When's the next Knulli release?

2024.11.29 19:35 rootbeer_racinette When's the next Knulli release?

I can see in the git history that there's a change that allows the device to turn off after the lid has been closed for a while but the last release tag is from 5 months ago in July.
Is there ever going to be another Knulli release?
submitted by rootbeer_racinette to RG35XXSP [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 Nico-321 West London to rest bay (wales) return trip tomorrow

Planning to go to rest bay tomorrow is a 4-5h drive leaving early morning and back around 5pm.
Leaving from West London text me if you are interested, petrol money split equally
submitted by Nico-321 to surfuk [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 shiny-baby-cheetah We got the results today. He has aggressive liver & pancreatic cancer. We have the weekend with him, and then we're saying goodbye. I'm shattered

We got the results today. He has aggressive liver & pancreatic cancer. We have the weekend with him, and then we're saying goodbye. I'm shattered My partner and I got him as teens. We raised him together - he's our precious baby. Getting him as a kitten honestly helped pull me back from the ledge, when I was deep in depression from the loss of my sister. I don't know what to do without him. I have such endless love for him, and I feel like the pain of it persevering after he's gone is going to break me. He was going to turn 14 in April. We loved throwing him parties. This all happened so fast.
I'm lost
submitted by shiny-baby-cheetah to cats [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 StrictInternet9716 Shambhavi

Shambhavi submitted by StrictInternet9716 to Shambhavi_singhrajput [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 mekhanem upvote please thx!

i want to post on like advice and mental health forums and i'm karma broke thx!
submitted by mekhanem to commentkarma4u [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 FutureAnxiety679 Showcase Question

I just pulled a Rex showcase. I’m not sure if I should keep it to make a Rex deck or trade it for a Jabba or Ahsoka Showcase (which I have decks for)?
Any and all help/discussion welcomed!
submitted by FutureAnxiety679 to starwarsunlimited [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 Civil_engineer_7185 TC mock

Hey guys. Did the TC mock with Kaplan and the exam is in a week and a bit. Got 53.
Will I be okay? I still haven’t learn shit for Vat and lost marks on overlap profits cos I didn’t learnt that either but I really wanted to pass
submitted by Civil_engineer_7185 to ICAEW [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 DryMouthKitty Avatar: The Last Airbender Wholesome GIF Competition

Avatar: The Last Airbender Wholesome GIF Competition Greetings friends!
Today we are featuring a GIF competition from the IronGif community using content from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
The rules are simple: Watch the GIFs (or videos) below, and then go to the Straw Poll link to vote for your favorite one!
https://strawpoll.com/05Zdzvv4Dn6 Tea with Iroh - u/bloopledebleep1
How to make the best tea - u/QuicklyThisWay
It eventually gets better - u/Sennen-Goroshi
Me and my buddy fishing for some wholesome content in these dark times - u/ThisIsFips
There’s always something new on the horizon - u/USSRsuicide
MRW I make too much pasta once again - u/TheBigCheese146
Thank you to all of the participants and all of you for watching and voting!
If you are interested in learning more about making GIFs and how to participate in future competitions, check out IronGif and their Discord.
submitted by DryMouthKitty to wholesomememes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 Mattistuta88 Please be gentle on our team, guys

Please be gentle on our team, guys We need some confidence…
submitted by Mattistuta88 to belgianfootball [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 bbgarnett Widvine Level on Tablet

Hello, so if I have a tablet that has Widvine L1 but it might not have the Netflix certification can you still download Netflix for offline viewing? If so will you be allowed to download in FHD or will they be in 480P like it would be if you were to stream it.
submitted by bbgarnett to netflix [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 brownbrady Can my client administrators view the websites I visit through Cloudflare Zero Trust even when disconnected?

I'm a freelancer and one of my clients required me to install Cloudflare Zero Trust. I use the same computer for personal use. During startup, I get this notice from the Windows tray icon called "WARP by Cloudflare Zero Trust" that reads:
The following information may be viewed by administrators from your organization:

I understand that when I am connected, the data will be encrypted. My question is: can the administrators still view the websites I visit and the times I visited them when I am disconnected? I use this same computer for my other clients too and do not want them to see that activity or I may have to use a dedicated PC for this client which requires Cloudflare Zero Trust.
submitted by brownbrady to CloudFlare [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 Available-Aioli303 Team coffee and meal expense

Hi for team coffee and lunch, do I use the engagement wbs code i’m working for or G&A? I forgot to ask my team and it’s the holidays now. Thanks in advance
submitted by Available-Aioli303 to PwC [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 Responsible_Year7585 K0NJP4

submitted by Responsible_Year7585 to publicmobilereferrals [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 PandaPrime045 Okay what the fu-

Okay what the fu- I mean yea Danny and Zeek are best friends but this!?
submitted by PandaPrime045 to HazbinHotelOCArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 AdministrativeBar847 UofT Eng Personal Statement

Writing this optional personal statement about what inspired me to be an engineer. But the prompt specifies "Use this space to tell the admissions committee any additional information regarding your academic history (e.g. repeated courses, courses taken outside your school or special academic programs you have participated in. In addition, Feel free to speak about challenges you’ve overcome (or still face) or opportunities that helped facilitate your success."
Is it okay to write about why I want to be an engineer and what I want to do in the future, or would it be misuse of this space?
submitted by AdministrativeBar847 to OntarioGrade12s [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 thewolf251 Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta, Georgia

Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta, Georgia submitted by thewolf251 to CemeteryPorn [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 AnonAnoner Was it delayed grief?

