2024.11.29 19:31 Brilliant-Swing9047 BBQs MTKC4K

submitted by Brilliant-Swing9047 to unioncircle [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 lemkowidmak @PLLWaterdogs: turn on those notifications🚨

@PLLWaterdogs: turn on those notifications🚨 submitted by lemkowidmak to phillysports [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 HondUSA NGD: Ibanez Dread

NGD: Ibanez Dread I was in the market for an affordable acoustic/electric dread with a cutaway, spruce top, and low gloss finish… this checked all those boxes for me. I went back and forth between a couple and this one had the right punch.
submitted by HondUSA to AcousticGuitar [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 eternaloptimist198 Gastro virus reset my gut. Struggling!

I posted here the other day. I built up to 10 mg (7mg and 3) and then 14 (at least for a couple days) but then I got gastro virus and threw up and I swear it's like my gut is totally reset. When I previously had no effect on 7 mg, now I am taking it and nauseous and exhausted daily. I also finally fully feel the effects of it which is good. I still eat regularly but definitely reduced appetite. Weight is starting to come off. But I hate the side effects. Thinking of alternating with 3 mg every other day until I adjust. Someone who has been on this longer term please tell me it gets better! It's been a week feeling like this.
submitted by eternaloptimist198 to RybelsusPill [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 Alexander_Selkirk So wird der Klimawandel Deutschland verändern

So wird der Klimawandel Deutschland verändern submitted by Alexander_Selkirk to de [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 argonaut0 Metal Hurlant, Heavy Metal Launch Kickstarters At The Same Time

Metal Hurlant, Heavy Metal Launch Kickstarters At The Same Time submitted by argonaut0 to popgeeksnet [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 sunnygirl879 Awful quality but has anyone seen this marking before?

Awful quality but has anyone seen this marking before? submitted by sunnygirl879 to Hallmarks [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 gebicu we did it boys. the battle of spring 2018 is nearing the end. another one for the sharks.

we did it boys. the battle of spring 2018 is nearing the end. another one for the sharks. submitted by gebicu to MDC [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 AddyArt10 Do my paintings make you smile?

Do my paintings make you smile? submitted by AddyArt10 to spreadsmile [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 Final-Zebra-6370 Tesla Cybertruck Owner Finds His Cybertruck Leaking Oil, Now He Needs a $7,665 Motor Replacement

submitted by Final-Zebra-6370 to CyberStuck [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 mR_m1m3 cursed Alec

cursed Alec submitted by mR_m1m3 to cursedcomments [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 Diligent_Mousse7976 شروط المسابقة انك تدفع 300 الف جنيه

اي حد فقد الامل انه يخس او جرب كل الطرق ومش عارف ينزل وزن يكلمني خاص وانا هخليه يخس!! شروط دخول المسابقة :

تواصل معايا خاص !!!
submitted by Diligent_Mousse7976 to CAIRO [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 oktoall How do you organize your music?

New here and first post.
I went through my ✨ music app crisis ✨ and when I discovered smart playlists I was stuck with AM.
I made some cover for my playlists inspired by a post from a while back from right here, I'm sharing them with you.
Following this, what's your way of organizing your music?
submitted by oktoall to AppleMusic [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 khaledhn Sugar and Leo's Devil Fruits.

Sugar and Leo's Devil Fruits. Sugar and Leo's Devil Fruits have been revealed.
Source : Pew on X
submitted by khaledhn to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 croutonballs Destrounce Deck Guide

