 to AskTurkey [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:30 chernoi 422726435486 WB ZACIAN
submitted by chernoi to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:30 asankhyadeep007 26 [M4F] India/Online - Where's my forever sunshine? 🥹
"तुम हो तो आनंद है कहीं, नहीं हो तो एकांत हैं, तुम हो तो सरगम है गीतों में, तुम नहीं तो सब शांत हैं"
This is the feeling I want when I'm deep in your love 🥹 and I'm hopeful you're the ONE.
I'm 26 years old, currently in Bangalore. I'm hopelessly romantic guy. I've lived all my life listening to ghazals and 90s songs so I'm full of romance and I wanna pour it on that One person. I'm little shy initially and emotional.
Nature wise, I'm straightforward, calm and composed. Although I'm very mature, I'm little childish when I'm feeling romantic :-P My favourite thing to do is listening to my Pasandida aurat. I can go head over heels for you.
Other than this, I'm a big chai lover and I like to cook. I also like long journeys on bike.
Just eagerly waiting for that girl. I'm okay with Long Distance also if you're fine with it.
If you're up for this wonderful journey with me, hit me up in DM's. Please mention your expectations from me and little about yourself.
Let's take things slowly, be comfortable, then we can take things forward. And hopefully it will lead to a great story for our kids :-P
Waiting for you
PS - Only one thing that I ask from you is to be communicative and if you're really serious about knowing each other.
submitted by asankhyadeep007 to SFWr4rIndia [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:30 NoBrainR SSI issue for Disabled Daughter
I can't believe I am resorting to social media but I am getting nowhere with SSA. long story short, I am the representative payee for my daughter and I need to get her direct deposit updated. SSA said they put in a CCE ticket under my daughter's SSN to fix an issue before they can update the direct deposit. So her payments have been suspended until they get it updated and now she is dropped from medicaid because of the suspension. I have waited 1.5 years for her approval just to encounter this issue of direct deposit. I have contacted two senators and a house representative on the issue. Any idea what SSA needs to fix before they can update her direct deposit? Anything else you would recommend I do?
submitted by NoBrainR to SocialSecurity [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:30 OctaviusAmadeus1 Eventos de comedia Sand up en san luis potosi
Estamos produciendo y participando en varios shows de standup aqui en san luis , por si les interesa asistir a uno . a reirse un buen rato y disfrutar de una buena chela o una buena comida, les dejo los flyers de los shows y consuman comedia local . Apoyen a los comediantes potosinos , tal vez en unos años nos vean triunfar y digan "A ese pendejo yo lo vi cuando cobraba 100 varos y una chela"
submitted by OctaviusAmadeus1 to SanLuisPotosi [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:30 Fibers20 Red vs black
Hey yall! I need some help deciding if I should keep the red/brown I have now vs dying it back to black (last two slides). My natural hair is very dark brown/warm black. Any input is greatly appreciated I’m very indecisive :p submitted by Fibers20 to TheGirlSurvivalGuide [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 19:30 EstelleSol The animal abuser is letting Julia lick the incision again 😡
So first she told us that the incision wasn’t open (when it was quite clear it was open (Pic 2), but in her latest live the incision looks to have been recently closed with nasty looking sutures….AND as we can all clearly see, some of the hair on the left has been licked. The incision also looks to be opening up a bit at the top. Seems like the animal abuser has once again been neglectful, kept the cone off her while she slept & allowed Julia to lick the wound. submitted by EstelleSol to MrRelishMan [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 19:30 schpanckie Fun at McDonald’s
submitted by schpanckie to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:30 EducationalDog564 Zamazenta - 622893651708 need at least 5!
submitted by EducationalDog564 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:30 DumpsterPuff Unsure if sharing screenshots of sections of chart notes w/coworkers considered against HIPAA
I'm in a couple of group chats at work where our main platform for communication for the employees is microsoft teams. In one of my chats, people like to take screenshots of things they find in chart notes and post them in that chat. Most of the time it's not actually for work purposes - it's usually something outrageous that is in the note, such as an HPI mentioning that a patient was kicked in the face by a horse or something crazy like that, people react to it, talk about it, etc.
