We went from what I'd consider two 10/10's in a row to a 7/10. lol.

2024.11.29 21:00 VULTURES_1 We went from what I'd consider two 10/10's in a row to a 7/10. lol.

I give a pass to the feats and Murakami but bro Bibby if you read this I actually get why everyone clowns you now holy fuck lmao
submitted by VULTURES_1 to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 Compa_j https://x.com/certified4x4/status/1862474172938465530?s=46

submitted by Compa_j to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 AutoModerator November 29, 2024 Weekend Reflections Thread - What happened last week? Whats your plan for next week? What's on your mind?

Share your weekly reflections around trades and ideas that worked, those that didn't, and what's on your mind for next week. Always be respectful of others.
Join us on Discord to live chat with the community. Please message the mods in order to get Verified and get an invite link to the Discord.
Check out our Wiki for common terms definitions, links to Strategy Posts, defining Portfolio Margin, and more.
If you're new to trading with Portfolio Margin, feel free to ask your questions in this thread.
submitted by AutoModerator to PMTraders [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 jackieat_home How do I find information on how to jump?

I keep seeing these different methods, but Google searches get really confusing and rabbit hole fodder. Anybody have a good link for me to read?
submitted by jackieat_home to DimensionJumping [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 vTuVyTsu Co-sponsor for I-134?

My income isn't sufficient to sponsor my fiancee's K1 visa. Can my brother co-sponsor her? Do I bring two I-134 forms to the interview? I don't see anywhere on I-134 for a second sponsor.
Google's AI Overview says:

To have a "second sponsor" on an I-134 form, which is the Declaration of Financial Support, you essentially need to have a "joint sponsor" by including another individual's information on the same I-134 form when you are not able to meet the income requirements alone; this is typically done when the primary sponsor's income is not sufficient to support the beneficiary based on federal poverty guidelines; both individuals would need to provide their financial information on the form to demonstrate their combined ability to support the beneficiary.
Key points about adding a joint sponsor on an I-134:
One form, multiple sponsors:
You do not file separate I-134 forms for each sponsor; you simply include the details of the joint sponsor on the same form.
Q14 (page 6) has space for five individuals to list their income but says:
Provide all of the information requested in the table below about yourself, all of your dependents, and any other individuals you financially support (do not include any individuals named in Part 2.).
That doesn't say "yourself, your co-sponsor(s), your pets that weigh more than 25 pounds, the homeless roommate from college who sometimes sleeps on your couch, and any other dependents."
The I-134i instructions don't say anything about Q14, other than talking about income from illegal activities.
My best guess is to put my brother in Q14, then in Part 8 add a note:
I agree to co-sponsor the beneficiary...
and his signature, date, phone number, and email.
To the administrator: there's no flair for I-134.
submitted by vTuVyTsu to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 Romhilda_theRacoon Help! Moonrise & Minthara

In Act 1, I knocked her out during the battle for The Grove.
In Act 2, I went to Moonrise, expecting to see her in the audience chamber with Z'rell and Ketheric because that's where everyone says she should be. But she wasn't there. The cutscene was just the goblins.
Is this a bug? Or did I potentially mess up somewhere...? This is the first playthrough where I've actually tried to recruit her. I'm on Xbox, if it matters.
submitted by Romhilda_theRacoon to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 Ok-Box-3677 Bed checks?

So I just want to know if it's normal or if I should bring it up to another member of staff. Every single time I'm on the same shift as this one nurse in the hospital he comes over while I'm sat on the bed 3hrs in and starts lifting up the mattress and checking under it with his hands. I have never ever witnessed him do this to any other bed and I'm in a room with 6 beds that I have clear view of. I asked him before why he does it and he says he needs to check the bed isn't broken, but I just to happen to be a little larger than other people here. It's starting to make me really self conscious and uncomfortable and I don't understand why he can't check this before or after session.
submitted by Ok-Box-3677 to dialysis [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 Aggravating_Cry_5677 Recommended products - pores

Recommended products - pores Hey I’m trying to completely minimize the look of my pores, any suggestions? I’ve tried salicylic acid but they just appear a couple hours later every time I use
submitted by Aggravating_Cry_5677 to SkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 AutoModerator Weekend Discussion Thread

Feel free to discuss your thoughts on the market, DDs, SPACs, meme stonks, yolos, or whatever is on your mind.
submitted by AutoModerator to wallstreetbetsOGs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 Majestic-Prompt-4765 Stalker COP - Monolith Survivor Recruitment Bug (ambushed by rival faction)

