Does Exodus give you more ammo on easier difficulties?

2024.11.29 21:00 ServeThePatricians Does Exodus give you more ammo on easier difficulties?

Been watching Exodus VS Stalker 2 vids and shocked to see how destructive Exoduses environments are:
Most people would never know since all Metro games encourage saving ammo as much as possible.
Great to see 4A included so much environmental interactions even though they could've just ignored it
submitted by ServeThePatricians to metro [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 DeathJaws-321 crosspost poll

this poll determines which topic that we will crosspost to other subreddits in order to cut down on spamming said subreddits.
View Poll
submitted by DeathJaws-321 to Vizipopscenarios [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 clume95 ๐Ÿ‘€

๐Ÿ‘€ submitted by clume95 to Rivian [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 Ok-Goose9891 Do you still have in your PC some deleted mods from the Workshop?

Particularly the dakimakura mods (pillow medkit) from Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejima. And yup, they had nudity. I cannot find them anymore in the Steam Workshop and I made the mistake of not making a backup. Do you still have them in your PC? Can you be kind enough to share them?
submitted by Ok-Goose9891 to l4d2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 Dranduo Are baden and Lucius worth it (both normal and upgraded)

Are baden and Lucius worth it (both normal and upgraded) submitted by Dranduo to afkarena [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 brotha-eugh What is more likely to keep a user coming back to a website: a beautiful design or functionality?

If you had to pick one over the other to keep users engaged and coming back to a website what would you choose? I know ideally both would be sufficient but which one is more important? And why?
submitted by brotha-eugh to UXDesign [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 mingtrail Super cool pic of Joey

Super cool pic of Joey For his new side project โ€œponcho.โ€ They play exclusively outdoors.
submitted by mingtrail to KGATLWcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 paparosi Letโ€™s go Xbox folks

submitted by paparosi to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 Mysterious_Soup9786 How did you do this week? Join the conversation!

submitted by Mysterious_Soup9786 to simpleinvesting [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 Eletric_56 Need this 2

Need this 2 submitted by Eletric_56 to trippieredd [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 remote_rocketship Warner Music Group is hiring a Staff iOS Engineer in the United States

Warner Music Group is hiring a Staff iOS Engineer in the United States submitted by remote_rocketship to RemoteSoftwareEngJobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 ITGOES80808 Trailer of Failure receives a major upgrade, congrats Lorne!

Trailer of Failure receives a major upgrade, congrats Lorne! submitted by ITGOES80808 to TCAPcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 ElectricCuckaloo Please Valve I can't handle this damn server bug its making me go insane

Please Valve I can't handle this damn server bug its making me go insane submitted by ElectricCuckaloo to DeadlockTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 Prize-Investigator98 Scale wonโ€™t budge before surgery

I have been eating so incredibly healthy. I have stopped eating carbs like bread, pasta,potatoes etc. I eat healthy protein, and vegetables No cookies , no chips , no candy , no cake. I drink 1 protein shake for breakfast Mid afternoon snack is a quest bar Dry tuna in a salad for lunch Salmon and roasted veggies for dinner Water is only drink 2-3 cups coffee with no sugar. Anyone have any encouraging tips?????
submitted by Prize-Investigator98 to GastricBypass [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 mourningsunrises Anybody else stuck in a sort of time warp?

I'm a '66 model, so I turned 24 in 1990. In my head it's this way:
1960s: Dinosaurs roamed the Earth
1970s: Still ancient history, but at least I remember it.
1980s: Cozy decade of familiar Nostalgia.
1990-1995: The me era. This is when I became who I am.
1995-present: Basically this morning. I mean, seriously, 1995 JUST happened, right?
submitted by mourningsunrises to GenX [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 averageweebchan Watching what does the fox says and i feel like we dont see stuff like this anymore

Like in the early 2010s there were songs that were so crazy stupid they would get news coverage gangam style fox says and harlem shake to say the few. im prob forgetting some but we dont see crazy songs like these get mainstream viral be on the news and peform on the news as well which is wierd because with the internet getting bigger youd expect there would.
There was the musically/vine era where songs like watch me juju on the beat rollie were popular with a dance which kinda continues to this day with tiktok
I feel like most viral internet songs are just viral on the internet or in certain fandoms nowerdays or tied to an edit or video or something.
Overall would like to see more crazy stupid songs go viral
submitted by averageweebchan to decadeology [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 VULTURES_1 We went from what I'd consider two 10/10's in a row to a 7/10. lol.

