数学老师在讲课,手机就放讲台上。 讲着讲着Siri突然来了一句。 “我没有听懂你在说什么。 Siri是iPhone上很智能的个人语音助手,能帮我们完成很多事情,默认唤醒siri需要按键,但其实也可以设置语音唤醒即用语音打开siri,那么该如何设置呢?今天小编就教你:siri怎么设置自己的声音唤醒? 在苹果手机的日常使用过程中,我们可能会遇到需要打开Siri的情况,那么苹果手机究竟该如何开启Siri呢? 接下来小编会给大家介绍开启的详细流程,相信大家在看完之后就学会如何开启了。 打开“嘿,siri”唤醒,在新页面中点击继续,按照页面提示内容读出信息录制即可,录制完成后点击完成。 [图] 编辑于2022-02-23,内容仅供参考并受版权保护 纠正siri联系人多音字读法,“修改xxx名字的读音”。 以后用Siri拨号发短信会更加方便。 补充:评论里很多人反应说用Siri拨号会要求解锁密码,若出现这种情况建议输入密码拨号之后再重新试一次Siri或在密码设置里确认Siri的语音拨号是否开启。 siri使用起来很方便,可是有时候在安静的办公室,无法进行语音命令,下面小编教大家如何和Siri用输入文字的形式交流。 Siri是苹果手机的一大特色,但是有人喜欢用,也有人不爱用,那么如果不爱用Siri的话,应该如何把Siri关闭掉呢?接下来小编会给大家介绍关闭的详细流程,相信大家在看完之后就学会如何关闭了。 明明开启了设置中siri的各项功能,发音也是纯正普通话,但无论如何siri小姐姐就是不理你。相信很多人都遇到这个情况,查阅了网友的各种办法都没用,甚至说要接电源才能呼出,都不对,其实真正的原因在于siri是会辨别声线的,你要重新设置siri辨识你的声线。 Siri是苹果公司在其产品iPhone4S,iPad 3及以上版本手机和Mac上应用的一项智能语音控制功能。Siri可以令iPhone4S及以上手机(iPad 3以上平板)变身为一台智能化机器人,利用Siri用户可以通过手机读短信、介绍餐厅、询问天气、语音设置闹钟等。 主要就是用siri捷径功能(系统要升级哦) 说几个我常用的吧, 早安. 解锁手机,喊一声hey siri,早安。(结合自动化捷径操作的话,起床闹钟关闭后,顺手解锁手机,自动播放)siri就会播报当前位置天气,下雨等天气会提醒你,然后播放网易云音乐,唤醒你的 ...
2024.11.29 21:00 Cultjam Non Siri user question
Is Siri acting strangely with iOS 18.1.1? My iPhone is a 13 mini. At home I wear my AirPods Max all the time, in noise canceling mode and often in silence when I need to concentrate on something.
I’ve avoided using Siri entirely but recently it has started to announce voice mail which I’ve let slide, it at least asked me if I wanted it read first. Today something changed. Today Siri started reading a text message to me over my headphones without asking and being caught off guard with Siri yapping in my ears I told it to shut up. This was in mid message conversation too. Instead of stopping it skipped to reading the next message.
For multiple reasons my patience was very low for this to happen, my response scared my dogs a bit. I gave them turkey as an apology, so they’re sleeping again.
But WTF?
submitted by Cultjam to Siri [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:00 FabulousKitchen5831 Battersby sisters
Georgia Taylor and Jane Danson submitted by FabulousKitchen5831 to UK_babes_underrated [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:00 silvana747 Any suggestions for acid reflux other than PPI
Hi, please let me know if anyone here is using any acid reflux natural relieve that works( it’s tried ) Due to indigestion I get it and it hurts feel like limp in my throat after I “eat” ( I can only swallow cream soup and yogurt - very limited to what I can eat) Also anything natural to help for gut motility to go number 2. It’s been a nightmare. I did have H pylori and in presses of healing. I can’t take any PPi because this is going make everything even worse.
submitted by silvana747 to HPylori [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:00 HornyBoy1325 Bro's not ai btw
submitted by HornyBoy1325 to AnarchyChess [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:00 MNgrown2299 Thanksgiving breakfast rib roast
Spent the night at my parents so yesterday when we woke up I made them a special breakfast. I seared and baked a bone in ribeye roast and made steak and eggs for breakfast on thanksgiving. Seared for like 5 minutes on each side, seasoned with salt, pepper and thyme. Cooked to 125 internal and let rest until it reached 135. It was very rich and very delicious! submitted by MNgrown2299 to steak [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:00 Next-Ant4568 So Kinnas. Der Papa hat jetzt mal wieder ganz von vorne angefangen. GANZ VON VORNE!
