I’m selling these 3 wigs in my album

2024.11.29 19:29 Massive-Expert-4175 I’m selling these 3 wigs in my album

Hello I’m selling these3 wigs if anyone is interested. Let me know and I’ll reserve it for you my name on stardoll is jasmine19993
submitted by Massive-Expert-4175 to StarDoLL [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 yermumsmells Im turning 16 in a couple weeks and im terrified

Im turning 16 on December 14th and Im dreading it. Like, to the point that it keeps me awake at night.
I basically have no social life, havent had a friend in 4 or 5 years bc im so vastly different to my peers. Ive been struggiling with depression that has gotten more severe the last couple of months because I have S.A.D (seasonal affectiveness disorder) I havent made any accomplishments, I dont have hobbies, Im failing school and I dont leave my house. I feel like im wasting my life away, and im trying my best to deal with everything but I dont have the strength to even remotely enjoy things anymore.
I feel like im running out of time and my life's slowly falling apart. Im going to inevtiably fail school and dissapoint everyone. I feel like I just need a good kick up the ass, but no one cares enough to even check in on me.
No to mention that I dont feel like ive grown up/ matured at all. My interests are childish (E.g videogames, Studio Ghibli etc.) I just feel like im going through the motions. Not living.
submitted by yermumsmells to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 shmavyyy i’ll join the 200mil club if this gets 0 likes

submitted by shmavyyy to Pepecryptocurrency [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 elgordosamottt Qué juegos tipo Elder Scrolls me recomiendan?

Onda RPG, ponele, parecido al Morrowind. No importa si es del 5000 antes de cristo o del 2024
submitted by elgordosamottt to JugARG [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 Poilichonne 5500 gone raffle

submitted by Poilichonne to polyGONE [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 xatfi Tyyneltämereltä paljastui uusi salakuljetus­reitti: Erikoisvalmisteiset veneet vievät kokaiinia hurjan matkan Kolumbiasta suoraan Australiaan

Tyyneltämereltä paljastui uusi salakuljetus­reitti: Erikoisvalmisteiset veneet vievät kokaiinia hurjan matkan Kolumbiasta suoraan Australiaan submitted by xatfi to Uutiset [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 winterwarn Dead Man Walking (Act 4 Void Shadows Spoilers)

submitted by winterwarn to RogueTraderCRPG [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 silicone_dreams New to baking. Are these cookies too flat?

New to baking. Made these cookies for Friendsgiving. Did they come out too flat? Put in the oven from frozen for 20 min
submitted by silicone_dreams to DessertPerson [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 hawkeyedude1989 Explain this one to me

Explain this one to me submitted by hawkeyedude1989 to F150Lightning [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 Director-Atreides Alcamoth (Spoilers)

Man, post-attack Alcamoth has made me really sad. Finding the mixed race High Entia refugees and talking to them about how their transformed friends spared them, or even saved them, and popping into Alcamoth itself and just seeing it overrun with telethia I am not quite tough enough to face yet is just heart breaking. Whenever I find a named High Entia I know from a previous quest line, I just want to hug them. And now a Nopon at Frontier Village has just asked me to put down five of his old friends because it's what they'd want 😭
I really love the High Entia generally, so this has been heart breaking.
The thing is, I played XBC1 right when it first came out on the Wii, and I could have sworn one of the plot points turned them all back, and Alcamoth returned essentially to normal. But I played right up until the Dickson fight, then reloaded my save right before it because I wasn't expecting to be flung at the final boss right after, and now I'm trying to complete as many quests as possible (though I'm a little worried I'm locked out of some - I didn't get Reyn's 4th skill branch yet and cannot find it anywhere) and.. well.. it's looking like I misremembered. A lot of my High Entia buddies are really gone. Poor Melia 😢
submitted by Director-Atreides to Xenoblade_Chronicles [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 benJAHman_420 Sun came out today

Sun came out today submitted by benJAHman_420 to beards [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 nvtrung924 Caffeine and sleep deprivation fueled dilemma

Caffeine and sleep deprivation fueled dilemma submitted by nvtrung924 to trolleyproblem [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 Negative_Ladder_431 Tips getting this off?

Tips getting this off? I am trying to replace the gas control valve on my water heater and the last guy who replaced it made it near impossible to get the unit off. Tips are greatly appreciated!
submitted by Negative_Ladder_431 to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 UncaTedd Black knives

Black knives submitted by UncaTedd to knifeclub [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 DollarForYourDreams Pacheco, Hunt, or Jennings for Flex?