I don't even know where to start. I need some advice and wisdom because I'm lost and shattered right now.
I had been dating a guy for about 7 months. Everything was good, we had good communication, good sex life, he gave me a key to his apartment and id been sleeping there for several months. We even booked a cruise together.
When we got together we both had recently ended bad relationships. He told me of how they would break up and get back together often. That his ex would always put him down, told him he was only good for sex, was always fighting with him and frequently falsely accusing him of cheating. They'd gone on a 10 day vacation and didn't interact because they'd gotten into a fight. She wanted him to move an hour away with her and he didn't want that. This all added to them breaking up after being together 3.5 years.
Three weeks ago:
He had a dream where the ex died. He tried to shake it but couldn't (his ex before her did pass away suddenly and I know he blames himself for that some). He ended up calling her. She was fine but told him she was with someone and happy now.
This got in his head, he became depressed. After a few days he opened up and let me know what was going on in his head. Our vacation cruise was only a few days away and he didn't want to keep it from me, and/or let the thoughts follow us on vacation.
I listened and told him I understood, he shouldn't be ashamed, he was human and he probably never processed the grief of their break up given how he met me right after. It didn't change anything and I'd be there for him.
After this discussion he seemed lighter for that day.
However, the next day he spiraled hard. I think he ended up contacting her again to talk things through but she ignored him.
He texted me that night, drunk, saying I'm too good for him, I deserve better and should move on. How he was a horrible person. He fucked up letting her go. He was adamant. We texted back and forth for a few hours like this.
I went to his apartment like usual that night and waited for him to come home. I wanted to talk and work it out. He didn't come home until around 3, and passed out immediately because he was so drunk.
The next day when he woke up it was much the same. He was depressed over losing her, and told me even though I've made him happy the last 7 months, I didn't do anything wrong, I was "perfect" but it wouldn't work. He wanted us to go on our cruise and have a nice week together, then separate.
I'm not sure how, but eventually we got to a point where we were gonna figure it out together and work on things.
Now we're on the cruise and she texts him asking how his vacation was going.
He spirals again. More of the same. How he messed up letting her walk out of his life, she was his soulmate, etc.
This goes on for the whole week. He'd have small moments of clarity, he'd have moments of deep anger, or he would go into despair and depression.
I keep supporting him, trying to lift him up, remind him of everything he told me about their relationship, everything family told me about her, that she and their relationship was toxic. He won't hear it, his mind has forgotten all the bad and only recalls the good.
He's determined that it can work, they've changed and grown, etc. He's ready to go scorched earth on anyone who speaks Ill of his decision. Ready to write off his family for her. Ready to move an hour away to be with her, even though he never wanted that previously.
After we come back from the cruise, we go to his apartment, and I gather my things, I cry not knowing what's ahead. Again, he assured me we will figure it out, not to cry.
He calls me later and asks me to come over, I come. He's depressed again. Saying he needs her, he needs to fix things, he'll move mountains to fix things. He says he doesn't wanna be alone and asks me to sleep over. I oblige.
I try and be supportive, and listen. Reminding him we were happy, and that's what he wanted, that's why they broke up, he was miserable. He just can't remember this.
Next morning I go home to take care of my dog and text him around 11 to check on him. He breaks up with me, via text. I beg him not to. He calls himself a coward because he can't face me.
He's adamant it's what's best for me, and for him to keep trying to win her back, despite her telling him numerous times she was happy now, she wouldn't meet him to talk, and to go fix things with me.
I finally get him to agree to do this in person, I should deserve at least that, right?
Over the next few days we talk here and there. Some normal regular conversations, others about what's going on. Occasionally he's accepted they won't be together and he needs to work on himself and move on, even if it means he's alone forever because she was the one. Other times he's determined to keep fighting and get her back.
Finally on Thursday (Thanksgiving) he texts me and says I can come over for that talk. The break up talk.
I stall a bit, but finally go. He breaks up with me, saying he doesn't feel for me what I feel for him. That in seven months he could never say he loved me because he was still in love with her, he just didn't realize until the dream. I deserve better, I did nothing wrong, I was a perfect girlfriend, but he is going to keep fighting for her, no matter how long it takes, and how he's treating me isn't right or fair.
He asks me to respect his decision and what he needs for himself right now.
Unfortunately, I do argue with him, I again try and push for him to go to therapy, which he says he doesn't need because he's thinking clearer than ever before.
I beg him not to do this, I don't wanna lose him, even after all this, but we end up fighting, I got angry, yelled a lot, felt sorry for myself, asked why he even wasted my time at the start, etc. he said some mean things that I'm not sure he meant.
He got a text from her while I was there that sent him spiraling again, another no, and he essentially kicked me out.
I get to my car and he calls me - he's followed me. He apologized for kicking me out, asked I not hold this against him. I apologize too and ask the same. He asked me to take something i left behind, a present he got me for my birthday. It was the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever gotten me and meant the world to me. I said I couldn't, at least not yet. He offered to hold it until I was ready. He asked for his keys back but when I reached for them I began to cry and he said nevermind, we didn't have to do that now.
Later he texted me to offer a plate of food from his family's thanksgiving, I accepted as they cook amazingly. Dunno how or when, but the offer was kind.
He texted me again around 10pm to ask wyd. I was visiting with my best friend who was in town for the holiday, and the conversation didn't go anywhere.
So yeah, that's my story. If you read this word vomit, thank you. I needed to get it out. Ive been told I doged a bullet, but it doesn't feel that way. I feel broken. I know I'll be okay, but I miss him terribly.
submitted by AnonAnoner to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 Ern8897 Fat bike hub help

