2024.11.29 19:50 Tay-Cookie I love her so much (which she could have talked in the episode )
submitted by Tay-Cookie to HelluvaBoss [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:50 Atlus_Shadwmane Faunamae Cere'nis
submitted by Atlus_Shadwmane to Hololive [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 19:50 Celtic_Crown Trey Miguel will miss Turning Point tonight due to travel complications, a replacement will be named tonight.
submitted by Celtic_Crown to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:50 ElectronicBus9537 Subletting - Province Rochester Apartments
Hi everyone!
My name is Maggie and I am currently a senior in the Advertising Photography program at RIT! I am doing a study away program in New York City and seeking for someone to sublet my room.
I currently live in an apartment at The Province Rochester with a couple of other women, and we are trying to find another woman to move in for the spring semester. The apartment is on the first level, and we are always neat and considerate of each other's space and communal areas. It is a nice apartment on the first level in the back of the complex! P.S. One of my roommates owns guinea pigs <3
Please reach out to me via email if you are looking for a place to live near RIT in the spring semester.
Email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Thank you :]
submitted by ElectronicBus9537 to rit [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:50 MrTumnus26 🔥 Guy filming resting Sharks & then...
submitted by MrTumnus26 to theMorans [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:50 Even_Attitude4832 I can't stop drawing JoJo
submitted by Even_Attitude4832 to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 19:50 Low_Initial_3714 A not angry monkey
Its just yawning, I waited for the perfect moment. Luckily got it submitted by Low_Initial_3714 to photo [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 19:50 oskirq Just did this trade for MFR dal , was this a W for me ? (I'm left)
submitted by oskirq to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 19:50 Imsucharookie So where’s the .38 guy I guess I’m still right for the 10th time these last 6months, enjoy the ride fellow dogers. Break out is a week away or two
submitted by Imsucharookie to dogecoin [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:50 TheFirstDecade Do y'all ever just have a badnik you seem really attached to for some reason? Im attached to this cool'n'cute lil' gadget cuz of his looks, i'd have one as a pet. :3 ("Sasori", Japanese for "Scorpion". never had a localized English name like all Sonic CD Badniks as far as i recall.)
submitted by TheFirstDecade to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 19:50 Vegetable_Federal Juice's album is growing on me
anyone else feel like that?? submitted by Vegetable_Federal to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 19:50 sudon_- What did you guys read(books,manga etc)/watch(movies tv shows) this month...?
was busy this month studying for exam and stuff...
but i just started watching the penguin series and reading 2666 by roberto bolano... what about you guys?
submitted by sudon_- to AskIndia [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:50 DWSmoot09 Need some expert support.
Looking at a so called “Vintage” Chore Coat with no tags. Anyone recognize the front pocket patch color on this! Personally have not seen it before in black and white. Thanks in advance! submitted by DWSmoot09 to Carhartt [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 19:50 bennis_the_yoofer What is wrong with my rajah's
Two of my nepenthes rajah plants have new leaves that look gray and I'm concerned. What could be the cause and how do I save them? submitted by bennis_the_yoofer to SavageGarden [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 19:50 DistributionGold8540 Lease Y or 3?
With the end of year discounts in addition to the lease prices coming down over time and now being able to buy the car post-lease, the question now comes up, should I lease a new Y or 3? I understand the Y is about to get refreshed any minute now, and the 3 is the nicer and newer platform, but I wanted some thoughts from you guys on what you think. The space isn't needed with the Y, but it can be nice to have. I currently own a 3 with FSD, and I'd sell it and move over to a lease without FSD, just because as it currently stands I think FSD only makes sense for me as an occasional thing.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by DistributionGold8540 to TeslaLounge [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:50 DreadUlbricht 2 + 2 Ticket Dates Blacked Out
I am getting ready to purchase tickets for my girlfriend as a Christmas gift for us to take a vacation on our anniversary this year at the end of April. I saw the 2 + 2 tickets and thought they would work great, but noticed that it blacks out dates a few days before our Anniversary on the 29th. I know that you have 7 days to use the 4 days of passes, but if I choose the last date before the blocked days, will we still be able to attend the dates that are not available? I can't figure out why they are blocked out considering that non-deal tickets have those days open for ticket purchases. Am I just missing something, or will I just need to suck it up and pay the extra, or can I get the last available date and still go on our anniversary since it will be within the 7 day frame?