Die ersten beiden Folgen alleine… Ich bin schon fast… joa…. Fast n bisschen glücklich.
submitted by Next-Ant4568 to CapitolVersicherungAG [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:00 TelephoneSame4712 [PC] [2013-2015] [2D] Dog adventure
Can anyone help me find my old game? In the game you were a white dog who was on a sand island surrounded by the ocean, next to you you had a boat that was broken, you had to do something on it to untie it or something, there was a crab on the boat. The next level you entered a jungle and you had to jump on logs or crocodiles, I don't know, after you passed you ended up in a chicken village that you had to make a song for to get to the next level. I don't remember well, I played it on PC around 2015, it was a 2D game.Can anyone help me find my old game? In the game you were a white dog who was on a sand island surrounded by the ocean, next to you you had a boat that was broken, you had to do something on it to untie it or something, there was a crab on the boat. The next level you entered a jungle and you had to jump on logs or crocodiles, I don't know, after you passed you ended up in a chicken village that you had to make a song for to get to the next level. I don't remember well, I played it on PC around 2015, it was a 2D game.
submitted by TelephoneSame4712 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:00 SaltyAdminBot It's been 1 year since this happened. Anna has disappeared and there are still no answers: A claimed Italian Airforce f35 pilot claimed to have shot down this object over the Mediterranean Sea in November of 2023.
submitted by SaltyAdminBot to UFOs_Archives [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:00 ProfessionalShirt176 Ask Anything Thread
Use this thread to ask anything at all!
submitted by ProfessionalShirt176 to eBaysellersUK [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:00 Ok-Barnacle7197 Zacian raid WB 913507788893
submitted by Ok-Barnacle7197 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:00 RagnaTheMasked Devising a new kind of spicy cones
submitted by RagnaTheMasked to ConeHeads [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:00 Shinobu232 New Members Intro
If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself!
submitted by Shinobu232 to Demonslayer5 [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:00 IllustriousDudeIDK The Predominating Sex in the United States, 1900
submitted by IllustriousDudeIDK to MapPorn [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:00 Lukasoc TF2 x DDLC
submitted by Lukasoc to suddenlytf2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:00 SynthRogue What if everything you had been taught about the nature of reality was wrong?
For example, we are taught at school about evolution. What if that theory was wrong?
submitted by SynthRogue to whatif [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:00 urmomisjuststunning Disappearing Act (Ana Paula Armani)
https://pin.it/4YI9MB6GE submitted by urmomisjuststunning to milesprower [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:00 WhichInside3678 EA FC
mais um semana se vai sem EA FC 25
submitted by WhichInside3678 to BoosteroidCommunity [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:00 IdealHistorical1728 I don't think my partner actually likes me.
Im so sorry that this is jumbled, my brain is messed up rn from this.
My partner apparently doesn't like the animes I watch or how I dress. This started especially when she got into Nana. We are both women and she was excited to find a gl, but I don't like anything queerbaiting and I've expressed that to her. I have a gothic style (like romantic goth) and she has a style more like nanas if you've ever seen it. How i would describe it is alternative. She doesn't say this but it's clear with how she acts that she wants me to be and dress more like Hatchi, who has a more colourful and pink aesthetic, far off from me. I've told her this from day one that I'm not really interested in slow pace romance animes, and at first she said she wasn't interested in that either. She let me pick the anime we were going to watch this time and I chose one she has said she has been wanting to watch for a while, black butler. It's exactly what she said she likes, so I figured it wasnt an issue. But now she is not so subtly dropping it and we can only watch animes that are on her list now, which are romance and slow pace. I wouldn't really care if she didn't legitimately say i am wrong for not liking something, and then proceeds to try to force me to like the thing. She does this with genshin, she does this with Nana, she did this with heavens official blessing (that one i do also like with her) and a few other things. I've actually brought this up to her before, and she doesn't apologize but stops for a few months before she starts it back up again. She has even made fun of me for my nationality then got defensive when I told her that it hurt me and I would have never done that to her. I can't like anything that she doesn't like or she will talk badly about it, but if I so say a negative thing about something I didn't even know she liked, I am reemed for it. I think she is only with me to not be alone, and im not sure what to do. I genuinely love this woman, and I don't want to lose her, but I cant deal with this treatment. I know she is taking advantage of my bpd and the fact that she is my favorite person, and it's affecting my mental health so badly. I tried to break up with her around June, and it took her about 2 weeks before she finally accepted it then guilt tripped me to go back to her. Saying I broke her down. Even contacting my family to harass me to unblock her. I am so sorry if this makes no sense, i am literally shaking as I type this and my brain is mush. People have told me that this will turn physically abusive, especially since she is already berating me and made me cut off my best friend because she didn't like her. She is also trying to get me to cut off my family when I leave the country, so it'll just be us. I feel so stuck and hopeless. What do I even do?
