Lisa at the Aquarium

“Mona Lisa”. 1506, Musée du Louvre, Paris, France. 如果图片在博物馆网站上有展示,可以在参考文献列表中添加网址。 在文中引用图片处,可以这样简单引用——只列出作者的姓氏,例如: 英文名称:《Neural Networks and Deep Learning》 本书是一本非常优秀的深度学习入门书籍,内容非常深入浅出,讲解神经网络和深度学习技术,侧重于阐释深度学习的核心概念。 老板叫我负责劳动合同的签订,规定只签订一年的固定期限劳动合同,又说一个月试用期太短,叫我改成三个月… Hi there, I have both my LISA and SIPP with AJ bell. I have been considering opening an ISA to invest small amounts for the coming 10 years or so. After doing some research, I decided to go with trading212 because as far as I read it is “free” my questions are : Lisa 疯马秀(2002电影) 近日,韩女团Blackpink成员lisa要参加巴黎疯马秀的消息刷爆了网络,广大网友也被科普了何为疯马秀,让大家增长了不少见识。 那么前面说了欧美的奢侈品销售圈是以疯马秀作为推动力量的,这使得欧美的奢侈品不得不对中国大陆市场虎视眈眈,碍于中国的“零容忍”政策,于是从Lisa这个在中国拥有大量粉丝,并且作为LV三公子女朋友的外国人身份去“试试水”即便被抵制也不会像中国法律那样直接抓人坐牢,同理,杨颖等 ... 为什么什么lisa angelbaby MJ 侃爷跟它也有关?它又有哪些值得关注的信息? LISA without indexing on cap. Is it sensible to advise young people to commit to a lisa where there is no indexation on the £450K house limit? Imagine saving in there for 15 years without the limit lifting. I think it's irresponsible to be tied into something that has no guarantees around it. November 2024 Grocery Challenge. Welcome to the eleventh Grocery Challenge of 2024! ***** Please post your budget in BOLD and HEADING 2 ***** If your new month starts early feel free to join this thread, or if you're still working on your October Budget then keep on posting in the October Challenge.

2024.11.29 19:39 Hour-Syllabub-9822 Lisa at the Aquarium

Lisa at the Aquarium We can’t sleep on Baby Gorgeous looking like seaweed!
submitted by Hour-Syllabub-9822 to rhoslc [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 Terrible-Ride7511 Thinkpad for CAD 900?

Is this a good price including tax for below config? I am confused as list price is around CAD 3300.
T14 Gen 4 i5 1335u 16gb ram, 512 gb ssd
submitted by Terrible-Ride7511 to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 isaacs_ How it started, how it's going

How it started, how it's going Sometimes you have to optimize for deliciousness at the expense of structural integrity, is a thing that got me kicked out of architectural school.
submitted by isaacs_ to evilautism [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 Excellent_Put_3676 You want 2 grand for it?

I’ll give you 300 bucks, and that’s cash
submitted by Excellent_Put_3676 to pawnstars [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 searched4acoolname Feels

Feels Diamond eyes makes me feel like Chino is holding our hand and taking us away, somewhere into the space. Not in a romantic way, but like some estranged souls from the world who want to get way from all that shidd and find some inner peace. This song gives me hope, that this place exists. A warm, peaceful place.
What song makes you feel weird feelings (good or bad)?
submitted by searched4acoolname to deftones [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 Calm-Control-8938 Mh kid is being bullied because of her clothes and the mom if the bully is even proud of her son.

My kid lost weight because she was hospitalized and in results most of her clothes were baggy. I was also in between jobs for months which made it harder.
I like I am to be blamed for all of this since I cannot provide the care that she deserves or get her new clothes. Even going to a thrift store is something that I couldnt afford. She’s the sweetest kid and doesn’t deserve the cruelty that she’s experiencing. I know kids in her school are just kids and would probably wont understand but I tried calling the mom of the kid that my daughter pointed out but I was blamed for “being a horrible mom” for allowing my kid to ‘look homeless at school’ even after I explained the situation.
I am working my ass off and trying my hardest to provide but sometimes it feels that it just isnt enough. I’m not trying to complain but everyday I walk to work just to save money.
I want to stay strong in front of my kids, but seeing my kid cry just breaks me. We rely on food banks and sometimes I just couldnt help myself but to cry when they ask when they’d get ice cream or eat pizza. Im behind a lot of bills so Im not sure when I’ll be able to actually buy groceries and I feel like a failure not being able to help my kid. She deserves so much better.
submitted by Calm-Control-8938 to self [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 Jiggsaw_Creates Recent OC I made

Recent OC I made submitted by Jiggsaw_Creates to DigitalArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 Linkfyre I am looking for a custom half slot cover for my Elgato 4k60 internal for Y70 case.