submitted by DreadUlbricht to UniversalOrlando [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:50 thomasson94 AITA for feeling upset about my GF (22F) spending time with her former hookup while disliking my past hookup friendship?
I (23M) have been with my girlfriend for seven months, and things are getting serious. She’s bisexual and had a sexual relationship with her best friend in the past. They’re still very close and hang out 1-2 times a week, go to concerts, and take trips together.
Before we started dating, I hooked up twice with someone I’m still friends with, but I only see that friend in group settings now. My girlfriend doesn’t like her and has made it clear she’s uncomfortable with me being around her, yet I’m expected to be fine with her spending so much time with her former hookup.
It feels like a double standard, but I’m not sure if I’m overreacting. AITA for being upset and wanting to bring this up?
TL;DR: My (23M) bisexual GF (22F) sees her former hookup (best friend) weekly but dislikes a friend I hooked up with twice. Feels like a double standard this text sorry
submitted by thomasson94 to AITAH [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:50 xasthur07 Maria Simina Custura
submitted by xasthur07 to VolleyballGirls [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 19:50 Omg_No_Whey Codes
submitted by Omg_No_Whey to Goatapp [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:50 Distinct_Community79 Injection site
Anyone know if any one location is more effective I’ve always done side of thigh or my underarm but have read that stomach is more effective. I have stretch marks so I was always afraid since the instructions say to avoid stretch marks. Any thoughts
submitted by Distinct_Community79 to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:50 JaeFinley Making dumplings with Thanksgiving leftovers
Normally the meat in my dumplings would be raw before I cooked them—but is there a way to do this with cooked turkey, or would it just become too dry to be worthwhile? Was thinking that I could cook them a little less than I normally do, accept the fact one side won’t be crispy the way we like it. Seems more fun than the normal post-Thanksgiving sandwich.
submitted by JaeFinley to Cooking [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:50 BusinessArtichoke193 Saca essa belezinha (ta colorida por causa do flesh)
Ela entrou no meu quarto, era tão grande q achei q fosse um um pássaro, ai peguei ela usando uma camisa e depois soltei fora de casa... submitted by BusinessArtichoke193 to BiologiaBrasil [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 19:50 loresaka bug siren 9mm grátis
Eu estava vendo aqui meu warzone e acabei descobrindo que a siren 9mm tá paga em um pacote. A arma é atualmente mais forte que mta smg isso se não for a mais forte, ela mata com 4 tiros close e pra quem tá achando que isso é pay2win, como eu também acho, eu descobri que tem um bug no armeiro que você consegue equipar ela sem ter comprado o pacote, é realmente bem simples, você só precisa ir na arma secundária, clicar nela, abrir a parte de bundles (aperta r1 ou rb), estando lá vai mostrar a blueprint, voce segura o quadrado (X no xbox e R no pc), a arma equipa sozinha, isso ja quebra um galho gigante, além do que a activision ta claramente mexendo no evento para dar uma desacelerada nas kills, pra farmar mais dinheiro no bundle
submitted by loresaka to codbr [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 19:50 petkitty3728929 I can’t take it anymore 💔
i can’t take it anymore bro 💔 im gonna end it. i can’t live without music and especially without these songs bro 😔 why did he do this 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 AtlancicRecrodsK 🖕 submitted by petkitty3728929 to osamason [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 19:50 richtallgirl Kai should react to the or what orchestrated mix
submitted by richtallgirl to KaiCenat [link] [comments] |