The patient's identifying information is always censored, however I've been increasingly uncomfortable with the amount of detailed screenshots coming into the chat, especially with the insane amount of detail. Today I saw somebody posted something and I immediately recognized who the patient was without seeing the name, so I said in the chat that I feel like we probably shouldn't be posting these, because as my manager told me at one point, all teams chats can be subpoenaed by a court and all of those messages and screenshots can be obtained, and we could get in serious trouble by misusing chart note data. Someone got mad and just straight up left the chat, and now I'm wondering whether I went too far, or if I did the right thing by pointing this out.
Is what we've been doing technically a HIPAA violation, and if technically not, could we still have gotten in trouble for doing this? I don't want to seem like a paranoid jerk to my friends but I also really don't want us all getting in trouble over something like this.
submitted by DumpsterPuff to hipaa [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:30 susletam200810 Eu não sei desenhar bem e fico preocupado com isso
"Mas é só fazer um curso online"
Mas eu não quero desenhar PERFEITAMENTE, só quero desenhar MELHOR. Sem falar que tem muito curso fake (golpe) por aí na internet, prefiro não me arriscar. Eu até tentei ver algumas dicas no YT, mas... não me ajudou muito e isso acabou me desmotivando. Tipo, meu desenho não é horrível, mas, poderia ser melhor e eu não sei o que fazer. E isso me deixa preocupado, principalmente pelo fato de que eu gosto de Artes.
submitted by susletam200810 to desabafos [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:30 BuyPrize5581 Hey, how do you put images on the same line in Character Bio?
When I first insert them, the images get crazy big, so I resize them to make them smaller. But they switch places whenever I try to move them onto the same line.
I would use the source code, but that stuff shoots way over my head😅 Can someone help me, please? If I have to use the source code, I will; all I need is someone to help me figure it out.
submitted by BuyPrize5581 to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:30 champagnemagnate Monday 2nd revelation day!
Hope earnings will be aight and we even get higher with bullish market and lots of new investors!
submitted by champagnemagnate to OceanPower [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:30 trashy_boner Void says happy holidays
submitted by trashy_boner to blackcats [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:30 lost-in-512 Hello, while in vegas I recieved 17 sequential 1 dollar bill, not fancy. Is this run worth more than its face? Thanks
submitted by lost-in-512 to Bankstraphunting [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:30 Kilkus0 Me apaixonei pelo meu melhor amigo
OI, sou um cara de 15 anos, que até a um tempo atrás se considerava heterosexual, eu sempre gostei de garotas, elas sempre me fizeram sentir coisas que nenhum garoto fez eu sentir. Bom, isso mudou. Eu conheci um cara no 6 ano, ele é legal, sempre ri das minhas piadas e sempre entra na zoeira, ele é um cara incrivel, e nós nos falamos até hoje. Mas a um tempo eu tenho notado algo estranho dentro de mim, um sentimento que eu nunca tinha sentido por ele surgiu, eu comecei a olhar ele não só como um amigo, mas tambem como um interesse romantico. Eu sou do tipo de adolescente que acha piadas gays algo engraçado, não de forma prejorativa, mas sim algo como chamar o amigo de vida, ou de amor sabe? (Isso é mais comum do que parece na minha escola). Nós sempre fizemos esse tipo de piada e nunca foi algo que eu considerei serio, mas a um tempo eu tenho gostado até demais dessas brincadeiras, eu gosto quando ele me chama de vida, eu gosto quando eu digo que amo ele e ele responde que me ama devolta, eu gosto quando ele toca em mim, eu amo quando ele me abraça, eu amo cada segundo que eu fico com ele, ele tem sido o meu motivo de gostar da escola. Eu realmente estou apaixonado por ele, mas isso não é algo bom. Porque eu sei que ele não sente a mesma coisa por mim, até porque ele é heterosexual, e até mostrou interesse por algumas garotas do colegio. É um romance que só poderia acontecer dentro da minha cabeça, é um sonho meu, que nunca vai se tornar realidade, e isso doi pra caramba. Será que tem alguma forma de eu parar de amar ele? Talvez se eu tivesse nascido como uma mulher as coisas seriam diferentes.