submitted by IdealHistorical1728 to ToxicRelationships [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:00 AutoModerator Wochenendschnack vom November 29, 2024
Hoch die Hände - Wochenende!
Hier könnt ihr die vergangene Börsenwoche genüsslich sezieren, euch gegenseitig auf die Schulter klopfen (oder trösten) und über den nächsten Hebel nachdenken. Was steht auf eurer Watchlist? 🚀
⚠️ Die Regeln gelten hier natürlich wie immer, aber die Hurensohnmods drücken ein Auge zu, wenn ihr mal ein bisschen über den Tellerrand des Subs schaut.
🎧 Für die Ohren gibt's hier was Feines:Podcast & Musik. Damit tradet es sich gleich doppelt so smooth.
submitted by AutoModerator to mauerstrassenwetten [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:00 josylad Hiring: Paralegal - Part Time (Eagle Farm) at Freedom Fuels
Freedom Fuels is hiring a Paralegal - Part Time (Eagle Farm)
Location: Eagle farm, Australia
Paralegal - Eagle Farm - 30hrs p/w Freedom Fuels is an independent petroleum company with 40 Fuel & Convenience retail outlets in throughout southeast QLD and northern NSW. We also have a further 16 Fuel & Convenience retail sites in north QLD operating under the Mobil brand through our Trinity Petroleum Services business. As part of the Idemitsu Kosan Co Ltd group of companies, Freedom Fuels' operations extend to include retailing, terminal operations, wholesale and commercial distribution and supply. Freedom Fuels is seeking to recruit a Paralegal to join the Legal Team at our Eagle Farm Office in Brisbane on a part time basis. Days and hours will be negotiated with the successful applicant using 60 hours per fortnight as a guide. Reporting to the Legal & Compliance Manager (Inhouse Lawyer), the Paralegal will be responsible for providing specialist administrative support and legal research.
Key Responsibilities:
Action documentation relat
Learn More and Apply: https://app.resumeset.com/jobs/paralegal-part-time-eagle-farm-25915/
submitted by josylad to RedditJobBoard [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:00 AutoModerator Sevrer Rules
Rules:1 Yall Can Leak shit i dont care but genshin only 2 no nsfw or gore content posting this automatically ban 3 respect others no matter what religion or etc 4 no impersonating 5 you can swear but you cant use n word or use it in a bad way hurting others.
submitted by AutoModerator to TeyvatWorld [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 21:00 Remote_Ant_2365 Captivity Destroyer
submitted by Remote_Ant_2365 to guitarporn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:00 aw1219 Get Paid $19 Per hour to Monitor Calls - Workersonboard
submitted by aw1219 to WorkersonboardBlog [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:00 vanillaspeckles Walmart smiski update!!
The Walmart smiskis my mom ordered for 20 arrived and I’m happy to say they look really good!! They even glow in the dark! I can’t tell if they’re real or a really good quality dupe, but I’m happy either way. submitted by vanillaspeckles to smiskis [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 21:00 AutoModerator Blurb Workshop (Weekly)
Now weekly!
Blurbs can be the bane of an author's existence - both for self-published authors, who have to come up with an enticing hook all by themselves, as well as for authors seeking traditional publishing, as they are usually included in queries.
We want to help! Post your blurb draft and let the community help shape it into the perfect snippet of info.
To participate, please comment on this thread with the following info: