What do you guys think about Donald Trump's supposed intentions to use impoundment to "cut waste, stop inflation, and crush the deep state"? Has he had a precedent in actually going through with decreasing the size of the coercive sector?

2024.11.29 19:50 Derpballz What do you guys think about Donald Trump's supposed intentions to use impoundment to "cut waste, stop inflation, and crush the deep state"? Has he had a precedent in actually going through with decreasing the size of the coercive sector?

submitted by Derpballz to austrian_economics [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 GoldFee8100 Idc How Limiting These Rules Are, I'm Having Fun

submitted by GoldFee8100 to lioden [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 Tacniss Ik denk dat ik opgelicht ben

Ik denk dat ik opgelicht ben Misschien ben ik paranoid of naïef, misschien allebei. Ik heb gisteren iets gekocht dat te mooi is om waar te zijn. De meeste advertenties die ik gekocht heb ging niet via Marktplaats en ik kreeg de objecten die ik betaald heb. Maar deze keer was anders. Omdat ik het gevoel heb dat ik opgelicht ben ging ik de volgende dag een nieuwe account maken om te gaan onderzoeken. Verkoper zei dat het nogsteeds beschikbaar is, ik vroeg of ze fotos kunnen maken voor de details van het object. Ze zei dat ze niet thuis zijn en gaf verder geen antwoord.
70euro zit niet in de honderden, maar het is toch wat veel geld.
Wat kan ik doen als ik toch opgelicht ben?
submitted by Tacniss to marktplaatsoplichters [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 Possible-Tennis4267 Wanna trade nudes. Just message me 😈👅😏

submitted by Possible-Tennis4267 to Nudes_Heaven [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 RepresentativeAct825 nobody luvs me 💔

nobody luvs me 💔 is what he was thinking as we reheated thanksgiving leftovers, probably
submitted by RepresentativeAct825 to goldenretrievers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 NoOne-SeesMe The event summed up for me

The event summed up for me submitted by NoOne-SeesMe to GoodPizzaGreatPizza [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 aussie-boy-22 One of my mods is disabling quick movement

Every turn, after turning on quick movement, the game turns it off after I clickthe next turn. Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by aussie-boy-22 to civ5 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 KPGNL The Finale Event with 4+ People

We wanted to do this all together... but we are over 4 people and what I remembered form back in the day dear was something to override with different groups in the same lobby of 4it.... but dass it still work and can it be done still with the upcoming event.
submitted by KPGNL to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 Viscerid Will guilds and their tabs carry over to poe2?

Couldn't find information about this so just figured i would ask in case this was addressed somewhere. The guild we have on poe1 has 30ish tabs, special tabs and whatnot; we were just discussing it and wondering if like regular tabs, the guild and its tabs will carry over from poe1 to poe2?
submitted by Viscerid to pathofexile [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 Country-guy20 Beast boy

Imagine Beast boy with the omnitrix.
submitted by Country-guy20 to DCcomics [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 sorrysandy2012 ok…

ok… idk what his reasoning for this is , again adding a random OLD picture of her in the middle of his daily story posts
submitted by sorrysandy2012 to MattyandGabbriette [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 Blackforesters Weintreffen Köln

Hallo zusammen, ich bin auf der Suche nach einer Weinrunde in Köln, in der man sich zur gemeinsamen Verkostung treffen kann. Mich reizt es sehr neue Weine zu entdecken. Das macht in Gesellschaft nicht nur mehr Spaß, sondern es kann natürlich auch eine deutlich größere Anzahl probiert werden. Würde mich über Hinweise freuen (:
submitted by Blackforesters to Wein [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 No_Environment_4329 New Player

Hi guys! I am new here and just want to ask if is it really worth it since i bought the deluxe plus bundle. Just recently have the funds to buy the game and really want to have before.
submitted by No_Environment_4329 to djmax [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 SeveralPresent1064 Experiencias gallas de sus supervisores o jefes teniendo ideas de negocios o productividad que al final fueron un fracaso total.

Ya sea que un día contrato un servicio más barato, botar a un empleado porque el otro medio que sabía lo mismo, o fulanito puede yo lo he visto, que experiencias irreales con sus jefes mente de tiburón han llegado a tener que duden de su capacidad de tener un salario más alto que el tuyo?
submitted by SeveralPresent1064 to Panama [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 KColagiovanni Should these holes be sealed up?

I went to my mom’s house and she said she noticed that the caulk needed to be redone in her shower and when I went to look it looked like it is left open intentionally. I’m thinking they might be drain holes in case the tub floods or some kind of vent. They are near the door in the same location on either side of the shower.
The house is a single story house on a concrete slab, was built in 2015ish, and is in the Central Valley of California. Thanks in advance.
submitted by KColagiovanni to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 iButch [R] Looking for piano/harp sheet music for The First Kiss (Ever After) - Geroge Fenton.

I have been searching for sheet music for this song on a few different sites. Does anyone happen to have this or know where I can find it? Is there a reliable way to have this transcribed? Any help is greatly appreciated!
submitted by iButch to sheetmusic [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 Niatpac CN Banner schedule part 3

CN Banner schedule part 3 https://preview.redd.it/tqm3uyvh8w3e1.png?width=933&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f441df2c1595f8d3b16acb4311dd9dabc14cf8e
Tishi | Ash Echoes | Prydwen Institute
Midas | Ash Echoes | Prydwen Institute
Long | Ash Echoes | Prydwen Institute
Lynn | Ash Echoes | Prydwen Institute
submitted by Niatpac to AshEchoesOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 _Filip_ 24 black friday emails

24 black friday emails Guys, it's nice to get promo info from time to time, but 24 black friday emails is just too much. Whoever designed the campaign must be nuts XD No, it's not my email being in there twice or anything , just outright stupid spam. (PS: I do own pod4 , so wtf is this anyway)
submitted by _Filip_ to EightSleep [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 Throwitawaynow578 People that build and sell PCs, what price point sells the most?

Just wondering what price point most people are buying.
submitted by Throwitawaynow578 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 ConnorManquen [WTS] Tudor Heritage Chronograph 70330N / Full Set

[WTS] Tudor Heritage Chronograph 70330N / Full Set submitted by ConnorManquen to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 Luucianna How old do I look?

How old do I look? submitted by Luucianna to SexyButNotNude [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 blachat [Homemade] Stuffed Mushrooms

[Homemade] Stuffed Mushrooms submitted by blachat to food [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 WishIWasBronze What is it like to taper from SSRIs like Lexapro to Methylene Blue?

Am taking Escitalopram right now
submitted by WishIWasBronze to methylene_blue [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 adhq This frost pattern on my car only occured twice in the last 28 years

This frost pattern on my car only occured twice in the last 28 years submitted by adhq to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:50 MoojiPooji D487 - Passed it First Try! :)

I spent hours reading through sub reddits on people’s opinions on this exam, and how they failed the first time. so it feels really good to get this off my chest first try. Took me a month of intermittent studying, but I feel like a stress-free angel 👼
Resources used: - the book provided by WGU. - the pre-assessment - Chat GPT
Strategy: For all the bolded terms/deliverables, I read them in depth and really made sure I knew everything top to bottom, including the diagrams. I also took notes and paraphrased the topics in my owns words on a google doc.
For everything else, I had a prompt in Chat GPT to summarize. I would just copy and paste the text into it and gave it a quick read.
submitted by MoojiPooji to WGUCyberSecurity [link] [comments]