I realize with all the other drama going on regarding S2, this might not be seen, but has this ever happened to anyone (note, playing on PS5)?
I'm doing a 2nd play through, and I'm recruiting the team to goto Pripyat, specifically the monolith survivors (Strider). I've satisfied the recruitments to have them added to the Freedom ranks, so you're teleported to the monolith survivor area with the recruiters, where (since it's Freedom) they do their little fireside chat.
10-15 seconds into the speech, the freedoomers are all shot by 2 Duty members in Exosuits that more or less sneak up through the bushes on the hill overlooking the river bank and culvert. Only freedom members are shot, and the 2 Duty assassins run off. Regardless of this happening, the speech finishes, and the mission is marked as complete. If I go back to Yaniv, there's convos about the new squad members, etc, like nothing ever happened.
I was a little confused, so I reloaded a save, but this time killed the 2 Duty assassins before they killed anyone (they still opened fire), and then looted them. No PDAs, etc.
Looking around, I think I hit this glitch here? https://stalker.fandom.com/wiki/Monolith_survivors
If so, slightly disappointing because it would've been cool if this was caused by something I did / didnt do that caused an ambush from the competing faction in Yaniv.
Now to stir the pot, this is what A-Life 2 should do, :-)
submitted by Majestic-Prompt-4765 to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 abyss_8128 A közhiedelemmel ellentétben létezik kiábrándult Fideszes

A cikk részlet a Tisza országjárásának első 5 állomásán készült a Magyar Hang jóvoltából:
A Jóisten az első – Mádon van egy kis házam, és úgy gondoltam, ha már amúgy is eljövök, akkor összekötöm a kellemest a hasznossal – mondja az egyébként fővárosi hölgy arra a kérdésre, miért érezte fontosnak kilátogatni Magyar Péter és a Tisza késő őszi országjárásának első, szerencsi rendezvényére. Elkötelezett tiszásnak mondja magát, de a politizálás nem fontosabb számára mint a Jóisten, „mert ő az első”.
De Éva szerint „valamit kell csinálni, mielőtt elhagyjuk ezt a földi életet”, még úgy is, hogy „a szegények sanyargatása miatt” a mostani vezetők biztosan megkapják a méltó büntetésüket, helyzetükön csak az változtatna, ha megtérnének. Hetednapi adventistaként Éva „ki sem mondhatná azokat a szavakat”, amelyeket Magyar Péter a kiszivárgott hangfelvételeken használ például a párttársaira, de nem érdekli a politikus szitkozódása, ő nagyot csalódott a kormánypártokban, pedig nem is olyan régen még rájuk szavazott.
Az ördög mellé is odaállna Juditnak már nem a Jóisten, hanem az ördög jut eszébe, pedig a kérdés ezúttal is Magyar Péterre és a hangfelvételekre vonatkozik. Immár a Szerencs centrumában álló kézilabdacsarnok bejárata előtt állunk, és a patás megint a hangfelvételek kapcsán kerül elő. Azok azért nem érdeklik Juditot, mert ő már úgy van a közélettel, hogy „ha az ördög jönne ide, és azt mondaná, hogy nekimegy a kétharmadnak, akkor mellé is odaállna”.
– A gyerekek, az unokák mind külföldön vannak, mert nincsenek munkahelyek. Azelőtt soha nem voltunk párttagok, de most úgy éreztük, hogy muszáj tennünk valamit. Ha Orbán Viktor mondta volna, hogy húzunk egy vonalat, és visszatérünk ahhoz, amit eleinte mondott, akkor mellé állnánk. Orbán Viktor kapcsán persze tisztázni kell Judittal, hogy egy közel negyven éve pályán lévő politikusnál mit is ért azon, hogy „eleinte”. Többen hallgatják a beszélgetésünket, bedobnak jó pár évszámot: elhangzik 2010, felmerül 2006, még 1989 is, végül Judit kimondja: volt idő, amikor Orbán Viktor jelentette a változást, de szerinte most már Magyar Péter jelenti.
A rakamazi turultól a Tiszáig Éva és Judit után a harmadik szerencsi megszólítottunk, János is volt korábban Fidesz-szavazó. Jobboldalisága ránézésre megmondható: piros-fehér-zöld baseballsapka a fején, rakamazi turul a nyakában. A mellette álló férfi kiegészítői is hasonlók: nemzeti színű Nagy-Magyarország-kitűző a mellkasán, de nála van egy nagy tábla, rajta a következő, Magyar Péternek szánt felirattal: „Büdös vagyok, te neoliberális retek”.
– Vannak ilyen emberek – állapítja meg erről János mosolyogva, még akkor is szelíd a hangja, amikor arról beszél, hogy a Fidesz 1998 és 2002 között „jól csinálta a kormányzást”. De most úgy látja, hogy „benne vagyunk az ellehetetlenülésben”, ezért jött el másodjára is Magyar szerencsi rendezvényére, és még csak a vállát sem rándítja meg, amikor közli, hogy az elsőn többen voltak.
Teljes cikk itt érhető el: https://hang.hu/magyar-hang-plusz/magyar-peter-orszagjaras-riport-170052
submitted by abyss_8128 to hungary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 Additional_Eye_4291 Duo ou Trio Dofus Unity

