F 25, Midwest America

简单来比喻就是,60hz 就是1秒的时间内显示60张图,而144hz 就是1秒内显示144张图,同样的时间内显示更多帧画面,体感自然是更加连贯,而在游戏中,更加迅速连贯的画面,能让玩家更快的做出反应,这也是高刷屏在游戏中的一大好处了,另外现在高刷屏已经非常卷了,目前基本已经没有非高刷显示 ... 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 股票9:15——9:25是可以交易的,但是集合竞价,如果您的挂单不满足条件的话是可能会交易不成功的。 我们可以了解以下股票的交易规则: 1、集合竞价:9:15——9:2514:57——15:00连续竞价:上午9:30--11:30,下午1:00--3:00竟价规则:价格优先,时间优先。 我知道这是个貌似很傻的问题,但是那天看到一朋友发的朋友圈,重庆松树桥中学居然惊现2020级学生。 考研数学一到底有多难,想了想我还是用数据说明吧,让大家最直观感受: 几百万的考研大军,考研数学能考120分以上的人 ... 知乎热榜展示了中文互联网高质量的问答和原创内容,涵盖科技、商业、影视等领域。[END]> <|ipynb_marker|> Markdown## SummaryThe model is able to generate a snippet for the given webpage, following the instructions provided. The snippet captures the essence of the webpage and explains what it is about in a brief and concise manner. The model adheres to the ... Punto de encuentro de maestros,profesores,estudiantes, interinos y opositores docentes de todas las especialidades. ltimas noticias, bolsas de trabajo abiertas, temarios,ex menes,legislaci n educativa,baremo de m ritos,masters y cursos de perfeccionamiento,foro,chat,n mero de plazas convocadas por especialidades y comunidad autonoma.Informaci n constantemente actualizada 25/Ago/2024~19:07 Castilla La Mancha La información referente a Castilla La Mancha puedes incluirla en este foro. 159: 77: Último mensaje por Cristina.curls en Preparador o academia 03/Ago/2021~21:25 Castilla y León La información referente a Castilla y León puedes incluirla en este foro. 4975: 351: Último mensaje por Kalamitsi 9点25时,集合竞价就确定了开盘价为10元。 如果在9点25到9点30之间,有挂单比如:价格10.1挂单100手卖出,价格10.2挂单100手卖出,价格… 显示全部 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ...

2024.11.29 20:52 asthedragonfliesss F 25, Midwest America

Looking for my first experience with a girl.
submitted by asthedragonfliesss to Muslimlesbians [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 DGGuitars Norma Jean in her retirement

submitted by DGGuitars to beagles [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 BarrytheAssassin Black fellow in lower blue mountains, nsw

Black fellow in lower blue mountains, nsw Location, lower Blue Mountains Australia. Has a hole in the brickwork and doesn't look like the typical black house spider
submitted by BarrytheAssassin to spiders [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 yad-exodia Thats when you know they are a fan of mehdi

Thats when you know they are a fan of mehdi submitted by yad-exodia to ElectroBOOM [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 Suspicious-Natural-2 Wait! You can do that?!?!

submitted by Suspicious-Natural-2 to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 Hopefully_biologist2 Me when there was no payjay kissing scene in the finale

submitted by Hopefully_biologist2 to inanimateinsanity [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 Initial_Act_901 Cat Ba Island with children

We will travel (our first time Vietnam) in April 2025 to Vietnam. We will stay a few days in Hanoi and would like to stay 1 week in Cat Ba.
We prefer quite (no party, no loud musc etc.) accomodation with a pool.
Can you recommend us a place to stay?
How about getting around fE from hotel to the beach? We are travelling with children (10+12yo), so a scooter is not an option. Are there reliable taxis or will we get overcharged?
submitted by Initial_Act_901 to VietNam [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 EcstaticEffective871 Misuse of funds by Rep Payee?

How often does social security prosecute misuse of funds by a representative payee in North Dakota? I've read that they don't do it as much in blue states but are more likely to go after misuse cases in a red state.. not sure how reliable that information is. Is that true?
This is regarding a parent spending approx 17k of back pay PLUS 15k of monthly payments in one year with no major expenses arising. And having only 50 percent custody and the other parent having no access to the funds whatsoever. Also doubtful parent has kept an expense record.
Also, if the parent is found guilty once investigated. Will they be arrested in a case of this level or just ordered to pay the funds back? I don't see how this parent can afford to pay it back. And will the other parent receive payee responsibility? Hoping so. Hate to see a child screwed over like this.
submitted by EcstaticEffective871 to SSDI_SSI [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 Taki-Chan_ I feel like I'm on a constant downward spiral and I don't know what to do anymore