Pacheco is back but I’m not sure if KC will ease him back in vs. LV.
Who should I start as a flex?
submitted by DollarForYourDreams to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 Ballgargler7672 Broken hand lead to no sex drive

Hello I (21m)broke my hand on the last night of September and have since been recovering had surgery had pins removed and all but emotionally been stunted I can barely get an errection in general not just around my partner and emotionally can’t really find comfort in anything would really appreciate some help as it’s made me scared I lost feelings for them
submitted by Ballgargler7672 to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 Cizilio Sou babaca por ter sido grosso com um idoso que fechou o acesso à calçada?

A situação é a seguinte: a tia da minha noiva faleceu hj e ela ficou arrasada com isso e conseguiu um atestado pra sair do local de trabalho e se unir com a família. Eu estava a aguardando na casa da mãe dela e ela me liga dizendo q o carro dela estava preso num estacionamento e que não conseguiria sair. Fui ao seu encontro e ao chegar no local vi que o acesso que a impedia de sair com o carro fora bloqueado por cones velhos. Ela me disse que não teve coragem de tirar pq o idoso olhou pra ela com cara feia e por isso ficou intimidada. Fui nos cones, na frente do idoso e tirei e falei que ele não poderia fazer isso por ser área pública. O mesmo me indagou quem eu era pra falar com tamanha autoridade. Eu disse que eu era advogado e sabia do q tava falando, que não era certo bloquear um espaço público. O idoso começou e me xingar, dizendo que eu não era ninguém e que advogado não era nada. Eu retruquei de forma ríspida e disse e disse que advogado pode tirar dinheiro de gente folgada e errada. Nisso o filho dele veio e minha noiva se desesperou, pedindo por favor pra parar a briga e que não tinha intenção de confusão. O filho dele atendeu o pedido e começou a aumentar a voz me chamando de mal educado e que o pai dele é idoso e tem pressão alta. Achei que o mesmo viesse me agredir. Após retirar o carro eu saí e eles ficaram me xingando e eu disse que denunciaria a situação do bloqueio à polícia e de fato fiz isso. Chegando na casa da minha sogra a minha noiva veio me repreender dizendo que fui muito mal educado com o idoso e que eu não tinha razão e bla bla bla. Fiquei bem pensativo se relembrar eu fui errado em ser firme com ele. A intenção era eu mesmo retirar os cones e minha noiva sair com o carro e eu nem discutir com a pessoa, somente denunciar a situação, mas minha namorada teimou em não sair e ficar com medo da confusão. Fiquei muito triste e pensativo com isso e de fato eu não estava num bom dia, já era meio dia e não tinha sequer tomado café da manhã e lidar com a situação do falecimento da tia da minha noiva. Dito isso acham que fui babaca?
submitted by Cizilio to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 NewEnglandPrepper2 [Amazon] Bonide Fruit Tree & Plant Guard Concentrate Multi-Purpose Fungicide, Insecticide & Miticide, 32 oz. - $18.17 (was $48.99)

submitted by NewEnglandPrepper2 to preppersales [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 sachi3 Can this fit gamesir cyclone 2?

Can this fit gamesir cyclone 2? submitted by sachi3 to Controller [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 Teffann Like what am I supposed to talk about 😭😭

Like what am I supposed to talk about 😭😭 submitted by Teffann to Dexter [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 RedVsBlueReddit Need a shoulder to lean on or someone to vent with?

So as the title says I'm opening up the floor for anyone who just needs a shoulder to lean on (metaphorically) or just needs to vent what's on their mind. I know holidays are stressful for many and we often just don't have that someone to turn to and hear us out of just lean against and take a long deep breath.
If it makes it easier, you're welcome to DM me. PS, I may take a little bit to reply so please be patient with me.
Thank you,
submitted by RedVsBlueReddit to venting [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 Evening_Warthog_8870 how can a person learn about networks?

submitted by Evening_Warthog_8870 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 Plant-boii Gaming laptop in Europe (Poland) for out-of-touch elder millennial

submitted by Plant-boii to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 Nolan4sheriff Noctigon m44 hank light water damage?

Hi, I think my flashlight may have gotten wet, to cause this, but if anyone has experienced this or knows a cause/fix please let me know. The light currently only works consistently at full power and when I go to dim it it dims right away to very low power or just completely shuts off. It also dims and brightens choppily.
submitted by Nolan4sheriff to flashlight [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:29 wewdwtnizrub Codeacedemy Promo Code Black Friday

Discover the Codeacedemy Promo Code Black Friday
Looking for Discounts at Codeacedemy in November 2024? Get the Best Deals with Promo Codes, Coupons, and More!
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to blackfridayisnoww [link] [comments]