Destrounce Deck Guide Destrounce. Derived from the words Destroy (in latin this means stuff) and Bounce (english for b-ounce but in most of the normal world b-gram).
The purpose of this deck is to reduce, reuse, and recycle. This represents the three R’s in Marverl Snarp.
What are we bouncing and when are we gonna do it? Venom. Bounce this. Carnage. Bounce that. Yes and when? After turns 2 and 3 but probably not turn 6. In conclusion, we barely bounce.
How? Using the card Toxin is the preferred method. Cheap, effective, and cheap. You could use Beast, but this deck runs cheap. Think of the price of a bundle “for you” and divide by 200. That cheap.
Why is it so cheap? To facilitate playing cards over and over within six turns.
What else is cheap? Angel. Angel is so cheap you don’t even have to spend a dollar to get that kid down. This represents a transformational evolution in the deck to help bulk venom as fast as possible. The Hood Demon is another standard method.
Why do you want to bulk so fast? Well, since we barely bounce, we Frigga. Frigga your Death, Frigga your Carnage, Frigga your Venom, Frigga your Deadpool. Usually we want to Frigga on turns 4 and 5 so we need to work fast. The case could be made to call this deck Friggoy or even Destrigga if the Snap filters allow it.
Everything else is standard destroy. I’ve experimented with a few other cards like Wolverine, Moongirl, Arnim, Hulkbuster, Taskmaster etc. But I think it feels best when the costs are bargain and you can drop cards at will. And being able to redeploy and shift power around the board with Deadpool, Toxin, and Frigga’d cards make it unpredictable to predict. When the card costs are high it becomes slower and more predictable.
I’ve been trying to destrounce on and off since X23’s release and I think this list represents the first viable option. It’s not stupid broken power, but it’s relatively reliable and one of the more funnerer decks i’ve brewed.
submitted by croutonballs to marvelsnapcomp [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 Senior_Lock_5542 Coldplay tickets selling (Abu Dhabi)

Heyyy asalamalaikum. Looking to sell coldplay tickets because of visa issues if you wanna buy or know someone who is looking to hmu. :):)
submitted by Senior_Lock_5542 to karachi [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 Intelligent-Donkey80 Similar Boots?

Similar Boots? Hey I’m trying fo find some boots similar to these for this winter (lace up, furry, platform, stitching) but I’m having trouble finding some quite like this. Does anyone know of brands or boots that look similar to these? I really like the kind of overall texture they have.
submitted by Intelligent-Donkey80 to Boots [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 grebnedor Tesla Referral Code

Congrats on your new Tesla!
submitted by grebnedor to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 HaploOfTheLabyrinth Is Shadeur's arm strong enough to play in January in cold weather

Watching Tua play in Green Bay yesterday and how he kept throwing passes short into the dirt it made me wonder about Sanders. Most of the good AFC teams play outside in cold weather places and any future Raiders QB will need to play well in those places to have postseason success. Is Shadeur's arm strong enough to drive the ball through a snow storm or driving rain?
Is this a good enough reason to pick Cam instead since he has a much bigger arm?
submitted by HaploOfTheLabyrinth to raiders [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 PossibilityPlane1234 LF galarian moltres or cosmog evos unregistered offering pic

LF galarian moltres or cosmog evos unregistered offering pic You can also offer whatever for what I have
submitted by PossibilityPlane1234 to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 Outrageous_Wind_1666 Employee Of The Month! Thank You

Employee Of The Month! Thank You submitted by Outrageous_Wind_1666 to Dreamsnaps [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 Anon_Ymou5 Future Tides by artist Lee Oscar Meyer

Future Tides by artist Lee Oscar Meyer submitted by Anon_Ymou5 to ImaginaryVehicles [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 Emotional-Unit-3798 My feed is my own personal Hell now And it just gets worse all the time and I never click on them!

Make it stop
they are doing too much
I must’ve have jumped out of my chair
stop looking at me
submitted by Emotional-Unit-3798 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 HRCStanley97 My idea for an Earth-3 mirror universe Emotional Spectrum

I don't know if anyone have had a similar idea before, but I thought I'd give my own little idea on how I'd imagine a mirror universe Earth-3 version of the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum and the respective corps would or could be like:

submitted by HRCStanley97 to GreenLanternCorps [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:31 eomeninu Larguei uma bufa e cheirou muito mal, ha ha ha sou altamente, é fim de semana

quero tudo ábanar, bota lume moço 🤙...
submitted by eomeninu to portugal2 [link] [comments]