I have currently taken a half slot cover and snipped it to make it work but it looks very janky and has some sharp edges, I was wondering if anyone has made any custom slot covers to fit the Elgato 4k60 Pro in one of the half slots that the case has. looking for a 3D printable one so I can print it myself and install it. Please let me know or send a link!
submitted by Linkfyre to Hyte [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 sodordeer ayt mat icin kim

2024 aytde 17/1 yaptim. dershaneyi 15 tatilde biraktim okulla birlikte goturdum. anlamdigim yerleri eyup bden dinledim. bu sene de eyup b, soner akinci ve mert hocayi dusunuyorum. ozellikle soner akinciyla ilerleyen varsa deneyimini paylasirsa mutlu olurum.
submitted by sodordeer to liseliler [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 ReactsWithWords The Monkees - Look Out (Here Comes Tomorrow)

The Monkees - Look Out (Here Comes Tomorrow) submitted by ReactsWithWords to connectasong [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 Horror_Ad_5114 Title size of embedded queries is obnoxiously large

Is there a way to adjust the size id the title of a query when it is embedded in another document? I use Capacities for project management and have created queries to keep track of open issues. I link those queries to the project overview page but the huge title is more than a bit annoying.
submitted by Horror_Ad_5114 to capacitiesapp [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 AssignedQTAtBirth Since army fights have been on my, and everyone's, mind after Bowser vs Eggman, suggest some (and optionally a placement for them) and we can make a season!

submitted by AssignedQTAtBirth to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 Important_Good_5295 Aaj ki padhai (81 days)

Aaj ki padhai (81 days) submitted by Important_Good_5295 to ICSE [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 rsands Traffic light question

When at a traffic light do you leave your car in gear with clutch in or in neutral with the clutch out?
submitted by rsands to ManualTransmissions [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 Necessary-Fee2014 My first edit. Arcane ~ Maybe in another Universe Jinx & Ekko

My first edit. Arcane ~ Maybe in another Universe Jinx & Ekko submitted by Necessary-Fee2014 to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 Exact_Pop_3202 Should I message the guy I’m casually seeing’s ex after seeing her Instagram post warning people to stay away from him?

I have been seeing this guy for a little while casually but I’m starting to develop feelings and would rather get out before it gets too deep. He mentioned one time that his ex changed a caption on an old post of them to a warning to stay away from him. I truly didn’t think much of it because I have experienced the same thing with an ex who was just bitter and changed the caption of photos on instagram to insults about me. Now that things are getting more serious I’ve thought about it more and became concerned. I’m a girls girl and I want to believe women, I found her page from some stalking and the post in question. Now I’m rethinking everything since reading her warning and I want to give him the benefit that he’s changed but I don’t want to be an idiot who ignores this. Would reaching out to the ex in question be a bad idea? She seems to have moved on and is in a relationship so I don’t want to make her uncomfortable or have to relive the situation but she does have a warning on her page about him. Should I message her?? Sorry for the rambling hope this makes sense!
submitted by Exact_Pop_3202 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 Cultural-Slide3642 Tablet for study?

need a tablet to make summaries, before I did them on word with pc, but it is a waste of time to make screens, arrows etc... with a tablet would it be faster in your opinion?
Which Tablet do you recommend? And what size 11 inches or 13 inches? I see that the 13 inches ones are very expensive, is 11 big enough?
submitted by Cultural-Slide3642 to tablets [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 astanoli Trustworthy used laptop shop / seller in isb / rwp?

Hi everyone, i am looking to buy a Lenovo laptop for my cousin who uses it for university studies and for content consumption. I have heard too many stories of repaired motherboards or parts replaced with substandard hardware. I would really appreciate if you could recommend a seller or shop (preferably based on your own experience) who is trustworthy worthy and market compatible with rates. Thank you in advance.
submitted by astanoli to islamabad [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 Alternative-Copy2822 Private vs not private?

Why is she showing Conor’s face but never showed Cameron’s did she ever explain this?
submitted by Alternative-Copy2822 to SpencerBarbosaSnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 DachshundWithMustard Joined the club

Joined the club Got my first ever Mazda! 2024 3 Sedan S Select. I never thought I'd buy a brand new car, but I'm very happy with the purchase!
submitted by DachshundWithMustard to mazda3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 Main_Selection1478 Do I need to read the other SJM books before I read HOFAS??

I recently finished HOSAB and want to keep reading the series but realized the Bryce is in the world of ACOTAR. Do I need to read ACOTAR before moving on in Crescent City?
submitted by Main_Selection1478 to crescentcitysjm [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 random_rippley ഇത് ശരിയാകില്ല ; ഭൂമിക്കായി 2,100 കോടി നല്‍കി; ഏറ്റെടുത്തത് 64 ഹെക്ടര്‍; മുഖ്യമന്ത്രിക്ക് അശ്വനി വൈഷ്ണവിന്റെ കത്ത്

ഇത് ശരിയാകില്ല ; ഭൂമിക്കായി 2,100 കോടി നല്‍കി; ഏറ്റെടുത്തത് 64 ഹെക്ടര്‍; മുഖ്യമന്ത്രിക്ക് അശ്വനി വൈഷ്ണവിന്റെ കത്ത് submitted by random_rippley to Kerala [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 New-Tea799 So we not gonna talk about the random intro and outro

just play the songs. All the random talking feels unnecessary
submitted by New-Tea799 to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 SnooSquirrels9201 Big whale just sold

Honestly, I can't even be mad at him. I just checked his buys, he probably invested like $2.6M that was reduced to $300k. Losing like 90%. He's now going for the next coin trying to recover his loss.
Side note to this, that wallet can't ever be a possible secret wallet of the devs. It's just too much loss.
Sad that he doesn't see the potential anymore, but on the other side it's healthy for us. It's actually the chance to distribute the tokens. One wallet holding like 36M is way too big.
submitted by SnooSquirrels9201 to Slothana [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 19:39 ObiWantKanabis Game won’t launch after turning on DX12

As title says game refuses to launch after switching to dx12. I've been trying different "solutions" for 2 days and nothing worked. I'm on w11 if that matters.
submitted by ObiWantKanabis to BattlefieldV [link] [comments]