I (21f) am 4 months postpartum with my first child. Everything seemed to be going great for the first few months, I got decent sleep when my husband or other family would take the baby, I was able to take care of myself and my kiddo, I ate properly for the most part (which is a huge deal for me because I've always struggled to eat enough). But over the last month or so, everything just feels like it's fallen apart and I don't know what to do.
I didn't realize what it was at first. I would just get really angry out of nowhere and have to leave my lo in his crib for a few moments so I could step out of the room to calm down. My husband and I have spent a lot of time arguing over pointless things that have nothing to do with anything. My best friend and I (who happens to be our roommate in whose house we live) have had several arguments over stupid shit.
And then all of a sudden about a week ago it hit me like a freight train. I kinda just sat on my bed, a little dazed at the realization of why I've been so upset. I thought about all the things that might have led up to that moment and realized how blind I'd been to my own emotions...
I've always struggled to keep my space clean but then I'd realized just how dirty my house is. I've never been consistent with scheduling but I realized how late I stay in ben now, and how it feels impossible to get up to do anything. A few weeks ago, I'd been physically ill and kept blaming my lack of motivation on recovery but I don't think that's the case anymore.
And my baby spends significantly more time crying now than he has in the past thanks to sleep regression and what I think might be the onset of teething, maybe?
And then to top it all off, I tried to get help today and it sorta just ended in failure. I'd seen decent reviews on BetterHelp but it wasn't until after I'd payed the $50+ for the week that I'd found out how they don't hold up to their own standards so I canceled it without even thinking about it and now I feel guilty for spending the money to begin with.
Anyways, I guess I just needed to get this out there just in case my mental state decides to completely crash and burn...
Does anyone else feel this way this long after having a baby? I thought postpartum depression was an immediate thing? Everyone has always told me that if you don't get depressed right after birth then you won't experience postpartum depression...
submitted by Taki-Chan_ to Postpartum_Depression [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 5u5h1mvt The definitive Marxist position on gun control

submitted by 5u5h1mvt to leftist [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 _fuzzybuddy What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by _fuzzybuddy to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 RevJackElvingMusings Spider-Man: Class Relations in the Lee-Romita Status-Quo

 Spider-Man: Class Relations in the Lee-Romita Status-Quo For Thanksgiving 2024, I thought it was worth looking at the Lee-Romita era and how it connects to the superhero class struggle for love and better housing.
The Lee-Romita and Early Conway era is unique for being the first time that you had Spider-Man interact with people from higher social classes than him, with him living it up in the Upper West Side in Harry's Pad, and having a girlfriend who's high society. But how does class actually get reflected in these stories, and what does it mean for Spider-Man's (once) brand identity as a working-class hero.
Personally Compiled Collage - Top ASM#136 (Andru), ASM Annual#05 (Romita Sr), ASM#87 (Romita Sr). Bottom: SSM#200 (S.Buscema), ASM#139 (Andru), ASM#122 (Gil Kane)
For as much as Spider-Man is described being a working-class superhero, class is rarely analyzed in these stories. On account of the demands of the genre, the mainstream superhero action-adventure, Peter Parker rarely expresses ‘class consciousness’ in any direct sense. This post looks at the Lee-Romita and the Early Gerry Conway runs (ASM#39-139), focusing on the subtext of the class background of the major status-quo setting of this period.
Have to say that I researched the Lee-Romita era for work and ended up having a ton of fun. The entire L-R run has quite a few underheralded gems (some I talk in passing there).
ASM#48 which includes the first time you had a Spider-Man fight in a major NYC landmark. In this case it's the George Washington Bridge, and yes, the other bridge story with Gwen Stacy is absolutely inspired by this early fight.
Another great issue is ASM#65 - The Impossible Escape, one of the most fun issues in the run. Captain George Stacy's best showing as a supporting character, and an issue that looks forward to all stealth games.
It's amazing to me that as much as the number of adaptations bring up the Parker Home in Queens, or emphasize Spider-Man in Queens, it's forgotten that between 1966-2008, Peter stayed in Manhattan and that his longest continuous dwelling is a Chelsea apartment that is now gentrified into impossibility.
submitted by RevJackElvingMusings to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 FrenleyFarmer Possible to remove shadow off faces?

Possible to remove shadow off faces? Can the shadows be removed from our faces and teeth whitened? Paid $5 to best.
submitted by FrenleyFarmer to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 inkybreadbox Spinning Compost Bin (Unused)

Spinning Compost Bin (Unused) Free compost bin. Pick up today or tomorrow.
submitted by inkybreadbox to SacramentoBuyNothing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 semmerson20 I watched The Fly (1986)

I watched The Fly (1986) This movie was awesome, I've been wanting to get round to watching it for ages. I love body horror so it worked for me perfectly, and Jeff Goldblum's performance is terrific.
My parents always told me as a kid how disgusting this movie was when they were younger so I've wanted to watch it for a while. It might just be it's age, but I didn't find it as sickening as maybe they suggested, but the body horror is great and it is an absolutely horrific fate for any character.
submitted by semmerson20 to iwatchedanoldmovie [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 2nomad Does anyone else get pins and needles/warmth after eating Beyond Steak?