I give a pass to the feats and Murakami but bro Bibby if you read this I actually get why everyone clowns you now holy fuck lmao
submitted by VULTURES_1 to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 Compa_j

submitted by Compa_j to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 AutoModerator November 29, 2024 Weekend Reflections Thread - What happened last week? Whats your plan for next week? What's on your mind?

Share your weekly reflections around trades and ideas that worked, those that didn't, and what's on your mind for next week. Always be respectful of others.
Join us on Discord to live chat with the community. Please message the mods in order to get Verified and get an invite link to the Discord.
Check out our Wiki for common terms definitions, links to Strategy Posts, defining Portfolio Margin, and more.
If you're new to trading with Portfolio Margin, feel free to ask your questions in this thread.
submitted by AutoModerator to PMTraders [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 jackieat_home How do I find information on how to jump?

I keep seeing these different methods, but Google searches get really confusing and rabbit hole fodder. Anybody have a good link for me to read?
submitted by jackieat_home to DimensionJumping [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 vTuVyTsu Co-sponsor for I-134?

My income isn't sufficient to sponsor my fiancee's K1 visa. Can my brother co-sponsor her? Do I bring two I-134 forms to the interview? I don't see anywhere on I-134 for a second sponsor.
Google's AI Overview says:

To have a "second sponsor" on an I-134 form, which is the Declaration of Financial Support, you essentially need to have a "joint sponsor" by including another individual's information on the same I-134 form when you are not able to meet the income requirements alone; this is typically done when the primary sponsor's income is not sufficient to support the beneficiary based on federal poverty guidelines; both individuals would need to provide their financial information on the form to demonstrate their combined ability to support the beneficiary.
Key points about adding a joint sponsor on an I-134:
One form, multiple sponsors:
You do not file separate I-134 forms for each sponsor; you simply include the details of the joint sponsor on the same form.
Q14 (page 6) has space for five individuals to list their income but says:
Provide all of the information requested in the table below about yourself, all of your dependents, and any other individuals you financially support (do not include any individuals named in Part 2.).
That doesn't say "yourself, your co-sponsor(s), your pets that weigh more than 25 pounds, the homeless roommate from college who sometimes sleeps on your couch, and any other dependents."
The I-134i instructions don't say anything about Q14, other than talking about income from illegal activities.
My best guess is to put my brother in Q14, then in Part 8 add a note:
I agree to co-sponsor the beneficiary...
and his signature, date, phone number, and email.
To the administrator: there's no flair for I-134.
submitted by vTuVyTsu to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 Romhilda_theRacoon Help! Moonrise & Minthara

In Act 1, I knocked her out during the battle for The Grove.
In Act 2, I went to Moonrise, expecting to see her in the audience chamber with Z'rell and Ketheric because that's where everyone says she should be. But she wasn't there. The cutscene was just the goblins.
Is this a bug? Or did I potentially mess up somewhere...? This is the first playthrough where I've actually tried to recruit her. I'm on Xbox, if it matters.
submitted by Romhilda_theRacoon to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 Ok-Box-3677 Bed checks?

So I just want to know if it's normal or if I should bring it up to another member of staff. Every single time I'm on the same shift as this one nurse in the hospital he comes over while I'm sat on the bed 3hrs in and starts lifting up the mattress and checking under it with his hands. I have never ever witnessed him do this to any other bed and I'm in a room with 6 beds that I have clear view of. I asked him before why he does it and he says he needs to check the bed isn't broken, but I just to happen to be a little larger than other people here. It's starting to make me really self conscious and uncomfortable and I don't understand why he can't check this before or after session.
submitted by Ok-Box-3677 to dialysis [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 Aggravating_Cry_5677 Recommended products - pores

Recommended products - pores Hey Iโ€™m trying to completely minimize the look of my pores, any suggestions? Iโ€™ve tried salicylic acid but they just appear a couple hours later every time I use
submitted by Aggravating_Cry_5677 to SkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 21:00 AutoModerator Weekend Discussion Thread

Feel free to discuss your thoughts on the market, DDs, SPACs, meme stonks, yolos, or whatever is on your mind.
submitted by AutoModerator to wallstreetbetsOGs [link] [comments]