submitted by Kilkus0 to desabafos [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:30 Set_Abominae1776 Fragen zur Art der Erzählung
Moin ihr Schreiber,
ich habe mich nun nach Jahrzehnten des Lesens auch mal rangetraut zu schreiben. Über die Jahre sind mir immer wieder (vor allem Nachts beim Einschlafen) irgendwelche Plotfetzen eingefallen, bei denen ich dachte, dass man da doch ne nette Geschichte draus machen könnte. Jetzt ist es soweit und aus dem Vorschlag eines Kumpels, gemeinsam an einer Geschichte zu schreiben, wurde durch meinen Perfektionismus jetzt ein Projekt mit Worldbuilding, Kartenzeichnen und Gedanken über Charaktere, Völker, Rassen, Sprachen, Religionen und Geschichten meiner Welt (Ich denke jetzt is jedem klar, dass der bums ins genre Fantasy fällt).
Bevor ich jedoch beim basteln der Welt als Rahmen die Geduld verliere und von der schieren Arbeit und Komplexität überwältigt werde, haben wir uns entschlossen das Pferd vom anderen ende aufzuzäumen und fangen gleichzeitig mit dem Schreiben der ersten Kapitel an. Hierbei schreibt jeder von uns das Einführungskapitel zu seinem Hauptcharakter, die wir beide dann in gemeinsamen Kapiteln quasi als Rollenspiel schreiben. Ich bin nun an meinem Einführungskapitel und etwas hin- und hergereissen, was den Erzählstil angeht.
Mein Hauptproblem ist folgendes: Ich möchte beim Schreiben die Geschichte mit möglichst viel Hintergrundinfo zur Lore schmücken, im ersten Kapitel geht es also einmal um die Beschreibung des Protagonisten, des Ortes der Handlung und damit auch zur Geschichte des Orts und dessen Entstehung. Durch all die Hintergrundinfos gerät aber meiner Meinung nach die eigentliche Erzählung ins Stocken. Ich würde behaupten, dass meine Idee des Erzählstils stark von GRRM und seinen SOIAF-Romanen geprägt ist. Ich war immer sehr angetan von seinen Intro-Kapiteln, in denen die Handlung vordergründig ist und sofort Spannung aufgebaut wird. Irgendwie passt es aber dann nicht, dass ich erst vom angespannten Protagonisten schreibe, der gebannt eine Gasse entlang späht, während er sich in den Schatten einer Mauer duckt, um dann in den nächsten Absätzen erstmal die Stadt, deren Aufbau, Entstehung, Geschichte und Bewohner beschreibe, nur um dann, nach gefühlten SEiten von Text wieder zurück zur Handlung zu kommen.
Immer weider lese ich über die geschriebenen Passagen und ergänze dann mit Infos oder schreibe um, wenn mir etwas nicht passt. Bin ich da zu empfindlich oder was meint ihr?
Habt ihr Tipps für mich?
Vielen Dank für die Antworten im Voraus!
submitted by Set_Abominae1776 to schreiben [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:30 CaptainSmartbrick So I noticed my expedition base carried over to my normal save. Is this intended?
submitted by CaptainSmartbrick to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:30 Individual_Today_871 1999 HGTV Holiday Garden With Commercials
submitted by Individual_Today_871 to HGTV [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:30 All_ahma Need help in creating prompt.
Hi 👋 guys . Can any one help me in creating a prompt that summarize a chapter or a file .I need it only to two cute of 20% of the file . and include every thing like exercise. Examples. And every title and subtitles. They main thing that I can controller they way of summarizing.
submitted by All_ahma to ChatGPTPro [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:30 nPMarley Today on 'questions you should already know the answer to'…
submitted by nPMarley to Godzillamemes [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:30 RainOfExos White stuff stick out of display screen
Över MacBook Pro en go White stuff comin out of the this Place screen at try to move, IT, but, it’s like stuck to the display and is not dust. Anyone has any idea what this is?
submitted by RainOfExos to macbookpro [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:30 gogosep He’s had a little glow up I’d say… (‘92 Eunos Roadster V Special)
submitted by gogosep to Miata [link] [comments] |