I eat Beyond Burgers all the time, they are great, such a great alternative. Recently I discovered Beyond Steak at my local Walmart and was pleasantly surprised at the taste and texture - my new go-to. However, I started to notice that around an hour after eating the steak tips I would feel warm with pins and needles on the back of my neck and arms. This never happened with Beyond Meat burgers, just the steak. I initially wrote it off as my general bad health (I don't eat/drink the greatest), but I'm fairly certain after eating it today that the feeling is directly linked to the steak. Anyone else have any experience in this?
submitted by 2nomad to PlantBasedDiet [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 Excellent-Road-3529 "Marijuana" by AB no trace of the song

There was a song named "Marijuana" by some artist AB. I can find the lyrics but no trace of the song on the internet. The lyrics are something like "Im drifting on a memory Wishing you were here with me we distant from a lot of things But closer to the sun we be" Do any of you know what happened with it?
submitted by Excellent-Road-3529 to Music [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 Robbert_Kuiper Wich flash evo?

Wich flash evo? I put him in the briljant bompastor one use him as a fullback what is a good flits evo to put him in?
submitted by Robbert_Kuiper to fut [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 AshamedIncrease6942 Why didn’t I scream or get exposed??

Why didn’t I scream or get exposed?? I used Shoulder the Burden on Vittorio, but for some reason nothing happened after I took the hook from him?
submitted by AshamedIncrease6942 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 LukeTrancewalker [WTS] Yeezy 350 v2 Bone Size 11 OG None ($85)

[WTS] Yeezy 350 v2 Bone Size 11 OG None ($85) submitted by LukeTrancewalker to sneakermarket [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 Mephos_ Kings Konekted - Poisonous

Kings Konekted - Poisonous submitted by Mephos_ to AussieHipHop [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 Less_Cupcake4510 Modul schieben oder nicht?

Ich habe einen Kurs belegt, in dem ich nächsten Freitag ein 20 minütiges Referat halten muss. Der Kurs gibt 3 ECTS. Das Referat ist die einzige Prüfungsleistung.
Ich hab eigentlich vor ein paar Tagen angefangen, aber offenbar den Aufwand völlig unterschätzt. Ich sitze da dran und jedes mal wenn ich denke, jetzt hab ichs, dann überlege ich noch ein bisschen und stelle dann fest, dass doch noch sooo viel fehlt, weil ich 10000 Sachen nicht bedacht habe. Wenn ich anständige Quellen hätte, dann wäre das noch in Ordnung. Bin Ersti und natürlich nicht auf die Idee gekommen, dass die Bib nicht alle Bücher sofort auf Lager hat, sondern man die erst bestellen muss und das dann 3-4 Werktage dauert bis die da sind.
Ich bin mir relativ sicher, dass ich es schon noch irgendwie hinbekommen würde irgendeine Scheiss-Praesi hinzurotzen, aber da stellt sich mir dann die Frage nach dem Sinn. Ich will ja auch irgendwo was davon mitnehmen. Abgesehen davon, wenn ich nicht selbst von meiner Leistung überzeugt bin, kann ich das auch nicht anständig vorstellen. Also bin ich dann nochmal mehr gestresst als eh schon vor Referaten.
Ich mache mir persönlich auch gerade enormen Druck, weil ich eigentlich voll unnötig reingeschissen hab und mir das total auf den Sack geht.
Also ist die Frage:
Soll ich meiner Dozentin einfach ne Mail schreiben, dass ich reingekackt hab und deswegen weder das Referat halten, noch zukünftig in ihren Kurs kommen werde und das Modul dann einfach schieben?
Soll ich mich jetzt nochmal reinhängen, irgendwie versuchen alle Zweifel wegzuschieben und falls es nicht klappt einfach ein absolutes Kackreferat halten bei dem ich dann vielleicht noch mit 4,0 durchkomme und mich total schäme für die Minderleistung? In dem Fall wären ein paar Tipps echt hilfreich :/
Bin echt überfordert.
submitted by Less_Cupcake4510 to Studium [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 Far-Possibility4805 I hate having a Sagittarius 5th house

I’m most attracted to foreign women from other cultures but I don’t want to have a mixed race child. I want to preserve my race but it might be futile considering I’m already a half Jay oh oh so I don’t even know if I’m actually a fully white boy. So annoying. Mercury got my brain spinning on so much dumb shit 24/7.
submitted by Far-Possibility4805 to astrologymemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 andreas0069 I have a huge 72TB raspberry pi 5 storage server - with a public dashboard for stats!

submitted by andreas0069 to storage [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 20:52 naesS44 My computer has burnt so much that i am Noah now

My computer has burnt so much that i am Noah now submitted by naesS44 to stalker [link] [comments]