Salut Ă  tous,
Je redémarre le jeu depuis un bail pour cette ouverture de Dofu Unity et je compte jouer en Duo minimum. En fonction de la puissance de mon ordinateur, je ferai soit duo, soit trio, soit quatro (si ça passe, ça a l'air gourmand).
Je compte faire des teams suivantes:
- 4: Panda/Enu/Cra/Cra
- 3: Panda/Enu/Cra
- 2: Panda/Cra
J'étais resté à l'époque avec Cra Feu/Enu eau, panda air, mais il y a eu tellement de changements que je ne sais pas si c'est toujours aussi efficace.
Pour les Cras, je pense partir un feu et un air pour bien placé et profiter des zones en feu, l'enu en eau/sagesse pour ret pm et taper un minimum, mais j'avoue etre un peu paumé pour le panda que je n'ai plus suivi depuis quand meme longtemps.
--> Dans une compo distance, pas sur que ce soit top de le jouer Terre, je pensais me diriger vers la voie Air, mais n'est ce pas grave de délaisser un élement (Terre en locurrence) quand on est 4 persos ?
--> Si je me dirige vers une compo Cra/Panda en Duo, comment jouer le panda ? En mode gros tank, mais avant le HL c'est pas ultra rentable non ? Plutot air au début pour dommage de loin puis après full tacle/tank pour laisser le cra faire des zones ?
Merci pour vos avis éclairés !
submitted by Additional_Eye_4291 to DOFUS_FRANCE [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 nakieplantlady Prickly pair blooms from this summer 🌵

Prickly pair blooms from this summer 🌵 submitted by nakieplantlady to cactus [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 TheSkreamly Dynamic Range (LU) exactly matches LUFS

Guys, just wanted to ask you. This happens to me every time. I mean, my tracks sounds decent, mixing, loudness and all that stuff. But dynamic range. So my question is: Every time I finish the song (and while producing) I measure my LUFS and all that stuff, comparing with reference track. And it matches loudness, tonal balance, overall EQ cure and mixing sounds almost identical. But my dynamic range exactly follows the LUFS level. But reference track, for example, has -9 LUFS and -10 up to -12 LU of dynamic range or maybe -5 LUFS and -7 up to -9 LU of DR. And sometimes I noticed that my tracks (compare to reference) have more in “your face mix” and don’t have much “depth” to it. (I do all of my work in headphones) Am I missing something?
P.S. I’ve heard about “gain staging”. Is this thing gonna help me? For example, group drums, sub, melodic stacks and vocals separately and limit them. Than route drums to 1 chain, sub to 2 chain, melodics to 3, then limit them and route to “pre-master”, and vocals to master? Or maybe I should make more automations and volume difference, etc. in everything, i.e. make snares hit different level every time? (But I think this is meaningless, because limiter gonna squashed it anyway?) Thanks.
submitted by TheSkreamly to edmproduction [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 hotnikki08 New Members Intro

If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself!
submitted by hotnikki08 to EarlyEurodance [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 sxreew Help with ID pls!

Help with ID pls! Hey guys, asking for ID for this jacket, Made in Mexico is all I know about it so far! Also, if anyone got some experience and how it fits, would be nice! Thanks:)
submitted by sxreew to Carhartt [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 RealJoker4U Info Please

Hello. Im a 53 Male with 30% pyronies curving upwards. Some say that's great for women if Im on top. My doctor wants to do plication to fix it. With my curve, Im close to 6 inches long. This plication would make me lose possible a half inch in length. Don't really want to do that. Another option would be a penile implant 3 piece. I would not lose any length doing that and it would straighten my penis out. Would just have to pump it up for the rest of my life. Any one ever had to go through this? What is your advice and results. It blows my mind that we have not came up with something better to fix pyronies at the end of 2024.
submitted by RealJoker4U to UPMC [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 kinky-yet_decent Anyone up for chit chat ????

Anyone up?
submitted by kinky-yet_decent to Fitness_India [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 Alternative_Put9602 new song i made

submitted by Alternative_Put9602 to Botanica [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 BroMandi [Amazon] Fresh Step Cat Litter: 2-Pack 16-lb. Outstretch Advanced (Febreze Scent) [Deal: $12.45, Actual: $33.59]

[Amazon] Fresh Step Cat Litter: 2-Pack 16-lb. Outstretch Advanced (Febreze Scent) [Deal: $12.45, Actual: $33.59] submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 FootballGod1417 Sponsored by Big Pineapple.

Sponsored by Big Pineapple. submitted by FootballGod1417 to oakland [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 Japifornication She’s about to blow through the UFC

She’s about to blow through the UFC submitted by Japifornication to ufc [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 Hustle_Sk12 Profits/Taxes/Business?

Lets say I make over $100k minimum in various crypto assets. What are the most favorable options to take that money out while also paying the least amount of taxes possible? Would it be worth it to register an LLC or another business and withdrawl the funds through the business or is there another way to reduce taxes and fees? Just curious if anyone has experience with this.
submitted by Hustle_Sk12 to XRP [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 Maleficent_Dust_6640 Oklahoma City Layoffs

Does anybody have any more info about what's going on down at the Oklahoma City hub? Are Teamster workers among the 'permanent layoffs'?
submitted by Maleficent_Dust_6640 to UPSers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 Altruistic-Fix4452 How to get two months of time off by only using 20 days of leave in 2025

How to get two months of time off by only using 20 days of leave in 2025 submitted by Altruistic-Fix4452 to newzealand [link] [comments]