Bought a fat bike off bikes direct several months ago, link below. Had some random "clunk" feels in riding it but could never figure out exactly what it was. Redid the preload on the head tube, checked brakes, etc. Was showing it off to a buddy and he noticed some play on the rear wheel.
I took photos and a video and sent it to bikes direct and they informed me that I was missing the hub end cap and that it was probably stuck to some of the packing material. Obviously I didn't still have the any of that from nearly 6 months ago so I asked if they could send me one. Since they receive the bikes direct (heh) from the factory, they don't have spare parts. But they also couldn't tell me a part number for the hub, or even a manufacturer for it, and were unable or unwilling to request it from the manufacturer.
Took it to a couple different bike shops and after some trial and error, found one that is close but not exact. I'm hoping that someone here either has the bike or knows better what manufacturer it is so I can get an exact replacement.
Link to bike: https://www.bikesdirect.com/products/prime-bicycles/prime-fat-bikes-wide-tire-mountain-bikes.htm
submitted by Ern8897 to cycling [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 Consistent-Pain-1290 Unused GI bill...

Retired Army veteran here. While I was in the service, I managed to complete my bachelor’s degree (I already had my associate’s and used Tuition Assistance to finish the rest). I’ve got a decent job now making $90k salary, but I’m starting to think about how I can maximize my GI Bill benefits.
I don’t have a spouse or kids, so I’m in a good position to dedicate time to further education. I could start using my GI Bill right away to pursue another degree, but I’m not sure what path would be the most beneficial. My current job is okay, but I’d like to aim for something that pays more and challenges me.
Are there any specific degrees or fields you’d recommend that could open up higher-paying opportunities? I’d love to hear your thoughts or advice on the best way to use the GI Bill to level up my career.
submitted by Consistent-Pain-1290 to Veterans [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 Wise_Information4082 Boss spawns are so tedious

Hello, i've started playing about 2 weeks ago and i'm 40 hours in on hard difficulty but i'm about to quit. I am probably doing something wrong but crafting boss spawners Is so annoying. On hard difficulty i get 2/3 shot by pretty much everything so i end up having to craft multiple boss spawners just to learn their movesets. I've been dragging myself through this problem since the omoroth fight which wasn't hard but i spent like 2 hours looking for shells to craft the locator. Today i tried fighting druidra and spent like 4 hours looking for a single jungle Emerald (i got like 5 of the other bosses gems before the Emerald too) and when i spawned the boss It used the Roar Attack and One shot me. Now i just can't get myself to look for another emerald. I'll eventually try again( maybe with Friends since i feel like that could make farming less boring) but it's such a shame that i've got this issue with the game since there a lot to be appreciated in core keeper. (Base building Is a lot of fun, boss fight are actually cool when you get to the actual fight and the game looks very pretty)
submitted by Wise_Information4082 to CoreKeeperGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 shabalabdaba Giving away tickets to the class!

Giving away tickets to the class! Follow us on instagram, Facebook, or TikTok comment that you’ve followed us for a chance to win tickets to the classes tomorrow! Roseandblossomspokane TikTok Roseandblossomflorist instagram Rose and blossom Facebook
submitted by shabalabdaba to Spokane [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 quellaman Bologna FC confirms data breach after RansomHub ransomware attack

Bologna FC confirms data breach after RansomHub ransomware attack submitted by quellaman to InfoSecNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 No_Badger7631 Anyone got planet munchies like me and cyn or is it just us?

submitted by No_Badger7631 to MurderDronesOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 nonwalter [Amazon] Various Artists - Black Panther: The Album (Music From And Inspired By The Film) [2xLP] - $29.97

Various Artists - Black Panther: The Album - $29.97 @ Amazon direct
submitted by nonwalter to VinylDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:35 MarioFan-908 Anyone ever heard Eurovision songs in public transport ?

For me, it was today, I was taking the bus from school (I live in France) when, suddenly, I hear Hurricane (Israel 2024) by Eden Golan. Did something like this ever happen to you ?
submitted by MarioFan-908 to eurovision [link] [comments]
